November 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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.November 8, 1902 ' SH'ELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chrzstmastow, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington , Page 13
Thursday November 8,! '- . ......
0000Urnal Want Ads Square D,mcmg LPISCOPAL CHURCH BAZAAR NEXI IHURSDAY VFW Schedules Cub Scout Pack I I
The future is no nlore uncei'taff
] nsulati]:g Board ........ 22
Mill 1 ........................... 19!§
En;:i n:'m; .................... 19 ....
Log,;crs .......................... 19
Mill 2 .............................. 19
fOdh'oad ......................... 18
Loader: ......................... 14
Shops ............................. 13!
Hig'h gamc -- Glen
High series .... Glen
Iaih'(;ad 4 i Sta-AhlqU!
Shops 0 (H.oy Petty 486
4 (Dick McGee 504,
(Hal Moore 534); Mill 2
r,,,n(t 5011, Insulating :
(Bill Rutter 427);
(Glen. Robcrtson 595),
(Chuck Thompjson 490).
Now Located at
in Olympia
New and re-drilled
balls, King Louie
shirts, precision bow[it
drilling -- plugging
Saturday Evening
LOOKING OVER SOME of the gift items which
will be for sale at the St. David's Episcopal
Church Bazaar next Thursday are (left to right)
Mrs. Orville Moran, general chairman; Mrs.
Chas• Redman, publicity; and Mrs. Phil Bayley,
luncheon chairman, and Janie Eager, interested
bystander. The Bazaar will be held from 10 a.m.
to 9 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Luncheon will Joe
served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The menu will
consist of scalloped oysters, meat and vegetable
casserole, three bean salad, hot rolls, coffee, tea
Visitors Feted
By Nydia Club At
Recent Dinner
Mrs. t-Ienrietta Amundsen,
Queen of Zorn Temple, Daughter
of the Nile, was honored recently
when the members of Nydia Club
entertained at Alderbrook Inn.
Forty-five officers and members
were present to enjoy a lovely
dinner and social 9vening presid-
ed over by the presidetn, Mrs.
Carol Gruncrt,. Miss Susan Grun-
err sang several .electious, accom-
panied by Mrs. Marie McKay.
Visitors from Tacoma, Olympia,
Aberdeen, Centralia and Hood Ca-
nal were introduced. Mrs. Kay
Sutherhmd was presented as a
new mcmber of Zorn Temple Pa-
Queen Henrietta complimented
Ny(iia Club members for their di-
ligent work for the crippled Chin
or milk, and apple crisp• Price will be $1 for
adults, 75 cents for children. The coffee bar will
be open from 10 a.m. to 3'30 p.m. with cookies,
cake and pie available. Christmas decorations,
unusual gifts, homemade candy, gourmet boeth
and dolls with complete wardrobes are a few of
the items to be offered, Other chairmen are Mrs.
Grover Brewster, gift booth; Mrs; Isaac Jeffery,
gourmet booth and Christmas decorations; Mrs•
Kenneth Gray, apron booth; and Mrs. Glenn
Roessel, candy booth.
I Club Woman Of The Week
The Salty Sashaver Squa'.'e
Dance Club will h'tve its ]'eglzlar .:
(tam:c :it 8:30 p.m. this Satm'ady
in the Memorial hnll. Clint Ren-
ney of (.)lyJ.H)ia i.; tile (:;tHel' ,tot'[
the club.
MI'. (tll(t ]lil's. LioIHI l)ay slid
M}'. ali(I MI'S. BIWI Deyelte will
l)( hosls tOF the evening. .... ...........
All NqllllFe (IlII/C()FS aI'O invited
lt) ill(} ',lllll(!t' all(] spet.tnt:ors are
ll\\;vltys ',v(] (!on] e.
"l']ll ;(t II il, l'( (|1 II(!O ] ('N!-:(HI S are
conl inlliila," eacl M(md;ly cv(,ning
at ]ordeallX school.
Laul'el Colu't Ol'dcr of AYll{}L-
lallth will hold a I{ummage Sale
fl'Olll 9 a.nI. to ,I p.li1, in the PUD
auditorium Friday and Saturday.
There will be toys and lots of
childrens clothing.
From home one day or longer, up tO:
:ontinuous protection on land, sea an= :
vel Accident insurance. Rates are 1o'
st yoc can have insurance protecti
,ment and other personal belonging
ADD ON BEDROOMS . . . finch the
attic or basement.., enlarge the
entire house. Our modernization
loan will take care of the costs.
No down payment necessary,
take years to repay. Simply bring
in your plans and contractor's
estimates. Our experienced
counselor is at your service.
Investigate today.
d,ren's hospitals.
present the club is busy
making fitted sheets for the cribs,
and stu,.'fed animals for the child-
HGLE AGENCY if, ,on of the, Spokane hospital.
NvdieL Club had special mention
4 for "its large funds turned over to
" ' ....... the children's hospital from mo-
nies derived from Memorial funds.
_ . • , Anyone wishing to .:end money as
a nlemorial may do so through
any member of Nydia Club"o'P
to Mrs. Bessie Hall, 118 So. Third
Tile next meetint" will be Nov-
ember 28 at the ilome of Mrs.
Herb Rotter in Union. :: '- ::!::!'] :!!
Rebekahs To Have THE GIRL SCOUTS of Shelton are fortunate to have Billie Holm
Official Visitor Friday interested in their work. In addition to having a troop of girls she
Rub3 Rebekah Lodge No. 75 is also Neighborhood Chairman of Mason County to the Tall Tim-
will hold its regular meeting at be Council.
8 p.m. Friday night at the IOOF ' ...... ;' ""
hall. There will be an official vi- The Girl Scouts of Anlerica cele- tercsted in kcepin Kthe Girl Scout-
sit from Jeanne Bergerom, dis- brate their 50th amiversa)'y tiiis ing program alive m this area
trict deputy president of District year. At the end of 50 years they find the going rmlgh at times.
No. 11 of District 3. are still faced with the'same ms- Parents' just are not interested
The commiLtee for the evening jor problem they h;we had from enough, or too bnsy to give help
will be Ruth Yule, Judy ,Vilson the beginning of the program --- when it is needed. It is always
and Ida Lundquist. Members are getting leaders, the same few who can be relied
....... elm is o ..... on Billic feels however if she
urged to attend and hear Mrs. lJlllle rl .' 'le Ol Otll" Jocal " ' . ' , ' * "
Bergerom's program, mothers who has given much of helps one girl. he)' efforts have
her time and energy to help keep
been well paid for.
Billie is also a members of the
Donnie J. Orthopedic Guild. She
is Room Mother at Mr. View
school for the fifth time this year.
She is helping for the fourth year
with lunch room duty. She and
her husband, I'red, are members
of the Shelton Dance Club.
The Holms have thi'ee youngs-
ters, Mike. 10, Jenny, 9. and Jeff,
7. When Billie isn't busy with her
own youngsters, or other people's
she enjoys gardening, sewing and
A pouck meeting of the St.
Edwards Youth Group will be
held at 6 p.m. Friday in the
church basement,
A complete report of the recent
carnival will be given.
The Rachel Knott Orthopedic
Guild will meet for a 12:30 p.m.
luncheon meeting November 16 at
the home of Mrs. Harry Deegan
with Mrs. Grover Brewster as co-
" hostess.
Girl Scouting in existence in Shel-
ton. This will be her third year
as a Brownie Troop Leader. This
year her troop merged with an-
other one giving he)" more than
20 girls. Larger groups is part of
a new program that is being plan-
ned for the near future.
Mason Courtly Girl Scouts for-
merly had their own council. Re-
cently a new arrangement was
made whereby they joined the
Tall Timber Council which also
inch)des Thurston and Lewis coun-
ties. As yet is it is too early to
tell if this will work out satis-
factorily for everyor/e. It gives
Sheiton the advantage of leader
training which they did not have
before. However, being of much
smaller size, they are well out-
numbered in representatives.
Billie is Neighborhood Chairman
of Mason County to the Tall Tim-
ber Council. Her duties are to at-
tend Council Board meetings, pre.
side at local leaders' meetings
once a month, handle correspon-
dence ad act a a delegate tO
council-wide meetings twice a
People like Billie who are in-
New super torque Ford Galaxie...big and lively with the real Thunderbird feet!
Hew Ford Fairlane...h0t new middleweight with V-8 punch!
New Falcon C0nvertible...livel
the fun built rightin!
New Thunderbird...m0re unique than ever in'63!
Talk about one-Mop shopping]
l You cafft top a Ford Dealer for'63 !
i!, c0mpacts to classics, your Ford Dealer to pep. Or such freedom from care-for each*
i00AIO00 l, ! 00rica ,,ive,ie00t, - .
Itasam ' mostcare freecars of these head turners has wonderful new
)N J=l i I|lnall.starautoshowalbyitself--Ford's service-savingfeaturesthatcuty°urservice ,,, _
• - mm,- ! !:i) and Ivel line-up for '631 Four distinct stops to twice a yearor every6000 m' esl So
,h Y
I s, 44 different modelsl No other dealers why look further and find less? Shop right
..e I I i r You such freedom of choice--from price here for the most cho ce--and the choicestl
501R ilroad Avenue
i i
0000lVl,, •
Underground Utilities
By Hour or Contract
DIAL--426-6203 426-3433
707 South First
than the present. - .'Walt Whitman
Annual Turkey Presents Awards At ...................................................................
Shoot Nov. 17 First Monthly Meeting
At the last regular meeting of
the "VFW held last Friday, final
plans were laid for the Anmzal
Turkey Shoot to be held at the
Airport Rifle Range from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Novenlber 17. TLc pub-
lic is invited to attend.
The Post has made arrange-
ments to receive a listing of all
Civil Service johs in this area.
Anyone interested in a joh is wel-
come to look at tile list on the
bulletin board at the 1lenlorial
The Teen-Age dance scheduled
for last Friday night was cancel-
led beause it conflicted wiLh
school activities. The noxt dance
will be held November 17 and will
carry a Sadie Hawkin's Day the-
Don't forget Veterans' Day skits on the October theme "He- Richard Holland, W.M.
November 11. It is in memory of roes t'ronl Books". Following the
our greatest war heroes, the boys meeting Den 1 selTed refresh- Gerald Samples, Sec'y.
who )level' came back. illents.
The Olympia Area Guild Coun-
cil, member of Tacoma Orthopedic
Association, will present its an-
nual luncheon and fashion show
to be held at the Tyee next
Thursday. Social hour begins at
12:30 p.m. with hmcheon at 1:30
p.m. Bridge will follow for those
who wish to play. Tickets are $2
and reservations are being taken
by Mrs. Bern Scoles in Shelton,
phone 426-8567, oz' Mrs. Don
Henry in Hoodsport, phone 877-
5304, or phone the Tyee in Olym-
The glitter and finery of the
coming holiday season, along with
tile new fall street wear will be
shown. All fashions presented are
trom M:. M. Morris.
Proceeds from this event Go to
lhe Tacoma Orthopedic Associa-
tion for t.e operation and main-
tenance of Mary Bridge Children
Hospital. Reservations will be
closed on Tuesday so call early.
Remember', laat year was a sell-
Models will include "Miss Che-
halts" Chart Durnbroski, and the
Mesdames Win. H. Hammond, Irv-
ing Peterson, Don Henry, Lawr-
ence Wilson, Whitmore Reading,
Bern Scoles, Larry Shea, Sack
Lindskog and Walter Meyers.
Girl Scout Council
Y00eeting Date Set , .
The fall Council meeting of the ll,lmtnd Wint, r Weath00.r
T'tll Timber Girl Scout Council Hl%lililVlk IIIVVVJ V V
will be held at. 9:30 a.m. next Wed- v
nesday at 1he PUD auditorium. 111111111 Ill PAllllIlA lllBiql.1
A sh;)rt coffee session will pre- UlllI,1 ILl lilIlllll " - NlIllli
(',.'.de. the business meeting which IIII!1 Ir-LILU/IIIV lin-Ill
V*IU 1TlCillde the snowing of a, new
film, "This is Girl Scouting". The Cleanest, Most Dependable, Comfortable
bets of the Council from Mason
Thurston and Lewis counties are T TXr' D-mm5= "15T'Zg'rl'I:Tf"AT .T .y
invited to attend the meeting, l.Lv D.P-.t..L..L, .LUZ.2,,L.L,XX,,Z'X.a..
do-o;ii};i-n}-)-N{ . MASON It II Irl HA O
left for Honolulu last Friday on JACK COLE, nresident; TOM WEBB, secretary;
the K.U.I. Carwr Clan Tour. hSe --- r
will return November 10 ED TAYLOR, commissioner; CLAUDE DANIELSON manage
Try A-o.rn-ai Want Ad ....................................................
Th00nk You So Very Much
Tile first monthly meeting of
Cub Scout Pack 11 was held Oc-
tober 26. The meeting was opened
by Den 2 prcsenUng the flag.
After a brief song period [hc new
boys joining the Pack were ini.ti-
ated under the direction of Jack
Grubb o.nd Chuck VVinne. 0
Dick Endicott presented the fol-
lowing awards: Bobcat pins to Mt. Moriah Lodge
Jack Benedict, Mike. l!.ennel', Curt ,:
Hunter, Billy Hunter, Neal Puter, , A , F. & A. M.
Randy EndicotL Mark %Valmsley
and Mike Joimson; Volf badge, NO. 11 ;
l)avid Lanning; Silver ar),ow, yea)'
service star and Denner stripes
to John Suttt.n; dinner st,'ipes to Stated aommunicatlon I
Jel'ry Smith, Domt!d B'enedict and
Ivan Dyson. SATURDAY, NOV. 10
Dens 3 and 4 presented brief ' )
Your kindness and generosity ov.
erwhelmed us during our open house
last weekend in our new home. We
are deeply grateful and feel we have
many new friends as the result of
your visit to our new quarters
friends not only for our two estab-
lished brands of appliances, Tappan
Ranges and Gibson Refrigerators and ' I
Freezers, but for ourselves as well. "
We thank you most sincerely for
your expressions of good will and
your generous purchases of our mer-
chandise during our grand opening.
Such indication of confidence will
serve always to inspire us to do ev-
erything in our power to justify its
continuance throughout our efforts
to serve you in the future.
We congratulate, too, the winners
of our door prizes:
BOB WOLDEN, 1702 S. Pioneer
Way, portable typewriterlst prize.
Best buy ever on a Tappan ElecfrTc range , • • .... 'I 'K'" .........
t" IYI2-I'L £N 0 2-2-J, .L,3UD allroaa,
features brushed chrome back panel, automa €
electrlc clock with timer, Meas-ur-heat infinite top MRS. EVA KENNEDY, Rt. 3, Box
un,t control, hft up cooking top, huge all porcelain 3 TVANI A.'Pn - "J - oo
oven interior, lift-off oven door, removable oven Record Albums
bottom, lifetime Titanium porcelain exterior finishs " ,,
full-wldth storage drawer at the bottom.
RIIII n.h, ¢IACl CIR i/i Sincerely Yours,
llPllll VlII 1 I VVIVV !1 / -- __ ....
for a liml'ted time longer em an(1 naron warren.f
' k ' L ' RATION