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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 12 ,SHELTONMASON_ --_---- . COUNTY_.,JOURNAL, w -- Published in "¢Christmastown) U.S.A." Shelton, Washington v] t i&apos;" i , t i - -- 32-0, COMBS HAS BIG NIGHT Th,, Shelton Finally convinced they are a bodied persormcl. Thursday, November ..... , , ,iirnal Want Ad,, P!a'y 0pens On 2.Game .......... : '  .e  $ L@e,'s ..... 19,:',i : -- Team 2 .............. 2 0 78 48 Rhot)s .............. .13 ;;T]---- '- .... 01' • "Pean, 1 ............... 1 1. 4S le " "ikh o:;ia;a :- ReAr <L__ J q'( an; 3 ......... 1 1 58 ) ,, ,- :;lm i ,.,,-,-. ................ : ,, High series ..... Glen t ,, ',',,,,n., ........ 0.2 4'-, " ........ _ ....... 7 ......  " Raih'(;ad 4 (Stan Ahlqt![S.',,_F" "" " Sh, on high scheot L,kanmral 4 (Diek McGee 504 OV, [- basketl):lil pPogr:!m ,,at: o,cC !)-,o (Hai Moore 534)' Mill 2 3'--'" gromd last week with a si::-team L, md 501) Inmllaling B::- ..... in ibllt,,,,, pretty good football team after all. the hopped-up Highclimbers heaped a 32-0 homecoming halo- caust upon an unsuspecting Che- halts Bearcat Friday night on Loop Field. There was no sweat about it from the time Joe Waters. playing his last home game in Climber garb, raced 92 yards with a first quarter punt for the opening score until .,ophomore Tommy Lowc passed 21 yards to junior Dan Olson for the final touch- down with 20 seconds of play left. Between those two cheer-pro- voking feats junior Bob Walker thlew his first pass in battle ac- tion and sophomore Don Clary caugllt it for a 21-yard touchdown play in the second quarter, Waters played an encore by ram- sing 30 yards around right end for a third quarter six-pointer, and sophomore linebacker Dave Johnson ran 40 yards with an in- tercepted pass for a fourth quarter tally. That was higldy satisfactory fodder for a homecoming crowd anytime and cprtainly made Honfe-commg Queen Randi Tu- son's resign one of supreme joy. THROUGHOUT TIlE WARP and woof of a Highclimber offense which accumulated 317 yards, .,:enter fullback Gary Combs had his finest hour even without cross- ing the Beareat goal line. The 190-pound f u I 1 b a c k personalty muscled out 137 yards in 21 trips with }.he luggage, which was eight more than tile entire Chehalis team netted on the ground during the game. Combs never had bet- ter arithmetic written after his name in three years of fnllbacking tot the Climbers. Yet it should )rove been greater. Penaltie3 coat him one 28 yard urge und anothcr of lWO. Speaking of those penalties, the Climber8 accomplished thcir one- 8idede triumph despite flag-happy officials Who assessed them an even 100 yards in ten sentences. Besides Combs' 30 lost yards, Waters was shorted 26 and Walker eight for a total of 64, not to forget an intercepted pass. TIllS; BIG VIN was Shelton's second lop-sided success U] st]cces- sion making a total of 58 points in the last two games after shut- outs in the two preceding games and a fzrustratlng string of five straight contests without a vic- tory. Better late l.lmn neve)', it the Climbers are finally climbing. Capsule descriptions of the five Climber tcuchdowns would go something like this: First qm]rt(:r a Chehalis move Pad progressed from tle Bearcat 8 to the Shelton 44 before it bogged and quarterback Dave Thummcl kicked. Waters fielded lhe bah on the ten, receded a couple yards as he headed across field and faked a hand-off to Clary, then broke sharply up the grandstand sidelines as crisp blocking cleared a channel. Ron err threw the key block which sprung him loose fnr a clear field around the Bearcat 45. SECOND QUARTER  a f t e r another 'Cat punt to the Shelton 31, Combs began to unwind. He went for 21, 11, 9 and 7 a sm'les of six rushing plays which set the leather on the Chehalis 21. At that point senior quarterback Bill Smith called for the first Shelton pass of the game and called on Walker to throw it:, the first time t,hia season the "redhead llaS ptt,hed in. game action. Clary :at wide open in the right se.eondary at the ten and had no trouble cantering in to score. Third quarter--again stm¼ting after a Chehalis punt to the Shel- ton 35, wlich Waters retuzmd to the 'Cat 47 on a reverse from Clary, the Climbers scozed |n four plays with Waters taking a pitch- out from Smith and sweeping wide around right end for 30 yards. On tbi one kicker Ken Droscher finally booted the ball between the uprights for the extra point after nissing on the preceeding two. FO[TRTII QUARTER -- the clock had 5:07 left on it when Johnson picked off a Chehalis pass and returned it 40 yards into tile end zone. Only moments earlier tlm Climbers had smashed to the Cheha]is one, where Smit] fumbled and the 'Cats recovered. They had driven out to their 28 when quarterhack John Severns threw the ill-fated aerial. Fourth quarter...--with a con]- plete reverse lineup manning tbe Climber ranks, a Ciehalis punt gave the ball to Shelton 52 yards away from pay-dirt. In eight plays featuring the line smashing of sophomore fullback Fred Lament, the reserves moved in to the Che- balls 21. Lowe threw (me pitch to sophomore end Larry Powell which miSEd, then came right btel¢ with another which C)lson bagged on the eight and hoofed into the end zone. Dros('her got his second true kick of the night after this one. In  night when there were M;LrS il abundance for tile Climb- ers, the play of Comb& of coursle, "Wa:tS lnot itlstrolIS btl ]lot coTu- pletely dimming the ball eat'ty- ing of Waters or the blocklnff of err or the stout defenMve play of scmiovs AI VCa gn or, Gary })eLerson and Mike Sheedy. Tile LATTER was carted off tlae fichl on a stretcher in tim tllird quarter but his injury turn.13d out tO be a severe bllnlp on. the leg rather than broken bo¢ as at first feared. Coach Bob Sund sent 42 players rote thea game, again giving even B team resEtmes varsity action as he all able- lineup: ENDS - Gary Petersen, ken err, Bob Kieburtz, Larry Powell, Floyd Barnes, Jerry Raymond, Steve Chase, Tom Fredson; TACKLES ..... Bob Jeffrey, Gelle Toney, Brian Snyder. Roy Ritner, Denny Fuller. Jim . Rutledge; GUARDS..---AI Wagner, Jinl [gleii- ards, Ken LeBresh. Randy Kings- bury, Carl Dugger, Denny Bailey; CENTERS.:- Shwe Archer, Tim Sheedy, Joh Redress, Steve Anstey; QUARTERBACKS--Bill Smith,< Brian Brickert M i k e Brickert; HALFBACKS Don Clary, Joe Waters, Mike Sheedy, Bob Wnlker, Dan Olson, Dave Johnson, Tom Lowe, Ralph Nell, Denny Wagner. Darrell Peterson: FULLBACKS--Gary Combs, Fred Lament, Butch Drones, Toby Vii- lines, Jlme Rice; KICKER---Ken Droseher. N(',OIIE I|Y QUAltTERS Chehalis .............................. 0 0 0 0--- 0 Slleltt)ll .............................. fi 6 7 13--32 Touchdowns: (S) Wate,'s (2)92. punt return: 30, full; Clary, 20 pass from Walker: Johuson. 35 into.r(t pied pass; OlsoII, 21. })ass fV011] Lowe. ConverMon: iS) DroscheP (2) kicks. TI,;AM STATISTICS c s First downs ............................... 9 I,I By l'LlShJ ng ................................... 3 14 By passillg' .................................. 3 0 By penalties .............................. 3 0 Rushing (No. of ])lays) ......... 30 46 Yards rained ........................... 145 277 Yards lost .............................. 18 1 Net yaPds gained ................. 127 27J Passillg Numln,r attempted .................. 12 6 N t.II]IIH,F CillllllI'l.Id .................. d 2 NUllll)tq' }'lad inter('el)/Pd ..... .1 1 Yards gained ..................... 51 4 1 Total net yards ............. 178 a17 Totul play4 ............................ 42 52 Fumbles ........................................ 2 2 Ball lost ............................... 0 1 Punts ..................................... 5 3 Yards ......................... lg5 9g A v,q'am:. . ............................. 3'7.0 :]2,7 Pl.ITl } l'l'l II l'llS ........................ ] 4 Y/I I'ds rt,Tl|rll d ...... ,1 116 vpl'agi' . ............................... d0 2!).(I Ponalt i(,s .................................. ] 10 Yt r(|s ]OH{ ............................... 5 1(10 I NI)] VI]}UAI, s'r ATI STI{',N ('ht*halfs I{uliing: T{'I Y(i YL NYG At'g. Katrvnioh ........ 12 26 10 16 1.3 Bvxter . .............. {i 22 ,; '22 :].7 Thtnzllnel ............... '2 ],]. 8 3 ] .5 I:',,meri . ,] '18 0 J;4 1,5 Alldol'Sull ...... 3 19 (I 49 16,3 Riddlv . .......... '3 10 u 10 3.3 Passing:  I'A i'C ]11{. Y(i Avg. ThLlllllll,'} ...... r) ] ] 9 1.8 S( V('l'll8 ............. 7 3 3 12 6.(} ,helton I{llshilllX: 'l'Ci 3"(; YL Nl'(a Avg. SIHilh ....... 7 27 I 27 3.9 Combs ......... 21 136 0 136 6.5 W alA'I'S .............. {i 5,(i ( 51) .(), Clar'y .. : . 7 :]5 1 34 4.9 ] Million} | I 0 I r ) 5.8 ihlstlllg: I?A P(: IIIL YG Avg. Emi[h ........... 2 0 1 U 0.0 ,Va t,'l'S . . ] (J II U I).(I LOVT' . .......... 2 1 0 '2] 1{).5 Walk(,r . ............. I J 0 2{} :]0.0 leagm lu,,ing' S, .......... ! :'. ..'::.'2 Farly Ieader o7 the fieht is Teanl 2, led by Dtll jirt( 3ob Towle, .';wept easily }!1tough P '; fil'st two oppmlentg to get a ht:ad start on the pack. Towle's team opened with a convineing 38-20 win oveP Team 5, led by senior John A:de"mh and kepl right on lo!liug' 1} 3 po\\;vel'ing" ]}ast Team 6, 40-28. Right behind the lead(!Ps, with :1-alld-:1 recol'dS, ape fOUP pllrsllel's. Team I, led by sophomore Terry LaBissoniere, opened with a 26- 12 victory over Mike Carte's Team 4 but lost a 34-22 sLomping by Team 5. Team 3, led by senior Bill 8loan, spilt a pair of overtime de- cisions, h)sing a 28-26 squeaker to Team 8 (led by .Iim Goodpaster), then reversing that luch with a 32- 30 count over Team 4. The lea.gue plays each Tuesday and Thursday nights at Lincoln gym with games starting at 7:30. The intramm'al prog)'am is (It- retted by Shelton's new basket- ball coach, Jim Doherty. Now Located at W L Hep Ktl.z ........................... 11. ,5 You Name It ...................... .,. 9 7 Twisler8 ................................. 7 9 Surb n'banies ................... 5 11 High Kam(,' ..... Joan Klllldson 1.70, Terry IPriedlna]l 224 High series Verna Johanson 434. Terry Friedman 588. Hep Katz 3 Otto Hanson 493), Lane00 in Olympia New and re-drilled balls, King Louie shirts, precision bow! drilling -- plugging PHONE "me to RAIN, HUD DOH'T DAHPEH 0,,zo,,,o, in the sec, nd annual Mason County punt, pass and G01N ' kick contest sponsored by Jim Pauley Inc., of Shelton: David | Steinberg, 44-year-old division; Bill Julian, lO-year; Mke Bac, r. ,7" 9-year; Neal White, 8-year; and John Eager, 7-ycar, wearing the .... 93 F00TB00LL C0HTESTAHTS jacketstheywon. Middlerowshowssecondplacewinners:George HUN[IN? ' ', ' W son Jr. 1'; Jim Einarson, 10; Terry Wickhorst, 9; Tim Frtd- YOUR son, 8; Gtne Rank, 7, holding football he mets they won. Back row Ninety-thre6 grade school boys divisions were: Ray Parr,  shows third place winners: Alan Carlson, 11; Bruce Cole, 10; hetween 7 and 11 years partici- points, 7-years: Bobby Woods, 118 Bobby Turner, 9; Bobby Woods, 8; and Ray Parr, 7, holding their ated in the second annual Ford points. 8-years; Bobby Turner, 148 prizes, footballs autographed by members of the 1961 pro foot-  Motor Company punt-pass-am(t-p{,ints. 9-years; Bruce, Cole. 152 ball champion Green Bay Packers. ';q OUR kick eoutesl sporlsore(I h)cally by points, 10-years, and Alan Carl- GET ACCIDENT INSURANCE FOR YOUR TRIP! "Jim Paul{y. In{;. Sunday on a Ben. 176 points, ll-years. BANTAM IJ,;AGUE I I,:a,_,'les Ae, ie . ..................... 8 10 'LOAN! rain-seaked, slithery L, oop Field. Only two of this year's prize W Wit.;on (o npany ............... 7 1 1 Whether you're away from home one day or" Jonger, up Con(litiols were far from fa- winner, were repeaters from ltst Timber Bow1 ........................ 1,5 •: Morg'tn, F]:terctt Lb)' . ....... 6 12 months, you can have continuous protection on land, seo vorable for the youLhi'ul pig'skin year-Steinberg who was first Cook Plant Fal'n] ........... 10 8 itiah g':lllle;; ()llja AhlqllisL marksPavLi:ipantS'w{:l'e registered)3111 ..,ome exeellent ago;in l.he 10-year-old division a year Boon'sShelt°n PlumbingJ°Ul'nal .................... ............... 9 9 /5(i. Bruee P,':H'son 128 , in the air with Trip Travel Accidenf insurance. Rates ore noae.theh}ss and Turner. wl'm won the. 9 9 Higi series Sonja Ah)quist { For slight additionol cost yoc can have insurance :' " m wew of the handicaps. 8-year-old division m 1961. Lions Club ............................ 8 10 t 270, Bruce H(}ard 2;]4. for your hunting equipment and other personal ;.; Vimev,s of h'trl(lsonlo jaekets N('OI{.ING WAS DONE on the yOU take with you. [or taking first place in their re-tin, sis of lenth of feel for-each DARIGOLD and SHELTOH MAID ;pectiv,;' agd divJsJorls wel'e: ,]ohll 131.1ill ' pass and kick less the IIlPqSml IBager. 98 points, 7-year-olds a}]lotutt of feet each effort missed Neal White 1,28 D0ints, 8-year-a median lille. PAOKAGED 10E GiiE,AM o}ds;MileeBae. 161, point's. 9-year- :[*{,St punt Ot the day was made AHGLE AGENCY elds; Bill Julian. 156 points. 10- by Mike Johnson. 11, at 71 feet; year-olds, and DavM Steinberg, best pass by George VVilson Jr., IN ALL YOUR FAVORITE FLAVORS 196 points, ll.year-olds. 11.. at 70 fee.t; and best place- IVINNERS OF I,'OO'I'BALI, hel- kick by Da.vid Steinberg, 11. at Now available for your convenience nmts for taking second place in 77 feet. in CE'rE  a self-service refrigerator at DICK ANGLE HERB theh' divisions were: Gene Rank, By divisioll thel'e x,ere :1.2 i 9',, points. 7-years Tim Freds,m cx)ntes, a,,ts amen:- the ",-year: M©GOHgEY'S DRUG 426-82?2 121 poiP.ts, 8-years Terry Wick- oMs, 17 among the 8"year-°lds' Ll " horst, 1.52 points, 9 years: Jim 2] among tlle 9-year-olds, 24 Square Einarsson 153 points; 10-years, among the 10-year-olds, and 17 Evergreen and George "Wilson Jr., 194 points, among the 11-year-olds. --...J '" 1 1-yea\\;,¥.i,metrS .......................................................................................................................... s of footballs auto- # " - IN Kraphe{] by members: of the (])'eel1 ]3ay l)tcl(et's, l)ro champions of 1961. for finishing third in their You Name It 1 (Terry Friedman 588 ) ; Subm'banitcg 2 ( Chuck GARY CX)MBS Knudson 457), Twisters 2 (Don Fttil Night For Fulllbaek Knudson 508). TV Service Floor Coverings I : Radio- TV I • IAnoleum i Phonographs I • Tile I • @B 2-way radio I • Carpeting i • Formica I LEROY'S TV SERVICE I REX FLOOR COVERING I Mt. View Ph. ,426-3172 i Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 ! Tire Service_ Radiator Relmir • New - Goodrich [ * Boiling out • Soldering • lppL i . New cores • Ud BOON)$ PLUMBING OK RUBBER WELDER8 HEATING, SHEET METAL Mt. View Ph. 426-4832 (t23 S. 1st. Ph. 426-3483 Florist • Plan for all occasions • Flowers EVERGREEN FLORIST8 4th & Birh 8 to 8 426-8479 Auto Glass i * Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, ING. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 bringing dairy products to HOMO6ENIZED Mason available at good stores the counly County Babies Since 1923 throughout or delivered to your door. J Electrical ' ' • Fairbanlm-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Applianee 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 8HELTON ELECTRIC CO. Drugs .... [ i , Rubinsteln Helena cos- tactics • Pi-escriptions • Hypo-Allergle cosmetics NELL'8 PHARMACY Govey Bldg, Ph. 426.3327 I Used Furniture  -" • Appliances • Furniture • Bed & Mattresses KELLY'S FURNITURE 1st & Mill Ph. 426-2411 Printhg • Quality Work of All Kinds THE JOURNAL 227 Ceta Phone 426-4412 Bike Shop .... I . Sales and Repair • Locksmith  Keys Made = Hobbles SL,EYSTER'S BIKE SHOP Roy Clinton 223 Cots St., Draperies • euratom made • free estlmatea • ork guaranteed J. C. PENNEY CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph.-426-8283 FIFTH AND Olympia, HOME OFFIC SHELTON SEE KURT MANN RE/ 321 S. 1st St. --  New super torque  New For,  New Falcon C0m Talk YOUR FARiVlEg NEIGHBORS You cadt il/alli: compact s,i,', to classics, K00TSAP - DAIRY [ lli00 mer'ca s IIvellest' m°lSA nQan all-star "-' " "auto show al =s, 44 different modelsl ryou such freedom of c >Shelton Plant, 3rd at Grove Phone n=,. , PAULEY II I