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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 7, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 7, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7,1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY 5OURNAI ---Published in uChr stmas}ow,, Shel n, Washington PAGE lg : i¸: !:t/: m m Reg. $4.00-- NOW l t Sunday Bread• is the name given to this week's recipe but I'm sure you will find it pleasing any day of the week. No raising is neces- sary for this sweet, frosted loaf .... but it should be made a day ahead of time. Sue Johnson,• this week's donor to our recipe file, is originally from Chicago as is her husband, Carl. The couple moved to this community about four years ago. He is a forester with the Sta~e. The Johnsons have five young- sters, Debbie eight, Danny and David, six, Dale, nearly four, and Steven, one year. Sue is active in the Faith Luth- eran church where she is organ- ist which requires much practice time with the choir. She is a. mem- ber of PTA and is being initiated into Girl Scout work by becoming a Brownie leader this year. Sewing, knitting and reading are I ' favorite hobbies of this week's : ' cook. i .* * Sund~y Bread i .': i ....... 2 C. biscuit mix For All CUDDLY , I T...... 1A tsp. salt " 1 tsp. baking powder of All Popular J t DOLLS % C. snipped dried apricots ,nc9a' ,[ , DOLLS THAT c. raisins "Scrabble" ] WET, CRY ; 1 egg', well beaten ,, ,, / i DOLL 1¼ c. milk "Monoply" / I BARBIE gar, salt and baking powder by stirring. Do not sift. Add apricots, |~~n~J / I DOLLS raisins and nuts. Combine egg and milk and stir in Beat hard with a spoon for about 30 seconds. quart casserole. Bake at 350 de- grees 50-60 minutes. Cool in cas- serole 10 minutes. Remove to rack. Cool. Frost with a thin powdered su- ~~ ~oR~/~ ! gar icing. Do not slice until theWCTuneXt day.Has County Tile ] Convention Here _, Last Friday AM'LY / Itl R$ TO The county convention of the I WomaWs Christian Temperance Union was held last Friday in the home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. | SOFT ANIMALS THAT The morning session was called to order by president Mrs. W. O. | APPEAL TO ALL -, Galloway who led the salutes to _ | CHILDREN the American, Christian and Tem- .... . Reports were given by the fol- lowing directors: Mrs. Blanch B. Bell, music; Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove, • [ persnce flags nation~il paper; Mrs. Nena P. Rob- erts, publicity; Miss Marian John- 'son, temperance and missions. The MUSICAL noon-time prayer was given by State President Mrs. Charles Budde l~]/]/]~ of Seattle. ' --LARGE After luncheon devotions were given by Mrs. Olive Quartier as- sisted' by Mrs. Agnes Kangas. The ~ ~~ ~V.. a~d address by Mrs. Budde was follow- ed by a question and answer pe- riod. DNAL SMALL ~,e state convention will be held October 20-23 in Bremerton. Sev- eral delegates from Shelton will attend. The meeting was closed by all SETS repeating the' iarbnic benediction. LOGGING TRUCKS DUMP AND PICK-UP TRUCKS GARBAGE TRUCKS AND MANY, MANY MORE TONKA NAVY MOTHERS TO ATTEND CONVENTION Mrs. Ray Prouty, commander of Navy Mothers Club, and Mrs. Ar- chic Underwood will attend the Fifth Biennial Washington State Convention of Navy Mothers Clubs of America in Spokane Oct. 6-8. Mrs. M: LaMarsh, 1st vice com- mander, will preside at tonight's regular meeting in the command- er'B absence. GOLDEN AGE CLUB Members of the Golden Age Club will meet for a regular meet- ing and noon potluck tomorrow in the Memorial Hall. There will be entertainment. SHELTON'S OF NEW LIL1" g IIg.1 Z I, r ,,a i'L.i- U PATSY Moving up from vice president to president of Girls' Club at Shelton High school this fall is l~atsy Wolfe, senior. Along with her duties in this capacity Patsy heads the student chapter of AFS and is local representative of the Shelton AFS Chapter. She also belongs to Pep Club. She attended Girls' State this sum- mer and represented Shclton High school at the Seabeck Leadership Conference in August. In her spare time she works at the local Dairy Queen. She is a member of the ]~eLho- dist church and belongs to a Jun- ior Orthopedic Guild. Patsy's classes this year include PLASTIC PIPE 80 PSI-NSF 1/2" .... 100 ft. 3/4" .... 100 ft. Coils ........................ $ 3.65 Coils ........................ 5.95 1" ........ 100 ft. Coils ...................... 8.95 ...... 100 ft. Coils ........................ 15.95 3rd & ,Railroad Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. Shop Miller's In Shelton NIGHTS PTIL P.M, 1½" ...... 100 ft. Coils ........................ 19.95 2" ....... 100 ft. Coils ........................ 37.95 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 8 @00 SUE JOHNSON White or Colored Reg. NOW $3.49 ¢~4aM WOLFE composition, civics, physical sci- ence, world affairs and home eco- nomics. After high school she wants to be either a social worker or a beautician. If she goes into social work she would like to be a juve- nile case worker. She has not de- cided on a college. A green-eyed brunette, Patsy is 5'3" tall. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wolfe and has two sisters, Donna, an SHS grad- uate now attending college and Mary 13. Patsy was born in Shel- ton Nov. 17, 1947. Swimming, sewing, reading and cutting her girl friends' hair are her hobbies. STAINLESS STEEL SINK 21 x 32 Dbl. Compartment -- Self Rewind Complete with Faucet & Spray Basket Strainers $ Complete with Seat Reverse Trap -- White Bmldmg Mason County"