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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 7, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 7, 1965
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I~;L,, 7, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in ttOhr fmas?own, Shelton, Washington PAGE 7 Per cent of all dwell- = • in living rooms or to National J ... ® : By NADINE RHODES the pearl buttons of today. ~~ ~ ] PIONEER -- The regular mort-] Although Betty uses of her c.ol- ~(~:~;.~ . ~'~'~-:| , thly meeting of the Pioneer school leetion daily her reputation as SC^NmA S co Jmm~~ ~| .... . .. ............... board will be held at the schoolan accomplished seamstress seems ALSO ~oi~/k~----~u ~t_ ~ : .y mira,.. 1¢~ ~tA'l'Utla . Oct 12 at 8 p m only to add to the number of but- vo ,gw mllr~r-~ .... ~:=~ - : "- : : SOUTHSIDE---~outhside playe(1 " " . WEOD,NC, ~:2. ~:~-'~"7"~ ....... ! ..... ..... ] ....... • • Remember the meeting of Agate I tons. ",NG ~rf/~~~ ..... S '~! = ~,~ : nos~ to Kamucnc ~':rloay and beat "ran e a ..... "( .... ' ~" h) -r - never u.~(d 2":~'~ ~'$ L~ fl rool .,| : ~..~,~, ,~ ~ ........... ~ g. t ~ p.m. ~z]my at the ~ome (wcve are " ~ .~. . smr~,~~lm - them ±z-o ~ou ~ulmoy aria onn ' •" .:r'-='.= ~ ~ltB[~lW~ [ . . . Grange Hall. Betty hopes to fred timem her Bi[~[~/?j F~;d~L,~li~'] i~i~ [Klmmel~y secret, one touchdown I Almost all ehaimnen for various (busy days to attach these to ii~[ i~iiff.Z//~B ~"-~ I : ........ apiece ~teve t~lcney was quarter- • ' ' s ~" : ?![ ] ~~ [ _ _ '... " .......... ~. : commzttees on the P|oneer PTO I frames for ~~~ Dick ~teve Tlooets sac 1:~111 /~a 1 ) "~'.:- . '/ | ~. '~::~: ~!:~ . . Z.':. . . " ~ Executive Board have been chosen. I Since October .1-11 isN~ ti( nil ~. con ~tere on n and:.lxoboi JacKson., These are ways and meant Mrs !Button Week right now would be ............................................ :: :::: :: :::: : " Jan ~ae er anti MIKe ~evis la ed ' ', , ', . ~:::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: --::2::: ::;:.:[- | ~ I . g. _ ~. .P Y .Kay Sushak; program chan'man la good time ~or such a project. ::: ' :: :~:ii: .... gua and L, oule ,'errm center A • ' I'F S" ettin ........ ~. ,..v..,.~.:,.,.,, ................. ......... ~Mrs Pete Dodge membership WE A,, ~ IILL g g re ........ • ................................................. . .......................... ............... ~ YUU}( HOML lmmber of arents turned out for ' ' ...................................................................................... ' ~:~0M~I ~¢~ ~~ ~ . .... Mrs. Don Gates telephone Mrs ports of colleg'e-bound students ii;i ~iii!!i~::~i!:.:::~!i~!i!::.!:.:i~ii::it ~H ~kl: ~; r~ the game. ".cnere wul oe another i LeonCline" hospitality Mrs Royfrom the area Darald Frc ehlich iii::i:::::.iiii:.ii::~i:i:.:! :~i '~'~i:::~ ::::~:i!iiiii~ T~R TIGHTi ball game this Thursday right if- 1 .... , . • b:i° ::!~i:ii~i:!: ~::: :., ;.,, .: :~ ~erSChOOlwire~loneerat~outn I )A[T F~F[:..:| ~ ~,~..:fi~!'N .. ~ "]Ell[son recreation Mrs. John Ray- of Washington. John Schreibcr has~ii:.':~~:.::! 1J~[l [[~[E~ ~ ~! sine.. , _ [mond; sewing committee chair-]entered Olympic College at Brem- ~iiii~ii:i! ~- i.:'";~j"| ~7~ ~7~/ Election was held bythe ~'ourman Mrs Richa~ FPeh ...... r ~"on " i!~::~~~ii:i:!!i ~:~ ~ ~ Leaves 4-H Club Oct 2 at the . • e ,~..~*~:~:i ......... ::::::::::::::::::::::::,::: ~AV~] ~ ~~z~a~ [ ...... :-: ..... t llamentarlan Mrs. Audrey Ham-[ As these young people mbark ~ ..... ;~ home ot ~wrs Artnur l::$aKKe UII1- ' " ' ' O r ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: £-----%" I ~ ~2~3~ I ........ , .................a.I mond; pubhclty, Mrs. Sterhnglupon the journey through c liege,i~!!~!~!~!~:~;~:iiii~!i!i~:~!i~;!~!i!!ii!~i!i;~!i::ii~i!~i:~;;:~i~!~!!~i!!~i!i:~::~.~ ............ ~L ~r'~oT_ | m ~~ [~?~:oLe~v~ice~res~ten'~'.C~an'~. [ Rhodes. t or leave the area for jobs, or the ~i~i:~:~:~:j~:iii:;~ii:~:~:~::.!iiii~i:.~:~:!~:~;:!i~i~!~::!)i:~i~i!i!ii~::iii!i~i:•~.~:i::i~`~H~£:/2~' I~1~0 | m -:: ~** " ] •_ ' . p ~. _' .~ _. "[ A co-chairman for ways and [service they perhaps don't in- LeX,NGTON$,~O ~. .......... P~ seth; secretary r~ooin ~aKKe; • " • , . ., , weom~a a,n~ a*.~ %,,, ,~,~*- nan ="If'" | ~ ~ [ ....... ' ...... L means and an audit chairman re- ] dulge m 'looking back . Ho~ ever, ,,~,,,u,~,~ UN rU~L treasurer ~neua r~mcorz" reporter UN rUI'L I ~ ~ [_ _ _ .'. . [main to be selected. [a number started to school at the m..~..o,07., '°'~°***''~' beane ~wayze; commumty service, . ~ ) ~,,.~-~,~,~ a,~. Cut with S~ar.~ I m ~ J .......... J Dr and Mrs. O. L Mayenschemlold school on Bayshore Read, they --. ~..~,, ~,,2~,o I ~ ~~ [~au ~aney; recreatmn, r~everiy ] and daughter Mary, and claughter- [ were among the" first students t.o Choose the matchless radiance a~ lack UI1 rrotzer, telephone, ~anoy ~weu, ~ ~ ~ •laCK U11| ~ ~~ [ - " ..... nd A ~ eth [ in-law Karen, of Seattle, visited [ attend the new I [cheer school, of a Keep.sake. diamond, set ia } ......... | i ~~ [aria.scrapbooK, ~. a us :.. [Mr and Mrs Richard Brooks Sun- ] Twelve years of going to school an exclusive ring style. "~La~5 ~3 the 0m EtA uluo members mscusseo achieve- " " " • L a_~ ~S the 0nl~ | BLARNEY CASTLE, COUNTY CORK, IR ND~AND THE BLARNEY STONE ] ..... " ..... [day. [together, and now each goes hm ,~nai carr,e.s a .~z | Shelton Traveler Found It "Unappetizing,', So Didn't Kiss IU / men~ night :aria rau.y pay; 'rney [ The Marshall Penicks of Seattle i own way Some of these are Carol Easy Credit Terms 'ed'n:Aa~ee.~L~iUor I , , , , , • [a~o ~nI~ise :d~e,r projects zor me|spent the weekend at Spencer [Castle, Dave Johnson, Gary Brown, _ ~n. ~ .... "~ '~' | (Tills Is tile sixth In a series I know now what they mean by fee? This is it: put in a jigger[ -- " Y : .~ .~ s~ Lake. They were doing some work Teddy Barnes, John Cochran and of articles telling of Mrs Flor- [ the "rocky road to Dublin" It was [ of Irish whiskey in a medium size [ "zne .annual. ~range ~ ~oo .~er ] on their boat dock Darold Froehlich ~ • "~ " • & t wton's 2' " mountainous and " nign~ wm De nero a~ ~ne ~outnmae ." . " '-,ff , .4[ I f, tuml~.$~,_- | enee La Vz-month trip[really rocky. [glass, a good teaspoon of sugar, [ ....................... I Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Maim, of l ~ ~'~~'~,~*tL~ YWhar~ -'"~• | to Europe earlier this year) Wonder how they n scratch out ] add strong hot coffee leaving] - - .'" .~ ~ ~ / ] Purdy, have purchased the Gordon IJunior Fire Marshals are taught ~.~.~r~gs.& ...... '* " he little hers aria ore-tune memoers to a~- ' • ~.~:~i~ .... | ~ a liwng m t pockets of [room for a half-inch of whipped[ ,...a m~..; ..... ~+~ ~0 h ....... o~k [Hopp home near Benson s corner. [thatbicycle hghts should be in . ~m¢,~v ~'~ o .... r " IS! :k ~'~ Kil r wen r~cks Roads ' " ~="~" "= ~"'"~¢ "~ ""~z "~ " " nd • • , -~,,-*-. u,r.~ ~,,~*~,~o,,,. | a hey, Ireland [ soil bet • narrow ] cream on top Don t st,r in the { ................ , .... ,, [ Planning to spe weekends and [ working order for safe mght c3 e-. -~ ~.:~i~i~':'~;J~'"~ June 18, 1965 [ but surfaced a t too much ] creanL just sip the coffee. ] ~H,~ .....~a uu,, ¢,,,. ~u ,~a [ vacations there, the Malins are i hug. To avoid an accident, check "~ ~ ' We left gilarney this a.m. and traffic. * * * [ ~"=~ers"to~'~ten~ ...........]looking forward to enjoyable use/ yours today! ......... ..... ~ ..... of h r ' .... There were lots of rhododend- June 22 [ ~T~V~ ~. e,,. a~, um~[ t e p operty. ] ........ _- ................................. /I rons this side of the mountains, I WE ARRIVED BACK in Dub-/he~¢l=~a~'S'u~'avanh"l~-~ ve~-yl BUTTON, BUTTON, who has ] r ....... ] [ deep orchid color, othel-wise like ] fin last night. Gertie leaves here [ n~ nnH,~r O-e~,,~o ~o~',,ott won [ the button ? Mrs. Orville (Betty) [ [ I]lrr ON! ~li ,~%tL*r~'*'a ilour wild ones, only taller. Many June 23 by plane for home, so[~',:7: ~h~',',~.'h~,?,~e"~hr~'red and]Moran, of Bayshore Road, has[t--[[ V~l I, PIJfI,,IMPf ~,~,$HATTERPROO~ Ilas tall as our alders. Hedges oflfrom tomorrow on I shall be on[~our ve]~ow'on"'her-h'or~e',Y~ar B.[an estimated 5,000 or more of[| ram.= a am. , ~aM~mm |M U~A~ ~ ~v~ • LA~r~FORY~J~R~ [[ fuschias, and many big hawthorne [ my own again. , ] e~ ..... ~a x~o,.,~ ~=+h ~:'~tt won ] them, in fact. For 30 years Betty[ ] T~ A LJ.| ' V~I| | II II[,~|~ g]~ ~t~|~ --~,u ~® I ] trees, which were through bloom- ] Ireland was beautiful, the peo- ] +...... a ~m,,,,,= +h,e~ ,,=~low and [ has been collecting buttons. AI- ] | /!1111 ! k I UlJ ~Alfla~m$..~| I. ~ O~ i~(~ [ ms. In fact, the countryside m ple very lovely. [ ............. h,~,-h .... ".~imlnv" [ ys fascinated by any type o /| I~ ~UToU|| |U~| ~ ~Y/~ ]~k.~.~-~ [[ ve~'y much like western Washing-I When we got back to Dublin the [ ~Ti'~i['in~"~r "'an~l'~rs -'~eo~ge[ button, her collection has grown [[ . ~$~ ton Evidently lots of rain as the bus strike was still on so we went [ ~u.oo~,~ ~P.~,,,~ =-d ~,~r Reth i over the years and includes but- / l ........ _~'~~i~ ~ I~/~~ ][ country is green as an emerald ]to the cabaret to see the Dublin [ ;'_",~.=~,~'2"~.~.~;7. -~.'..~:;.'7"2~ ~,. /tons ofevery possible color, shapel| for your patience oil I)oth s,crvlce [llld Calls Wnlle | I The cattle are as fat as they can Stagers again last mght It was • of many different matermls ......... - . " ' " " • Joe Harrlngton. Brian and Maura .. ...... :. we were on vacat]ol] and ,tl)s(A]t due to death III /! • l/ )'m-"~ ~.. I be as the grazing is so good, and SO good! This time there were|of San Francisco, Ca|if, Mrs | ~ome are oz senumental vame,(/ ..... U~/~m~ B~oul.v~ ~;'~1" il°ts°fsheepeverywhere' 10 young girls.approximately l0 to Geore Ma ett and Ms" Beth such as the buttons off clothing tile ialnlly. VU __ They have lots of lupine, too, 16 years old, so pretty, dressed/m,,fg,,~,~ i,,~rY~,mdav/her grandmother, Mrs. Florence/m $| CU| ~nd Tack OI1"---"-"1 I bi~, and beautiful colors in simple native costume. And|~'~'"~';=~.~..~.",~.. ~.'.~._~.~.:.."~''" ~|Woodruff Freeman, wore in the[| ..... ".....~........... ,--~e,. ,,Hh s,~vi(.e ~ I[~ [! ~! II WE REACHED CORK (Kirk how they could do those Irish/ Brownie Troon 109 met last)ear!y1900s" There are shiny, gold][ ................ ~Ul ~]~ m[ ~[~LI I~-¢~1 II as they say it) about 2 p.m. for dances! [ Tuesday the'h0me of JoAnn| metal buttons proudly worn on|| Calls the ume you reao uns we wm De reaoy, I I !~=LU_~ I I ~ I | -~,~*,.*~.r"- | | I lunch, then took a two-hour trip ] A beautiful lady soprano sang ] Herrick with 11 Brownies attend- ]a West Point Cadet uniform by | | willing" and able to serve you :-.~ ~,~.~,.~,,~ o.~.:k~ .~. -~ to Blarney Castle. I chmbed to the Las.. Rose of Summer and Dan- in u Ann Thorn son is a new Betty s o se~cond cousin, Carlos ~l ~--~ ! [~==--A [~~ I to. (125 steps) but did not kiss ny Boy". Edmund Brown sang the/,~g~Ru, th~f fho+ .....~o~/wooo~..~.o,s genueman tougn~)J MA~#~ ~Pa,,,,a,~ P. Pv A ~1 A~ J[the Blarney Stone. I dldnt think song of the dying rebel WraP[ris brou,-ht the treats Troon lea-/in the Spanish-Amerman Wal. [J -rua~,vo ~-a,~, r-~,,-, ,,,-,,,~, .~,-.~....-.~-,-,^., • ,e'~¥1= ~I¢I~IUII~II¢ rLlCa~'~/°~eL~"" |I it looked too auDetizing The stairs l the Green Flag Around Me, Boys"[ ~. T.. "~'~,'~ ~..~ =;.~ ~n.~tl There are bone buttons, and but-|| mn~.,~rxo ~n,.~ rur~ T~JUr~ ~..uur'~- ~nnul~ " -" " " " ....................................... alone s-e)l "" ~.._~_ ~-~ ............ . [[were circular .aa~d not too wide]and everyone cried. A leprechaun/leader Jo.,ce She-"ard took theIt°us mace out oz aD n ,il ~uen umer wm~er rro~ecmrs as. I [ but there was a pipe to hang onto / puppet with a violin was too fun- ] Brownies ~n a hik~'~o ~ather dried / which at first appearance resemble [ | so I made it o.k. A beautiful view i ny for words. A ventriloquist, Eu-[ enn~ tn u~ for |~to~tn th~ f~|l| ~|| I] • ~ c'~ ~ |] from the top but the castle is just' gene Lambert, with his bad boy,| fo-l'--d'eco~a'tions- ............... | Swa"ze and famil'" recentl" were[I Windows ,, ~torm uoors |ms r ..n and I wouldn't climb it Finnegan, put Edgar Bergen off[ Visit[n; Mr.' and Mrs. George [ Mr: '~and Mrs. JohnYSwayze~fOak-]l L~'~ WAR~I~'N ~F~|~'~AT|ON [[ ag~h~n" came back to Cork for din- th~l~:P Healy was the pianist and/yn~g~it' G:o~: ~_ind. Mn;[Yny;th. l vil~v~rs Polly Swayze and Lealm [/ • wr.~ liner and the night. We stay in accordionist. Six months ago this[an and'Maura Tuesday evening,[motored to Seattle Thursday. |/ .... o o znd & Cots 426 2445 Storm W,.dow rots Ilwexford tomm'row night (Satur- troupe wasintheU.S.--NewY rk,/were Mr.: and Mrs. Dan Morgan] Mr. and Mrs. Jim Guyett and[/ ca ) and go on to Dubhn the next~ t , etc |[" Y " ' - • ~" • /and babies• Mrs. Harrington and/Mr, and Mrs. Ray Kratcha too-|| I/ day. Many places along the road TItlS COUNTRY would be won-[Mrs. Morgan graduated together. ]tored to Chehalis i;~riday to attendtl i ~I"T ~! t'~. • * we saw white flowers, like blobs derflfl to tour by cal', even if they Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Melvin a sale. weamer-~trlomn~ of cotton growing. During the war, do drive on the wrong side of the I ....... " so they told us, they picked it an road. But to live here? There is [ used it like cotton for dressings NO place like the U.S. I in hospitals. It grows about six * * * [ [1I~~'-- ;~I --~ -- ' IIIWN~I~ dIIAUOAMV to eight inches high June 24-25 ] UUlIBKll uumrMrl/ "Weather here is much )ike holne, Yesterday I went on two bus ] • 4522 only I don't think it gets quite so trips. The strike is over! [ PHONE 426- col~'l in the winter. In the morning we went on an[ : I ~.. ~.....____. Did you ever hear of Irish cof- all-over trip of Dublin. Saw Trin-[ ..................................................................................................... ity Colleg~o, which :ranks with i --m--~--~--~ ] Yale, Haiwa'rd, Oxford, etc. Dublin, [" " T:, has over half a. million popula-[ . ~(~/~ --- ----~ Lion but the drivel" told us it was[ on the way to being the largest[ kST THREE I kYS ~.~ i alwaysCity inDub_lin,,.the world because "it's][ ' c,S i--~~ !!!The Guiness Brewery here ws's ] l~ ~pl~ ,p' ~I built in 1759 and is tremendous.] ....... H F r ~~ iTheypr°ducethreemilli°nbarrels[ of black stout a year and export] 65 percent of it. The brewery cov-] '. ~J] ers 25 acres• I asked the guide if] he had ever heard of Olympia] beer. He hadn't but a lady who[ heard me say Olympia came and[ sat by me. She was from Moses[ e rthenu ~re IJi Lake. ] // / I I I I ' ~\~" Trinity College covers several] acrcs and was built in 1851 bY[ Queen Elizabeth (the First ?). It n contains the Book of Kells (look m ; STARTER SET SALE II that up). i ~ JONA'IHON SWII~I' was born] --.-. -.-.- -.---- m .. -= mmmmmmmm~ hcre and educated at Trinity, as[ were Oscar Wilde, Thomas Moore] and I couldn't tell you how many] 0FF, TILLOCT. 9 m°re" Swift was dean °f Trinity]] i i~ for 45 years. The beautiful bus station was| built in 1953 and, they say, already ] is not large enough. [ m we saw the American embassym n that was completed last year.] ]Round and modern but not too| ]much in keeping with the other] ]architecture around it. ] l Most important bridge is the[ NOW Inamed for Daniel O'Conner, who[ . | | [O,Connell. over the River Liffey,] I I n was mos unportant in the War of | . SAVE $5.00 ON 16 PC. STARTER SETS [ [ ,~,be~t,oo ,o ~,2~ ~o ~,0,o ,-, |]widerbridge,thanDy it is long and used tO|! '~n a #Agli ' [charge a hal.f penny to cross it.] ,:,o, 1". ,~M' ~! ~51"" "-- ..~ M.:: •g:~$wm t lit, is sLi]l Called the "ha' penny| "PORTABLE !1 1.3.o CUP "e" E |PORTABLE" /$AFETY I li i,iasi _.-_ Now is the time to choose your J J / many. , tour took us to Phoc- __i" *alX - • ' distinctive Franciscan [ | ] nix park, largest in Europe . . • ] /Fl~e ~1~$, I~ ~ =m~=.r ~ J i Compl•~ In ©om~o©~ w~v~ ~=.~ j Block grain n .= ,, chrom, h=ad 68 acres Earthenware and save $5.00 Oll| J | 17 • • • PUblic and used ex-/ J~,~ k~ ~..a.m~lle [1= 0= =,, " i! wl~ cord and hooa•~mgo, un/utb J?nd tr!m. Powerful beom P lu= blln~ . lvel sens' Y . • • reall beautiful. 16pc. starter sets. I | JCOWS were grazed tYere for a[ ~t~,....=...=,0.,¢a~ltlalle~, R t2-w I~=m~=+l~=|lylSl~al Warm/Cool=witd~ Ingreas*,tet~f_Hght. U=e=3stan~rd Hand-crafted patterns are safe| | small charge--saves mowing and/ [ fertilizing. in your oven and dishwasher.,, J J / IRELAND IS A BIG beef rais-]/ are chip-resistant, color-fast i J ~r ~\~r ~ ~ and will never craze. A'I . I / ling coy::c~Y" We saw the huge ] J cattle Y s where they sell thou-[ /// patterns offer you a wide choice J ] [ sands of cattle every Thursday,[ ]]) of lovely multi-use accessories. | | [ as well as sheep. I never saw/ |tic. Starter set includes four of J i J such tat, wo'ndetfful looking cat-] V each: dinner plate, bread/ J | | I met a lady from Northumber-] butter plate, cup and saucer, I | ]land. I had never heard of it but[ ]11 .... . Don't miss out on these j | | it is between Scotland and Eng-[ land In l eply to [ • " . my remark on[ ]]] splendid 25% off savings, i i [ ,how good the beef looked she said] + Come in now, endsI / |, We considcr it very pool', we haveJ 0ctober91-" // ][[such'quality meat in Northumbcr./land,.of coursc all these countries ex-]| #O## li:: le;7;71Z # 88 [ $1#6 ] port the best. / / / [ Half the fun is meeting all sorts/ J '" . ." "" iv[rig image of[ .e~ d CH []~thel .l~arryraore. We called her] L.vore¢fle~500.kot.Gonuln. w.o,l ~;,~*.7)l~k.ed]~h °;~6(~nlm~'$1'''' B.autlful 45"x72" b!.n~e,,n Stmi~f low. F::~re= e..y ~,er $19,95 ,,hey took ,,s to thc Botanic/ / ' ' " Hand = relea= FI e fo u d =,t=.l SpKlal Imtock, Overall Jength li 32 inches, ' y port I~k. As=orted color==. ~ ..... (AD00$0 3 AD0054 9) Full washable carnival prlcel (HA1702 1) ' Gardens and the J ". _. roses were beau-/ bsidiary of P.N. Hirsch & Co. ~ J J J tiful. 'me climate here is so mucl~[ 3rd & Railroad " " /like western Washington. ] "Always Shop Miller's In Shelton First" / /i ',~.',(tO be con-ti~l(ledLnd girls on bicy-[Mal ] Open Until 8:30 P.M, Friday / A slogan from Junior Fire "-[ shalS fol boys a -._ , ..... cles uon L be ] ": ,. a show-off as it[ | doesn~ pay off." Follow the safe-| I ty rmea all / times.