November 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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i 'illNovember S, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUTY JOURNAL- Published in '¢Chr,.tmMown. U.g.A., Shelton, Washington .......... Page o
....:: . ..... - .... ....
', ;;: ..... = • • I
.... o,., o.rmA gral|€ rlU6L3 UlUlUUi I. ', '1' 'n' C0unl Cemmdlee Dad s Day Weekend
marly n'ymg um : ,r " I " 1 Y
cs mr" a'speeo3-' re'covery @t'i.., • ...... mm -uI i,,, m A i = m Ned Le, 424 Bellevue, Shelton,
The P,h, ckburns are ,munq Vpar Af lad Mapfnne _ _.. ._.... l0 ue aeuecten . o,,e o several men th,',,,h,ad
c(up e of weeks at thdr numlnluu uu vunnl nil. =-uV& IWmVvn, Imm b r|/ 'l'h IH'.dltn' Th,- ., son com.y A,,i(.ll,,,.e *he stat,,ho/,,'e,ciing a"cl,:.r-
• vmga .... b KJ JLAN.I, z_4%,LtJJt .." ." " . ink nocots" or rides and ri(wrs
Island bea(h cabin ha i7'Dor-uo-in- Elvin t-Iealin Afternoon callers JL Stnblzat on nd Conserv,, on . d "-.., ' , .. ".
' , r ' i F * L n. • ( * " ( ' $ $ $ ' r " .... r ' tO l ') ] ('[ * ' [ ]) ' t " %'% (*eKell(t al %vas|l-
htst Frlda', from Lh* 2:1] .... - ..... wele Mr and Mrs C*u'l Snaldilw Ser, ice olflec is cstabhshlng a hsL ........ . .........
COO MS[lOCK I J] fin e ' t'(
• TaO"ll .... : , " ', g " ' " and when
balce GencwL near ..I(
s x OUR GRAOEVIEW I following officers for of Skokomish. A MOTF/ER V()NDERS children were doing of nominees from which its coun- inghm Stale Universiiy Novem-
wh Club is currently engag(g year last Friday eve- Mrs. Augusta Portman spent a Dear Sir: 1hey were and if I would be able ty committee will be se]ecled, be, 16-18. '"
basket" of Thahl; ' ' few days last week with Mr. and In these days of uneasiness it) get to them. A list: of 10 nominees will be Any(me inte|'esled in attending
ak'ed ing" to be given #_,!:Lud Ros. maier;s oversc- Mrs. L. D. Portman. She also at- when the threat of total destruc- Nuclear warfare is in the ncien- established, from which three who would like to join in a. car
at a flY'tea,in home chair- tended the hmcheon and bazaar at lion hangs over each of tlS, the tists' realm and I feel lhat pro- COllnt}/ committeemen alld Iwo el- pool ar*'ang'elnen[ can contact him.
• Ihe for the
:tall some lucky person ' $;- g; ec.
y ] nighl scheduled for Nove "l e Rossmaier: lecturer, the Methodist Church Tlmrsday. practice evacuation held by the per protcctkms from such war- Lernaies will be picked, lnchaled in activities
;, A Please i)lan to attend, steward. Ira Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Jr., and ehools did absolutely nothing to fare must eome from the experts. Farm:o's who fire eligible to vote wecl(end arc, tle Cu|gar-Univer-
i v AL the November 1 steward, Clifford Sam Diggle Sr., have been in the reassm'e me, only left mc with Leaving it np Lo the individnal fa- will cast ballots by. mail. Eligible icivSity ofshow,IdahOa "smoker"f°°Iball game, and thee var-an.
Fair Harbor Grange tim Donna Comhs; Clinic Hospital a few days last more tulanswered questions, mily will provide us witb too few voters are farmers or farm owners •
ing (fffice|'s were elected: Po|'lman; secretary, week. We all hope they have a of the answers just when we are. who are parlicipating or eligible ,,ual meeting of ihe Dad's D|ty
Irwin F. Rowe; overseer, gate keeper, And- speedy recovery. As a mother with small child- likely to need lhem the most, I to parLic!patc in any of lhe ASCS Associ:Ltlon.
Learnard; lecturer, Car. ceres, Lula Cream- CLOVIS CREAMER was a Fri- ten, it brought home to me how wonder how many mothers feel as l)roirans. . ...............................................................
steward, George Lewis; Roseth McGarvie; day overnight guest of LeRoy very alone each family is expee- I do? Nomiiati(ns can be made by
steward, Robert Cash; lady assistant Valley. Led to be in case of bombing. Our Mrs. Stanley K. Smith )eli,ion signed by 10 or more
lain, Maude Rowe; Trenckmann; ex- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley children will be dismissed from 2315 Callanan eligible voters. Petitions will be
school and sent home .... to what? Shelton, %Vashington. eceived at the A.S.C.S. office in
F. Stevens; secretary, Forrest Green; and son, LeRoy spent Sunday eve-
Spooner; gate keeper, iyears. Max Cash, two ning with the Rodger Spalding There's always the possibility of .......................................... the Court House Annex on Rail-
man; eeres. Ruby Lew| Homer Adams, one family, the mother being away, perlmps
out of town or where she can't IIAI,LOWEEN IIARRASMENT lead, late avenUeof nonlineesUntil NOr.will be13' corn-The
Myra Learnard; Green, pianist. Visitorn at the Noelen Avery GUARD OFFICIALS HERE -- Speaking to boys in Irene S. Reed immediately get to her home. Dear Mr. Diekie:
Retzman; lady assistan Ernest Leortscher home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. High School reoently in connection with the recruiting drive by " I wonder how many hundreds pleted Nov. lg.
Faye Rihey home ec. were Tuesday lun- Ralph Rothrock and family, Mr. 'What is the child supposed to do • If there are not enough nomina-
M'arge Hell; executive of Mi's. Augusta and Mrs. William Avery and De- the Shelton National Guard Unit were State Guard officials and then? "I can hardly conceive of a of children in Shelton go "trick tions by petition, additional nomi-
three years, grin Carl Portman. nise and Pat Walker. members of .the Shelton Chamber of Commerce. Left to right, clfild so prepared as to be able to or treating" on Halloween night, nees will be selected by the county
Everyone was excited at the front row, are Les Joslin, hairman of the Chamber special activi- master their own fear and then I suppose some people hate to see committee.
Rossmaier was hon- Noelin Avery home Sunday when ties committee; Maj. Ellis Egan, Camp Murry; M/Sgt. Ken Rose, go about taldng the necessary pre- Hloween come, but I for one ............................
Tuesday when Mrs. Gloria came home with a year- unit administrator for the local Guard unit; back .row, Morrie cautions to minimize the dangers think it is great, fun for the
Grunkemeier, Chamber trustee; Lt. Col. L; A. DeLaney, state Guard from bhist, fire, fallout or what youngsters, as well as ,giving Our thanks should be an fer-
P' of Shelton gave a ling doe. personnel officer; John W. Bennett, chamber president, and Bud them something to do besides vent for mercies received, as our
for her. Those i M'r. and Mrs. Harry Riekert of eve}', petitions for mercies sought.
Mrs. Edward Val-Hoquiam and Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Lyon, chamber trustee. I seriously doubt the ability or thinking up pranks. C. Simmons
Hearing and Mrs. Cook of M:ontesano spent Sunday preparedness of many mothers to Don't you think it is quite re-
diculous to see girls and boys of
T0 Be Seated At Next .....
withtheKtnnethHowards. NewOfticers o these things. Inmyowncase
GIFT ,,,, Chamberlin and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Scrixens and I'm not at all sure what I would junior high age out "trick or
were Tuesday two daughters of Tacoma were do. ihavenosbelter, nobasement treating?" It is not only re-=n pp"-o----er
guests of Mr. and weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. mm v, u,,, , ig%mmun"- Club oo ,oom00, 0i00u00o,,00 ,lown right outrage-
and then Tues-Fred Crabtree. U',,' h; ,;,i;wau. geiger com, ter, no air filters and ous wl, en they are out ot take ad-
now Ur. and :Mrs. James The Arthur Sharp family of " no medical training. In only two vantage of the smaIler children.
d Mr. and Olympia spent Wednesday evening: words I'm "not prepared", .but I have three girls in mind when
and family, with M and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. By Mrs. Nell Vance he has recovered from a long ill- how many are? I nay this. I can't tell you wire
OPEN and baby, and Tacoma friends 1V£r. and Mrs. One recent article mentioned they are but they were all to- iP n i-ece-all
Sleeveland came and Fred Geiger and Scott Mitchell LILLIWAUP -- Lilliwaup Corn- ness. The Vanees motoreit to Port
Rossmaier celebrate spent the weekend at the And- munity Club will hold its business Townsend last Wednesday where that in case of war. many would gether on Mt. View when I was
rew McGarvie home and took in .meeting Friday evening. This will they spent the day visiting old die from lack of medical attention out with my two children and
ill ' of :Montesano was some hunting, be the first meeting beginning the friends, Mrs. Grace Carlman of simply because the people with another child Halloween night.
Week Monday at a Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Booth of club's new year. The newly-elected Hadlock, Mrs. Ethel Barrows and tim training could not get out to One of the three girls grabbed
r Clearwater when his Shelton were supper guests of M, officers will fill the.chairs. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pederson of lhem. There has been a great deal whieh°ne of hcthehadchildren'StakenbaGa longer candYtime
Bernie's teut his left arm above and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr.' /.potluck dinner wilt be. served Port Townsend. that manyab°Utof tbethesheltersP°SsibilitYthat to collect and ran. The child is MIRRORS
Building I-Ie is in St. Joseph Tuesday evening, at p.m. The new president, Jack FAITH AND LEW Evans of published
• only a 4th grader and could do
; Aberdeen. He was a Denny, Dana and Ricky Hopkins Leimback will call the meeting Holiday Beach, entertained 12 ad- have been sold are actually not nothing about it.
ults and nine children Sunday suitable to protect the buyer from
resident, spent the weekend with their to order at 7 p.m. The mothers of these girls
IV[embers are asked to be pres- when relatives of Lew's from Se- nuclear war or fallout.
Oll ER was a Sun- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- ent as important business will be attle came out as sort of a cli- (especially of the girl with blond
guest of 1V[z'. and Mrs. bert Brehmeyer Sr. men, having to do everything for polka dot shorts) mtst be very 30 '9 x 40" WALL MIRROR gold edge,
discussed. The card party will for max party to Lew's mother's vis- I'm mit in favor of the govern- hair, wearing a green shirt an/
low the bnsiness meeting, begin- it here in Lilliwaup.
Arriving Sunday were Mr. and Lhe people but it seems to me that proud of their "little junior high brackets included,
' ]PRO'" ur merln t$-- ning aL 8 p.m. :he best answer to this problem children." I have heard complaints
(Watoh for Illfflll A new series of five card pal'- Mrs. W. D. Evans and children 11.8'
Paula and Bruce and :Mrs. Flora would be on a community basis all over Shelton about these big
announcement next 7J'1 ties will start that evening. Extra Evans, Lewis' Aunt, and Dick rather than individual effort. I girls, which prob'ably are the 8 Thurs,, Fri., Sat.
.! .... , prizes will be given for the high- Evans. Joining the group also were would rather pay for a properly same ones we saw on Mt. View. only Only
,LSON ENDS Yard at Bremerton, the last three est score at the end of the series. Evans' daughter, Mrs. Sandra constructed community shelter I am thoroughly ashamed and din-
;iN AUTO SUPPLY years for Olympic Drill Company. The public is invited to attend Nelson and four children from than attempt to try to purchase gznted with such actions. So you
..elson ends 15 years He is a charter' member of the these parties. Mattie Backhmd and Everett She brought with her her or build one. I would rather have Girls--you know who you are--
• if the Western Auto Shelton Wing of the Civil Air Pa- Doris Bearden will be hostesses grandmother" Mrs. Florence Ross. a group of people around me pat yourselves on the back--be 16"x 56" DOOR MIRROR ivory edge
I] res n ommandm t hzch included doctors nulses,
..... .helton this week. He trol and is its p e t c ' g for the even. Then from ;tacoma Mr. and Mrs. ' '" " ' ' ", " . real proud of yourselves--you _ _ .
loc lo men, and offlcez after holding varmus othe C n pastms and trame pmsonnel ,, ,,
1 | [= !=-[ .:iii al emp y " " " ' " " HOOD CANAL Womans lub Wahl and four child'e . ' ." ' . ' , "" overgrown babies.' brackets included
.,! I LK[/ )business for sale. , offices in preceding years. He has will hold its next meeting Nov ...... ithz;thani ttz.P:%lZPdn]a::d MRS. LEONARD SPEECE, ' _..
__llWill continue to oper- also been active iz nelt?:aDWs 15 at the Club House in Potlatch. lllllldA Illla onderin" what to'do and when to ................................. $IIIO0 Thurs., Fri., Sa.
, | | 1 |'|neas at 315 South First ing' circles for m Y Y "" The meetin will be called to rlau uuu * r g . • g ---n..
i It-• /I • I. kl I|:l |iaine_s m" sore. .... ,an ,avid sorLsv fan . oraer .... a ± a.m° uy ........ tile ]resident , , .... do it. I would rather Jcnow that Ri, CRU|T, TRAINING. onwj I.$1||/
r_ L I[..V .= .................. ife Mary have ," Xn)'olfa, w,-,aites Lunch will IR.T fiONI]ERT my children had been sent to a Eric L. Fagergren son of :Mrs.
' Lne annoucmen mr. e unu m w , .,, ,,,.'. ,. a.d" ...... smmmvn ....u....,.--- ' ' ' e
- X ....... dau-hters and a son be served at 12"30 m b" the . central place xwth responmble a-Evelyn V. Fagergren, ShAron,
[I-,rXT 'ITrg'lY[ 4"0':ei.s°. n. expressed tne]r wo t; • . .... H-, ^ ,,ro:ramVwiil b held (Continued from page 1! dults around than sent to our completed recruit training, Oct .... _._._ . .... . .
ri'aL,Ur.a.' *L.v-, .U 0' °z toe enjoyame ex- * * * .... '7:' .... ,:?.- e , ' achieved an enviable .reputation. ...... ;r T ,,,,,.,, ,,,,r T uranldn't a nt fho 7'nvll mvninin ontm. are semcuon uevmeu cu;t
heater, "E" Stick WW=,"'e operat.ion of the LES YOUNG BECOMES in ne,/l%ernaO%arden Club met In addition ). the regulap mere- v¢"'n[ (o be vo'nde'i'g,'in a,"(emer- Sa'n"I)iego, "6al'ifornia. "''''' ......... , . ", ....... m.--oo
*v, .... 4,,oo m,-, oo01101p*i,-'t Drought tnem ana STATE FARM AGENT , ":. , " , ',_ ;: ___ _ ,-,;.. bership of the mason uounry worn- -emv time esneeiallv what my ............... mate Lass mirrors -- lrom Koo
Ublll 2.t, zo, i J.u to " " Joiners • • • ms l'nursoay al; Lne home oz vJr.. . . "- "" ' 1 "" ," ' - r o v
. . • . F -, A gO' their cus "- Following the sale of hm serwce .;. , .... 2, n fh TTni,, 1 -ie mumty Concct Assocmtm,}. '.2 .... •
,rvtew mires ± I.", station partnership recently, Les: "':; A--"t "'"..". _'" '2 _ students and two adults will be . .
a " - • • • • ot tne anai. t-'OLnlCK 11.111('1] wan * ." ' " 1963
Jt ............ Young has 3ozned the State Farm ....... n ,e ,).,m x,. ..... ..... adm]tte;1 during the ]962- . , ) .
00 HUu r,-uur," Insmance ranks as a Mason a season on a conc¢t to (onceL " "
" r [H ANNIVERSARY - tn re resentatwe son .......... and M,s:: ............... Hough asmsted:'A "*'*":the *sm as a esult of t,;,;e*si; For Gomlele Beaulv Servi©e Free G hrnsimas Wrappnng
t " Col y p " .. ' "' ., ". . , . v it,
-a= == S411@I .rhl,0;f last year's popular He "has lived in this community hoess, f ..... ,,,..^. z,. ,,^ donations made by Dr. B. N. Col- ....... ., ....... If ....... i
---- ,L in the furniture De- for the past 35 years coming here . ....................... s- ? her Evergreen 15 T. A. Mason • • . ,
/m ;rl.ll be one of the hi,h ...... ' will meet. Nov. 14. The meeting ,. .... "-- .:., ,,,,,, GLADYS GRIMES re.on hohls until Clmstmas
:;,itha o. . - b as a two-year-ore. ,.,m i.. n.. t,-. A,.rl,,. of 7,45 Uotlnl:y l;aTloners, /VIOUnL[s,, --.ev ................... • 11- "
/':# ' th anmversary sale w,,, ,e , .................... " ,, • '. • r 1o ees R't "-
-- I I );)',,'lfm g ...... t'ilg fhi He was graduated from Irene S. D m and is of eTeat imoortance I .T.A., [ammta Lmp y .... . , ) ..................
n q id!,.- ...... r ............ -d high School in 1942, after "' = ..... o ',. - ...... ' onier Inc (12) Shelton 1vtusie 101:) W. university T.,- aco corners ( ___ ._. _
Urnber stamped on the on active duly in the South Pc- sch°l i Ponors from hi g school by a committee aPlointed by the ! Gall 426-8269?,, .... Olsen Furmture "-to.
• . UC K :e of the Jo,irnal you U.. Navy,"ff/ months of that hme u il who will radua'te Dservmg students will be chosen .
& ! 'U .... neLwe ' which:.he,:.spent3iVYeas'.m-theaseholarship for a junior high Cluh, and Mrs. Winston Scott. • , I " ' '
': : ...... Gall irs
...... ,-.,, . a^nf ge 11. Items..m ;ne cific. W'r. d Mrs. Vic Richgrdson of board ot directors of the Asso: rtv,,
OUU upartmen will oe from mlhtar service claIlon lnd hedded b Mzs J(lonle rJr&L¥1&LIJIN£ DL'JP_at.,1/-kl
E][ LAlgl V " it - Returning "" Y , Sequim enjoyed a visit Sunday '" :' ' . Y "!'. " • '
,,4,,,,o÷; ....... o|n !l't corresponding num: he has owned and operated sev-with Vic's sister and husband, Mr. E. Stein. Bill Dickie, Earl H. Moo- ',W r'Jm''L 328 COT A ST. 426-4702
u,.u--x.,,.,, v,j , e our Journal ana red nahan have ""
• "" -.,€ Y eral local service stations, we k and Mrs Dea Cheatham of Lil-[ re and Byron McCla , ..... (
x+ I)XT.-W niCtu.m, bers'. . , . £or Mell Chevrolet Company, Mor- liwaup. *;i'he many friends of Vic Imade c!lsh" donations to the artist { .............. H I -
U xz'J.,JZaJxv -._{0]'lh"fl. speczais are oezng an Transfer and the Junge on th Canal will be lad to know lmdgeL. ' ........ , :t
_ o-__,a,, +,,¢,alYll=" I£' all other departments ,'uckin= ComPany " ° . ' ..... ' ' I
:ira snow tires rl. ............ He and his wife Fran have I .. i
VOYAGER 9-paSSst:i:*S;SHI" *u:geti:i!:;?:h::°nnS :cd° I OPE,,N.FR/I[:AY 8:30 0000NTUV'C PRE-HOLIDAY
automatic, power 'r ;: of a rater ' 1111111111
r " " " ' :' partnersh'p " - "-' ......... TES I i"ill i', 10 lll l N l. 1 1 II I I II I // I
.,.m-- f-:"i a'nati;e of Elms was $21,299. " "" II ,. &lklll . . ........... Spod0oats Cear-:oundweight 19 I
' e L ..... 3/4 sleeve 88
th as a small boy and -'* :;i', ' $ . ch'ne
! ilt! rest of his life in this ___ II &% Ill ! l/ I I PrmtedSweatsh,rls stzess, m,I 2 ,,..-lb. SoI. Colorma t $88 I
• m ,w-- pg 26 ATueo 00-om IlWW0000 -" :"'" ?'- 1 1 V I I Golion Slaoks :"s 7'?.ds ........ 99 ¢ "ress Shirls ; short $2°°
":! ' t-Ie was graduated """ • • IUliUII qlCllkO washable
. II0 Seven ea, s durin reste,-n Was " g " . U ............
a Y "" g ll
Ivmouth V ...... lee, according to an enro ment ]] (h.,l" 80lid ColOr t nl J
m 'LIthe p".'-" " av:7-1 reort issued this week. I/ PIIVISO odds & ends ............................ ,a,.V QUILTED SYNTHETIC i
• _ %L"' uge 50unQ. i y I/ 2 {ec
.I sleeveless € Insulaled Underwear e "p ° S8"
On Dtsv,aY I/ Sp0rtT0ps CroTo, .................... 10 Ra on Gabard,n: .... n
L: nil | w.. n..o,. A.oro, $ag $a DrossSlaks ,,.:: sS °° !
-- r iii" ........ i J I a ill ,:U.| q0..:, m:t:rlals --- a . 8= print'd odds'n e.ds I !
HnTORS Ino. PS i: n c A g S P E CI A L $ Ill n,,.nl, s atox w'h $ Swim Trunks s,.es, m&l .............. 50 I
-- ----- -- ............. IllIlI . .,,-- z,pp,r .................................... ,- ..... I
- [] --ls co.o op $10 UlrlS Spor!Tops.. ....................... ..10 !
" [] Uga zlp-out, pile lined ............. ' ........ 88 I
P00rfn00rsllF0000l, il , HOODED . , _ ,, Infants Orlon Sweaters $1 I
r$fl V RD RANCH WAGON ............ $650 dn. i Sweaishids 121 1 . . DO I
SEDAN ......................... $525 dn. ( .... s-es -, ..... : .......... Girls Pima Sporlswear $1
CONVERTIBLE ............ $650 dn. GOLDENDAWN ® SUPERSUEDE Polo Shirts .or, .,.eve €n€ $5"
oo.o.k.,t ............... ---- I.fants Bassi.efles
4-door H.T. $575 dm ELECTRIC BLANKET Oolion Slacks w..,ab,e .,o..d $,po
, . ....................... fabrics sizes 2 & 14 i- HOME FURNISHINGS DEPT.
500 SEDAN $375 dn. -[ TODDLER
......................... Lastex solid oolor 40 ¢ SOLID COLOR
s,.. Towels ,AT. TOWEL - 2/$1oo
SEDAN ................ $350 dn. WITH 2-YEAR REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE Swim Trunks , ,. ............ .
SLEEPERS, SOLD AT "PENNEY'S ONLY! The blanket that gives over a
SEDAN ....................... $175 dn. million people the best night's sleep they ever had, Join them now and save! IMPORTED Paos 5 WASH CLOTH -- 6/$100
..... Dial the warmth that's meant for you (9 settings) sleep relaxed, wake up Insulated $ "
refreshed! One blanket keeps you warm in any weather! Luxurious rayon,
TH CAR YOU ARE acrylic, cotton blanketing. Nylon binding. Machine washable.* ODDS & ENDS SOLID COLOR 46 x 54 or 84 -- $500
NOW WILL COVER THE PEACOCK, RED, BEIGE, PINK, BLUE, GREEN, LILAC. Assl. Skoes GROUP -- $100 Braperies ¢2x4ora4--$10oo
PAYMENT ON ONE OF 63" x 84" MEN'S, WOMEN'S 138 x 54 or 84 -- $1 5 00
single control, twin size, regularly $14 NOW 10.66 GROUP 3-$4as oDDs & ENDS
LAT] ODELUSEDCARS! 80',x 84" BOY'S & GIRLS $5 $1 $1
" dual control, double bed size; regularly $19 NOW 14.66 GROUP , -- $5-- Draperies 0 5
_ $ king size, 2 controls, regularly $35 NOW 24.66 . I
SERVICE .o00wo,.
5th & Railroad Bu Rose *lukewarm water