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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, :! ,;,November"- g, 1962 • hurgday, November, 8,  Page 2 : :. ......... . ....... ,. ,.g&apos;%TON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAI -- PeNt,hod in "Christqastown, U,g.A." 8helton, Washington .....  A' .-..-. rl , ,, ,',T,Y,,, ' " ' ' ...... ' " ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ........... ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ,, -- n.rqnno ill Birthday Party At Dayton Hall .... ' Lake Nahwat el Several Grapeview Hunters Bae *""'Y t' Y ' '' g   '  ' °  r :::. ? cs f( r a speedy recovery.,!'; ., • UU qP DR A s / P • II I , qPl • R A q. I., , l v ' co.uple ef weeks ',t. thelVlilleZ /WHI r .onors/we men baturoay evening ....... ,o :: Area rrepares iflelr geer uver ifle weeKeno : ,' * ....  follow' " ]eels fez lfl .MAllEt KII)l) with Mr. and Mrs, John Anderson IP PI/  GRAPEVIEW,-q-lunting season This "house of horrors" was via- OUR GRAPEVIEW II. ! ]ng off'.. '. ' l')Ar'r()N I')ver :1 hlln(lre(] ho,Iti|]g '. Sh 11 __eql , ended on a happy note for several fted by all the gnests after which! Club is currently engggl Year last .riaay eve- ......... .v.h.n v0000,ow, . " guests gathered at. Daylon Hall --Gezald Nec(lham came home hol)eful nimrods fronl Grapeview. coffee and donuts were served by "buildng a basket" iven a*aud Re: at a Iearing; fm Saturday ew?ning tel honor from the hospital last Wednesday, Jesse Aldric'h :r  ( Andy Staff at li'ri(m(t' "Hid relatives visiting him ,q j()iI*ll bir;l)day c(debralion. Mrs. through the we,q( were: Mr. and Jesse AMrieh was the instigalor Mrs. C. N, Allen and clzildren, of the affair, Out of town guests Kent, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman came from Gig Harbor, Tacoma Bunko and Norma Jean, Shelton; and OIvmp  The T q)lers f Mr. and Ml,. , 13ej Ilnderwood, " " " '" " " *" ( ; " ""  " r ' }-:lo()(ISl)Ol't ltllt IVII'.'4 Florence |..aK(! r.N;III\\;ValZ(] eo )KC(I l;ll( [ll]'t(e ,' ' , "' I!or t] ( nlain ( ollrs ? wilh illa, lly iMLFSOn el tile Alrpol't. ::,uests bringing dishes to roun(l [ FIIIIIAY, MIIS. I[AIIOLI) NIDD .imt the turkey dinner wtlh t.wo  accompanied Mrs. Start I)yson and birthday cake graeing the tabh;, k:hildren on a trip to Tenino, A lhre-pi(ee orch¢stra provided where they visited with Mr. and m isi( for dancing, t Mrs. A. S. Dyson. Mrs. Kidd .... i. : ...... picked uo ' hree-month-ohl elk l:|l'S. ,Jl?](] }'('|.(!n|lln Sealile Dna -- , .2" ' ,' (' " • ( • _ ,,,f ... ;  ' 2'." ,. YlOII]'I(I I r(Iln lStll) Grayless and .i :)l)oe',v i .)nl Jylarsnall, Sn(.ll.on • ....... .  , .... • 111( [INIIL l[ nonll IOI ael nuooy as Were tWO il!ln/.,ry, cold people on :'' '  ' Monday morning when Ray Clark, a Christmas gift. lruck driww picked them up after Mr. and Mrs. John Dinning lhey had spent Sunday night in visited l'.tst week in the home of 1( woods west of Panhandle Mrs. Mary Chappell. Lalre. Ray was on his way in to the H'arry ltdd landing for a load of logs and met them wa, lking out. 'l?iu,.,y were truly grateful fro. the sandwiches from his lunch pail. Mr. I<etchum had dropped, off his wife and Tommy so they could hunt along the log roads. Some way they beeanle tllrned Krollnd and darkness was soon on them. After wandering quite a ways, they came to wha.t was evidently Harry Kidd's h)ader and cra.wled" mder and spent a wet, mi..rable night. They could have spent a. mueh more" comfortable night if they' had known that wilhin aholtt a hllndred feel; set a small trailer house. The word is that they are none the worse ior this experience and Tom seems to have <:ally enjoyed it. JUST A I{EMINI)ER of the Harvest Dinner at. 7:30 p.m. Saturday night at Dayton Hall. About fifty children with some adults cnjoyed the ttallowe'en party Wednesday evening at the tall. Thanks are extended to all those who made contribttions and helped with decorating, games and :o forth. The Traw.qing Pinochle Club met on Saturday evening at. the club house with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph The Clifford Combs family motored to Olympia on Sunday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Manley Michler. Charlie egg of Shelton visited last week several times with his sister, Mrs. Mary Chappell. The Don Cress family, Shelton, enjoyed a pothick dinner Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickson. Doris HiekSon spent Friday overnight with Sharon Moffatt of Shelton and they attended the home coming game. STEVE ANDERSON was week- end guest in the Walter Chappell home. Friday night he had with him Ront).ie Wright and they at- tended a party in the home of: Renea McQuilkin. Gladys Wickhorst and Bernard Rishel attended a birthday party Saturday evening in the Jack Leimback Hoodsport home honor- ing Lyle Leimback, Shelton. "CORKY" IS QUEEN -- Lorraine "Corky" Demler, Shelton, reigned as Queen of Homecoming activities last weekend at Wil- lamette University, Salem, Ore. Miss Demler, a Junior, is a his- tory education major. She is a former Forest Festival Queen. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle J. Barnett, 1019 Olympic Ave., Shelton. Thais Rishe, spent a week ,OiGoo d Crowd Hears Candidates At lhe borne of her dad, Bernard Rishel. Darlene Bloomfield spent l'riday night at home from Western Union Community Hall Meeting tate. Breakfasting on Saturday morning with Pete Bloomfiek family were Mrs. Los Bishqp and By Elhe! Dalby season under the guidance of Jo- I(illough hosting. High prizes Mrs. Bert Wood, Kamilehe, who went to Dana Dyson and Ed Val- accompanied Mrs. Bloomfield an( ley, low to Derma Anderson and Darlene to Olympia, where Dar- Joc Liegel, traveling pinochle to lens caught the bus back to col- John Anderson and Archie Lemt lege. The next meeting will be Nov. 17 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Evers and "'"::"':':": ............................................ ;/;; ......... T ........... children visited Sunday in Mat- UNION --- A capacity crowd filled Union Community Hall to over flowing last Saturday eve- ning when a large number of po- litical aspirants, accepting the in- vitation of Hood Canal Improve- meat Club, made their appear- sie Peterson, the Garden Club's expert and artist creator of flo- ral creations. Mrs. Peterson was associated for years with Sandahl Florist of Se- attle before retiring with her late husband to become residents of By Sandra Tupper LAKE NAHWATZEL With deer season nov tit an end, except for the additional bucl¢ season No- vember 23, 2,1 aKt 25. Tuppers' Re- sort,wishes to say they will have the same policy during Elk Sea- son as they had during deer sea- son. "Elk Season" starts Novenl- ber 10. Mr, and MILS. Dave Branson, Se- ttle visited over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenncth Bransoll, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dig glc J,'. attended the Jess Aldrich birth- day party Saturday evening. MR. AND MRS. MARVIN Pap WOrth of Issaquall called on Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Hansou, Sat- urday. I'. and Mrs. Denny Reed md son Steve, and Mr. and Mrs. Ri- chard Booths and son of Seattle were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ford. They celebrateC Mrs. Helen Boothe's and Mr. Clif- ford Ford's. birthdays. , Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit visited Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Sills of Raymond. Wednesday Lowell Cook, Aloha, Ore., was an overnight, visitor Of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Springer of Brinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Franldin en- tertahed as their guests over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Harley Franldin, Spanaway, and Mr. and Mrs. John Patton and daughter Julie. Mr. Jerry Stone, Seattle visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley. Jimmy Leggett and his wife and two children, Aberdeen had dinner at the Kelley home. Mr. and Mrs. Al Tupper, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper had the pleasure of attending the Jess Aldrich birthday pmy. last Satur- day evening. MR. AND MRS. HANK Chap- pell attended the birthday party: for Jess Ald'ich. Thursday Mr. aIld Mrs. Gordon Wouters of Brady called on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson of 1Deckerville were drop-in guests of the Dawsons Saturday evening. this past weekend when they were finally able to bring home the vc'llison. Fl'ed LiiIz with s(m, Larry and friend Stan Hagedorn from Bremcrton had Lady Luck as the fourth memher of their party last Satlll'day vchell, ]lOlnewaF(I boLind rom a lnmting expedition, they came upon three deer, a spike a doe and a yearling, all crossing a oml together, Yap! They bagged ,11 lhree[ Sunday, Veh Etherton and Swede Johnson, hunting near Camp (ovey ,each downed one, Swede a thz'e,-point bllck and Web, t doe, Virginia Hicks, hunting with her husband Jubie last Sunday morning proved her ability with the rifle by bringing down a doe while young Dennis Townsend got a two-pointer near Shelton the day before. The vineyards are looking bare again, the leaves are falling and the grapes are gone. Sunday saw the last of the tourist-pickers while commercial picking was winding up this week also. It was a late season and fruit was not up to its usual sweetness. FOOTBALL SEASON is also drawing to a close. Julie Stock, with brothers Russ from Port Or- chard and Carl, from near BeU- ingham, drove to Pullnmn Friday afternoon to meet nephew Ed and to attend Saturday's game between W.S.IL and Oregon State U. It was Homecoming for Washington State and, although the score was not to their liking (18-12), the Stocks reported it was a very good game and they had a wonder- ful time. It was a full dmy of football for the brothers as they attended the Fresh game in the morning. Julie was see summer residents from Grapevlew there, Larry Winterhouse, who is attending W.S.U. and Donna Kelly, a freslmlan at Gonzaga. The Shelton Highclimbers per- formed beautifully for Irene S. Reed's homecoming last Friday evening, squelching Chehalis 32-0 with the usual Gz'apevlew fans in attendance. Mrs. Gladys Sheerly had a few bad moments when halfback son, Mike, was earried off the field with an injured leg. Fortunately, he suffered only from ?ulled ligaments, with nothing broken. the Mothers' Club. Mothers taking ing goodies to he given Rossmaier; overse- part in the party werc Mesdames some lucky person at home ec. chair- Elizabeth Gatlin snd Shirley En- nighl scheduled for Rossmaier; lecturer, genand furnishing the dennis, Ann Please plan Io attend, ekmnnn; steward, Ira Westberg, Vivian Query and Vir- At the N v(mDer 1 meet! steward, Clifford ginia Hicks. Fair I4arbor Grange tile..; Donna Combs; THE SCHOOL children enjoyed Iing office's we'e elected:  Portman; secrelary, ! a special treat last Monday, thanks I Irwin F. Rowe; overseer,:* d,; gate keeper, And- to fisherman Harry Hilhian, who I Learna,'d; lecturer, Can ie; ceres, Lula Cream- supplied a fresh sahnon for their/steward , George Lewis; *" Rosetta McGarvie; hmch, and his wife who prepared lsteward Rohert Spoonez Cash; lady assistant it. ]lain, M;'ude Fe" trea;U: jr: Trenckmann; ex- ' 'V pl A 4-H meeting of Grapeview's[ Y. Stevens; secret'n'y, ' Forrest Green; Barnacles last week was held at lSPOoner' gate keeper I-I.r 3'ears. Max Cash, two the home of member Art Nick- [ man; ceres, Ruby LewiS;  Homer Adams, one ]aus. Eleven members were pros-IMyra Learnard; flora, J, Green, pianist. ent and elected the following of-[Retzman" lady assistanl  Ernest Leortscher ficers: president, Art Nicklaus, Faye t'hey;'home ec. c  were Tuesday lun- vies president, Don Somers; sec- Marge Hell; executive c0 rotary, Jerry Hill; treasurer, Su- three years, Orin BucRig san Hill and publicity chairman, Marcella Westberg. Leaders pres- ent were Mrs. Henry Gatlin, Mrs. Jerry Hill and Mrs. Jubie Hicks. Next meeting will be Nov. 12.' A harvest dinner on Harstine Is- land last Saturday evening was the incentive to lure Mr. and Mrs. GiFT Jimmy Walker away from their cozy Stadium Beach home. Sur- prisingly enough, they travelled via canoe, thoroughly enjoying the now smooth trip across the water and the delicious dinner which await- ed then,. OPEN Visitors from Tacoma last week- end enjoying the hospitality of Tremure Islanders, Ed and Rita ill Miller were Mr. and Mrs. X1 Linde- man and son Terry. Also out from Tacoma last Sat- Bernie's re'day was Mr. Lionel Brubacher who spent the day with good Building riend Les Soule, keeping him company through the televised football game between Washing- O11 ton and U.S.C. We're so sorry LLCRES to hear of tea's accident while HI stacking wood last weekend, wherein a chunk fell off the pole, (Watch for striking him on the head and causing a severe bruise, announcement next  Recuperating after a tonsilect- omy last Friday is Bob Battles who, we understand, had a partic- ::ii this week. He ONLY1 LEFT ' L?ss 1962 MODEL CLOSEOu0000:t  he the lad bl ,ks to :nekn- tant haplain, !'l Po, I,. ,; gat rvie; ce g, Re: ie' CasI iIelba q mittee, ;years. 1 e Gr( E, ;um we, ']P :s of Mi's. Augusta   Carl Portman. Rossmaier was hen- Tuesday when Mrs. -of Shelton gave a for her. Those Mrs. Edward Val- Hearing and Mrs. tRRY Chamberlin and were Tuesday guests of Mr. and and then Tues- and Mrs. James d Mr. and and family, baby, and Sleeveland came and Rossmaier celebrate of :Montesano was: Week Monday at a! Clearwater when his his left arm above is in St. Joseph Aberdeen. He was a resident. PALMER was a Sun- 'guest of Mz'. and Mrs. .... LSON ENDS AUTO SUPPLY ends 15 years the Western Auto loeal employment and for sale. Will eontinue to oper- at 315 South First is sold. the annoucement Mr. '62 RAMBLER AMERICAN CUSTOM 4.-d sedan. Radio, heater, "E" Stick witl erdrive. Many other extras. Top eco Car driven very few miles. NADA *'' r,  expre§sed their !i I i! Of the enjoyable ex- operation of the brought them and their customers -- " "-Value--$ZUziU.U0. UNT FEATURE 'H ANNIVERSARY sale pri©e- '2020 ,,0, last year's popular = • :! aL in the furniture de- , .Will Step up the i ladder lock with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Evers. Wednesday overnight guests of Ms. and Mrs. Alien Tibbits were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rains of California. Rocky, Randy and Donald Howard attended a Hallowe'en party in the home of Vaughn and Claude Wilson Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd and: ance. Candidates for County and State legislature offices, meeting as one large friendly family be- fore election day---Tuesday. President Harry Coles of Hood Canal Improvement Club, presid- ed, with Lloyd A. Cook, secretary also present. At the conchmlon of the appearances of candidates re- freshments were served by women of the improvement club, with Lilliwaup. MRS. LUClLLE Wojohn was hostess to a luncheon of thc Birthday Club in honor of Mrs. Lad Andersen Thursday a week ago at her home. Present to filici- tats Nell were Mesdames Ed Hough, Dick Buechel, Bernice O'- Berry, Francis Rucker and, Mrs. Art Welsh of Shelton, and the hostess. More Electricity Is Used Here NEW YORK ..... Residents of Shelton are..using electricity to a greater extent than ever before Your reporters, speaking with Mrs. Eke Eacrett after the game was most happy to hear that her mother, Mrs. Walter Eckert, who had been hospitalized since Wed- nesday, was much improved. We certainly hope she continues to do o. GoTng smelting occupied much of Monday for Mrs. Myron Polk Virglinia Hicks and Ann West- , , , bezg The lace Hood Canal, and be one of the hz h son were "[uesday callers in the, Grace Gardner and Bernice O Ber- Friends of Union and Mason indicating a ristng standard of .. " • .. P • ' .... " •  "th^- " 'g - L. A, Todd home, : ry in charge, assisted by members County remembered the honor- living locally, mey au came home w,.tn me njm. ,, i:',:i!i7th mmiversary sale ,   .... UUl lane SChOOl S tlaL .... "men's Melcantfle thts Keith llbbits spent riday over- of the club. ,,efH,qen t%feRea,,,, Andersen The two "o hand-in-hand ac- ' g" ' . . - • •  • Aim  $ B_i', • ' " light.with Ronnie Cochran on the THE LUD ANDERSENS motor-[ ith'mm cards and essages for cording to.t.h economists, who re-' ' ween. party az'e:a. ne crowd i ! If. |||K: an next week. J. OS ' ,} O  UCLUUI Ol H.IIU UVfyUULI IItU  IF .,, dl  R ard. ]ed to Vancouver to spend the 1 her b/rthday of Friday a week gard the per capita rise or elec- . ......  .......... , ............ a UU di  iat ?'e of the Jodrnal you 'iMr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield l weekend with Nill's niece, Mrs /ago trlelty as one of the best indexes wonuerxut iAz. .vtts..uett..Coout mm " ' |"Umber stamped on the called on MI rind M! s , presences a SKIt as QIQ MI ene s ', ' '. ' ",.. Claude Mc- ] Hall " "] mh i h^ Tou]na is ead and of a. community s standard of liv- .. . :.. . _. " _ '. • _ ,,  age 11. Items in the 'n , , • < t    o , . pupas ann all lnClUalng pre-scnool t ,, o ' fie • Irv on Saturday evening. [ Mr, and Mrs, Otto Wojoim drove I enjoyed by several former Coun- ing. .... ,,u ..... . A. ......... .-,o- ,- 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK V8 4-dO " , partment will be MRS. ALVIN HULBERT visited to Okanogan to ge! in on the last I t"" residents is evidence(1 in the : The facts and figures on con- " .....  a,,.,  .... ?, v=: .... v2 .....  ., .... _. ........ , j",,p.a eorresponding hum- one day last week in Olympia with [ of the hmiting season in Eastern / ,,," * *k,. . e,, ,eive  i,,, sumption and on rates are con- ne usual paraae oz_.costumes, ann. nearer, auomauc, very ce,. ,ke your Journal and , • ....  - , . uames zor me ntue cnztazen zo ' U nm s . • , A her mother, Mrs. Sazah Lomer. /Washmgton. Marmn Rmhardson , cor,.e,ndent rcentl ,, from lamed m reports made by the ...................................... ,C]{L n bers. aa  V U " ' lower/, DUE Ene ale oI Lne evening • Lawmn Lumnr an, The Glen Rickards family of [ filled-in at Union Post Office for Mrs Howard Plumb of Texas and Federal Power Commission and ..... r .....  .................. 1960 FORD FALCON 14ANCIt]EU K_A0tlY. specials are being .... Chehahs weze Sunda5 evening eal-[ Lucille Saturday as Wands Nil-IDave Iames now (ff Seattle who by the Edison Electrze Institute ............... D,,A,, T-,,s,-,,, (-,,qa 1v,¢.nSITl1 " |. other departments --' / '; ...... lers in the holne of "Mr and Mrs  , __: ....... I ' " " . ' .' .' . "...-=u, .x z alal, r,lg le ea up ann executes Dy SlXLn l.o, tlxu, xo.*.wx, ,Ja.x,..o..,.. ...- |:PartmenL store for this dug V, ,.lllllJIiUIl 2  . -- ,. . • • [ son s;an, I keens in touch with local irienas nu*v va=. u .... .,, ..... ' " .n, =o,,,.f. r,..., -. • . - . . __ |IU- Memin liclraras. | Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stark. re- tin'&h the JoLn'nal news. sidents have to pay for the cur- a .............  ........ l-real clean. xra snow lres. ,|:. [ turned from a two week visit in I Mr 'and Mrs A1 Howard, for- rent they use in their homes? Are .... ,¢_0 * • • due to employment locally we will sell the WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY in one of the following ways: 1. THE COMPLETE INVENTORY AND THE BUILDING, or 2. THE COMPLETE INVENTORY AND RENT THE BUILDING, or 3. THE COMPLETE INVENTORY AND THE BUYER FIND AN- OTHER BUILDING, or 4. CLOSE OUT THE MERCHANDISE, AND WE WILL EITHER SELL OR RENT THE BUILDING. At The Present Time We Are Selling Our Stock Of GHRIsTMAS TOYS AT DISOOUNT PRICES Mr. and Mrs. John M. Axelson "Authorized Western Auto Supply Dealers" 315 South 1st Street, Shelton Phone 426.6183 BY MARY VALLEY pointed to !cole into the possibili- ties. They reported Mrs, Glaser SKOKOMISH..Mr. and Mrs, Chester Valley, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Valley, Sue and Jan of Island Lake made a trip to Seattle, Sunday for a joint birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley, Jr., honor- ing Mrs. Margie Valley and Mrs. Mary Valley. Others preent were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Valley, and daughter Tammy, Jim and Linda Valley of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson and family of Sumner spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. There will be a meeting in the lower Skokomish Junior High School on Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of plRnning a scholarship fund for a student of the community. Anyone interested is invited to attend. Mrs. Nancy Doak and son Mike of Shelton,spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Don Desk. Friday at 8 p.m. is the regular meeting of Skokomish Grange. One Item of business at this meeting will be the election of officers for the coming year, so please attend. Mrs. Geneva Deyette and :Mrs. Edna Hunter will entertain the Grange Ladies' AzKlllry at the Community Hall at 8 p,m. today. and Lois Simpson were in the hos- pital and received plantS. Holding elections at the next regular meeting too will be South- side. They held their birthday dinner last week before their meeting. The civil defense meeting held last Thursday at Cloquallum was classified a success. Those present received much information and ex- tend many thanks to .Wally An- derson who gave the informative talk. Last week Twanoh held their booster night. They had a full and yaried program which the ap- proximately 65 people enjoyed. 'There was a 4-H dmeonstration with 15 4-Her's participating. The North Mason school chorus sang several numbers. A boys' sextet also sang. Marion Newkirk gave a short talk on initiative 211. The counselors from the Mission Creek Forest Camp were present and explained the procedure at the camp. Lowell Gunselman, master, read the annual message from the National Grange Master. To round out the evening, aMrtin Auseth talked on bufldlng Granga halls, :Twaoh will have lections of of- ricers at their next meeting. BILL ROBERTS purchased the interest "SYOUNG and is n6w a full partner with . . . JIM DURAND the ENCO SERVICE STATION at 5th and Rail- road, Shelton's newest and finest automotive service stop. • FRONT END ALIGNING • WHEEL BALANCING • $1.00 CAR WASH with 10 gal. gas purciase. BILL ROBERTS JIM DUR AN0 SHELTON ENCO SERVICE Fifth & Railroad Avenue Phone CONVEB 4-door H:I 500 SEDA] S SEDAN .. SEDAN .. THi NOW PAYME] LAT] C JIH PAU IS 5th & Cota 5th & Railr i imll I// i