November 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 8, 1962 |
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S0uthside 4-H Clubs Elect ty Gro MARY M KNIGHT SCHO0 Applications To Coast T],o next meet,n, the Na,00
[ i00sp BeingStudied p.n,. next Thursday in tbe Mo.,o; PARTY
urces c.w. Hoisington Qualifies To Instruct Guar
Young" men betwe(m 17 and 22 rial ha.ll.
Civil Defense Adult Education Program I years of age apply , nti Jan, 10. .............................................. ---. -:
5000 , ]l !]] i which qualifies him as an instruct- Dale, Alan Charles amhlation being gives t)'eb. 18-19
O. French was advised this week propelling force. !1963 for admission to the U.S[ '0 E
by Louis Bruno, state superin- (he cafeteria was appropriately Coast Guard Academy at New
Director Earl Coe of the Wash- ten(tent ot public instruction, that decorated for the occasion by the London, Conn. Sen. Varren G.
ington State Department of Con- C. W. roisington has recently arrangements committee of Loret- Mag'nuson, reported today. Small Cubes in 10-1b
j t10i!eefssi:ii:il i i----.. " ! ! partment'sServati°n ann°unced that the de" c°mpletedDivision of Water Re- the refresher training ta Beerbower, Alice Dale, NevilleTupper, Chap- canMagnus°n said application formSbe obtained by writing to the Sacks
" sources is starting a study of the oz" in the Civil Defense Adult pell, Gloria Beerbower and Ver- Commandant, CosL Guard Head-
geology and ground water re- Education Program planned again non Buchanan under the supervi- quarters, Washington 25, D.C. BILL'S SHELL
]]er sources of the more populated for this school year. sion of Shirlce Murphy, class ad- Magnuson, Chairman ofSenate SERVICE
• ! lowlands of eastern Mason County. The course, "Individual and i viser. . Commerce Committee, said this
--"--" security and The project includes an area of Family Preparedness," is offered Joy relgzed supreme and the examination would determine eli- First and Cots
Eeup to 48 months
::'epay. Credit Life
ance is avail-
i' Phone, stop in
i24 Railroad Ave.
Phone 426-4447
be fooled by flctic|ous prlc.
Compare anywhere and
why Encore is .you
Southside Eagles met at the home
of Mrs. Ray Bracy last week and
held election of officers. Those
elected were president, Bobby
Quimby; vice president, Kenny
Bare; secretary, Steve Tibbets;
treasurer, Bobby Crume; commu-
nity service, Carl Wilson; flag
bearer, Kenny Sheppard; reporter,
Dale Bracy and historian Robby
Jackson. This was the first meet-
ing of the Southside Eagles and
the members are starling with a
let's cook .project and will be
meeting twice a month. The next
meeting of the club will be held
at Mrs. Ray Bracy's Nov. 8, at
3:30 p.m.
Thunderbirds 4-H club mem-
bers held their first meeting of the
coming year at the home of their
leader Mary Wetter, Wedneday
evening for election of officers.
l'hose elected were president, Tom
of Diamonds
(fofal weTght)
Seven stunning d;a.
monds flame in orlglnal
14K gold setting.
of Diamonds
(fofal welght}: ...
81az|ng brilllancn m lqK
lold hlqhliqhts 7.dlamond
bridal pal(.
of Diamonds
Be©kwilh Jewelry
pin, Kevin Wetter'won a garden about 200 square miles lying gen-i
pin and Chuck Sheppard won a
beef pin. The 4-H members held
a swimming party on September
29 at. Pool Nuotare. The next
meeting of the club will be held
at Roy Baileys on Nov. 9.
Four Leaves 4-H club met last
week "1 the home of its leader
Mrs. Helen Bakke for the first
meeting of the new year and held
election of officers. Newly elec-
ted officers are president, Robin
Bakke; vice-president:, Christine
Schuffenhauer; secretary Barbara
Wolf; reporter, Kathy Ness; com-
munity service, Diane Symes;
scrap book, Shells Holtorf, trea-
.surey, Lmda Trotzer and refresh-
men( and party Gall Bailey. The
4-H mere'hers have decided on
their projects and also decided to
work in the kitchen at the South-
side Carnival on Nov. 3. The next
meeting will be held at Mrs. He-
len Bakke's today.
New S0uthside
4-H Club
Elects Officers
SOUTHSIDE. - ..... S o u t h s i d e
Bachelors is the name of this new
organized 4-H Club. They held
their first meeting Oct. 30 at the
home of theh" leader, Mary Wetter
and held election of officers. The
officers of this new club are presi-
dent, Paul DeMeirro; vice-presi-
deut, Dick Tibbets; secretary,
Garry Stites; treasurer, Bill Tib-
bets; reporter, Hank Wooldridge
and community service, Steve Her-
rick. The next meeting of the
club will be held at Mary Wetter's,
Nov. 13.
Live Wires 4-H club members
met at the Southside school and
election of officers was held. The
l;ewly elected officers for the com-
ing year are president, Patty Jo
Mell ; vice president, Carolyn
Brewer; secretary, Ruth Ann Trot-
zer; treasurer, Sally Wolf; re-
i)orLer, Barbara. Cook and com-
nmnity service, Linda Rains and
Paula Woods. The next meeting
will be held at Patty Jo Mell's,
Nov. 13.
GuesU of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Brumbaugh spending the weekend
were: Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsey
of Sea, tie and Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Freeman (K SeaLLIc. Mrs. Lindsey
and Mcu. Freeman spent Sunday
fishing on Hammersley Inlet with
Mrs. Freeman catching a ne
sa ln'lon,
BOIBY HOLTORF celebrated
birthday Nov. 5. Mr. and I
Mrs. Gerald Coleman and family[
of' the Cole road and Bobby,'s pa,:- [
cnts, Mr. and Mrs. John Holtorf[
and family all helped Bobby cele-[
brate Monaay evening. ]
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken-I
erally between Thurston County
and the southern extremity of
Hoods Canal. The investigation!
will include Squaxin and Harstine
The investigation is being con-,
dueled in cooperation with the
Ground Water Branch of the U.S.
Geological Survey and is part of
an overall inventory of the ground
water esources of the State of
The report, when completed,,
will be available to all persons i
interested in or actively associ-
ated with the development and
utilization of the ground water
supplies of that area. The report
wilt contain a thorough discus-
sion of geologic formations within
the area and an evaluation of the
water-bearrng characteristics of
each important aquifer. Also in-
cluded will be factual data such.
as well logs, water levels, yield
characteristics and other informa-
tion for those wells visited by de-
partmental personnel.
John Noble, Division of Water
Resources geologist, has started
his field work and will, from time
to time, be calling upon well dril-
lers, well owners, and others wbo
have information which will be of
value in the study, and it is hoped
that those people contacted by
Noble will cooperate with him in
his attempt: to obtain basic data
about their wells. Coe said that
completion of the project will take
about one and one-half years of
time and the results will be made
available as formal publication
at nomhml cost. Availability of
the report will be announced by a
general press release.
neLh Archer and Patsy, Sunday
for a turkey dinner were Mrs.
Frauces Schamp of Philomath
Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Garry Schamp
and family of Albany, Ore., Mr.
and Mrs. Kenny Archer Jr. and
family and Catherine Johnson,
Mrs. Frances Schamp and Mr. and
Mrs. Garry Schamp and family
(pent Sin]day and Monday with
l he Archers md Patsy.
Don't forget the Southside
P.T.A. meeting will be Nov. 12.
GUESTS OF MR. and Mrs.
Fred Sttzcl(, Sunday for dizl'ner
were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stuck
and family ot Hoquiam, Mr. arid
Mrs. Vern Stuck of Bremerton,
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Holloway,
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Stuck and
Virgil and Mr. and Mrs::Russer[
Stuck and Rose Mary, With th(
day spent lmnting.
One. of the lucky ones this hunt.
in K seas(),] was Dull Cormier, he
outsmarted his three-point buck
in the Matlock area.
Weekend callers on the Ray
Kratctm's were Gwen Sutherland
and Collin, D'm Cormier and Rich-
ard and Charles Botts, all of Shel-
ton. Richard Cormier has just
arrived home for 43 furlough days
from Viet Nam, where he has been
stationed. He will be stationed in
Nortt Carolina when his furlough
i, up.
the public without charge as an
evening educational program de-
signed to alert adults of this
community to the need for civil
defense. It presents the basic prin-
ciples and practices of family pre-
paredness, so that citizens will be
better able to fulfill their re-
sponsibilities in case of disaster.
The course is to be offered in four
weeldy sessions.
The program is sponsored by
the State Office of Public Instlazc.
(ion, the State Civil Defense Of-
fice, the U. S. Office of Educa-
tion and the Department of De-
fens.e. It is coordinated by the
State Office o£ Public Instruction
under the direction of Clifford
Boyce and Perry Keithley in co-
operation with local civil defense
Persons wishing to participate
in this civil defense course are
asked to contact Mr. French for
further information.
* * $
Yell queens have been elected
for the year an(] the girls are
busy practicing some new and
interesting routines. Lbzda Mil-
ler, Rene Perkins aatd Jan
Stark were chosen for 7th and
8th; Jacklc L,mdis, Virginia
Hollatz and Barbara Spakling
for high selzool.
School board members Frank
H o l 1 a t z. chairman, Jacqueline
Walker, Robert Trimble, Mrs.
Helen Stodden and Herb Breh-
meyer, Jr., accompanied by Super-
intendent E. O. French, were in
attendance at the meeting of Ma-
son county school directors and
county commissioners in Shelton
last week.
The principal topic under discus.
sion was distribution of forestry
money, a matter in which com-
plete accord was reached toward
apportioning it on the basis of
need. Consequently Mary [.
Knight will undoubtedly receive
a fair and equitable distributive
share of the available funds.
Our representatives reported
that a friendly atmosphere pre-
vailed throughout the meeting and
tbat the tentative arrangements
were satisfactory to all parties
Delores Skinner, health nurse, is
proceeding with the program of
eye tests and completed the work
tn the second grade last week.
The results were recorded on the
fi_,..zl'en s health ecords and,:now
till the second grade records are
Mrs. Skinner plans to visit the
l-tem.y Children's borne to check
on the cause of their illness and
see what may be done toward
rendering assistance.
* * :g
Aec:ortihg to a sur W recent-
ly completed by Superintentlent
French, ninety percent of the
student body is interested in
some form of education beyond
high school. Over sixty percent
lflan to attend ('()liege, while
thirty percent desire some kind
of vocational training in busi-
ness college or trade school.
Results of the survey were
a.nalyzed and discussed at a fa-
('ally meeting last week and a
decision wa made to htvite
speakers from various profes-
sions su(,h as doctors, lawyers
students whooped it up right from
the start until the final moments.
They danced the twist, the stomp,
and the mashed potato until the
vibration fairly set the walls qui-
The mashed potato, a weird, un-
canny and violent sort of thing,
appears to be a combination of
the twist, stomp, and jungle folk
danced in which the participants
wriggle with the enthusiasm of a
whirling dervish who is inspired
by a nest of highly-energized hor-
nets up his pants leg. Only the
more nimble and ventursome par-
ticipated in this activity which
requires the muscular coordina-
tion of an acrobat, tight wire wal-
ker and professional bull fighter
for proper execution. Certainly
the Russians must have introduc-
ed it into this country as a sub-
versive move to eanse permanent
physical impairment to our youth
and render them unfit for military
Even some of the sedate and
dignified faculty members join-
ed in the fun with Thomas Mur-
pAygiving a spectacular demon-
stration of the twist and stomp
techniques although he judicious-
ly refrained from dishing up a ser-
ving of the mashed potato. His
spinal column is again mmurled,
other portions of his anatomy
reassembled and he appears to be
operating witn his usual efficien-
cy. If }:e is suffering from toru
lgaments or kinks in the sacrai-
liac he is covering up pretty well
and hasn't uttered a whimper (if
Following numerous rounds of
social acrobatics, a refueling stop
was made in which the hosts ser-
ved refreshments of cookies and
punch which were necessary to
provide sufficiezit strength and
energy for another hour of twist-
rag, stomping and potato mashing.
The party was a financial suc-
cess, too, because after deducting
expenses the freshmen treasury
was enriched to the amount of
Our room eelel)rated Hallo-
we'en with a livo]y party which
wls loads of tun. Evcryone play.
cd gmms and delicious refresh-
ments were served. Mrs. Herb
Rrahmeyer, Jr., our room mo-
ther, was too Ill to attend and
sent Mrs. Grlbble to substitute
for her.
Annual "Spook Day" was cele-
brated bY the second, third and
fourth, grades on Wednesday af-
ternoon. Everyone was dressed as
goblins, ghosts, and almost every
ether frightening thing imagin-
Following the spook parade be-
fore the high school students and
teachers, the children enjoyed a
lovely Hallowe'en party at which
they played spook-basket upset
and other games.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Dorothy Worman. Mrs. Sa-
die DeFoe)', Mrs. Dorothy Trimble,
Mrs. Hilda Clift and Mrs. Octa-
via Killough.
Smokey uys:
gibility for entrance to the Aca-
demy since there are no Congres-
sional appointments or geographi-
cal quotas.
OPEN TIL 9:00 P.M.
'IM lllr115{"
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The O
Series 233-C,84-M
2Y tube (overall diag.)
282 sq. in, picture
Aluminized Full-Picture tube with bonded-on
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Brilliant "Golden Throat" tone
Power Boosted Magic Monitor Chassis
Preclslon-crafted Security Sealed Circuit Board= for extra
and college professors to explain |APPARENTLY €DMEONII=
tile' e(lucationai requirement and DIDN'T GET THE
a(h'a,utages of their chosen fields.
Personal cotmseling will also be
conducted by the superintendent
and faclflty members.,
No tmrrieanes or other major
disaster presented themselves to
disrupt the all-school Hallowe'en The MADRIGAL
dance sponsored by the freshmen, Vith FM-AM Tuner
such as abruptly terminated the 3VF04 Series
¢ Girl's League basket social two "
.,, weeks previously. In fact, it was RCA VICTOR TOTAL SOUND
a real whing-ding of a party full '
I of zip and zing at which the stud- STEREO WITH FM-AM RADIO
ents n,ade np for lost time and ,=€7
some may even llave hoarded for ,g';'eA
the future. When that live bti'nch ,. e Lowest Price Ever for RCA Victor Total
$#/e on NEW J o, freshmen get a party all fuel- Sound Stereo with FM-AM Tuner
ed up and on the launching pad it Care]eseness with trash or fire
is bound to take off with the pre- can rain afortl eDual Channel Ampl tier Has 20 Watts
RATIYI ', cision of a satellite heading for • Maximum Music Powel" Output (8 Watts
- . = El.A. Standard)
eTwo 8" High Diffusion Bass and Mid-rang
CEILI"G TILE ,.c,o,..,,.,,.,o ,ouo,. N _- " Speakers, Two 3" Tweeters
RadioiThe Baritone. SVF06 Serleo
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• iiiii