November 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 8, 1962 |
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T()I )
• Converts from direct t gear
drive irl 9 minutes
= Ideal for cord wood, fence
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ONLY $149"
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At a recent special officers'
meeting, plans were formulated
for the 36t11 Birthday Anniversary
of Shelton Moose Lodge No. 1684.
The ]seal lodge was instituted No-
vember 26 lt)2L
Plans aro to have all enrollment
of new iTlelll|)¢rs November 24 at
the Moose hfll. Slle, lton ah'por't.
']'tis will he preleded by a birth-
day oinner for all Moase members
and new e:mdida| es together
with Iheir wives,
Plans have ah'ea(ly been con>
pleted for Slate Direeh)r. Harold
"Tin3" Wallace of Nphrata to -at-
tend as llle honored guest. Other
Moose officials from ncarhy lod-
,os will also be invited to attend.
Card Party Planned
At Catholic Church
St. Amlc's Guild of St.. Edwards
Church announces It will hostess a
bridge and pinochle card party
at 8 ,p.m, November 17 at the Pa-
rish .hall.
Prizes. door prize and refresh-
ments ae inchlded in the 50 cent
Mr'. Harry Carlo: L will speak on
Civil Defensd at the Mason Coun-
ty Democratic Club at 8 p.m.
next. Thm'sday" at the PUD buitd-
lng. The public is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Ahls-
ling left San Francisco Tuesday
bound for Hawaii aboard the Mat-
Lines' luxury liner Lurline. He
is Division Manager of Simpson
Timber Co.
Ibis man
gives you
ddviK pleasure
He gives your ear s lift through
proper lubrication. He helps you
avoid trouble by keeplg those
bearings from getting too dry.
Come let our expert lube man
qrease y'c.r cat" to insure *you of
im0other drivlngl
ONE stop here will keep you safely on the GO I
1ST AND PiNE HA 6-3906
"HOLIDAY HINTS" will be presented at 8 p.m.
next Tuesday in the PUD building sponsored by
the SheI-Toa GUild of the Tacoma Orthopedic
Association. Doris Bailey (left) and Lorna Jos-
lin (right) Show some of the articles that will
be displayed to Guild member, Joyce Halvorsen
(center). All types of holiday decorating ideas
will be featured. Participating iv the show will
be Mrs. Doris Bailey, plastic crystalettes, art-
foam and styro-foam centerpieces and ribbon
flowers; Mrs. Lorna Joslin, egg carton novelties
and velour angels; Mrs. Monica Pridham, fall
and Christmas arrangements, chrysanthemum
cornucopia, poinsettia and driftwood; and Mrs.
Betty VanderWegan, cone and fruit arrange-
ments, wreaths, candle plaques and topiary trees.
Many more ideas and hints will be presented.
Coffee and cookies will be served following the
show. There will be two door prizes. A donation
of $1 is being asked with all proceeds going to
the Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma.
Tickets may be obtained at the door, from any
guild member or by calling 426-6675.
The Woman's Christian Tern-
Union held a State-
Institute at the Baptist
last Friday. Tbe morning
devotions were given by Mrs.
Olive Quartier followed by the
salutes to the American. Christian
and Temperance flags led by Mrs.
Nena Roberts .
Vice president, Miss Marian
Johnson called on the following
directors to explain their depart-
ments: Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove,
National Papers; Mrs. Palmer
Roberts, Natural Fruit Beverages;
Mrs. David Turner, Christtan
Citizenship; Mrs. Ncna Roberts,
Publicity, and Miss Johnson
talked on Temperance and Mis-
sionr, L
Preceding th luncheon Mrs.
Palmer Roberts served a delicious
Fruesta. The afternoon devotions
were given by Mrs. Rachel Chase
ment of Child Welfare.
State president, Mrs. Charles
Budde of Seattle told of the re-
cent National Convention held in
Miami, Florida. and also explained
the plans of work for our state for
the coming year.
Mrs. Budde also announced the
appointment of Mrs. Palmer
Roberts as State Director of
Literature for the coming year.
WWI Veterans And
Wives Slate Potluck
The Ladies Auxiliary of the
Veterans of World War I, Mad-
rona Baz'racks No. 1462 will serve
a potinck dimmer at 6 p.m. tonight
at the Memorial hall. Special mu-
sic will bc featured.
Regular meeting will follow at
8 p.m. WWI veterans and their
wives are cordially invited to at-
who also explained her depart-tend.
To Prove Top Quality Processing Costs No More
F R E E 5x 7 Enlargement
Ziqler's Camera Shop
124 North 2nd Street Phone 426-6163
Alaskan Pictures
To Be Shown To
Hood Canal Club
Mrs. Walter Thwaites will pre-
side at the meeting of the Hood
Canal Woman's Club at the Pot-
latch clubhouse next Thursday.
The Lilliwaup members wlll act
as hostess. On the committee are
Mesdames Lester L. Ager, Chez
Reeder and Walter Thwaites.
The program to be presented is
an Alaskan Travelogue, Dr. Wal-
ter Thwaites will be the narrator.
A "Bring, Buy and Wear"
attracUon wil! afford amusement,
the idea being that each member
brings an article in a paper bag.
The buyer wears this article,
whatever it may be, for the rest
of the afternoon.
Sunday, November 18 the Hood
Canal Woman's Club and the
Hood Canal Garden Club jointly
will give an Autographing Tea
trom 2-4 p.m. at the Potlatch
clubhouse honoring Mrs. Lois
Pierce She is the author of the
book entitled "Lost hnmigrants
of 1845 and the Blue Bucket
Mrs. John Shortsleeve is the
chairnlan of the committee for
this affair and witl be ably as-
sisted by M{sdames Cecil Gil-
bert, Frank McIntyre, Lester L.
Ager and Ella Lang.
The public is urged to attend
(lis tea honoring a local woman
of achievement.
Journal Wanl Ads Pay
Gary used to fi&,le awful SOur
How do you persuade a reluctant youngster that music
is not "for sissies"? M Classroom teachers of the West,
Alaska and Hawaii do so with the help of our Standard
School Broadcast, which, by dramatizing music from
symphony to jazz, adds a colorful dimension to learn-
ing. N Gary and 2½ million other boys and girls hear
this weekly radio program in their classrooms. Has
it inspired in Gary a zest for the violin? Honestly, no.
But he now thinks the trombone is "swell," and plays
it with vigor. His parents credit this new interest to the
classroom music. R Vv'ho knows how many children
have discovered an exciting new world through this
public serviCe program? It has just started its 35tll
consecutive year, so we have served quite
a few schodenerations. Tune in some
Thursday. Adults enjoy the program, too.
Planning ahead to serve you betta
District President
Makes Visit To
Local VFW Auxiliary
At the last meeting of the
dies Auxiliary to tile Veterans of
Foreign Wars, Evelyn Seeley,
fifth dish'ict president fl:om Olym-
pia made her official visitation.
Accompanying her was It-erie
lrellnlan, disUict pll)llctty chair-
man. also of Olympia.
Mrs. Sceley was presenled a
lovely corsage and gift from the
auxiliary. Josephine Sparks was
in char!;'e of the lovely decors-
Lions e'-u'ried out in an autnmn
Tile auxiliary Ways and Means
chairmal, Vielet Brunbaugh now
has tickets available for a quilt
made by a cancer patient x\\;,ho is
a member of the auxiliary. Dona-
tions are 25 cents a ticket oz" 5
tor $1. Proceeds will go to the
cancer fund.
The VVV¢ Post and its Auxili-
ary will be cosponsors of a little
bantam league in the bowling lea-
gue this season.
Hospital chairman, Josephine
Sparks, accompanied by several
auxiliary members, made a trip
to American Lake Hospital Oct.
4 to supervise a lounge party. This
Friday Mrs. Sparks and other
members will go to Western State
Hospital for another hospital par-
ty for the patients. Any auxiliary
members having rags or maga-
zines should contact Mrs.. Sparks
for future trips to these hospitals.
Old jewelry can also be accepted.
Any member interested in helping
with the re-wrap program of
Christmas gifts of patients on De-
cember 18 may sign up now.
The local auxiliary has been
working hard towards 100% paid
up 1963 membership by December
1, the date of the next district
meeting. Dues should be paid to
treasurer, Florence Hamilton, and
can be mailed at any time. It is
not necessary to wait until a
meeting night.
Shel-Toa Guild
Meeting Tonight
The reffular meeting of the
Shel-Toa Guild of the Tacoma Or-
thopedic Association will be held
at 8 p.m. tonight at the home of
Mrs. Nadia Hovind.
Members are reminded that the
Orthopedic catendars are here and
may be picked up at this meeting.
Also, if anyone has candy that
has not been sold she is asked to
bring it to this meeting.
Final arrangements will be ma-
de for the showing of "Holiday
Hints;' to be held at 8 p.m. next
Tuesday at the PUD building.
Vickie Lee Auxiliary
Meets On Monday
Vickie Lee Orthopedic Auxili-
ary will hold its meeting next
Monday at the home of Mrs. Don
Iden with Mrs. A. D. Hawley and
IVrs. Gene Ayers as co-hostesses.
Members are reminded to bring
club dues and money for orthope-
dic calendars.
Past Matrons of Welcome Chap-
ter Order of Eastern St&r will
meet for a 12:30 p.m. dessert lun-
cheon next Thm'sday at the home
of Mrs. Hattie Pierce, 1419 Ma-
son street.
There will be a Girl Scout lea-.
ders meeting at 9:30 a.m. this
morning in the Girl Scout Little
House in Kneeland Park.
ThuPsdav November 8, November 8, 19.62
Recipe Favorites of County SERVIC
If you want a low-priced car;
...with a Wide-Track ride..
:i i
either bUya "63 Tempestj :
...or forget it
S. Reed,
recipes and possibly looking for
new ones. Divinity is a favorite
Christmas candy for many and
Bettey MRllinger's recipe is just a
little different from the ordinary.
Betty is the mother of five little
MaUingers, Ella Mae,, 3, l'heresa,
4, Gregory, 5, John, 7. and Melody
Ann, 8. Her husband, Jack, is a
teacher and coach at the Shelton
Junior high school.
Betty belongs to the Rayonier
Bowling League, St. Rose of Lima
Guild, PTA and Faculty Wives.
She has the task of selling rolls.
coffee and juices at church each
Any sports interest Betty. She
especially likes bowling and swim-
ruing. Of course, her youngsters
take up much of her time but she
. her recipe has been It
for her.
3 cups Sugar
"} cup Liglt Corn SYN
: cup Water
2 Egg Whites
/2 pkg'. Cherry ,IellO
/._. cu p Nuts o Fruit
Combine sugar, syrup
ter. Cook until it spinS,
or tmtil it forms a hal?'
cold water. In the meaitt
egg whites until stiff..
a little at a time. ConO
ing until mixture stands
When syrup is ready,
over egg whites. Use
high speed. C(ntinue
til mixture loses its
Add mts or fl'uit and
teaspoonfuls on to wax
cherry jello may b{
Ga. Reed
in parachut-
techniques of air-
and cargo. He
in April, 1962,
basic training at
He is a 1958
Irene S. Reed High
attended Olympic
$ 0 *
:.W. Dunn, seaman,
bf Mr. and Mrs. John
Shelton returned t
States Oct. 20 aboar
aircraft carrier USS
son of Mr.
Johnsen. Shelton,
training Novem-
Naval Training
Diego, Calif.
active duty four
the 7tb army in
and a half years,
from active service
and reentered the
of Washington for
October 1. Dailey
Eagles Auxiliary To
Attend Tenino Meeting
The Eagles Auxiliary has been
invited to Tenino next Monday.
The State Auxiliary president is
to he there.
The Eagles Auxiliary will hold
a card party st 8 p.m. this Satur-
day at the Eagles airport hall. The
public is invited.
Marr!age Licenses
Applyin,, for marriage . license, t
in the Mason County Auditor's of- i
rice this past week were: J
Donald L. Dill, 44. Bremerton
and Erma B. Buriss. 44. Bremer-
E. V Re¢ce, 28, Bremerton and
Delores Branch 35, Bremerton.
Henry Lee Gruver, 25. Olympia,
and Leone McNulty, 37. Olympia.
WSCS Luncheon
Slated Wednesday
The Methodist Women's Society
of Christian Service will have a
noon hmcheon next Wednesday at
the church.
Hostesses will be the Ruth Circ-
le members. Mrs. T. R. Rowe will
be tbe speaker.
you prefer it plain. 'David E. Austin in
add 1 tap. vanilla wi he obtained a room
................... "-'-"'l hall. Aus-
PiV lgJgll.mer Highclimber ath-
J,.rLJ.J. aru*,,u " tltternity brother of
HENRY STEEN '*tm'nrt:
10th ANNIVEg#"
Their 40th wedding aPliav@ lf $9 NI
was occasion for a partYJ,:. ,.i IL nt V'
Bess and Henry ste *.2il=
Thu,'sday evening. Mrs. , ll'"ll 'r..._-..
party w
ares 00avo the mitt iUVCff
attended by friends
of the couple, - COY o ..... rT
_ eoW'- ,- , Ju
Mr. ana Mrs. t ,,an0_ . . .
married November 1, 19'.T. '--- A th.tet or
goT, Montana. They caff$:;i] d the Old Mill Wav-
ton in 1928. :ai s and 2 a.m. bun(my
A 4-tier Maltese crosSiT: ade off with more
.... * ' -,,, and Sil: ill cash various met'-
couple's daughter-in-la'o :v .number of cases el
Gall Steenscn lad maaO;r.nt, owner, reporteo
them. h4red to have been done
teasel ' -e ¢# :,.e
A gold ire .}.,,i[tWho was experienced
formed into a money tree ]lt of thing. The law
for the honored pair. . officers are investi-
Mrs. Paul Steense !t this writing the case
punch and cake. A level),.,'
bowl and dishes with sil'.. PRE-SCHOOL chil-
vice were used. a number of black
Attending the part onesi), pumpkins,
ehie Lemkes. E.L. leaves and Hal-
Clifford Starkeys, Al Mix thoroughly
Glen Chases. Jim
Steensens, Gall
Carl Hellman.
,. gq.[tilmn
Ai . 2vs
R#"N '
_ .#]1. u chatter, songs and
Stecnse " :ht
• , er. Top with e'der
\\; _..0¢es. The result will
'e Pre-School party
Wednesday. Betty
assisted by Mrs.
and Mrs. Bill Rob-
thers, for this gala
of the kinder-
n children
to celebrate !
the wandering
and" goblins were
on doors to col-
treats prepared
Young People's
church, under the
Mike and Leslie
the old haunted
the Jarvis family,
had been made
of fun. Other
propelled by the
moved a few
a few windows,
firecrackers and
a. good time. No re-
came to our at-
usable arti-
dispose of may
church before
from King's
coming out that
what. has been
is a good time to
closets and con-
cause at the
uP to
!! (') €01d weather catch you u
WOrm, cozy home all wide
r" !ss from your Hardware ot
L '* :::::'?$i$; i:;:,::;:!'.;: :i::ik:;: :
,u,, ,,0,
BETTY MALLINGER, shown here with Theresa, Ella
Gregory, has given us her Cherry Divinity recipe. It
in especially handy in the oh-so-close holidays aiead.
Impossible as it may seem, still finds Lime to do
Christmas Is just around the col'- ing and knittin
nez:. It is abou! time to start hunt- Divinity is
ing up favorite candy and cookie cult candy to make but