November 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Pa 4
Founded 1886 hy Grant (3. Angle
Mailing Addreet: Box ,146, Shelton Phone ,126-4412
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURN.AE- Published in "Ch'r{stmastoix9,, U.S.A., Shelton, Washington
Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every laursday.
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington
.................................................................................. ether for several
Delayed for one reason or an-
weeks now, a
SUBSCRIPTION RATES-.-. $4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance;
Outside Masori County, $5.00
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
WANT ADS .... Wednesday 10 a.m
PICTURES AND NEWS .... Tuesday 5 p.m.
SOCIETY NEWS .... Tuesday noon
EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ..... William M. Diclde
OFFICE MANAGER. --- ldema Johnson
NEWS EDITOR --- Alan Ford
ADVERTISING MANAGER ...... Barbara Nelson
SOCIETY EDITOR --- Marj Waters
PRINTERS .... Russ Stuck, Dave Thachcr, AsH Pearson,
What is one man's medicine may be another's poison.
This mild fall weather finds warm welcome among the
many who like their outdoor' recreation in such forms as golf,
boating, fishing, gardening, watching football games, and
the like.
But another' sizeable groupt£e deer hunters and
those who depend on the Christmas tree harvest for
incomeare in the opposite camp.
They need some snap in their weather at this time of
year. A few nights of good hard frost about a month ago
would have been much to the deer hunter's liking for it would
have dropped leaves and ferns which give deer protective
cover and would have put the deer to moving. That's largely
why the deer harvest has been so light in spite of pre-season
game department statements that the deer population was
one of the best in many years.
Heavy frost is necessary to the Christmas tree industry
just before cutting time, too, for it "sets" the needles, a fac-
tor needed to keep the cut trees in prime condition over the
extended period between the cutting and the time they are
actually needed at Christmas-a period sometimcs as long
as six weeks or even more.
Without this "set" the needles tend to fall out too soon
after the cutting.
There has been no such fl'ost this fall. A milder fall tem-
perature-wise has seldom been expericnccd in this region.
Jack Frost is behind scheduleand his tardiness is giving
concern to many people in Mason County.
Coaching school athletics is an avocation a.nd profession
which at best is beset by problems and headaches for those
engaged in it, but one of those all-too-rare moments of pure
delight and rich reward must have been k.,lt by Bill Brickert
and Walt Clayton this past football season when their Blaz-
ers of Shelton junior high tied for the championship.
In itself, winning a cha,m,pio,sh, ip is quite an ex-
h, iliralbg ca:pc'tic,we, bd to 'd.r a ti, th: uvld(r the eir-
") (
cumstances bwoh$lg this year's Bias ' tea'm must pro-
vide a double satis]aetion to the coachzs.
The group of boys Brickert and Clayton looked forward
to building this year's team with before the season started
had not distinguished itself in any manner prior to this year
which gave any indication that it would even be of "average"
ability. It lacked size, and in fact was. substantially out-
weighed in every game. It lacked speed and experience.
In assaying their material before the season, the two
coaches felt they would be lucky to win a single game.
But this group of boys had an intangible asset with-
in themselves "which the coaches could 'zot /orasee. It is
a thing called "'heart", a determination to make good, a
willingness to work hard. And there were some better-
than.average heads on those average-sized bodies.
It turned out, to the great surprise and pleasure of
Coaches Brickert and Clayton, to be a winning combination.
So we congratulate this 1962 Blazer football squad on
doing so much with what had seemed to be so little. You
provedthere is more to football than speed and muscle.
SKOKOMISH BARN -- David Barclay sKetcheD u,,n co.cepuun
of an old barn on his Skekomish Valley farm. Barclay illustrates
and writes professionally.
Well Drilling
Bedell Drilling €o,
Route 3, Box 170, Shelton
Phone 4264713
20-entry field is poised for action
in the men's championship tour-
nament in the Shelton-Bayshore
Weather hts been a pr'incipal
factor in delaying tile totirnament
but pairings are expected to be
arranged so competition can start
this coming weekend. However,
completion of play is not expected
in time for the annual awards
kanquet, which has been scheduled
for November 29.
The awards dinner, a potluck
function, will be held in the club-
house a Ba.ystmre at 6:30 Thnrs-
(lay, N':)v. 29, it, was decided this
week, under sponsorship of the
women's division.
Special gifts were presented to
retiring team captain Martha Cole
and trustee Kay Scott at a wom-
en's division hlncheon following
nine holes of golf Oct. 30.
ioo Late To Olassify
NEW LISTING--Here is the idea/
h(mle for file budget minded family.
Slaciow, living room, separate' din-
tng. und conve.nient kitchen wttii
loads of ,utorage. Tllere are, 2 bed-
rot)IllS down find r0olll for 3 lllOrfl
mi the 2rid floor. Excellent view,
large lot. $7,500, with $700 dowa and
easy monthly payments. Call Mann
Re'il Estate. 426-6592. 11/8
wilh Ol)th)ll. 8111814 o)unl ry ]Ionic,
(:hise in. with ael'eage. Will gtlarali-
ti'e exc.ell(*nt care. Have l'(f(,*l'enees.
426-4332. T 11/8 tfn
WORK WANTED--Available after
school and weekend. Husky tee.nage
b(,y.n. Will ac('epl, any type odd job.
426-2134. 12 11/8-15
- Obituaries -
Last.Rites For
R. E. Bloomfield
Raymond Edward Bloomfield,
Brinnon, died October 25 at the
St. John's Hospital in Port Town-
send after a short illness. Mr.
Bloonffield wJs born in Matlock.
Feb. 21, 1934. He attended Shel-
ton schoo]s.
Rosary was led by Dan Brown
at 7 p.m Oct. 28. Fatlaer Mark
Weichn]ann officiciated at the last
rites held at 2 p.m. Monday, Oc-
toher 29 at t:he Batstone Funeral
Home. Interment was in Holy
Cross Cemetery.
S1Lrvlvors inelu(le his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloomfielct,
Brinnon; two brothers. Francis Al-
fred, Lilliwaup and Charles Eu-
ffene, Quilcene; two sisters, Mrs.
Margie Witeraft, Shelton and Mrs.
Emileen Pleines, Port Townsend.
Roland D. Bedell
Funeral Yesterday
Roland D. Bedetl, 1583 E. Dick-
inson St.. died Monday, November
5. 1!)62 at the Unive':sity of Wa2
flfingl.on Hosl)ital in Seati le. He
wts born June 15, 1942 in Van-
couvcr, Wash., and had lived in
Shelton ttae htst 16 years.
Rol']nd was a graduate of lrete
S. Reed high school and attended
Centralia Junior college prior to
his illness.
The funeral service was held
Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 11 a.m. at
the Batstone Funeral Home. Rev.
R. R. Rings officiated with music
by Mrs. Imui Larson. Interment
was in Siaelton Memo,'ial Park.
Survivor inelnde his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Bedell,
Shelton; one sister, Miss Sandra
Bedell, Shelton; his fiancee, Miss
Rehekah Coffey, Shelton.
Funeral Rites For
Nellie B. Hanna
The funeral service for Nellie
B. Hanna was held at ii a.m.
Tuesday, November 6 at the Bat-
stone Funeral Home with gev.
Chuck Wigton officiating. Cre-
real ion fl)llowed.
MrS. Hanna passed away at
Bott's Nursing Home Sunday, No-
vember 4, 1962. She was born in
Tremont, Maine April 7, 1866. She
was a member of the Order of
'Eastern Star' and Ruby Rebekah
' Lodge.
Snrvivors include 1 son, Pearl
. W. Hanna. Shelton; 6 grandchiid-
len; 18 great grandchildren and 1
great-great grandchild,
Hettie Pierce Is
Called By Death
Hettie Pierce, Star Rt. I Box
188 C, was called by deatll at the
Botts' Ntirsing Home Saturday,
Novenlber 3, 1962. Mrs. Pierce
", nas borl. in Bentol Co rely, Kan-
tr s Nov(mber 12, 1881. She had
lived in Shalton for the past 16
yesys fH]d rlls II nlen-lber of |.lie
I)egree of Honor lodge.
Tile funeral will bc held at. 11
a..m. today, NOVel•nbor S, at lie
Batsh)nc b'tlnersl lqolne, Rcv.
Wesley Gaine will officiate. Inter-
ment will be in Sumner Cenlelery,
SnDqnor, \\;.'a sli/'tgt.on •
llrviving are 4 sans, Thacldeus
Pierce, Pall]Sbtl, Warrel] ,]. I: ieree.
Tacoma. Dwi.daI H. Fierce. Shel-
I.n and Harold C lierce, Fair-
hanks, Ahtska; 2 brothers. Oscar
Rash, Tul'h)ok Calif. and Russell
Rash. lJi'own,, Valley. Calif.: 2
sist(,rs. Mrs. Effie Adamson Sel-
ma. Calif. nnd M.I,I. Lydi Phil-
I)Ol.. S()ulb (.iat,e. Calif,; 10 grand-
ohildren; 33
alld ;| arcal..greaL ffrandchil(h'en,
Ghrislmas Seal
Mailing Set
l)r, (, Thoul,'.is l}yill'l, pres dejll'
r)f ll•lc h)('al C, hrisl,£1as Seal Can>
pllin nlls allla)llncOd Mrs• }tarold
Nil>hi)Is h:ls )e(,n ;ippoirlted Sea, l
Sale ctiiirltlan for l.ll, Henri (..dnal
distl'ict and leifair.
i t;(unly chairman, Mrs. Pliyiiis
fhTl,)ii r(,porl,,; seals arc being
I prepared gor marling Nov. 18.
WINS TROPHY -- Ellis Blomgren, Shelton, won a second place
trophy on his car, the "Wild Swede" at the Motorama in Tacoma
last weekend. Ellis, 15, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blomgren, has
won other trophies on the car, but, this is the first time he has won
a high placing in a major show. The vehicle is a 1932 Model A Ford
pickup with a 1959 Corvette engine, many body alterations, full
custom inter=or and Tahation red paint. Ellis was taken ill Sun-
day, so, his father accepted the trophy for him.
With today's canleras, films and
teclnliques, good memory-stirring
pictures of your boat should be
easy, says Willard Crandall, Boats
Editor of Sports Afield Magazine.
Forget unusual angles and filters
_for. darkening sldes; they're for
a camera bug" rather than a boat
hug. You want shots brimming
over with naturalness. They'll be
different from thousands of other
boat pictures, not because they
show dramatic spray or beautiful
shafts of side lighting, but simply
because they are of your boat and
your kids.
HERE'S A BASIC principle to
remember. Pictln'es that are too
posed look artifical. But if they're
too eandkl, they're not typical,
and that's about as bad. Pictures
taken at the dock at the begin-
ning or end of a trip may be the
easiest. There's no boat motion,
and chances to take pictnres at
the home pier come often. The
most amateurish, artifical sort of
A 00ate
Tod'ly, Thursday, Novenlber 8
DPW nleeting at Lhe home of
Mrs. Clarence LathanL
Girl ScouL Leaders. 9:30 a.m..
Girl Scout Little House.
Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild. 8
p.m., home of Mrs. Nadia Hovind.
WWI V4crans & Auxiliary, 6
pall, pOLhlCk dinner, 8 nlecL-
ing, Memorial hall.
RoLary Chlb weekly luncheon.
noon, Shelton Hotel.
Shclton-Mason County Chanlber
of Conlnleree annual fa rlncrs'
hight dinner. 7 p.m.. Masonic
Friday, November 9
• DeMolay R}{nnaa'ge Sale. 9
(O .i 1.2( C0ta tttreot.
SEY potluck. 6 p.m.. chm'ch
Ruby Rebekah Lodge business
mcelnlg, 8 p.n'L IOOF iall.
Laurel Court Ordm' of Amar-
anth Ramn]a,.-,e Sale, 9 a.m. to 4
p.m., PUD building,
Saturdny, hovernber 10
DeMolay Rnnnn,,ige Sale. 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m., 126 CoLa street.
Laurel Court Order of Amar-
anth Rummage Sale, 9 a.m. to 4
p.m.. PUD building.
Salty Sashayers Square Dance
Club, 8:,']0 p.m., Memorial hall•
State Patrol drivers license ex-
amier, 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., po-
hce station.
Sunday, November 11
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
Annual 11/11 Club Armistice
Day breakfast, 11 a.m. Yfemorial
Monday, November 12
. Legal observance of Armistice
Day, ci!y bah and county court-
house closed, stores and banks
Tuesday, November 13
"Holiday Hints" show sponsored
by Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild, 8
p.m., PUD auditorium.
County commissioners weekly
meeting, 10 a.m. courthouse (post-
poned fl'om Monday due to legal
City eonlmissioners weekly
meeting, 2 p.m., city hall.
Kiwanis Club weekly hmcheon,
noon. Mcmorisl Hall.
Open (Louse at h'ene S. Reed
high school, National Edkication
Week program, 7:30
Wednesday, November 14
Tall Timber Girl Scout Cotincii.
fall council meeting, 9:30 a.m.,
PUD building.
State Patrol drivers license ex-
eminer. 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., po-
lice station.
Thursday, November 15
wonld have everyone line
up on the pier and squint into the
canaera; everyone would politely
included even a neighbor's aunt
who happened to have strolled
over. But the other extreme
pure random shooting-- might
show Joe's fishing rod coming out
of Emily's ea if he were behind
her as she stepped into the boat.
Or any one of a hundred other
ludicrous possibilities. A minimum
of posing is what's called for; the
more the cameraman learns to
qnick-check through the view fin-
der, the fewer and better sugges-
tions he can give. There is no
point in trying to conceal from
anyfme that pictures are being
taken Get them used t:o the came-
ra instead and soon they'll be go-
mg right on naturally; or if you
ask them to stop a secimd, or do
something a little differently,
they'll do that naturally too.
watched. Old wharves may attract
many an artist and his brushes,
but in your picture ihey'll at,
best take atLentJon f/'on} your
boat. an(I at worst make the heat
anything bul clear-cut Avoid
baekgr:)unds with objects almost
totally hidden by the subject,
mtddnK a mystery to the viewer
of the finished picture. Water and
sky, eVOl] and ilna,4Sllllling, make
perfect backgrounds. In bla('k-
and-white pictures, lry to avoid
backgro(mds wilh the same tones
as the boat: lhey \\;v(nlht lend to
blond indistinguish:/hly with it.
Superior Gourt
Jury Term Siarts
The jury t,erm of Mason Collnty
Superior Colirt opened aL 10 a:m,
\\;Ve(tnes:hkv with Ihe :mlecLiori of
the Jury for the first case on
the docket, the State vs. Ernest
Loertscher an,t Mark Adams.
The ;tale is attornptmg to re-
cover money spent fighting a fire
on properly ownod by Loertscher
and which A(lams was h)gging.
1{ E(]ISTE'I{Igl) NUJ{SE8
3'0 lllE'f 'rUENI)AY
The regular meeting l'or all
R.N.'s. District No. 22 will bc held
at 8 p.m Tuesday at the home
of Eleanor Snelgrove. 1209 West
Birch street. Regular husutess as
Dr. B. B. Forman will give an
interesting report on open heart
snrgery, For furlher inforlnation
on this meeting call 426-4600.
There will be a Game Night at
8 p.m. this Saturday at the St,
Edwards Catholic church Parisla
Shellon 6eneral llospi|al
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young,
Star Rt. 1, Box 209. a boy, No-
vernber 6.
Clhlle Hosl)ital
Mr', and Mrs. James Bittie, P.O,
Box 45, Union, a g'd'i, lqovenlber 3.
--. ,-,
tel' OES. 12:30 p.m. dessert lun-
cheon, honle of Hattie Pierce.
Rt, David's Episc0pal church
Bazaar, 10 to 9 p,nl.; hln-
(heon 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p,m. pa-
lish iall.
N&vy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m.,
Memorial hall.
Mason Co. Democratic Club, 8
p.m., PUD building.
lh)iar'y Chib weekly lnncheon,
Past Matrons of Welcome Clap- (,.non. Shelton Hotel
SKOKOMISH WOODS Alder stand in Skokomish Valley is
sketched in pen.and-ink by David Barclay, Mason County artist
who write= and illu=trtt, ohildre= book=.
With an 8-2 success story for
the day, Shelton's Tinlber Bowl I
entry ill the leminine Travelettes
bowiing league pnshed its record
to 11-5 for the season to date
and its position to near the top
ot the standings last Sunaay.
Behind Adair Neau's 533 series,
Timber Bow! scored a 4-0 triumph
in the morning match, then took a
2-2 draw in the afternoon round
as Jean Ream set a 489 pace.
* $ *
In the men's traveling league,
Shelton's Timber Bowl entry
wound up all square for the day
with 2-2 stalemates both morning
and afternoon.
Stan Ahlquist banged a 582
series in the standoff with Che-
halls and a 585 total i$1 the stymie
with Centralia after hmch. Dan
Wilson pitched in with a stout 579
helping hand in the afternoon•
Shelton has a 8-8 record for
the season to date.
Computed for Hood Canal
Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and
50 rain. later and pltm 3.0 ft.
, i
Friday, Nov. !l
Hig'il .............. 2:25 a.m. 9.9 ft
Low ................ 8:14 a.m. 3.4 ft.
High .............. 2:29 p.m. 12.5R,
Low ................ 9:09 p.m. 1.]. ft.
Saturday, Nov. 10
High .............. 3:30 a.m. 10.9 ft.
Low ................ 9:10 a.m. 4.0 ft.
High .............. 3:06 p.m. 12.5 ft.
Low ................ 9:51p.m. -1.1ft.
Sunday, Nov. 11
High .............. 4:28 a.m. 11.7 ft.
Low ................ 10:03 a.m. 4.9 ft.
High .............. 3:43 p.m. 12.4 ft.
Low ............... 10:33 p.m. -2.1 ft.
Mon(hy, Nov. 12
High .............. 5:23 a,m. 12.4 ft.
Low ................ 10:56 a.m. 5.4 ft.
High .............. 4:21 p.m. 12.2 ft.
Low ................ 11:16 p.m. -2.7 ft.
Tuesday, Nov. 13
High .............. 6:16 a.m. 12.7 ft.
Low . ............... 11:48 a.m. 6.0 ft.
Higi .............. 4:59 p.m. 11.8 ft.
Low ................ 12:00 p.m. -2.8 ft.
Wednesday, Nov. 14
High .............. 7:09 a.m. 12.9 ft.
Low ................. 12:41 p.m. 6.5 ft.
ttigi .............. 5:'9 p.m. 11.2 ft.
Thursday, Nov. 15
Low ................ 0:45 a.m. -2.5 ft.
Higi .............. 8:03 a.m. 12.8 ft.
Low ................ 1:38 p.m. 7.0 ft.
Hig'i .............. 6:23 p.m. 10.5 ft.
Moose Lodge ................ 23 13
Wingard SporL Shop .... 23 13
B & R Oil ........................ 20 16
Ritner's Broiler . ........... 20 16
Wilson Company .......... :.18 18
Verle's Sporthg Goods 15 21
Ziegler's Camera Shop 13 23
Gott Oil ........................ 13 23
High game .... Bob Turner 232,
Somw Lowe 224.
High series ..... Bert Hoard 595.
Ritner's Broiler 3 (Dick Gard-
ner 569), Wingard's Sport Shop 1
(Bill Siaudt 523); B & R Oil 3
(Bert Hoard 5951, Wilson Com-
pany I (Bill Roberts 561); Gott
Oil 2 (Con Satipa 525), Moose
Lodge 2 (Cliff Howard 519);
Verle's Sporting Goods 2 (Stn
Steehler 532), Ziegler's Camera
Shop 2 (Dean Perry 564).
Rainier Beer . .............. :24 8
Sielton Recreation ...... 21 11
Olympia Beet" ................ 18b', 13/,,
Lemke's Service ............ 18 131/.,
Ritner's Pink Ladies .... 16 16
Lucky Lager ... ............. 11 /_, 201/",
Northwest Evergreen ..10/ 211
Olsen Furniture ........... 9 23
High game -- Lois Albrecht 179
High series -- Lois Albrecht 52].
Split pick -- Gladys Adair 5-10
Rainier Beer 4 (Memory Smith
484), Northwest Evergreen 0
(Panline Archer 336) ; Olynlpia
Beer 3/ (Mary Crossan 403), Of
sen Furniture ,/.', (Alice Crossan
399); Lucky Lager 3 iSally Pear-
e 387), Lemke's Service 1 (Alice
ilderbrandt 462); Ritner's Pink
Ladies 2 (Vera Bishop 470), Shel-
ton Recreation 2 (Lois Albrecht
Accounting .................... 25 11
Lumber ......................... .20,,/>,. 151/,'_,
Engineering . ................... I9 16
Insulating Board ........ 18 1.8
Research ........................ 18 18
Loggers .......................... 15 21
1. urchasing ............... 15 21
Olympic Plyvood ........ 13 ' 23
High gaines ..... Jane White 208,
Pilyllis iegler 204.
High series ...... Phyl Ziegler 552.
Accounting 4 (Jane White 549),
Loggers 0 (Mary Roberts 457);
Iusnlatilg Board 3 (Phyl Zicgler
552), Ihirchaing ,1 (Helen Ogden
4:69); Olylnpic Plywood 3 (Jeanne
Peterson 442), Lumber 1 (Lil Da-
le 486); Research 21 (Myrt Mor-
kerr 511), Engineering 1 (La-
Vonne Cole 438).
Olylnllie Llligue
Port Angeles 20, North Kit-
sap 0,
Shelh)n 32, Chehalis 0.
Port 'I'()wnsend 13, Central Kit-
sap 6.
East Brentcrton 2], Mt. Ta-
horna 7.
SouLh Kitsal ) ]9, Bainbridgc 0.
talnlUlllt Lt.ql I, ii e
Curtis 27, Laughbon 12.
Penin,sllhl 7, Norlh Thurston 6.
Bethel 19, Fife 12.
Sumner 28, Witii.e River 7.
Cellt rid I,l!llglle
I{aylnond 1,t, /(lllleSllll(l 7.
I:Jlnia 57, Rochesi.(,r 7.
Virihcl¢ 13, Wilih; Pass 7.
Modips 20, iossvrock 7 (nil.
St. Martins 19, 'Eatonville 6.
West Bronie)'toll 13, Hoquianl 0.
Olynipia 34, Long 7.
Aberdeell 59, Vancouver 0.
Kelso 27, Centralia 14.
Tahonaa 33, North Mason 13.
Llcllevttc 12, Iaqttah 7.
Angle Agency ................ 13 7
Bioomfield Logging .... 12 8
Hembroff Agency ........ 10 10
Beckwith Jewelry ........ 9 II
Tie Hut ....................... 8,ia 11]/.,
Joslin Insurance ........... 7.',.'_, 12fi
High game --- Eldon Todd 201
High series -- Eldon Todd 504.
The Hut 3'/ (Curt Owen 401),
Joslin Insurance f{. (Ken Knee-
land 424 ) ; Hembroff Agency
(Claude Cook iS..';), B.,:'kwit:: Jc-
welry I (Reeky Rnbinson 423);
Bloomfield Logging 3 Eldm Todd
504), Angle Agency 1 tray Bar-
rington 465).
Maintenance . ............... 27 13
Water Boys .................. 25.) 14/,
Acetate Aces ................. 23 17
Silva Foxes .................. 20/ 19
Wood Birds .................. 20 20
Pin Curlers .................. 16 24
Rayonettes .................. 15 25
4 Fowiers .................... 13 27
High games---Myrna Jacobsen
168, Ky Wilson 201.
High series--Marj IAraters 415,
ess Tobler 528. '
Pin Curlers 4 (Jenny Tratnick
395), Rayonettes 0 (Marj Waters
415); Silva Foxes 4 (.Mary Mork-
6rt 516), Wood Birds 0 (Rolla
Halbert 479); Maintenance 2 (Ray
Brown 516), Water Boys 2 (Don
Lund 506); Acetate Aces 2 (Jess
Tobler 528), Four Fowlers 2
(Betty Mallinger 413).
Kiwanis Club ................ 21 141/.>
Lions Club .................... 22 14
Fuller Construction .... 21 15
Eagles Aerie ................ 17 19
Shelton Hardware ........ 16. 19
Rotary Club ................ 16/2 19.
Bull Moose .................... 15 20
Moose Antlers .............. 14 22
High game--Lionel Leman 215.
High series---Lloyd Clark 566.
Rotary 3 (Einar Olsoe 466),
Kiwanis I (Rudy Oltman 484);
Moose Antlers 3 (Lloyd Clark
566), Bull Moose 1 (Roy Trimm
544); Fuller Construction 3 (Hank
Burchill and Don Johnson each
52!), Eagles 1 (Lionel Leman
532); Lions 2 Leo Martin 500),
Shelton Hardware 2 (Jess Phil-
lips 550).
Vagabonds .................... 25 7
Skid Row-Lers ............ 21 1i
NiLe Owls .................... 15 17
I. Da. No ..................... 15 17
Four Squares .............. 15 17
Bowl-Evils .................... 13 19
Gutter Snipes ............ 12V., 19/
Down Beats .................. 11/! 20.
High games--Roy Petty 211,
Jeri Beeson 178•
High series --- Bill Staudt 546,
Fae Robinson 455.
Vagabonds 4 ( Don Pogreba
473), Down Beats 0 (Jer Chhsty
488); Skid Row-Lers 4 (Del
Stormo 463), Bowl-Evils 0 (Fae
Robinson 455); I. Da No. 3 (Roy
Petty 530), 4 Squares'l (Vern
Beeson 462); Nite Owls 3 (Frank
Marler 456), Gutter Snipes 1 (Bill
Standt 546).
Old Mill Tavern ............ 23 9
Prepp's Rexall Store .... 21 11
Ralph's Serve-U ........ 17 14
Thurston S & L ............ 17 15
Kinlbel Motors ............ 15 17
Bill's Shell Service ........ 14 18
Timber Appliance ........ 12.z, 19/
Olympic Plywood ........ 10 22
High games --- Ted Wittenberg
224, Carl Cook 221.
High series--Byron Johnson 590
Raipifs Serve-U'4 (John Pill
505), Old Mill Tavenl 0 (r, ee
Schnffenhauer 558); Prepp's Rex-
all Store 4 (Morley' Preppernau
5391, Olympic Plywood 0; Bill's
Shell Smvice 3 (Bill Johnson 550),
Kimbcl Motors 1 Jerry Christie
578); Timber Appliance 2 (Bryan
Johnson 590), Thurston County
Savings & Loan Association 2
(Carl Cook 530).
CAary Trucking ............ 24 12
20th Cent. Thriftway 23 13
Canteen .......................... 21 15
Cole's Mobil Seiwice .... 18/. 17h
Morgan Transfer. ....... 17 19
Pant0rium Cleaners .... 16 19/,
Lumbermen,s Merc .... 16 20
Shelton Motors 8 28
High game -- Ken Fredson 204
Hig h series .... Ray Rice 548.
Clary Trucking 4 (Bud Hilder:
brandt 485), Cole's Mobil Service
0 fade ¥right 482); Centeen 4
(John Anderson 468), Pantorium
Cleaners 0 (Ken Fredson 545);"
Morgan Transfer 3 (Wiley Surratt
519), She(ton Motors 1 (Chuck
Knutzen 4951 ; 20th Century
Thriftway 2 /Ray Rice 548), L.
M. 2 (Walt Ell(oiL 524).
12:30 LI,I_G l?E
Nell's Pharmacy .......... 22'/ 13/
Phil's Richfield ............ 20'.!) 15
Shelton Union Service 17/., 18]/,
Dairy Qneen ................ 12 24
High game .... Syh'ia Fonzo 213
High series ..... Connie. Cronquist
Split picks .... Lorene Wilson
3-7-10, Sylvia. Fonzo 5-10, Alice
Kopperman 6-7.
MR. & MRS.
Vagabonds ..........
Skid Row-Lers ..............
I/Da. No.
Bowl-Evils .....................
4 Squares .................... ,."
Nite Owls
Gutter Snipes
Down Beats
Jerry Christy 193.
Jerry Christy,537. ,,'
Bowl-Evils 4
474), Nite Owls 0
441); I. Da. No. 3
5(7), Down Beats 1
ty 537); Skid
Stormo 505),
Staudt 473); Va
ley Engen 451), 4
Beeson 432). .... , <,.
Jim Inc.
Pauley' n:riigL MENU6
Hood Canal
Shelton Ma
Evergreen Florist ...,:.:. OF NOV. 12-
Serle ;
Si,elton Union ......... ""]ri=i. Italian spaghetti,
Edward'a Salon
Bali's Food Center "'Nllll _!
High game--Katie t'. Cheese wiggle on
1lres, snap green beans,
High series--Katie .t>l, calve, milk.
Split picks---Ellen
Peg Roush 3-7, i . "
2-7, Betty J0hll ilay'; Chili con carne,
Ruby Allen 3-5-10. i d.wedges, peanut but-
Shefton Union Servi.¢ ch, canned fl'uit, milk.
Hash 420), Evergree i
(Pat Noreen 395); Ji
Inc. 3 (Connie clr
Shelton Marine SuPP l
Hansmeier 405) ; EdW
(Edith Levitt 471), i ]
Marina 1 (.Katie Nile$
Agency 3 (Pat Austin'
Food Center 1 (MarY'
Allie Robinson 222. <'\< child's diet
. ,€ii; fro m
Shelton Hotel ....... Rexall
McConkey Drug cente ':. Phone 426-4642
Morgan Transfer ....... ' !'l+>,
Sunbeam Bread
Polka Dot
Lumbermcn's MerC -
Hoodsport Lumber
Millo's Diner
High game -- Loi!
High series --- LoiS
Split picks ---
5-6-10, Dot Knutzen
Shelton Hotel 4
ford 418}, Millo's
Harris 343 ;
ther Beret 491),
(Mary Helen
McConkey Drug
bie Barnett 511),
her 0 (Helen
M. 3 (Vera Lowe
1 (Lois Albrecht
-2 Beef-vegetable cas-
!.)¢bi;ii, light rolls, fl'uit
:i.iith whipped erealn
elan, chowder, toast-
se ' sandwich, carrot
[Tce ' cream milk
'!g;e. your o,
llth Pienamins
Timber Bowl .......... ;
Darigold ......................
Richfield Oil
Eells & Valley
Gott's Oilerettes ..........
Ming Tree Case .......
Allyn Shell Service II
Bill's Shell Service
High games
Jo Clary 200 __ JO q; C O M B I
High series
Split picks b '
3-7-10, Betty Woldenl O
, 'k,¢__ O R
Timber Bowl "4 (J/ (ha.ges from Sform
Darigold 0 (Neorria,,.?],
Bill's Shell Service !+ Door to Screen
den 419), Richfiel41i'/k Door. • •
Ziegler 525); IN SECONDS
3 (Barb Wynn
CaSe 1 iAudrey
Gott's Oilerettes ,
462) Eells &
Rodgers 451).
Shelton Valley ...... ....
Skokomish ....... . ........... :,
Agate .............................
Pomona ..... . ................. '
Cloquallum .................
Jonn Sharp
208. bY
High series--Nan, i
Joan Shal 43Y,
maier 532 .
Patrons 4
375) ; Matlock
502); Skokomisl
523i), Agate 1
,171 ) ; Cloqualluna 3
389); POnlona 1
6 % On Reducing Balances -- No COIIIlIII !
' Charges
Mason Gounly Savints tt Loan A# i'l!!
SAVE SPACE-All inset!
WORK--Slidi.g h
fND RATTLES-Panels €.
for years of tf,
L t,