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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 7, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 7, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/'! PAGE 2 ......... Harstin,e NetA Tim, Of _.... Finds i Founa~d lg86 by Grant C. Angle [] Ill ~ [ By LIZ ALI,I~ON around here on .... m ~ 1 I ttARSTINE --- A good (lay to lthese birds The COPY DEADLINES ~ ' , • ' ' , '" ~TT~^T. r~c~.w~pnlxTr~wlxTc,~ A~r~ XTr~mTC,~ ~,~,~,~., .n .~. [] 1 1 [3OU all. The. cohmm ttns week is thering their nuts ~S*I~Xv~5~r~E~t~TiST~.TA"'~ ¢::iJavnoon"~ -~ ........ " ........ [] 1 I I written with you summer people in i dog by being just -. -- mm / 1 mind, ~ho tell or write me that one, doggi, can S?CI,~ETTY~#ENWDS~T~UESD~ALn°?n .~.~ [] 1 1 l You take The Journal for the Har-]shrilly and tease ""A"''~ ~D ..... ~ -^ ' " m ll Istmenew:~. (Bytheway, urlteand]thing we do not WAiSt AI~ ~ weanesclay 1o am. ~ ~ 1 I ]let me know what you want to ]Loons. EsLher GO' Mailing Address Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-4412 1 I ~ ]know about H~-stine). Most of you ardent lady fisher~ I'Mblishcd at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday. ~ ~ ~ ]say you ~ovc/ r~arsLfe, xou. par- catch a sizeable sin Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington ~ ~ ~ chases tariff ncre ann inteno to ~e- make off with i~ , Member of National Editorial Association 1 / / tire here. for dinner no doubt Member of Washington Newspaper Publisherd' Association [] ~ ~ Let me tell you. retirement is MR. AND ~~ ------------- ~ ~ ill ]when you quit your city pt|nch [Goetch of Des MoI,II~ SUBSCRIPTION RATES--S4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance ~ ~ IBM ]clock jobs and go to work! You ]for the n}ght in thee;, Outside Mason Count-~ g5 00 ~ ~ ~ i might nave sat a~ a oes~ on that I home ms~ wee~. ~" ve e t " builfl,~n h) dl~sing tie OFFICE N~ANAGI~R --- Lodema Johnson ~ g abh_. ~x, work more siren-[ Mr. and Mrs. Go .... uoumy than the activity of the d fr0~ SOCIETY EDITOR -- Marj Jacobsen ~ ~ ~ ] ", : ' ] have returne ..... ~ ~ I wee~ty golf game and a Saturday " " w~th thetr daU NEWS EDITOr~ -- Amn ~'ora ~m m m [ . • . • walt ' ~' Otll~ on the town' • • Arata~ OFFIC~ ASSISTANT -- Mary Kent • I I I ..... " . [fly. The Sfl _ ADVERTISING MANAGER -- Don Adolfson • I I . xou thOUght you were going to / Ore. While there Mr PRINTERS--Dave Thacher, Jerry Stiller, Charles Schwarz~ [] I I ]~m:p m, dr!nk coffee .!eisurely,/sisted her daught~ .......... II m m i a e ~ brunch, sI:rOll Oli ule Peach ~ inK her occUp~ ~'ranK ~narp, l~at ~ugger, ueorge ~yers. 1 1 1 ]and take it easy. In our experim~ce I group ~~ mm m m it has t~ken almost two yea]'sI Tid[¢ ubout livin~ mm I I to learn how to retire and we --~ "" ---ovem~ I 1 ~ haven't made it yet! wm~ no. ~mf~ bat/ | ~ ~Ir ~ -- ~ _ ~ | ~ 1 r~;~/~ In our estimati'on the only peo- }L.. we ~}av( tel" • ~ ~ xm ~ ~ • ~ ~ ]'~ : '-le on Har "'n h ~ • ;. - telt unlor~una 3 [] I ~ W" =" ~¢'~ . m 1 1 I: /'~: I p SU e w o nave reure~ I ,.~ " ...... qon | ~ ~ ,~ ~' ,~]P~ ~ ~P'~t~ | [] ~l [":~ [gracefully are the Sid and Nels ] ~o~e~'e[Y0f~°n"~s~:n~ • I[ 1~' /~ff aI' ~ff ~W" ~ff ~'~' iV II • [ ~ L~: Baunsgards and their neighbor _ was [Miss Beulah Bassindale. We called I t mssea away, j. ! 1L(::i ] Baunsgards recently'., j-.. no' on the Sid tub maoe out v- ............ ~ ~ m~,! ,about 11:30 a.m. Found the,~] Cne°~o~n'~'altet ~use A Wllllfl~ W.r ,o. ~e~,e f~n ~ ~ ~ "L [drinking coffae on their front] g "'' "and v n~..~ -u..~@~.m ~ ~1 ~ mmm' orch o erl k..... I()ne presen~ ~s~ ~ ~ ~p v co mg ~ne newer gar- i.~. • .- ~ ~oI A spirited era in this community's history was closed ~ ~ ~ den. Havingbeen up since 6 a.m.. ] ~re;'~P~Y ~h~s'Pr ~ ~ ~± assumes tnls was after lUnCll :' -- ' 'levelly Sunday with the death of William Francis McCann m ~ / I or ..... - --. , has oeen c " • • 1 1 1 , mm-morning cozree breaK. "1'I10 / .... .r~U As one who took a deep and active interest in the civic • l l I couple had ~ust finished breakfast [ tub near ~ .~, •. . ~ , with water ann w,~ affans of his community, Mr. McCann was willing to. do [] / I [so it was after breakfast coffee. I , ~ ...... ~. it' S0 something" whenever there was a job to be done and ac- ~ ~ I ] I told grey-hairs, he's my has-t er~i'~th~ngs'on" I4~ cepted willingly any responsibilities attendant to those ~ ~ ] bans, all this and told him "no cuaintt and differe~ tasks, giving to them Ills full energies and abilities in self- ]wonderand that"Y°Uandhave ah~ saidd°Uble"'~o "awa:this Harlan JerrellS • ' ' ' ' ~ ~ J ' ed : less contrfi)ution. I I [woman and tend to your garde.n, Ibe happily sett, l~. , While this newspaper on occasions differed with Mr. ]feed the burro,or something. I've It Y. HejiVeSllsWo i goc work to flo and like that as, ~.arry oerre McCann in some of hm actions as c~ty commissioner, these ~ ~ l;¢ T ~;n ,.~+ ~ .... +h ....... ;,~,~ ] Point Wilson, ha.s, differences never were in regard to his sincerity or integ- ~ ~ ~ t freezin~"~ ho'usew~r~t ~ironi~"'a'~d with Shelton Mobli rity. His actions were based on his own convictions, inde- ~ ~ ~ [all tha ' boresome inside work to i airport. .. pendently arrived at and without selfish motive. I III ~ I do So that evenin~ I said to LAST sATUI%P The Journal extends to the family of Mr. McCann its ~ ~ M ]Grey-hairs.,/'You've worked long [ful day, dozensl:] , enough WithOUt: a rest. XOll mus~ wen~ clown ~= sincere condolences, and salutes a man who gave a great .............. ........ I ...... ,o bi , ileal oI llllI1Seli [o his community fr tfful v " " TO APPEAR HERE--These are three of the young artists who Co. presents a performance sponsored by the Shelton Music Club l-om the sight of things that must Ithese. be~u "rellS C will appear here Sunday afternoon when the Tacoma Civic Ballet Left to right are Linda Christianson, Kay Burch and Melanie Kirk" /oe,,oone . - .......... i.riarsune j~r! ~ f~ -- --. .,m . .,. .. ,. __ , , , , . ~ " ! where SHOUIQ J. go'( , asKecl zne ] learnecl only ~or ~urses~or|zons un~|m][~ ...... ~-~--- /grey-hairs so I said "Just decide anchored there. 1"I ]1~ 11 --K~ rll • [1' .-. ,~-- --i[ where you would rather be thanI Called the Oly~. Careers in nursing offer such wide and varied' opportu- lacoma lYalleI I'011D l0/ l)Dear II ~'I'OllR l'ne j j anywhere.else on earth," . .... land got my curiOS~ nities for bright young people these days that Horizons Un ..... .. [ .[[ [I ~ --, -- o He nero.tared4.. very.__w_ei[ . ne ]same for all.of u~p • nnauy sam, ±,u go tomorrow. Harstine The • limited has been selected as a theme for this year~ Profes- HpP 1. P P[.vm .p . IIF fllT i[ ! d~illr~ _ ~ i~|~ ~d~d~dflIFd~l~ l/The next mornin% he was back ] ---'~- were 1 = ,,~u~. ~ la~ ~a.~u~aa~¢~aa~J *JMa~¢MV¢ ~! ~II ~, ~I#, |][ ~ ~'I ~[~J e, , coma l_;lllD~ ~{ atonal Nurse Week, from October 4 through 9. . .7 ]l ] ] l/at work with the chain saw on I.,,o, ~hallen~e R By MURIAL SOMERS bersh~p as proceeds will go into the the wood fie i e Both men and women are urgently needed in ........ | . . . : ]] ~/ P • [one of the skPP. ........ A oalle¢ concert, sponsorea Dy grano-plano Iuno We retir d efore a es 5 to • r~ th,s fmld, where futures ,n chmcal specmlt,es, ,n h • .. . e b g 6., found out thin e ......... t e Mason County Commumty] The TacomaC~vicBallet, found-I M~ASON COUNTY JUSTICE [beer tomlnors. ]have enough, get up and g~t tO[catedhe couldb eaucaz,on, researcn ant ,n commun,zy servme, are Concert Association, will be pre-| ed in 1963, is a non-profit organ-] COURT ] Mrs. Bob Puhn reported two[ do some work here, (not to build]himself opening up as medical and paramedical science be- sented Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m,/ization designed to offer audiences I Annearin~ on the docket in Ma- I eight-foot dingys missing. / Rome in a dav), and to tour I _. ." ...... Wa~ ~ ° , ~ ~ ] The ll:lllelar.Y comes more c'omDlex and far reaching in the Shelton Junior High School| throughout the Pacific Northwest [son County Superior Court befor~ " : * /around on freighters and see o " b 1~t Tn moot th~ ~,,~.~a~,~ ('= "e~n~ihla ~nol" nf gR0 Auditorium and will feature the/the best m regionaldance pre-IJud~,e Glenn Correaduring"the lSHELTON POLICE COURT ] somethinz once in a while This l . ~. , "-'--'-t I - " --" . • ~ H rbor, east Y f~ l~vnff~{nnol n,,r~a~ ;n 1Q7~ wa rrl,,~f {novas~a fh~ vfita e! t acoma Cwm Ballet m[sentatmn. [past week were" Appearing on the docket in[we have done somewhat, havingI ,.~,~ ondin~" "n O1~ ~" ~ .................. ......................................... an near ann a half program / THOUGII SITUATED far from I ...... " ...... I o~^,.~.. ~^,,~ ,~ ................ ! been to Alaska and Hawaii sinc'e t a .... Y ..... ~ " • , • , " ,, , wasnmg¢on ~¢ace t'acrol ~.=.w,t ru.uv ~vutu uc~uCu ouu~;u , • • of growth in nursing education by moie than 20 per cent the su sed cultmal centers' of ,, d zzm ........... " Selections will include" Glaz-~ " PP " " [ ........................... ]Rolla Halbert Monday night were / retirement, but I know the Gold-[ . ~ ' . . ,. ~tmuz~ vvu~Luvur, ~p~UUUl~;, ~-~ ,, f the ierzy ,= rile aeman(1 is great zor ~eacners, supervisors, aflmlnistra- ounov Waltzes, a ballet in 19th| the nation, the Northwest has for l .................. l Richard Challendar, faulty equip-/en Years , that sit down time/ I • " :~Ya", tors and for prepared people with professional knowledge century romantic tradition; Time[many years produced a proper-[~orzm~; ~nen ~.. ~om.sDyA ~mwngI merit, no operator's license, minor[rocking chair time will only come[Bookmoo!l.e ~-~in] • tiona" in VlOla1:lon el ~'inanclal rtesponsi- • • • " ark on tne m~ and training, not, only for general nursing care but for a m Action, a contemporary jazz| ~ .tely large number of fine I bilit~, Act s~e~din~ .~a8 fine In lc°nsummg hquor, furnishing beer lto us, when we are too old to do l.P .... ar~e vnriofv of ~r¢)fo~{r~,~l ~rdnlt~o¢~ composition to music by Dave] cancers WhO nave appearea in pro- [.~.. ~ ,.. 4~,1 lY~.~'~.,i~,4~'~ ..... Z ~ I to minors $86.50 fine and $2.50 ] anything. As my f.riend, WIary ] rag. ~-~ ~'.;,Penr .... "~,~ "=' ..... ~ ........ ~"~'~'~'F~'" ~ .......... Brubeck; Seven Songs of the|fessional companies through the]~.~'_~. j~,,.~_~_~v~u~_-/_,~. ~_~lcosts; Richard LaFond assault [Jensen said in her book, ,'anyone[over an o w ....... ~noi'~age oi llurses worKing SElll plagues RIllS Vl~al area Heart o .~n... ~o,,~+ .~+ +.. +~^Jworld But like "nronhets without/~°msuy, ur~wng m womuon O~]¢~na ¢;~,~. ~olr TJ~hr ~n~.di,~ce 'John dn nnvthi~" we are doin'~ it [changeo. of health care, partly because of a hangover from the days music' o~ s"even"classic~Anglo-~A~m=- | honor'in their own co'\mtry", these [ Safety Responsibility Act, $1.10 ] m'inor"consu~r~n'g-~iquo,r "$6~7~}'o~" i --Yo'u~ a'li-~k'now° Mary Jensen Who I * e nne, J.u says 1H ~all, recommenoeo , when the traditional old-time nurse was limited in inde- erican folk songs and Vienna Life,|P rformer~ have seldom fo~md a [license sus"ension for 30 da--s" /feit; Edward Crawford. failure to[lives on Vashon Island. she s the !|~ .endent action and interest ~artlv as a result of the low to music of Johann Strauss /l°calstage on which to display [~m~h r.~'~ -~l~,~nt ~r~,,~-~' t operate motor vehicle in a prudent I sister of the late Betty McDonald ~| .... / I- .......................... °l ..... /I • ' " Tickets will be $1 for adults t mr art manner, $20 forfmt; Clarenc- Cul- who wrote The Egg and I . economm value placed on the nurse s serwces. • • $29 forfeit; Wynn LeHugeut, fol- - The Tacoma C~wc Ballet seeks listen s eedin drivin while lic- • Here • • . and 50 cents for anyone under 18 • lowin too closel $12 forfeit" , P g, g WE WERE awfully story to The quantity and quahty of nursing care are affected ............ ' to remedy this situation by mare-g • Y' • . • 'ense susnended -~139 fine ¢2 50 .............. ...i. • .... ".. , ........ , ±hey are avaiiame a~ JJean s ~u- !. ........ , Vernon Clar~ no venime license, ' . ~- , . , ¢ , ~ near tna~ vlncen~ ~,aser has rnuu- ~l ___ ..-- -,r.. Dotn prolesslonally ann economlcany Dy the communky s *din in ~h~lton or thro-~h M~'~ ]~aining a ~u-memDer ~)ane~ ~roupe/ .... , ........ /costs 10 days in ~ail" Sandra Muz-I.~,.~ ~ ..... x.v,. ;o ~.. ~h.~ r~linic il ~@ "~_ |1~ ..... . , ........... - ........... ~ -~.,..,~^~., .......... ,~,..+~,~ o+ o~lor In ~ransl~ permi~ alspiayea, ,~z! , ~. ~ , , I-,=~,~ ~=~=-. ~ "o "" ~ ~ "~ ,I ~.m =---- reco~llltl0II, ~ OI me nurse s worth anti 1:liar tlllS recogmtlon Laurence Starr, 426-4357 and Mrs./ ...... = .... =.= ,~ ..... . = ..... ~ ~.'" | .~,~,~.;~; ......................... ~.~,1 ~,-~= n~ wlt~ ] zuca, no vahd operator s license, Hospital in Shelton for an indef- by the public also encourages recruitment to the field. Tom Ward, 426-2080. Community/annual,,~,~+p~.o en~oaud,tlon+~o+ +~ .... The,,.~.+ltonnage,Omy $22 forfeit; Rudolph Fin-/$15 forfmt; linite time. Mrs. Morton, his Har-/I V.Hr Cr~ Today ~h~n ÷he ,~,Jr~o ic;~d ~ ~ w~l Concert members are reminded| ~".~'~'" J? ........ ~ "~v'"~:'~Jkus 2200 lbs over license capacity / Ruby Johns, speeding, no regis-]stine school teacher, visits him ]1 --~'= / Heel ~'n~'~a.'~'l'n'~r~,'~r";~" ~h.~'h~l"+~'~'~-r~'+'~m ¢'h= that admittance to this concert is] ~e, a~o~s~,~ayea~ageif",~/$29'f0rfeit. ' ~ ~ ]tration on vehicle, $17 fine, $2.50 / three nights a week in an effort/I, ,_.--. 7__-. - .... "~--" r,T":'"', ......................... ' .... not included in their regular mem-|'":..~_.~"~.t:.~." "Y..% ...... '.~.,~?='"~ "~/ ~.^.~ ..... .,__ | costs; Everett Thomas, drunke- [ to keep Vincent abreast in his [| I~fllun ,,i---- norlzolls are Unllmltea [ 8.rI:lSI:lC 'aDlllI:y. "me aUQli:lons are/ o,,~,..~ u.a=co / -- ~ ........ ' ......... M~ .... ~ Mr- Ernie" • ~ . . . • • hess, ¢~oioIielE; ~eorge 19e~oe, SChOOl world. • allU ~. ' ~udged by dance authomties from Frank H. Peake, dmwng while rter • • - Vincent Too Late To Classif-, / l- - xic ted .......... [no a iel stop, $15 forfmt; John[Byers ordmed up TV fm ][ For YoU J outside the area into a , ~±±u nne, rive says m lli " __ ~ ~_ [ .... • ..... | ........... ] P Mu gan, speedinr-, $15 forfeit;I for two weeks That sounds hke |1 =t ~ ~ 50 ARES ON WEBB ~'-~--D~/ The ~ivic ~aue~ mace ks ceDut~3an, ncense suspencea ~u aays;~;.. "~I _ .o ~ . I .... ?- .. - ~ , p V .~, , ~IIIS ~ omgren taimre ~o operate a De~ter ices trlan sencung earns t ~ ~ ~ MA8ON COUNTY'S ' ~ one block off 101, some timber, ideal/ in February, 1964, as guest en-[Fred Mussman, negligent driving, [motor veht~.~- ~ ...... ,~.+ r~ [.nd ¢1 ..... T,~t'.~ all di~ in and l! • Give You a S~! dl ~,;rl II [] for trailer park or subdlvision,|semble with the UPS-Tacoma/S56 fine; Virgil Manke, speeding,/n"er el0 "fVJ "'" = ~'':~7~ ==~'~l~=o~.-'.~.':U~T:)ho,,rd d;l~,~.~ ,hell - Save ~z oh.v, terms I A Stub 215 No AI- • 22 forfeit , ¢ , me, suspenoeo, ~z.,,, ,-~v ....... a ..... ~, o bert St Port An eles h Symphony Orchestra performing $ IVITvV4zT , / ....... / .., /costs; Robert LaPlant, faulty ] time Vincent must rest in the hos- l| ..... uCornf ~.~/ }'~ - J~ ~I~I[I I 10/7-21|tO a stan mng-room-omy aualence[ SHERIFF'S OFFICE |equipment, no operator's license,[pital, l! m ~Yrn~:;s oll S oi more than 1,zuu persons. ~lnce 30 forfeit' Le faul " OVCNER HAS THREE two-room cot- $ , chard Hurst, ty 1~r and Mrs A1 Schenk of Sekiu ~~~ ,--EAT OUT OFTEN--~ I tages on Solduc River and hi~hwav]that time the troupe hasappeared] A logging truck was reported[e~uinment ~12~ ............ Dil/ . . .. ....... /I ...... 0,0 -- 1, "-"" l m ' i ' ~ "- ' "~ -~--=.~. ~-=-~ - were guests OZ Jorln I=;U(IQS • AllOW *u '~ ~ - -- ~ ~.0 . Has , electricity, mail, large / at the Wenatchee Appleb case / knock ng down road signs m the i lenber~r, leav~-~- +~ ....... • o. / ............ || ..... • w ~' 1 trees: scenm,. 35 miles west of Port/Festival, Seattle's Northwest/Agate area. /accident. $25*'f~sn:".~n='~ ~"/~as~ weezena, wurt,!s ~cnz~ge:r,|l ~mou.- .., 1 ~-ugezes. Umy ~zol~.' terms, wrl~e[ i-. ~^ ,m.^-,.^ ^.a ~- ...~-., ,^,.,,, , . ...... ,~-.~ ~ ..... , ~vzrs. ~uaa s son, wno was here ,, - Nev" ' ' [ 215 North Albert St. Port Angeles I , "/ M s. A t Hazelquist reported a| I all o .......... staten+ ~+o+olI • Finan ' ' " its o~,,,,,,~. ,.o ,:. ......... Wash S 10/7 2l mort programs, in addition ~0 volver stole SHE I MILLO S DINER I ' " [ . -- = |re n from her home. | LTON POLICE [Park ran~er, has gone back to|| .... NeW ----~~ ---- ..... re lar Tacoma performances. ~ • vmance .n ...a O..., .... ~.+,.,~h n. ~r~ --- ........~. ..... IIr, L~,CTRIC GUITA~R, like new, amp-| gtl] ..................... ,o~~e/ CR1 (}Off reported someone shot| :Mrs. Howard Chapman reported/college in Port Ange]es. // ^. -.o,i=,o" [ ~a~...~ a p o , $175. n/~hone| o~ ...... s ~¢,,~o~t~ . , n [ the lock off a chain across a prl- a vacant house entered. Hope eve one on Harstine read 0" LUNCH -- DINNER , 4_.- ................................ nd sm.- rofes- . ry I -- Our Specialty--- ]~/sional dancers, the Civic~'l~allet|va~e r°ad-ann t°re sown no tzes-/ ~ car driven by Robert Dillen-]lV[u.rry Morgan's article in the[[ B LendYOUM , URGENTLY NEEDED -- Deamrs and passing signs, ber SIWUCK a tel ma azine se 1 gencies 1 . BROASTED CHICKEN (finger-lickin good) [ managers to sell Fresh Silks Fash./each season brings outstanding| .......... | g . ~.~ ephone pole at[ g ction of the Seatte/1 ~. 1- We f~ture ~EAFOOD, tool ] ions direct or party plan. Commis-| ~uest choreographers to Tacoma./ The aoo r to Hale's MarKet, ~n/ Harvara ~. and Pioneer Way. /P.I, Sept. 19, It is a charming bit/1 = ,_, v~u ~0rr~. | Phone 877-9788 --- Take-Out Orders! [ sien..Write today. Annaruthe, S, R.1 The work of°these artists contri-| Hooas.po~, was found open. / Steve Jonkers reported a urow- / and my husband wants to frame it! |/ " A=dy'Go0d pgn i .................................... -a ~ ~u~ ~mgsmn, wash. P l°/7"14/butes to the nrofessionalism of the] Davis ,.. l~eck reported a gov-/ ler in his yard, - |Filled us with nostalgia for the|l " .,^~ -- .................................... ~~ *- ~ n eminent check and ~ watch mis- da s when we first had a dwellin nd YoU "" ~ _ 8 - COPPERTONE G.E. electric erformers and offers audiences a . Cars driven b • Y . . g • Le . | WALTS ROBIN HOOD LODGE ] range five years old $60 Phone[p ..... h,~ffv~r~.~enawhnll~t~cre [placed. /o .... ~,o O-ra ..... Y_Mrs. Sh~rleY[on ou-tuna, carried buckets oil/ Interes~ ...... ~~ 426-3258 ' " 1 --~-r,- ....... ~ .............. " ~,,~-.~--, "~ ~'~*~w, anct Jerome " | 1,.~ ..~...~r°'~ ~.---.-~"+h v.-e v.......~T'~ .... .... ~.~....~t°°'~¢"~ ....O~O a -....--~r'°'~°~ [ ~- ~ R OFt[ ated esneciallvr . for this comuanv. ~. [. Frank Ammons reported a peW-| ~...=+°~" Shelton. Collla=a...~, ,~ .... ~ +~.,. ~¢~+ [ water from the stream, read by[[ __ .¢-a~Y Open 11 a,m. '- 10 p.m. [ FOR SALE -- 1937 Plymouth 4-dr.[ Currentlv ....... in the reuertoire are[ er lawnmower and a boat winch[ =,,.--.~ Olympics_._ Ave..,.r..~'-- ~ re ~-~ recaP%"/candle light and. had.a WPA privy[[ • Arrang?Aii t.o=-'n$ LUNCHES -- O,NNEnS -- BAN0U TS [ td:a r l,o g°° 72:e g2°dot, re:"|works by Alan ~oward. former|taken'.............. . |suffered a bru,sed elbow andg her ik of our b,g.cabm. . tl o. _. .... ................ ~ ......... d Monte Carl star" ~u ct~mp~ea breaK-in at lne Jane 10 r~owever, we nave been able to oa- i ~,~ Featuring: 8teaks, Seafoods and ~outhern [ Phone 4~.6-4645. R lo/7-~l[Ballet Russe e . . 0 ,[.~.~n~ ~ ....... | daughter, .. , . , 'a passenger in[ ........ |1 B Insure L • 0¢~ ¢~.IA~I ¢":.hl,-,I.A~ I / Norbert Vesak ouuacandin~ voun~, ~'""~---- ~uuu, was repor~ea. / ,.^. ~or su~rerea a ~ .... ~_ ,.__/re,am ma~ se£ up Ior our guests// =. e-o©e o~ " Tr-' Baked P'-- [GOOD PACK HO:RS.E,J- BLack Welch|canadian choreographe ;" The Be]fakir Garage reported two| :ad and bruises on "h~er'P~o~.~ ~[ in a small guest house near by// ...... , ~ ~, =. v ~ ,~,, ann quarter oeauu~m conaluon ~est tires ann wheel • ..... ~ '~ .... ast ~' ............................... - ....... [ offer over $60. Phone 426-6S75. ' [ Jerry B. Rumley, Director of The-[ . ~ s taken from a/ elboWS. [ where frmnds come to hve now, l| ~ Give F ,,~¢d r~va~mn~ ~no.n~)a~vnn 7H,- ~.--.~o..~,~-,~ [ s z0/7-141atre Dance, University of Denver[Pm.~uP". . / .....was reported ..... [aswe did in 1940. In 1949 when we/1 WithoU~ -- *~UvtOm.~ll~ ~ l~J~.~.&r~UZl, z~£~l ............. /~/and Ltllian Cushing, one of Amer- | :~ construction crew| of%~oor to the Coast~°r~t %~. ~had to join the PUD or else, we// or ' I F~t--u~Hng Fiavor Crisp CIl|¢ken [ Used very llttle.--PIYWOod canop~[Ica', most n tee~herE i[:p°rt,ed dartger signs and flags| rice "[ moved, p~'ivy from. main ~2u~e|l To SaVe . ..... _ . | for older 3/4-ton L~nevrolet pickup / Artistic coormna~or ~or me Tae/ ..... : ..... / " -- -= We"= - | 1:o DaCK OI gues~ caoln. J. clouD~ if|| . .~f I Home Marie Pastrlel and uread [ Phone 426-6035. M 10/7-~i[,~,~o ~.¢~c Ballet is Marcia Pinto[ William l£iCla reported about 100| Mrs, ~'r~ . ..~ reported she/nro~ress will ever come to "Thel/ c^~ M~~ .~ Ope. 6 - '0 Dally [ ......... - -- ~ gradukto oi the Roy-[ga_lL°=s of gasoline taken, found a motorize }lc?n,e_ _ ] a ies", to the extent during o../I , -r courteous Set, vice and Good Coffee / Legsbl ~UDIIcgA;IOnS |al B~]let Sclio01, London, she has[. Mr. l~umer~ord reported his/ The ao.o~u~n'~' "~'renRefrig. [life time, that we will be able/1 Federa' i For ;Orders To Go Call 426-2441 ['d~UNTY ROAD Pl~.T~mj wr, ~a-[dal~ced with the NIetropolitar~ Op-|.n°me near Twanoh State Park/eration w~o-~- • ~,~ .... ire see the lights of other houses// - .................................. In the matter of C R'~P--N~ 4"9~'to~e era Ballet ~nd was choreographer|Dro~en rote. | .... ~r,v r~r~.~ .._._ /or hear speed boats going by for[| " I -~---~--..~..~--.~.-.?.~.---..-L--A-m~-- ................ [constructed on M~on "County Recall for l=laydn's "Creation", the Am-[ -. _ *~ * * ]COUN'X'x .......... D~.~--...~ r~'.R _MITSlour nearest neighbor is two miles][ ~,, P,P | THJ~ ~lUfiLTUN J~U'I'J~L [C eOm S6_ knoyn locally as the .Belfatr]ericah film contribution to the[ .Mrs. pob. Ptthn reported two[ Building P~"~'~C^~provecl by]away and no one lives across from|| Currenu~ ), • ~ ,,,~r~ ruau, ann more s ecll'lOall ~ , el ht-foot aln m NIason t,,ut~L j unHIIISSIoII , . 0~ ~Jk ~I~-~~I~,.~ [located in Secs. 29, 30 and I~ Tw- ~[Brussels Worlds Fair. I g gys is, ing. [the .... -,ends .......... at[us on Squ.axin. The mare channel[[ _ ~ .,, re' , ---'--°==I=TI;7.C.L-[= .... iR, 1WWM. ~" i ] 6 * * [its meeun~.^~" ~,oo~'~,$.'~'~ ~o Dcn/on marine charts is by Squaxin/1 ~erving ~untY~ ~p~m,i¢.,y i. IT I en wuu~. -~=.~.=.u=, z0 • ~- ~" __ S HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE SHERIFF'. S OFFICE ARRESTS Knuds , ....... ~ ,OO0, and not Harstme so o the be ts - , ,PRIME RIB OF BEEF ]I~OARD OF OOUNTY COMmSSXON-I~rr. e. 111 3rT • -t Robert Boy-ton second de-reel John COOK, wuud residence, $500"/o.~ ........... ' .... g~ .... +o,,°a [/ Simps° P Y , W ]el(1 ~lecK assault; R~chard G Miller i11e al West~ate dence, THE L , grub, grade and gravel surface 2.01 " ' g Jones w CONS are back. Those ,,,, 6-12 Friday & 8aturday [miles from State Highway No. 800]~ 1 a = ~o [possession of beer and furnishing[S13,900; Benxxr west' o~.~°°d._cabin, large long-bodies, low-swimming II;I = ...................... ==: ..............==_ .....,,- are: Clearing 1.0/~ucc][ll~l~s ~'~[ ~]~"~ $~'0()(); ~/~rs. 'F~ank'~W~e~" ]birds. w!th dagger-shaped bills, MAS ! r ---O-n-Hi-~{)l'16--mil~iton /l~'erformed by day labor in accordance/the Shelton Manor Nursing Home, i'T~ I - / ' / " • ' // ...,|/ i --. o. . . . _ " .............. /with the Washington State Standard|He was born Nov1. 1882 in Dixon,[l eSl(len[ rasses [ -~-~y REGEIPTS |sure when the Loons sit on the][ ilNl| i • ]nursoay upeotal -- U-0z. New YOrK UIJt ~teaK ]il,Tb JSpeciflcations for Road and Bz'idge/T~ ,.,,~ ~...~ u..~.:. £ ~xoo.,., ~,,.,., / / ]v~*~- - ..... /bav and min~l~ w;H~ ~. ,~....,.- .a u,-.~? • Delirmus Home Made Pie -- Manila Clams -- /C nstrucUon as adopted by son~+ ..... ~o,~+ +u. ~o~ ~ ,,~... | Charles B. Timmer, 63, died tn| Receipts ....... Is-|Seagulls are more ,~.~u~;~ + .... ~ || ,~ Fresh From Bay uounw, ~# ...... "'~ ;"" ~"~"-" -" ~ ..... a Seattle hospital Sunda after a land Ferry for ~ue wee~ ending the~ u ........ ,., ...... ,, . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat He owned and operated Heck _ Y - - ~e 24775, the . lld mallards are coming in ~ • Davey Crocketts for the small fry [the above described County r~oaa[m~ Phnta Studia here from 1917[brief illness, An employee or uen-/Sept. 26we." $ ,- -f~. ~V[ason/~o join with Our tam . [I 303 N0 r Every Day 6 a.m, to 10 p.m. Phone 426-8501[tPhr°JeeCttiimSa~e~eSSoas~y a~d p;~pTbo~:d[until his retirem~nt in 1930. He ~:tlinInsSeUr~lc%iCOempany of A tCounty Englver*s ~nue reported./feeding t_ime. So lot~e o~ne~oia~ [~ I~ ........................................... [are herewith set out in detail as fol-[was a charter member of Shel-[ .... u~±. ~vxr. 'rxm-1 ~,~RIOI¢ COURT / : ~ ~ ~lnm~ f~T)XT T /tows' /ton Kiwanis Club a member of imer nan been ceveloping the fami- / e~u,,~ __ "Iv r ' l~ ' BREAKFAST -- LUNCH -- DINNER | TOTAL $18'000'00 [IOOF ] He was a member of the Ma-|granted in l~Ias . .~ Y peri~r/ }P Special Dinners Dally -- Fried Clams -- Oyster|[. The County Road Project' h~rein[ The funeral was held at 2 pm lsonic bodies in Seattle including ]Court FridaY. to %~11a ~'right i Fri, Oct 8 S . ~k~hTt HD~,k~v~n~llm~ : [~;~Dd'b~ec;}REi~~D~aqilWedn:sd, Yiwintth~u~rla:~t~e~f~{i [TN:}?~T~e]m~tOf ~oha~d ~v~n;. and Nile lirrOm ~]oV~/~Le??~o~sm~y~oWholrn~tl ,, B,g Western ,peo,,, ,, So Go:'~'' ~r GOOD COFFEE , / . . P . 1Memorial Park, Rev. ug / • led his body[son from "hard | TOMMY COLLINS ;~-- " proceed thereon as oy *aT provides, th ervices to the Universit of ' from ~'~ ~-ond. ," Open Sunday during the Summer / ADn~m~r~ *h~ ath a.v .e (~*.h.. 1Knuatz conducted e s • 1 Y Washington [LaFond .... =o.. ,~_. , [ .., _ , ~.~-.--...o.-- [1985 ......................... ] Survivors include his wife, Mar-lDepartment of Biological Structure ILois Coleman rru-..~ '~u*eman./ e-,us KAYO'S George Ritchie HegU [ " Board of County Commissioners |gery Heckman, Shelton; one sis-lfor medical research and at his re- | * ,~.oo= | Plus the Everoreen Drifters ~: OLD MILL TAVERN & CAFE I 2f.°.untD..Wa--sh.Ingt°n [ter, Miss Lottie Heckman, Dixon,[quest no services will be held.| ~eW u "~'~"~Jru - | - ---------- -_ ~ [ ~.~N~E~T~HU, una*rman Jill., and several nieces and neph- [Remembrances may be made to [ Public Finance-t~ rp. against [ See You At The * Located In Hoe rt on H 101 [ JOHN BARIEKMAN |ews [the Shriners Hospitals for Criu- ]Wayne Dorey, aeo • i .-~...m.~....--, d~po wy. Attest' " - ~ -- ........... I_ .~ - _ i ~---- [pled Children in care of Nile Texn- [ ~ Bolivia " " / I~-V ~-I~l[~ KIMI we t-eature ~teaKx & eeafoo¢l| [~lUe~r~ ~ ~yS~nard | Only 20 per cent of the high-lple, Seattle. / La PaZ Airport, , ~s the [ Old Olvmnia-Tacnma Dancing on The Water After 9 p.m. I 10/7lt'ways in Pert: s~re paved. J His wife, Hazel, survives, world's highest, • - r ......