November 7, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Chmstmas own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
out Mason County this p~ast year progress has been
unusually fine in the field of upgrading rural
fire fighting equipment. Typical is the new truck
Shown above which the Hoodsport fire district
purchased recently. Other new fire fighting trucks
have been delivered in recent m,~nths to Grape-
view, Benson Lake (part of Victor-Allyn), Union
and Arcadia Loop fire districts.
MATLOCK -- Matlock Grange
|eld its regular meeting last Fri-
day evening. It was decided to
have a social m~eting ~and square
dancing at our next meeting. Oct.
15. A potluck lunch will be seTyced.
We are sorry to loam of Ronald
Moore's house burning to the
ground last Friday afternoon. Mr.
and Mrs. Moore were out cutting
wood and someone who passed by
noticed the house in flames. So,
no one knows what caused the
chill of Dayton spent Wednesday
evening with Mrs..Augusta Port-
man and Carl Portm,an.
Callers at the R. E. Bradberry
home were Mr. and Mrs. Barnes
of Alderwood Manor, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Rowe and Mr. and Mrs.
Clay Berry of Shelton Saturd'ay af-
ternoon. Evening guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Lauritz Christensen of
Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Christensen of Shelton, and Phil-
lip Hardie of Shclton.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Cleave of
Shel/on were recent callczs at the
l~ortman home here.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman spent Sunday afternoon
at the L. D. Portman home in
MRS. DOROTHY Petersen of
Vtmcouver, B.C., is a houseguest at
the Elvin Hearing home the past
A birthday dinner was given for
Terry Diggle by her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley Sun-
day. Guests were the Sam Diggle
family and Kathy Massey.
Mrs. Frank Hollatz wishes to
thank all the ladies who worked
on her committee at the harvest
supper Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe and
family of South Bend and Mr. an~l
Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. and
l~amily were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp and
family of Olympia and Mr. and
Mrs. Lud Rosmaier spent Satur-
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Valley.
MR. AND MRS. Clarence La-
tham ,of Shelton were Tuesday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Herbert Brehmeyer Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ahlquist
:and son, Stanley, of Shelton were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rosmaier call-
ed on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker
Tuesday evening.
called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Wilson of Shelton Wednesday eve-
ning. Sunday the Harold Wilson
family were dinner guests of Mr.
anti Mrs. Earl Walker.
Mr. ~a.nd Mrs. Walter Shaw spent
week. They all enjoyed a trip to Sunday evening at the Andrew
Hood Canal Sunday. McGarvie 'home.
..I!i~: i!!!i:i~i !;~:i:
WALT LENDS A HAND... Walt Disney, famed movie and
i televislon producer, reviews fire safety tips with two Junior
Fire Marshals during a break in the filming of "Walt Disney's
;Wonderful World of Color" television show, shown Sunday
evenings on NBC. Millions of school children take part in
the Junior Fire Marshal program, a public service of The
Hartford Insurance Group. Walt Disney, an honorary
Battalion Chief in the Los Angeles Fire Department, also
makes a major contribution to fire prevention and safety
w thin" the home through,, his upcoming educational film,
'"Fire Survival Plan , to be released to the 16ram market
,early next year.
As Temperatures
Drop Outside Fire
Danger Inside Rises
As outside temperatures drop,
indoor fire dangers rise!
National Fire Protection Asso-
ciation records show that cold
weather always brings an increase
in destructive fires.
Heating systems are mainly to
blame. When they're pushed hard
in the cold weather, any weakness
in the equipment or installation
may show up--sometimes with
disastrous results. And any faulty
practices in using and fueling heat-
ers, especially portable kerosene
units, means trouble.
To reduce fire hazards as well
as fuel bills, all furnaces and heat-
ers need a periodic cleaning and
check-up. Likewise flue pipes
should be kept clean, free of holes
and weak spots, well-supported
and away from combustibles. Make
sure they are spaced far enough
from nearby surfaces to prevent
overheating. Check chimneys for
cracks and loose bricks, and if used
for coal or wood fires, a yearly
cleaning is a must.
Refueling portable oil heaters
calls for care. Never fill while they
are burning or still hot, and avoid
overfilling. If cold oil is used watch
for possible burner flooding and
Keep portable heaters out of
talls and away from doors or
stairs where they might block es-
cape. See that they are not placed
too near curtains, clothes racks
and other combustibles. Don't buy
or keep tippy heaters. •
If your heating equipment--apd
your handling practices---aren't al~-'
ready checked and ready fox' the
winter, get busy now during Fire
Prevention Week. Your family and
home will be safer from fire.
Just in case a fire might break
out in your home, always have
the telephone number of your fire
department near every plmne. Jun-
ior Fire Marshals also have the
!numbers of the police department
handy too.
When smoking, make sure all
lit cigarettes are flicked into an
ashtray, and that they are out
completely when through, remind
the Junior Fire Marshals. Watch
cigarettes carefully during Nation-
al Fire Prevention Week.
Romans To Provide
Scientist Text
The spiritual dividing line be-
tween reality and illusion will be
examined at all Christian Science
services this Sunday.
The Golden Text is from Paul's
epistle to the Romans: "The law
of the Spirit of life in Christ Je-
sus hath made me free from the
law of sin and death."
The subject is "Are Sin, Disease,
and Death Real?"
Explanatory passages from
"Science and Health with Key to
the Scriptures" by Mary Baker
Eddy will include this statement:
"Neither evil, disease, nor death
can be spiritual, and the material
belief in them disappears in the
ratio of one's spiritual growth".
(p. 368).
thai the new Winkler
(Low Pressure) Healing Equipment Gan
1. 10-Year Written guarantee on t!m CLOG-PROOF NOZZLE
2. 10-Year Written guarantee on the HEAT EXCttANGER
3. 10-Year written guarantee on the STAINLESS STEEL FIRE BOX
4. 10-Year written guarantee on the STAINLESS STEEL BAFFLES
Come in today and watch the WINKLER L. P. burn crankcase drain-
ings, mixed water and oil, with soot-free operation! Manufactured by
Free Estimates -- Nothing Down -- 3 Years to Pay
by BETTY CRISS of a Belfair water district to en-
BELFAIR -- Residents of BeN compass all residents of the four
fair, served by the four main wa- systems.
ter systems in the area, will meet Suggested is use of the artc.~;ian
at 7:30 p.m., Oct. 13 at the Ele- well located at the PUD, which
mentary gym to discuss and pos-has been determined sufficient for
4bly make a decision concerningpresent requirements and those in
water supply in the vicinity, ithe forseable future, either by a
The meeting date was set when ~ public water district or a petition
:eprescntatives of the svslems wet i for the PUD to form a water dis-
in Shelton Sept. 30, called by Dr. trict.
J. V. Deshaye, Distric'c il~a,ul o~- While representatives of the
deer. In attendance at the meet- PUD indicated that the water
ing were James Pluntze, District
Sanitary Enginner for the State
Health Department, Mason Coun-
ty Health officer, a representative
!rom Thurston-Mason Health Dis-
trict ~and Commissioners Martin
Auseth and Harry Elmlund. The
question of certain deficiencies iu
these systems was raised some
time ago and, according to Dr.
Deshaye, although some attempts
at correction have been noted,
these systems do not meet State
Health Department standards for
public water supplies. The purpose
of the Shelton meeting was to
present possible p~ans for correc-
tion to the representatives present
and then suggest a public meeting
for the residents. The State de-
partment suggestion is formation
would be made available at a rea-
sonable cost, they stated they were
not ,anxious to undertake formn-
tion of a water district. However,
Commissioner Elmhmd spoke in
favor of a PUD water district, since
they would be better equipped to
handle installation, maintenance
and operation as well as necessary
office work.
The Elementary PTA will meet
tonight at 8 p.m. at the elementary
gym, with a program on modern
math presented by Principal Dick
~ Burrell.
The Spaghetti dinner, sponsored
by the Elementary PTA will be
held Oct. 8 from 5 to 7:30 p.m.
in the cafeteria, preceding the Me-
clips-North Mason football game
at 8 p.m. Tickets for the dinner
Boy, 2, Lost Two He
By JESSIE TUPPER It was John Clark, who resides
LAKE KNAHWATZEL -- the Resort, who finally found
year-o d enneth Hurley of Shel- I the boy, unharmed by his mis-ad-
ton was lost in the woods back of I venture.
Lake Nahwatzel for a couple ofI Just one more week before deer
hours Wednesday afternoon la~t/buntin~ season opens. Sporting
week. He had strayed from the car / goods,'-'ammunition, camping sup-
when his mother, Mrs. Kenneth plies and camping space are avail-
t-I1 rley, went into the woods to
pick tip her husband, who Was cuL-
Ling cedar.
A phone call from the Re:~ort to
the Mason County Sher ff's office
brought Deputy Bill Booth and
lYndersheriff Joe Gatchell to search
for the child. Also joining the
search were several loggers, Ken-
ncth Madochc, Jotm Clark, Doug-
las White, Alvia Chapman, Harry
Kidd, and Mrs. Alvia Chapman.
may be purchased in advance or
at the door for $1 for adults and
50 cents for children 11 and tinder
or ~a. family ticket for $3.00. The
smelt season is in full swing on
the Canal and high tide brings out
many cars full of eager "smelt-
catchers". The smelt we have seen
so far have been of the large va-
riety, although why so many we
can't say.
The mild weather and lack of
much frost hras kept most of the
leaves green except those of the
vine maple, but soon the Canal
should be its colorful self.
able now at Tuppers Resort.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hewson
spent several days last week in
Eastern Washington, at Granger,
visiting their son, Sam Hewson,
and family.
LAST FRIDAY, Mrs. Hewson
ertertained the Mason County
branch of the Retired Teachers
Association. Eight members at-
Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Hewson
attended the funeral of Dr. Ed-
meades, a cousin of Mr. Hewson,
in Seattle.
Mr. Hewson's leg has healed
sufficiently for hint to get around
now without crutches, but not
enough for him to put any strain
on it.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Barbour
drove to Centralia last weel¢ to
purcl~ase a Bolen tractor and at-
tachments and have spent consid-
erable time playing with it since.
They plan to enlarge their garden
next year.
Bill Simpson, Shelton, accom-
panied Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bleeker
on a drive to
they shopped
and Mrs. Lee
hers State Park.
deen finished a
Mrs. Lawrence
mother, Mrs.
stile to the
Mrs. Alma
Mont., is
at the Frank
and Mrs. J. B.
Mrs. Clifford
ling her two
ters in Renton,
Mrs. Richard
and Mrs..Dave
deen, visiting
er, Mrs.
Kelley is in the
ma again
be back in
few weeks.
Mr. and
attle, and Mrs.
her children,
Hoquiam, were
the Pete
Caprice Custom Coupe
Custom Coupe, Sedan and two luxu-
rious new Custom Wagons now. Liquid
smooth ride. Power you can order just as
, smooth end pln-drop quiet. Turbo.Jet
V8 engines that go all the way up to 425
hp. Shimmering new interiors. The look;
of hand-rubbed walnut trim. EleganCe
everywhere. Made by Chevrolet, =o yoa
know what a beautiful value it must be,
We've again specially tailored those coil
springs at even/wheel to each.bodystyle.
We ve put in new softer shock absorbers. No
Chevrolet has ever had a ride like thi
Power begins with a thrifty Six at 155 hp,
and goes on from there. Turbo-Jet VS'S
available at 325 hp, 390 hp and 425 hp in
all the new Impalas, Bel Airs and BiscayneS,
Model shown: Impala Super Sport Coupe,
New 300's. New 300 Deluxe models. New Malibus.And two
new Super Spor 396's--coupe and conve ible--with en-
gines that tell you exactly what kind of Chevelles they are.
Both are available with VS's, either
325 hp or. 360 hp. And both come with special hood,
grille, suspension, emblems, red stripe tires, floor-mounted
shift. Twelve beautiful new Chevelles in all--and all as
new inside as they" are outside.headlamps to taillightst
CheVelle Super Spo# 898 oupe
'LI ~t
~~ ~~ CHEW
It's so different, we should really call it the Chevy IlL Roofs are swept"
way back on coupes. Fenders, grille, hood, taillights and bumpers are
new on all seven models. Interiors are richer. Power available up to a
850-hp Turbo-Fire VS. You can even order headrests for the front seats
and Meg-style wheel covers. What's the economical, dependable Chev!,
II coming to? A lot of smart '66 car buyers, we figure,
Still America's only rear-engine car, And wlth the
Steering and suspension you can add, there's no
Way to rid yourself of prematurely gray driving. Lots
Cowair, like all the '66 Chevrolets, has a padded
seat belts front and back, new fully synchronized
Comas, Monzas, 500's. Get one. Stay young,
1st & Grove $helton 426-4426