November 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 8, 1962 |
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Thursday, Nove
Percy M Pie
6017 S.E. 86th Ave
Portland, Ore
.............. 60 5,t --
.............. 62 48
.............. 60 47
.............. 63 .t4
.............. 56 49 .78
.............. 55 44 .38
.............. 59 40 .05
-R-" NO. 45 Published in "ChNstmastown, U.S.A.'" Shelton, Washington
Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Washington,
under Act of March 8. 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cots.
lay, November 8, 1962
vim ouR.., a00.rk, Banekman, " , Mason, Wagener, Burnett, Cole and
bst To Set Needles
,-_ _ _ - _ -_- _ _a
Civilian Defense
Warning Sounds
A st:dy blast of 3 to 5 minutes
means probable attack
Sh¢rt blasts for 3 minutes
means attack imminent.
20 Pages 3 Sections
10 Cents per Copy
Goodpaster Win
Legislative Seats Go To
Democrat Candidates
iL::[+.aas tree harvest should will shorten the cutting season
.t'tag in Mason County this I Glenn Com-ea, president of the
.[%r but, it will probably be Washinston Douglas Fir Christ-
traall start.' I mas Tree Association said.
,or four crisp, frosty mof [ Until there is a frost to get the
:i needed to set the need-[ sap out of the trees, the needles
lt171 do not hang on too well and there
is a problem with mold•
probably hold I .p The trees this year look excep-
f cutting until the r'g t
I tionally fine, Charles Peck, county
y extension agent, said. The trees
Duo First" have an exceptionally good dark
+i green color, he said.
The cutting season usually D.S. (SAM) CLARK
0000'om.mun-ty00]L ! starts about NOV. 10 and runs
through Dec. 20 for the commer-
cial cuttings, with some cutting
) " for local markets right up to
The trees are shipped by truck
and rail x,ith the West Coast
• il i/'} /providing the major market.
,o.,.oo.. + County Road .......
MI SpeedLimlt
v white heads, local ::::;i::;:
€. EA. " !: .......... --_,, __, ,, ____
'=12/'10o ] +'+
nks, Sw The Mason County Commission-
ers approved a resolution Monday J O H N B A R I E K M A N
setting the :peed limit on all
county roads at 45 miles an hour
W unless they are posted othetvise. Pair Fo
10' commissio.ers inst.,clad d Safe'
County Engineer J. C. Bridger to un
• "" pro0000,+ r+or00 on After Night L
..... t . county road route for the pro-
' lt outst,md- posed Harstinc Island Bridge and v..
L dln, ]e lmsbnd-and- instructed Auditor C. Nolan Ma-
de Brand "'ll'e Utk'argaret Par"S°n to set up a hearing on 00"°ln The We
...... " • U. L-H ]im, Poo, will ap- ! new route.
• -,.,v v • m ' helt for the Mason' The establishment Of the route O
MasSn €
.y Concert Asso- for the bridge as a county road A search Sunday night and ca.r-
- _- -_-_ *'U., Saturday at t is the first step in getting a bond ly Monday morning ended happi-
....... : igh fiC!0?llissue for its cona,atction before ly when 'two lost hunters, Tom
]' 'd-V6ter ' A '+'•iC,l "election" a:rshall, 13, • Sheldon, and'-,+;his
ILEL ruuVos>. <i:,gl The commission set 11 a.m. tie, Were picked up by a logging
,h n they make Dec. 3 as the time for hearing tmmk driver after spending thc
debut in a concert on closing a section of county night in the woods west of Pan-
' t:'rOpcan
lli[. British Isles this win-
[m :I+. Will be highlighted by
;URY White nq& j ..iin London, ,England. But
ix, ' htful couple h'om Lon-
)kg ............................... ltario) will not forsake the
I:ez'ican audiences who
.tlded thent for "their
01L00 personality" and
,.. ^.. au+o.+ o+ +
Ok o me Indiana
and Poole will
'al dozen cities
• ,.i:.+ hefore and after their
!t Parsons hails from
Sottla -I- ,:.€'.Van in Western Canada.
g' tiiving a performer's de-
]1I! e age of 13 (one of the
a the Dominion ever to
,",a honor) she went to the
ilc Oyal Consetwatory of
CR ,o,,, under the tutelage
I;d Wilks she won the
+,(I l and scholarship on
__,:'a:| After further study
:;r[:j10ted teaclier Mona Ba-
m+ ::ade her debut in Toron-
LE, Assorted "=I"7 'im I_ Auditorium while still
Creamyl -- J[ |i-meas Tiffs initial appear-
,,,o. ............................ I
road. The section of road is one
which formerly connected High-
way 14 A with the Mason Lake
Road and which has now been rc-
placed with new construction.
Bids for a bookkeepmg ma-
chine for the county treasurers'
office were opened. Bids were
$4,499.50 from the National Cash
Register Company and $5,071.04
from Burroughs.
The bids were turned over to
the treasurer to study.
A delegation of three women
from Harstine Island appeared to
ask abont progress in securing a
garbage dump site on the island.
Commissioner Martin Auseth told
them hc was continuing his ef-
forts to get a site and was con-
tacting the Health Department for
their recommendations.
Civil Defense Director Harry
Carlon was instructed to get bids
on making the basement of the
cofirt house mzitable for a fallout
shelter so it could be used as
headquarters in an emergency.
The work will include fixing
handle Lake.
They had been hunting logging
roads Sunday afte)-noon and lost
their way and couldn't find the
way out in the approaching dark-
They spent the night hnddled
together by a log and in the.mor-
ning made their way to a logging
road by following the sound of
trucks on the road.
They were picked up about 30
• f
a.m. by Ray Clark, an employee o
Clary and Clary.
Simpson boon] men, fellow em-
ployces of' Tom's father, Frank
Marshall, joined in the search
with some others.
Mrs. Ketehum and Tom expres-
sed thanks to all those who as-
sisted in tim ,,.-.Parch for them, es-
pecially the boom men.
Oily, *County Offices
To Close Monday
Co.nty and ('ily offi(,es in
Mason CoUzlty W|II l)e (,to+*d
immediate success, the window wells and sealing up Monday for Veteran's ]lay.
Veterans Day falls on Sunday,
County Probation
Office Is Moved
The Mason County Juvenile
Probation office has been moved
item the c(nu.l+ house to the house
at the corner of Fourth and Pine,
recently purchased by the county,
Marvin Christensen, probation
officer, had been given pernnssion
by the county commission to move
his office to the building.
He had had his office lp a
small room in back of the court
room on the second floor of the
court house.
The new quarters provide more
space and are easier to locate,
Christensen said.
The honse is across the street
south of the court house
A few more than two-thirds of
Mason County's registered voters
turned owl at the polls Tuesday to
elect two Republicans and two
Democrats to county officers :,)m
give Democrat nominee D. t
"Sam" Clark an apparent victor>
over his wrfte-in opponent. W. F.
(Wally) Anderson.
In the unofficial returns, Clark
leads Anderson by 223 votes, 2895
to 2672.
Anderson's slim hope lies in the
about 300 absentee ballots still
to be counted. They will be open-
ed and counted by a committee ot
4-H Camp Lodge
Roof h Work
Party Project
: .... .: Help needed !
Nov. 17 and 18. "ill stops wilt be
::":"-+ :" pulled to roof the new lodge at
Camp Panhandle. About one-third
of the z'oof is completed. It s ne-
cessary to lay the unfinished sec-
tion to protect the new structure
..... from weather before winter sets
ink call is out to 4-H leaders and
a ,n " ... ,. friends of 4-H to help protect the
Acadent Inlures °°'+ ,o+ that. means so much
to the development of youth in
Mason and Grays Harbor coun-
Bremerton Man ""
Mazwin Chouinarc[, Cosmopolis,
and Robert Whitmarsh, Skokom-
II A" Bremertoh man is in Shelton ish Valley, Co-chairmen of the
l General Hospital recovering from Panhandle Lodge Building Com-
Plain" injuries suffered in an accident mittee, said that two days of hard
i/ etrly' 'Sflnday moz-ning on the work, with plenty of help, should
*/.Camp G0vey Road. A second man do the job. They ask that vohm-
8[: was treated and released, leer wgrkers turn out equipped
vtd.} ...... Ted Kia¢fiiella, ,35+'+., s,fffered a with chain saws, frees, hammers,
' -_- -: - ! crushed' pelvis and a cut on his hand saws and hail api'ons:" Tfib
t : : -: ---- ." .head when the pickup he Was driv- able, without tools, are also need-
ed to carzT shakes front the split-
Farmers" Night
Banquet Tonight
The name of the Mason County
Conservation Farmer of the Year
will be announced at the annuaI
Shelton Chamber of Commerce
Farmer's Night banquet at 7 p.m.
tonight in the Masonic Temple.
The annual banquet is the Shel-
ton Chamber's cvenL hosting far-
mers to underline the cultural
economic linkage between zral
and urban Mason County.
The plaque to the conservation
farmer of the year will be presen-
ted by Duane Scott, technican for
the Mason County Soil. and Water
Conservation Distz'ict,
Speaker for the prograxn will
be Charles Peck, County Exten-
sion Agent.
Oscar Levin, a member of the
ehambe: board of directors, will be
master of ceremonies.
ink left the road and went down
a 50-foot bank. A passenger, Don
S. Metzer, mzftercd a bruised right
shoulder and Chest.
The two told officers a foreign-
made sedan forced them off the
road and then did not stop.
The accident happened about 6
a.m. sunday.
A Matlock youth, Alvin Mzk-
lethin, 1.7, is cllarged with being
a minor eunsuming liquor and
negligent driving as the result of
an accident at Kink and I Streets
over the weekend.
A car driven by M1klethin and
a pickup d,ven by Stanley K.
Smith,.Shelton, collided at the in.
tersection. Neither was injured.
Youth Faces. Five
Oharges In Tavern
The case of a Shelton youth,
charged on five counts as the re-
sult of a disturbance in a tavern
Friday night was contimmd in
Shelt0n Police Court MOnday
Rawlin Melnclly, 20, 1104 W.
ters to the reefers. There will ]5"e
work for everyone.
Simpson Timber Company has
spotted a number of old-growth
cedar logs on the camp grounds
near the lodge• These will be sec-
tioned into bolts and freed into
rustic shakes for the roof. Old
timbers who haven't forgotten tlte
art are desperately needed to keep
a constant flow of hzgh quality
shakes to the reefers.
Workers are asked to be on the
job by 9 a.m., rain oz, shine. Cof-
fee will be kept hot on the stove
to ward off fatigne and to bolster
Guard Open
House Sunday
Mason County residents will ob-
serve Veterans Day Sunday with
a service veterans beakfast spon-
sored by the 11/11 Club at 11 a.m.
in Memorial Hall and a program
and open house in the aftenmon
sponsored by the Shelton Cham-
Auditor C. Nolan Mason, Prosecu-
ting Attorney Byron E. McClana-
han and County Commission
Chairman Harry Ehnhmd.
Andcr +m's vote total inchtdes
only th::3e hc received in Demo-
Cl':t'. C )JHEIn. He lost a ntlmber of
votes when voters placed the sti-
cker or wrote his name in the Re-
publican or Socialist Labor party
The vote tally shows that 6,577
of the county's 9006 registered
voters ire'ned out. 1,788 more than
voted in the primary.
In partisan county contests, in-
cumbent Democrst Assessor Wil-
lis Burnett out polled his Repub-
lican opponent 3,258 to 2.780.
Incumbent Republican Auditor
C. Nolan Mason proved to be the
top vote getter for a contested
office in defeating Katherine H.
Johnson 3,799 to 2,374.
Mrs. Laura Veagener, Republi-
can. defeated her Democrat op-
ponent Mrs. Gwen Sutherland
3,563 to 2,486 for Couuty Clerk.
She will succeed retiring Harry
Incumbent Democrat County
Commissioner John Bariekman
polled 3,440 votes to 2,664 for his
Republican opponent Oscar Le-
iII UOll-partisan faces, Jucunlb-
en Superintendent of Schools J.
W. Goodpaster defeated Paul J.
Gillie, 3,382 to 2.270.
For PUD 3 commissioner, in-
cmnbent 3ark A. Cole defeated
Start E, Parker 2,978 to 2.3773.
h mumbent Dcnlocrats Panl Con-
nci and Dr, ,lames' McFadden,
Port Angeles, and Demoerat Neat-
bee Charles Savage, SheILon. cap-
Inrcd thc 24th Legislative District's
' three seats in the Honse of Repr e-
The trl-county totals gave Con-
ner 11,891 votes, McFadden 10.460
and Savage 9,988.
Top vote getter among the three
Republican candidates was Clay-
.ton. Fox. Port Angeles, with 8,118
votes, Arthur Munsen. Beaver, got
7.100 and Bart Rubbins, Lilliwaup,
In Mason Cotmty, the vote was
Conner 3.801; McFadden, 3,480;
Savage, 3,541; Fox, 2,412; Mun-
son. 2.016 and Robbins 2,175.
In the U, S. Senate race, Ma-
on County fell.owed the trend in
the rest of the state, with a good
showing for Republican Richard
Christensen. who polled 2,71,1 vo-
tes in losing" the county to Sen.
Warren G. Magnuson who got
In the Third Congressional Dis-
trict w>te in this county Incumb-
ent Democrat Julia Butler Hansen
outdistanced her Republican op-
ponent Edwin Alexander, 3,857 to
In uncontested contests, Trea-
surer John B. Cole polled 4,994
votes and Prosecuting Attorney
Byron E. McClanaitan 4,590.
On the referendums, intita.tives
and proposed constitutional mnen-
dments, Mason County voters
were in a."no" mood, with only
three of the 11 measures on the
ballot getting a favorable vote.
Most unpopular was H JR 1,
wiieh+ would have allowed cities
and towns to spread special levies
over a period of fern. years which
received 4,683 no voles and 942
' Was much nt demand as the large door on the south side
of the basement.
Vith Such prominent [ which is followed by tim Mon-
'"° ity.-00pprovm I
,lt + Canadian Pianists day oh)sing.
CORN "a+tl Musical Ma nifest° Ser" c 'rhe Couniy Commis,ion will
,][ Toronto's Promenade have its weekly znee(iug at I0
] COncerts She was a a.m. Tuesday instead (ff on 1;he
6--Ii' " !'I ':f the f a[''O,] , T.]] P'" ]] O L g fl q [ regular.,;.;.meeting day)Monday.
.I+ .and was often featured "0,m- "eue$'s "" o,,,,+,,,...,,,+....,,+
'anadian aizvaves. Ap- holiday mail s('heduh, With city
or rural deliveries.
$ Whole Kernel the faculty of the Roy-
n Style, + ,atozT at seventeen, Miss Mall will hc, disp)t((.h(,d from'
ins .......................... [as later a consultant Tile Shelton City Commission the Post Offi('e and mail will be
L: 0 Department of Music Tuesday gave approval to the dish, buted (o Post Of fee Box(s
][l. Olle,e of the Universit Church of God to build a clntrch
ikil ^ o y City bl]sil]('.ses will not (.h)se
.m- untario. . e)t property zoned reside)ttial be- , ........ ..a=-
|"+ Peele was born in +ng-tween B and C stree,s west of 10H SOH00L .r,,"E j
: tha lived in Canada since Monroe which it is considering B
iff of one
i;ha . purchasing. The comnlission re-
jeeLed a request that the alley is HOUSE ON TUESDAY
;ll I1 back f the property bc vacated
(lislrbuted to Post Of fee Box(s.
CJty busin(,ses will not (.h)se.
Harvard Street, is charged with
entering a tavern, being a minor
consuming liquor, disorderly con-
duct, resistin arrest and assault
on an officer,
Police said McInelly scuffled
with officer Dick Booth when
Booth answered a call to Mac's
Corner Tavern v¢}lerP he was mak-
ing a disturbance after being re-
fused service because he was too
Hc is free on $150 bail.
ht other Police Court action
Monday night, Grmtt 0. Hartline
was fined $25 and assessed $2•50
ber of Comntercc and the local
National Guard unit,
The afternoon activities start
with a flag raising ceremony in
h'onL of the Post Office at 1:30
p.M. followed by open ltouse in the
National Guard quarters in the
Armory at 2 p.m.
The open house is part of the
National Gum'd recmziting drive to
increase its membership to the
minimum nuntber to retain its fed.
eral recognition and use of the
It is also the 15ttt Amtivet'sary
of the local National Guard unit.
] yes votes,
Voter.- also were against initi-
ative 211, redistricting,. 4,105 to
1,676; rcferendtu 32, milk mar-
keting act, 4,752 to 1,054; refer-
endure 33, private audits of mum-
cipal accounts, ¢,543 to 1,126;
S JR 21, alein land ownership, 3,-
449 to 2,299; SJR 25, changing the
publication of constitutional a-
mcndnmnts, 2,725 to 2,688; SJR
1 schoo! dis(riot hwy period in-
creases. 4,630 to 1.2[¢1 arid H JR
]9, redttcing length or residence
lo vote. 2,978 to 2,483.
Three nleasnres favored by
county voters were S JR 9, chang-
He, too, studied] co:sis on a charge of negligent Following the flag raising care- ing the distribution of voter's
Bates in Toronto n21 'driving. He received a 30-day sus- mony at the Post Office, will be pampIflets 3,169 to 2,454; HJR 6.
his way toward a lis-] pendcd jail sentnce and the loss the invocation by Rcv. Mason allowing temporary performance
,/" !i:.. t? career 'when. the war also. Open house will be held at Irene of his driver license for one year Youngland and a talk by John W. of judmial duties, 3,592 to 1.786
tl. After three years in Tle acl.ion cante on the recom- S: Reed high school next Tuesday on a charge o£ driving while into- I Bennett, chamber president, and H,II 9. government t;ont.inuity
IJ + [ t Canadian Air ,orce, he[ ,uendal.zon of the' planning corn- evening in observance of National xicated. I .......................
,Ul"."-V iili, s[Ph- r) his music and beeame:; mission. Edncation Week. Bill Backhmd was sentenced to I ]Off o l.s: d,,,,ing cmo,'++ies,,,,,:+.,97 to 2.1;,,,
• • ' For mmPl)osed t ,.itio+s on the
; Also approved was a request Opening the evening prog,'anz seven days i. atl o,t a drt, nk in Festlv a I la SU.e s,,p,',.mc Co,.,t, Mason
vherf:)+ciItf'(V)r:f I fronl Stewart Bunglehaus for a there will be a +cneral session in public +harge. ,
;': ited to beconm head of itemp°rary.p erntit to park a trai- 1he auditorimu at 7:30 p,m. at , County voters gave. gobevt C. Fin-
' ' ° ih-s-Arr-e-Sied-
#ffCDV CllrtAl3 '++. Department of Music j ]er hou,'-e at 938 E. Cascadc. This which tl, c possibility of organ = " - , Club Representahves le>. 3 , 750 ''@''r*' ; C'' '''++ T, '''*"
|gA I ar£tl)-- [ii,i?llege of the University': +,Is() wa,; approved by the plan- izing" a senior ifigb .school parent- You ,..,,,h :,0:+a ,,or+; .a,+ E,,,
Lt%l h Ontario along v¢it.I'++ "ing coramission, tea(hu' group Will be discuss+d, or gl ry y ,,.orlh ,,',,st+,., +,88, vo,os ;,nd of
. .i I Z,. + as consultant, so the Thc+ commisshm also gave ap-A soe+ial horn' "r'+'' f',[''W "t F Bur a Tr Meal Nexl Tuesday
Furtlter studyof possibilitie.s ris L. Hamilton 3,9(12 votes.
Unofficial returns on lhe vole
imm ILl • • :A|| F! TM to London, Ontario, t proval to a proposal from the sta- vthich refrcshments will be sewed Two Shelton .yon fhs are being for solving the problents wlfich for Justi(e of the Peace in which
,= l= • um ul • • u.. lily, Lpl z now make thei)- hen]e. :te for ('hannelizal.ion of trafftc on in the school cafeteria and an op- held'in Mason Connty jail on char-/ threatens to wash-oui, Mas<)u Rolls 1V. Halbert, Shelton, ald
/I:=NU/ DII00I00p l00+t.w,,s l,,o,. +pointed,l"i,'st +,,',.el. i,o,.,,,nity for all inte.resLcd par- ges of attempted se;mnd degr(:e [Connty'.+ f(.)vcst festival ,.ill be W| DcMiero St., Belfah., ,vero
' i. the Nhtsic Teachers Two men from M1.. View asked ents t•o vjsi! |.he seietlce znathe-
unop ")o ( (I %V£ | t I]O
. ,?¢t of the Wcstei-n On-).it sonlothin could be'doyle about matics and foreign langhage d(,- [nrglary after being' arrested bY l undertaken next Tuesday evellillg 1 ;:' , ;' t Lallied at
llentS ot . . .
--'.et¢atoryofMusic. After the iutcrsec'tien of King and I part . + -" the senior high City Police Mondw night, wlen festival officials meet with press inw.
Pohee sa(l Jantes J. Green, club representatives in the city
'lU :+.l of inst'flutional les on ) Streets whicl has been the scene school and to meet the faculty and Robert J, Wade were arreste(i I hall at 7::10 p.m. Th(., vol.c in the PUD i con:
RSH,. . If7 ".'p.z!Irrea,,ing concert"Po(m, lot seve]'al aecident.s. The city will merobers, missi(m(u vaee was nut tallied at
act .................................. ' "'1 z.^?.ade'+ ,t necesss,'y for] investigate the possiblity of put- wasal" thestandingTOp Hatbes{dcCafea carWhi]e'and oneihet tivcsAt thatwill lim(').eportClUbwltatreprescnta-support bye:as lime.
,,+,<,,,,.,,ish the.. ,caeh,,+'ting o,'oss,,.a,l,s o,,I S,,','et and North Mason Kiwanis othe,, was workl,,+ on a window +,,,+i,' ,,,, ,,.i.i,,+ t., It0n Army Ms"
I'vt,? "er, Parsons and Poolc installing a street light at the with a pry ,,at. +give lho fest,val, that fes- She
-- '.e ,,,o,,,h of +,,.e come," Elec+ !9+3 0ffi+ers Ti,oy .,:arc ,,,so e.a,'.ed with'tlvalo'f'c+a's,,and+t'"n'in,',v"et-.G. I
being (Immk in public. They are I hvr thal support will be suffieicnL[
III II =--Iidll IqP"IPI I II llIkjlk,,.llWlM,j: il+'t%ii me,ube).st° tot,rh, gof theirlhe Board+°wn C. %,,,,<" Shepha.rd has been it, jail in lieu of $1.,000 bail'cach. )(o continue lhc festival. 7 s r e Head
,||L_ m'|V lkI.: +: ,.;:l+t's of I]e Ftoya.l Con-, Burglars 6el $2,000 elect,,, p)'e++(h.n( of th,, North Ms- At a. recent meellng of festival . am-, .::,t.ulevitlc+ s(a of Mr. and
' ' P +)f To
+-, l't,, ro,,,o. " +F--ru ' er ;:,on Kiwanis Chjl)of Belfah'. Other NI'I,'CIAL STAMP OUT l offiehtls with chlb repre+enta, ives IM,.. Cl+Ja,i('s Cox, Shclton. has
..n, tm.o:!.,, Poo,e l',,.st ,,ndc,'-+ m 01d Mill Tav n offi,.e,..,fo,'1+,,:>.,,,l d. MeiNog- Shelton has received 'r' + f+ + + V''' ' ''''' +'' ' ''+'''+ '''' t" + ''''+ '' '' "+'''' '' ''' L'' '' "''' ''''' '' +'+' ' '+'
RESH, - "if:el w ][+0',. no, work as a pa.rt of + gle, vice-president, and Gord(m its first shipment of a new special lined and the representatives t hell } by t,lm Army.
A M(Imght s((
J- ].')ty program, but they Burglars took about $2000 in) .' ''' :. ,':rctary-treasurer. conmcmoritive Cin'istmas stamp, reported back to thcir clubs to) He was wounded by Vict Cong
4% ................................ 'tee-%ful that they now cash. several cases of beet- and I El.ectcd to (ira boand'o;g trusl.ees HOMEGOM)NG ROYALTY -- Homecoming roya)ty for the Irene Postmaster J. H. Gray announced determi)m what support their chubs gunfire eeL. 5 wMl¢ scrvin as a
" of tl ' " some other merchandise in a] were Owen CttllOway, Floyd Rob- S. Reed High Sclool Horrlecomi,ng activities Friday were Queen
X € r r )
|' a. len" concert ap- this week.. The stamp is of 4e ,oull gie 1.tin festival. I'uesday st crew member o£ an aircraft on a
.I s a teant, although breakin at the Old Mill Tavern lbins Jr., Frank K+[walczyk, Re- Randi TLisoll)cener, and princesses Rene Fain, left, and Chrst denomiuatJon, It is the first time mecI.Tng %J]i tnveil the afls%rs c'olnbat DlJssJo/l ill Vict Nam.
|%, %ntinued to nezorm at Hoodsport. I bert K. Johnson, Herb M.' Strick- Bunnell, The girls were selected by the members of the football the postal department has issued and probably determine whether I He was hit in the right fore-
( Together they- have Mason Cot)nty Sheriff's officersl !and, Dofln H, Marsh and Orin D. team and.crowned at a Homecoming Pep Aesembly by 4)aoh Bob a special Christmas stamp, Gray Mason CouizLy's fammus festival ann, the Army informed his
. atiaudd oa I+'ul+o 8 aru lnvcstioatig, • Clark. Sund Fr,aay morning, polnted out, cuntinuc or expires, mother. +
-- []