November 7, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PAGE A .................................. gFIELTON--MA ON COUNTY JOURNAL- Publld4ed in "Ch m town, U.KA.", @hel n, Tht
A September 3 wedding cere-
mony in the First Baptist church
changed Miss Jaydee Sue Stroud's
name to Mrs. A. Michael Hulbert.
Bey. Alex Motes performed the
White and pink gladiolus with red
daisies decorated the Church for
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Stroud's daughter to the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Hulbert, all
of Shelled.
Furnishing the music were 1Vfrs.
Kay Stienberg and Mrs. Richard
(This question and answer aerie
*n cosmetics Is brought to you
as a courtesy by NeWs .Pharmacy
to help you in your choice in the
proper cosmetic for you•)
Q. My skin feels very dry after
I Use a certain kind of soap. DOes
that mean that rm allergic to that
soap ?
A. Not necessarily. All soaps are
to some extent drying. Because
they remove oil from the surface
of the skin, they allow the skin's
natural moisture to evaporate.
They are not. all equally drying,
however'. GcncrallV speaking, soaps
fall into thrue categories:
Soap.' whw.h are not really
soaps at all, but synthetic detez:-
gents, are the most drying.
Soaps with a high alkali content
are also somewhat drying to the
T h e so-called "super-fatted"
soaps are tbe least drying because
a quantity of oil has been added
to their formulas.
If yore• skin is especially dry,
therefore, it would be wise to use
these super-fatted soaps.
Q: How can I cover up my skin
blemishes without getting a caked
look ?
A. A liquid foundation is best for
this purpose. Apply it in two steps:
Cover only the blemished area,
allowing the foundation to dry be-
fore you go on to the next step,
Apply it to your entire face,
covering the blemished area as if
it were a normal portion of your
If you use powder over your
foundation, it is best hot to use
it on the blemished area or, if you
do, to end by wiping most of it off
this area.
Endicott, at the organ and piano
respectively, and SOloist Richard
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a floor-length
straight white crepe gown with
long sheer sleeves and scooped
neckline. It was EmpreSs style in
front 0sly. An orange blossoin
headpiece held a blusher veil .in
place. Her bouquet was a cascad-
ing arrangement of white and red
chrysanthemums and daisies with
pink fluff.
The bride's sister, Miss Mary Jo
Stroud was her maid of honor.
Miss Darlene Ferris was brides-
maid and the Misses Rosemary
Wetter and Patti Richey were can-
A V-neck and backs of pale pink
dotted swiss accented the floor-
length empress styled sleeveless
dresses worn by the attendants.
They wore small white daisy-lace
trimmed headpieces and each car-
ried a large white camellia with
red cascading ribbohs.
Gene Hulbert was best man for
hh4, brother. Ushers were i-It~r01d
Stroud,_ Ronald Hill' and John
Jonston. Danny Stroud, brother of
the bride, was ringbeazcr.
Mrs. Stroud wore while acces-
sories and a hat to match her tur-
quoise suit which was worn with
a corsage of white roses and glads
tipped with spring blue. Mrs. Hill-
bert's gold hat matched her suit
which she wore with beige acces-
sories and a corsage of white roses
and glads.
Mrs. Alex Motes was hostess at
the reception for the newlyweds.
Serving was done by Mesdames
Chester Valley, Ted Ferris and
Susie Viilines and the Misses Su-
san Rollevson, Sylvia Jacobs, and
Vieki Horton.
Miss Bellaine Ogden was in
charge of the guest book and Miss
Molly Taylor, Miss Leslie Watson,
David Stroud and Rusty Hulbert
attended the gift table.
The newlyweds spent their hon-
eymoon in Britistl Columbia, Can-
Applying for marriagelicenses
in the Mason county auditor's of-
fice this past week were:
Michael Glee°r, 21, Shelton and
Susan Dorman, 19, Shelton.
win°am A. Swanson, legal, Port
Angeles and Florence Pressley, le-
gal, Port Angeles.
Carl E. Tt~cker, 52, Bremerton
arid Violet Staiey, 55, iJremerton.
Frank Make, 60, Shelton and
Georgena Dickinson, 58, Vanc0ti-
James Ingraham, 27, San Fran,
cisco, Calif., and Rachel Me.qsinger,
20, Shelton.
Floyd B. Driggers, 25, Olympia
and Frances Blocker, 20, Shelton.
Solid Oak Arms and Tables
Supported Plastic Covering
4th & Railroad
=• ,_,,
I:.*: am @ B ~ £
,!ii 3 o c l a l t v e n t $ ;!!
o• • ,
/3; Society Editor • Marj Jacobson • Phone 426-4412 ~!;
!. ...
" Ca p Repot| S pt
e ember Party
Tgh]'gh, s Se#,ember F
or 86th Bwthday
A report on the Pacific North-
west Music Camp located at Fort
Flagler highlighted the Pizzicato
Club's September meeting held in
the home of the club's counselor,
Mrs. R. W, Norv0td.
Aleca Ruddell, a recipient of a
Shelton Music Club summer camp
scholarship spoke enthusiastically
of her experiences at the camp,
commending liighly the excellent
leadership at the camp.
, The camp, sponsored by the
Seattle Youth Symphony, was
under the direction of Vi]em So-
kol, youth symphony conductor.
The singing of the Junior Col-
lect of the National Federation of
Music Clubs opened the business
meeting pre~i:led over by the new
president, Cathy Neth.
Of Mary liurley
The 86th bwthday of Mrs. Mary
Ivy Hurley was celebr~tted with a
party given in her honor Septem-
ber 18 by her granddaughters.
Fall flowers made a beauLiful
background when Mrs. Hurley cut
the firat s ice from her two.-ticred
bh'thday cake for the 80 guests
who attended in the Praspcrity
Grange hall.
Born Sept. 19, 1879 in OlYmpia'
Mrs. Hurley was raised in Mason
county. She was the daughter of
David and Ehuira Forbes and the
granddaughter of Judge Franklin
Kennedy. Of her eight daughters
and one son, seven daughters are
still living. S!ie has 19 living
grandchildren, 59 great-grandchil-
dren and one great-greatgrand-
Plans for the coming season, as Surprise Pa,rty Honors
outlined, included both serious stti-
dy and fun. Fo!k nmsic from Saegers On 59tb Year
around the world will be the stu- Friends and relatives of Mr. and
dy topic for the year. American Mrs. Clarence Saeger surprised
Music month in February will be them with a hmeheon party on
observed by the presentation of a their 59th wedding anniversary
special program for the club's September 30
sponsoring' group, the Shelton Sheitonians'participatin~ in the
Music Club. surprise party were Mrs.7,Chalmer
Parents will be feted at a Nat- Saeger, Mrs. Arnold Saeger and
tonal Music Week musicale in the daughter, Mrs. Larry Saeger and
spring. Attendance at Junior Day Mrs. Mose Umphenour. Guests
in Seattle is included on the agen- also attended from Olympia and
da. Christmas caroling and a pro- Grand Mound.
gressive dinner will round out the The occasion of Mrs. Saeger's
lighter side of the year's work. birthday made it a double celebra-
Plan~i Wt~i'e tli§~tt~(~! fi~i" raiding tlon.
money ~o aid the high seho0i choir
in its proposed tour, SHEL-TOA ORTHOPEDIC
Two new m(~t~bei-s, Bbfihte :Ben- GUILD MEETING TONIGHT
Son and K~ti~ AfitOdSefi~ were The Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild
Wele0i~ed int6 t~he Cltib. will meet at 8 p.m• tonight in the
Refreshments were ~erved at home of Joan Broman with Marj
the conVlusi0n of the meeting with! Wright at co-hostess. Christmas
Cathy Herb, Cindi Rice and Con-i projects for the Olympia bazaar
nie Hedgers acting as co-hostesses, will be worked on.
THE ENGAGEMENT of Mtss Janis Irene Cratsenberg and Steven
Clay Schmldt has been annouhced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd B. Cratsenberg of Tacor~na. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Max Schmidt Jr.i Shelton. The brlde-t0-be Is a Junior at the
University of Puget Soundwhere she is associated with Alpha
Phi sorority. The future bridegroom, a Shelton High school grad-
uate, is a senl0r in Elementary education at the University of
Puget Sound. He IS a rne~bdr of S gma Chi Fraternity, Arnold
Air Society ROTC and vie° president of both the University Edu-
cation Assoclatloh and Young Republicans•
~. , , r
- It $ A Date. -
Today~ Thursday, Oct. 7 , County commission meeting, 10
Rotary Club luncheon, nodn, a•m., courthouse.
Ming Tree Cafe. She|ton BHdge ClUb, 7:30 p.m.,
Toastmasters ClUb, 6:~5 a.m., PUD building, (auditorium).
Timbers restaurant, Coin Club, 7:30 p.m., P~TD corn-
Yacht Club businhss meeting, 8 mission room.
p•m., clubhouse. Tuesday, Oct. 12
Navy Mothers Club, ~:3b p.m•, Kiwani~ Club luncheon, noon,
Memorial hall. Memorial Hall.
Ptckering Homemakers ClUb , SchOOl Board meeting, 8 p.m.,
rdmmage sale~ 9:30 a•m•- 4:3(J Evergreen ~cho61.
p,m., PUD auditorium. 4-i-I leaders council meeting, 8
Mason County Chapter DPW, 2 p.m., extension office.
p.m., home of Mrs. Jay Cole. ~r .... T.od~e 8 n m ~t,~,,~, ~,ou
~adr0na Barracks and Auxiliary ~"\~Z~ ~-~ ~Ionor" ~'--' ~:'" ~' .... 7"•
.............. . ~egree uz a-ro~ecuve ~s-
ot worla, war • veterans noon see°sties, 8 p•m., Memorial hall.
potluek~ Memorial hall .... lub board ....
. . ~tons L; o~ mrectors
Shel-TOa Orthopedic Guild, 8 -" "30 - m .......
p.m., home Of Joan Brotnan. meeting, #: p. •, zzi7 callanan
40 & 8 Voiture 135 October street
Promenade, dinner 7 p.m. at shei- Dtrst Dobbers Garden Club, 10
ton Hotel, Prom 8 p.m. at 40 & 8 a.m., PUD auditorium.
Friday, Oct. 8
Plckering Homemakers C ltlb
rummage sale, 9:30 a.m• - 4:30
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 6:30 p.m.
potluck meeting, IOOF hall.
.. Golden Age Cltlb potlhck, aden,
Memorial hall.
Junior high football, annual ben-
efit night game, Shelton vs. Wash-
ington of Olympia, 7:30 p.m., Loop
Olympic League football, Shel-
ton vs. Central Kitsap, 8 p.m., Sil-
Saturday, Oct. 9
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. 5 p.m•, police station.
FOE card party, 8 p.m., airport
LDS bake sale, 10:30 a.m., Sears
catalog office.
Mr. Moriah Masonic Lodge an-
nual Past Masters Night, 6:30 din-
ner, Masonic Temple, Shelton.
Sunday, Oct. 10
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
5th Annual Punt, Pass & Kick
football contest, 1:30 p.m., Loop
Monday, Oct. 11
PED No. 3 commission meeting,
p.m:, PUD commission room.
Wednesday, Oct• 13
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
wscs meeting, 7:30 p.m., Meth-
odist church.
Soroptimist Club, 7:30 p•m.,
PUD commission room.
City Commission meeting, 2 p.m.,
city hall.
Thursday, Oct. 14
Rotary Club luncheon, n o o n,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers restatirant.
Girl Sbuot leaders meeting, 9:30
a.m., Little House.
Fralernal Order ol
Eagles 2079
Meeting Plaoe
Shelton Airport
8 p.m.
2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Curtis Cammaek
Visiting Eagles Welcome
By LOIS PIERCE al'e recovering
HOODSPORT -- The Hoodsport be a long slow
Ma:'kct Center was broken into Marc Phillips
sometime Saturday night. The Ta- ocean crossing to
coma Tribune carrier noticed the no sea sickness to
broken window real early Sunday
morning and after failing to awak-
en Mrs. Hale, oa.lled the sheriff.
The slieriff awakened Mrs. ttale
by phone. Mrs. Hale called Mrs.
Calahan and together they called
on Walt Carpenter who came to
their aid and fixed the front door
of the store. Cigarettes and beer
seemd to be all that was missing.
Meanwhile, Steve Hale, Archie
Calahan, Earl Crumb and Law..
renee Latham were enjoying the
weekend at Washington State Un-
iversity, Pullman, where they at-
tended th~ Father's Night banquet
and s~w the WSU game with Ida-
he. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Diqkln-
son also attended the banquet Fzi-
day night and went on to Spokane
Saturday to attend the wedding
Saturday evening of Gordon's co*d-
sin MI~s Barbara Fink.
MR. AND MRS. BOB Weather-
has aheady bees
skirmishes with
says the worst
shells bursting at i
Marc is with
Division which is
from horses and
toys• Letters
Marc at this time,
Pfc. Marc Philli
Maint. BN.
mobile ) APe
Close to 100
lovely birthday
her children Su
the Hood
house, Potlatch.
came to greet
Mrs. Robinson
98, *a friend of
ladies a~e except
:ly former operators of the Texaco have a very
Station in Hoodsport, wine recent no wonder they
visitors in Hoods~iort and v,acinity. Mr. and Mrs. L
:On thelr month's vacation they attle, vlsited at
toured in Old Mexico and also home Sunday.
stopped in Elmonte, Calif., where panied by Mrs.
they 'visited Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Ma~ jorg~
Felix and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fe- attle, who visite
li~¢. John and Mai'tin are brothers brother-ln-law, )
of Joe Felix.
KEEPING TELEPHONE WIRES busy between Shelton and While here they attended a fam- win Arnold.
Mr. ,and Mrs•
Olympia with plans of opening a chapter of Beta Sigma Phi ily reunion at Milaerva State Park ter attended the
Sorority here are Mrs. Robert Brock and Mrs. charles Skewis ofwith Mrs. Elsie Seymour, Mr. andgame in Seattle
the Gamma EpsHon Chapter in Oiympla. A coffee hour wH[ be Mrs. Earl Jag'n0w, Mr. and Mrs. son, Willimn J~.
held at 8 p.m. next Thursday in the PUD auditorium for, women Al Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Jer- U~iversity on a
over 21 who are interested In learning "~bout the 0rgtiniihtiom ry Ch~mbefigtn and children, p thisyear, ,.
* * ' ;~ * Mrs. Thomas Connally enter- MR. AND
Plans for opening a Shelton Mrs. Charles Skewis, Gamma E taingd ~[ [['baby ,~hower Fridaynaliy and childre]
chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi allen vice president. A F.riend evening in her home, honoring end in Seattle vl
Sorority are in the making. A cof- Venture is when one chapter o Mrs. Verne Hunter and infant father.
fee hour will be given for all we- ganizes and advises a new chap- dadghter SUlIe. Mrs. Jerry Ch
men over 21 who are interested atter. Guests Were Mesdames Rudy to°ned honoring
8 p.m. next Thursday in the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority is ~t Swaub, John Daramte, Leslie Rib- A1 Jensen on
PUD auditorium, cultural, social and service organ, binsl Neii Simmons Jr., Rodger evening of Oct.
Sponsoring the Friendly Ven- ization for young women and was Addl6tnafi, ~Itiiery Winters Jr., all Mr. and Mrs: t~
ture is the Gamma Epsilon chap- founded in 1931. There are now of Hoodsport. Mrs. Gladys Nelson, honored guest a
ter of Olympia. Mrs. Robert Brock more than 7,500 chapter~ in 14 Mrs. Robert Aitken, Shelton. and the Chainbe
of Gamma Epsilon is extension of- countries. Olympia has seven chap- Those unable to attend but send- delicious chicken
ricer in charge of the Friendly ters and there are more than 150 ing giftswere Mrs. George Borove- Jensen showed
Venture, and is being assisted by in Western Washington. :Sky, Mrs. Kenneth Connalty, Mrs.recent trip to
Activities enjoyed by membbrs Charles Johnston, Mrs. Gilbert
include cultural programs which Johnston and Mrs• Bernie Cossett.
Bridge Club Winners follow the business meeting held Games were played with prizes
For Monday Evening twice a month, formal all-city rit- going to Mrs• Leslie Bobbins, Mrs.
Seven tables were in play when uals held in spring and fall, soc- Emery Winters and honor guest
the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club ials for couples, a Valentine Ball Mrs. Verse Hunter.
met Monday evening. Winners for in February and a Mother's Tea. After the many lovely gifts were
north-south were Bill Lucke and Olympia will be hostessing the opened the hostess served light re-
Bob Eliot, Bertha Walker and EvaWestern Washington conclave in freshments.
Aamodt, and a tie between Elsa May. FRED MUHS of Cheney, visited
Schlosser and Katherine VanArs- The organization undertakes last weekend with his cousin and
dale with Lou Stewart and Dick such worthwhile projects as as- her husband, Mr. and Mrs. George
Perry. sistance to juvenile detention Yocom. Muhs is attending the Un-
Victor King and Norman Hul- homes, pre-school play areas, do- iversity of Washington working
bert were east-west wilmers fol-inations to cancer fund, cystic fi- for his Masters' Degree in S0ciol-
lowed by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Batch- :brosis research and Girlstown, to ogy.
name but .a few. Mr. *and Mrs. Melvin Webster
elor and Mary Keller and Doro- Several functions are scheduled of Loveland, Colo., spent a week
thy Quaz'tier.
All bridge players are welcomed i locally after next Thursday's tea. with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grubb,
A rush party is being planned at Tuesday Mrs. Grubb and Mrs. Bob
when the club meets at 7:30 p.m.:which officers will be chosen and Nesbitt tok them to Portland.
each Monday in the PUD auditor- installed. In November the new They stayed overnight to see
ium. .... ~ chapter members will be given "Sound Of Music", and returned
-- ..... --- their Ritual of Jewells Degree in a home Wednesday evening,: '7
Vermillions Honored formal ceremony at city-wide rit- .Mrs. ,Andrew Scott ~.ez/tevtained
On 40th Anniversary uais in Olympia. the afternoon of Sept. 29, honor-
Any Shelton women interested ins Mrs. Erling Eastgard on her
The 40th wedding anniversary of I in more information is welcome to birthday. Present were Mesdames
Mr. and Mrs. Mel J. Vermillion attend the coffee hour or may Richard Bates, George Yocum, Roy
was honored with a dinner party contact Mrs. Brock at 357-8738 orPierce, Harold Sund, the honored W00~'B
at the home of their son, Jerry, in Mrs. Skewis at 352-2506. guest and hostess. HOME
Olympia Sunday evening. If you see sheep roaming the
Attending were the couple's five
A elo
children and their wives or hus- Auxiliary
them, they are not wild• They be-
bands. They are Mr. and Mrs. d long to the Herb Boecks and are
Robert Johnson, (Elaine Vermil- Official Visit Of lost DO please call 877-5248 and
lion), and Mr. and Mrs. Tullus
saw them.
Gordon, (Millie Vermillion), Seat- Distrl,. ~I¢¢;~.. let Herb or Tilly know where yoU
tle; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vermil- ~-.~¢ x_*xJta~*t Mr. and Mrs. A1 Jensen nlotoi~ed
lion, Olympia; Mr. and Mrs. Den- The president of the 5th Dist- to olympia Friday evening to help
sis Vermillion, Spokane, and Greg rict, Nadine Sargent, will make their grandson, Drene Jensen, cele-
Vermillion, Seattle. her official visit at the next meet- brate his first birthday• Dr°he is
M~'. and Mrs. Vermillion were ing of the local VFW Auxiliary the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennih
presented with an electric organ, Last Wednesday evening (lae Jensen.
a gift' from thelt~ Oiildren. Past Presidents Club of District Mi-s. Dens Haines retUrned home
5 met in Elms Eleven members Friday evening from Sacramento,
'8QUARE~ DANCE CLUB from rShelt°n enjoyed a chicken white she has been since the ~c-
MEETS 8~TURDAY NinHT dinne and a program furnished cident which hospitalized ller S6n
^ dance ,,m ~.^ ,.^~a ,..Y- ~;, by the Elma auxiliary with the and daughter-in,law, Mr. and Mrs.
....... "~ "~'~ ~'"~ '"~'~" u- Gifts .... • '
urday night by the Salty Sashay-gro ~.. Jess" ~or the evening were Bob Haines. Both Bob and Betty
, •won y • le Uox and Fae l-~oD1n-
ers Square Dance Club. Bennm --h e-
r~,~,~d~,,~ ~e ~. ~.~.;~ . :,, a^ ,~.^ son. '1' e n xt meeting will be held
calll~ig at the fairgrounds begin- ~n-mc~'~hY m January. ~
..... Dec ue auxiliary will h01d a OWll Pioneer Stories
nlng at ~ p.m. • . _ _
"nst¢~ foz *-1...... ~ .... n~ ~,.bake sam and bazaar in the PUD
n~.., " ............ s ........ um Me~nber~ Of the Writers Work-
~r. and Mrs, Clarence Grunert ahd Auditom la.nAll members are urg- ~hop; aft ama[~ur writers' study
eu to oe p rang on m
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Elliott A pot ..... skins sortie-
luck supper will follow tl~e daflc- thing ~.ord:xm ~f_fair. , group spons01~ed by the Hood Ca-
no}, Woman's Club, will hold its
• jessie w and SUe Weaver vls- October meetihg next ~Phur~day at
ins. °ted the Elma auxiliary last week l:30p.m, in the beach ho~e o~
---------------~ '' t to attend the Gold Star Mothdrs
m~mm~..~==,,=~= .... dinner and program there. M~, J; I~. Catto, /~outh Of Lilli-
~m;|~|=~Kl~ At last Fridays regular meet- waup, ,
li]lll.n lll/n • ins Morton Jonnson reported on Tile meeting wfli featdre ~he
¢i~ul II Illl ~ the latest meeting of t~ ~asdaderekding bf pioneer talds Written
Council in "tacoma. The next One b~? th~ l~tembers. Interested pel~-
will be held in Olym~ sons are welcome to Jots the/¢r0tlp
Jessie Cox installedDoris Sin1 - which is a p~r~: of the club's Fine
P R E S E N T S s~i~ to ttie .office 9f .coiiductrePs Arts department.
• for the remamaer of the ea .... ~ ' .... '
The Perfect D~amond Luiicheon Was sei~i~dd tY,~r" -~
~ne pos~
and auxiliary by th~ecommittee of
Marian Johnson, w.Una Bea.a~..
M~vge Busack and Ann Cars;bell'
The prize which was furnished by
I DorlS simpson was won by M~tr-
lene Pierce.
I;:IrL,£11TE $~BO ALSO TO $18OO
•.. flawlessly clear of white
color and expert clot, set in an
exquisitely styled ring. Re-
member the name Keepsake,
is in the ring and on the tag.
K_e__e_ t::)
IJl~l{ ~daq~l to ~ d¢lill. T~=de-M~k Itlll,
Easy Credit Terms
i ii i
Rebekah Potluck
Tomorrow Night
A" 30 P m potluck dinner w
: • • ill
be served before the busine§s
~,.~*'.,~ when memoers of R
Re~e;ah ~DOjaog~N~'a75 ~e:et ~rb~-
day in the . of ~'" sert to
r birthdays u me~-~
hone - - "lowin - ,-oerS
wiii be served ~ol g the mee[-
-o,mrt willbe given of th ]i
~ ;"~ion meeting neld tn To- ~
/~.SSOCla co-
ma last Saturday when the local II
;':-~ -^ated the new officers h, II
loage ~u
..... of Mrs. Delmar CblG aew]~ I
~lected president, in r~.. Maybell]|
Daniels was appo ~ a left sup-II
porter to the president.
64 L~7 PreellL
Sept. 30 ............ :" 71 43
Oct, 73 42 ~"
Oct. 2 .............. 72 42 -'~
Oct 3 .............. at: =- -~
• Uu U,~
Oct. 4 .............. 58 51 .05
Oct 5 ................ 96
• ... 64 52 .7"
o% for a 24-hour
r~eaxnng - m as "
ted ending at S _a. • reported
bythe Rayon°°r, inc. weamer sta-
:' :1 [
707 So. Flrtk
i lit