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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 8, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 8, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Nov .... &apos; Y,+November 8, 1962 i i i i S TITO=--MAS0, r (0UNTY JOURNAL  Published In "Uhritmsto'wn> U.S.A.," Shelton, Wasbtagton krI It fl l , I III It* I Ill I ....... ilil I It .... r nlll ................................. i V "Ill =Page ] i i ! i " ' ::;+Publications '|.::v y!v,.,t tha, ihe ],'.;". lsi,,2,. .1: P.mi I,VlB!ric| No. l, Potlatch. \\;Va- t'. have l)rop£u'ed a inulvet | Yar J9,6 ll(I Ihal fl final .... Ip;s;:(l "hltdge( will ' ';|L Or Legal Publications a( :00 p.m., Monday, Novonllwr 12, Sit, ned: TIAl.f)LI) HUNTER, Se ' 'el 'y J'uhlic lTlility Dish'ici No. 1, cmF ,l;ISOll (lllln(y ]0/25 11/1 2t Real Estate OPPORTUNITY FOR HOME OWNERSHIP This ctlarm- __ ..-i., Il home in a real valne, Located downtown; duly blocks h0pping center and schools, hnmaeulate throughout. " IIS :iIl'..l'  roonl, sunny kitchen, bath (witb new fixtures} pills ' ' re shower. Drapes inchlded at the low, low price of wll today for appt. Legm BEDROOM This immaculate home centrally locate, kitchen lnl._ _I71ew. .,I s]rq)ed,.: . aud dining room, gracious sunken OF "{Ey0P-.r.0umt',ALb .%... wml nrepl,lce, . Large covered patio oil shady side of -Jlieall-Mason DlStrl " for lazy • snnlmer tilne living, attached 2 ear garage, :ola  !5M:200D:,lFnF:eleed lot aud one-half completely hlndscaped to per- appraised at $14,725, or completely furnished for ' ' , It)/} dn., easy terms. I-lall (City Commission.' ly home. ",:] • pia, Washingtou for tll 8. TOR'S EAM" Homes of this caliber very seldom come 8/30 tfn Three 1963 emtpact v DR .......... Imobilcs, two door seda u'eage in nmnual transnlisslons ld ale. Built like the "Rock Of Gibraltar".-This 2 BR home ust have 100 Inch wheel base. r dWood floors, fully plastered, tiled drainboards, stove, ref., Box 411. IN: One 1950 Plymouth I tl'.wasller & dryer, drapes & rugs stay. Thc fenced yard is P 11/8 1956 Chevrolet sedan, )¢d to perfection & has a barbecue pit & Several fruit l at Olympia office). • }i!¢(All , within easy walking distance of stores. Look and I Specifications and bla.: I obtained h'om tile I=]ea.lI,;Y,:li'hl , o.,ces in oiynlpla and The Thurston-MasOn i, N LOCATION This 2 BR home is very neat and clf Health retains the r][;, Large lovely living room. The 2 BR have more than any or all blds subnfltte,: the bid which in its j Ua storage space. This home was "built to last". Yard l,andscaped and easy tO maintain. Ideally located within be to the best interest r;S 0f church and stm'es, in a well kept friendly neighbor- District. , Dated this 30thj. v. Dday I..P home you'll really enjoy. Priced to sell at $8,500. Terms. District - and ExeC.u,_(,} FOR A "GOOD BUY"? Check this immaculate 2 of the T,ge. Compact step saving kitchen, bright dining area, Distriet t"'][lting room with new heat saving fireplace. Situated on ['vih plenty of room for garden and children to romp. No |eighbors. Priced at $6,600. NO. 3311 n4L" NOTICE OF I[r:ARI.a10'.IHNT: 4 BR. house in City, garage, $60 per month. RI!:PORT AND pEI'],.: ,,: k'I'' " ' '} : :' [ AGENCY STATE T.ES o ?4' SON COUNTY -°' ESTATE INSURANCE (IN 1,RO ]B/I" .a.= .= Ill the matter of tbO, tares of PRESTON A ':'" '; 119 So. 4th -- Phone 426-4666 IDA B ARMSTRONG, , a] NOTICE IS HEREBI l !v.:: Evenings Call Patti E. Armstrong, A dll . i : A1 LaBissoniere, Phone 426-8649 the combined estates 0.%/ i " P strong nd ida B. ArSt'( inemire, h. 426:8806 Harry (Bob)Wiles, Ph. 426-8926 ed, has filed wtth the I1 ahove entitled Com't .=[,I] and petition for distr' liw Court to settle an, iS :::: Final report and pet5ythi  ',: • tiou and to distribu,o+ I, dbP t,, t,.. pc,,s,,ns .,ero,oo',., Preferre r0perlms k discharge tile said A2"( said final report and P !+' ++ tributlon will be hears  30thhouraftenthe Courtroom°fdaYam ]0:00the°f samcA'N°velubcr"iinM"thelnaYa0$°r'* !:'i.: Waterfront Realty Shelton. Mason CountY., L Dated this 3th daY-'°fI[ tilroad Ave. Call 426-8277 TECKLA VEBI7 l Deputy Clerk ot .. County Wasn.-.AN/ I-YRON E MeCLANAII , Attorney f(,r Estate "i O SUBURBAN; ' If it's waterfront you want this P.O. Box 333 +, ll! Shelton, Wa big 3 bedroom home on big', big 3 bedroom home is of fertile farmland that ideally situated, 4 miles from tres. lror ] l:lnallCe, R):!-Itn n Mason Siingland 51, ih'er $11-1-15 or watcr- deled two tees. con- highway. .... }U=!_t_'_  Mt. View 7e.. corllel* ed street. ) El€ hit. View. 10/18 till ller, walt- Lshwasher, 426-6078. S 7/'19 tfa oh- i=tnl: : unfurn- lot, close ;lst nlove. ?bone 426- si2114 erty. Also 426-34'17. 10/18 tfn am house, electric aya after 13 4/12 tfn "furnished 'ooln sub- or leuse. _ s.T/..t onl ilouse +odin, llfiXt arge lot. e 426-3323. D 9/27 tfn Lvingroom, lmll down )t, Phono downtown , bathe, • Keenan, K 6/21 tfn 8 wltl 10 street or N 7/ ttn k at city B__9/6 t fl___ IOl, hard- ; ge, large cabinets, i rner fire- FItA ap- N_1/8- wo story xtra large 'y etting. wn. $7500. 10/25 11/8 construe- tin VIew. 9/20 - 1/4 I r,)nlage, deeR. Fire- t wonderful job of mtp- town on nearly an acre of land SUMM NO. 8309 : ' H, (INS BY 1 qll-I'J] it good beef herd. Plenty gently sloping to a perfect bath- T E SUPEIUO00_00O00$! STATE OF WA ra*" ' :and waist-high grass, ing and boating beach. The ',i'.excellent property, just house can accommodate the :MASON COUNTY _o01i0Ut is this 15 acre tract large family easily and make OSCAR W. MICK]I0 I,,IB  _  7 . s  coo z bedroom E. MICKELSON hi "t home, suburban living" really fun. ' vs. 9..] ble garage---workshop. • CLARENCE REYNO.2asy-to-clear land, good Plan next summer's recreation nnd if deceased, the al priced for the econ- around this exceptionally nice Clarence fled. waterfront tract on Harstine LILLIE It, tltl 150 ft. of fine sandy real e+ vii other i)(wsons or  • Island. claiming any right, ,amall place, but very ocean-type beach, spectacular or interest in the g;.:ft In tile eontplalnt here: nished completely, sweeping view of Mr. Rainier _,ht spot for the couple tcross the waters from the basic THE STATE OF Wiafit"want a lot to care one-room cabin that meets your TO THE SAID CLA. lill,the :,' '==ill" and ,=ne asking price just needs without an expensive in- NOLDS, . ,,¢ ., 0 , ' " n the unknowu helrS.¢l-,u' on easy contract x estme t. $5,950.00 is the full t ESTA " ' Reynolds: th " _ -,i' )rice on easy terms. LIE REYNOLDS, dOCtOr,.1,: . -- - other persons or p a, titl.',:' . • "  j .'ghth, . i'.., lienClatnunginnlcstltor iol']i. :I`' For Propertms of All Types ddscribed in the DEFENDANTS : you. and caeh of 'i -- Evenings Call -- sunlnll)ned to appear' icvfL,v days after PIle (late o: + cation of this sumal' RDEN STROUD .......................... 426-4000 the above-entitled a, tCK BOLTING .. 426-8162 perior Court sforesai( ................................ (,onlplalnt of tile pls ,' a copy €)f yoln" anSV dersigned attorney  'C at his 'office below  case of yollr failure S' IF--- I Illhl I I will be rendered agal: 1o t,,o den,ands [':!:' EXOEPTIONAL VALUES lifts aelion which ha the elerl,: €)t" said c9  :;,:, TIle oi)ject of this  title ill phdntlffs t ILI:NDED BY TREES AND A CREEK Mason Connty, Wash l hree bedroom home is the he, me that you can move in [mto a comfortable home. Large living room with a nice .any ldtchen with dining area off it. Three bedrooms $..)lk:in closets. Glassed in fitility room, three lots, spring .ll this for $8700, and located right downtown. A tract of land tn [f SE: of the NEt . Townshil) 23 North, W.M., particularlY -y lollows : {tug at tl,t of tile NI}} TownslllP, hl;I 'est aloag. .ql nce Nor{m, d ]01 race East 'd I L line of sa distance o .... mlth 881.05 I] beginatng t( + 'l claim 0 '""l of thcnl' ,t,I + E. coNNI ++y for ..P,',+++ Post Ofll CORRIA ":'l a,'h strc0t : - !Ill.st011 fl/l 4 COIY) lYie n( ' at the SE'i of tile ti()n ")9. thence West of said SE'i of feet; thence the East line of feet; thence the Sonth line of NE':i a distanc( lhenee south point of against tim claim and nly erie of GLENN E. Attorney for Office and Post 0 GLENN E. Bell Bni]ding strc0t 121 South Fourth Shelton, Washingtol 10/25 E( Altis Chalmers with plow SHELTON'S FINEST HOMES years old, this home has the best materials. Three lovely bath off master bedroon, sliding door each 15edroom, beautiful bathroom with double sinks. room with fireplace that can be enjoyed from living and om. Separate dining room, large modern kitchen with tove and built-in oven. Kitchen eat spot, with sit-down and storage space galore. Utility room has built-in Shelves to put laundry. King-size yard. Double carport rooms for mower and tools. All drapes and carpets in this handsome buy for $18,000. LOCATION FOR THIS BARGAIN! large bedrooms up, all in knotty pine with lots of built- desks, closets, half bath upstairs, living room with separate dining room, marble top buffet built-in, kitch- for the family that enjoys a homey one, lots of cup- area in kitchen, large yard, basement. All this for +led FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE fun-filled family room off kitchen so no- Watch what is going on. Formal living room with plush kitchen is filled with magical wonders that Hotpoint Appliances. Table-top stove, refrigerator, garbage disposal. Mix Master with it's own pull-up bedrooms with lots of closets, two baths all tiled. for summer evening fun. Carport with many storage Case Model $1 and man-size workshop. Come and inspect this lovely 9N Foi'd Tractor for $23,500. mount mower , I'I0 ..... ; ......... ':i.l I; ME HAS THE SECURITY OF AN ESTABLISHED m' Fora 'rract;l':¢t Intbrnational flMo ,,' Well designed two bedroom home is in the best condition[ . aae..ana.p el" , :i],tast. All •plastered, new roof, tiled counters ill the cheery ±nernauonal .ou .;....,,]t, large living room with dining area. Built-in cnina closets, Horn loader "tl Thm " " : ........ A']" eati room up for one more bedroom. ' home only LOGGIlqI I [.N )UNTRY LIVING IN THIS SPOT EQUIPY tracts in this parcel of land, located only two miles on the Cole Road, 240 ft. frontage, parnany neared Uscd John Deere John De{re 40C drunt and , John Deere 420C and tilt blade John Decre 440 blade, drunl John Deere 440 blade, drum Oliver OC 3 witla drum .................... Oliver ADH witB and blade Oliver OC4 with and blade Terra Trac Bay City Shovel. 5/8 yard ................... Eq Phone 151 your dream ome. For only $1500. GENTLEMAN RIGHT IN TOWN bedrooms, sunny kitchen, separate utility room, base- extra lots• Filled with fruit trees, berries, grapes, All this for $9,850. DECIDES NOT TO BUILD 5 acre tract is all ready to have a home put on its site, electricity is also in. All this for $2,000. LOCATION schools, churches, shopping center• Large living windows, separate dining room, large kitchen, One bedroom down, sewing room; 4 bedrooms up- Sell for under $9,500. ANGLE AGE NOY Rea Estate -- Insuremce h," HERB I Phone 426-8272 -- DICK 426-3434 DONALD (BEAN) DANIELI Legal Publications Cause No. 8274 NOTI(=E OF NIII':I[II:F' ,AI,I'] OF REAl, F.gTA'I'I' I'lt(h.r Si,rvial Exerulion TN TIle SUP],',IJO} (?l)Uf'Jl" I)l+' TI-IE S'I' ATli' O]P WASt]INGT()N FOI, M AS()N C()l:NTY Thurst,,tl Cottnly Fed(!i'a] Savings and |():lll Asso('.iation, PIsitlliff. .... vs..--- Jacl( W. P,)wl.ll llld Ella M. Powell, husballd and wit+', ])(ff,,ll(lau)s. [;ndt!l' oll(l I)y vil'itlo of a sI)ecial ex'- eli(ida isstwd {)Ill {}l r II11(i undcl' the sea] of [ht' Sllp'rior (t)ur| t)I' th(' Slllte ()l' Wa:hil!,|Oll, ill altd I'()l" saii (;olin]y, (ql i}lc 2(;lh clay oF de(oiler, 1962. llt)ou 14 jtldgllleltt t'(,]ld('l'(,d ill said C¢)llrl, oil [he 2(;lh (lOy ()1 ()ct(,iler, 1'.t62. ill favol' (,1" Thtll':I,m (l;tlllty Ii'ede)'al Savings and {()all Ass(to(at i()ll, slid against .lack W. I)owlql :md-lClhl M. lowell, Illlsi)a lid ;t lilt wife, for t]lc Stlltl of lrivc Th,)u:<antt Sixly-two and 60/100 ($5.062.5¢)) l)tdhi)'s, t()ttc';ht!r wllh a[lor- Ilt•y's l''t'S, ilt|(l'OS|, costs and increas- ed c,)ts, :llld Ic Ille dir!ch.d and drliv- i,l',d, (.)lllllall(]illg lilt' t() sell |ht' ]'ol- h)winK d,,sl:rii)t'd l)r+Ipcrty to salis('y said .iuduwnt, (u-wit : Thai pay( ,)1" S|wlt()n Dona|iou CIainl N(). 37. T,)v,'asitil) 20 N()rth. I:ang(, 4 Wt,si, ,V.3'I., d.scril)('d as l',)lh,ws: le- gillnittg {it a pc(lit Otl tile (x(ellded Sotlth(q'ly lille of li S|I'e(,( as shown on tile 1)tat oF M(anltain Vi(,w Addition to Sllelt,)ll as recl)rdcdcd ill Volnnte 9 ol' Pills, page ,ll, N 61 ° 31' E 132.a9 feet from ttw west litlo I)f said S]lelton (laiol; l'llllnillg thcllC'(! S 61" 3]' W 132.39 1"('4 t,) said w(,st line; thence south all)rift said wesl line tt) the llOl'(hwest COl'ller of lracl con:'eyed to Darr,ll F,. Sv¢oarillg(' l and (' thcrs by deed daled F(,bruarY 7, ]948 and recorded -ill VOIoIu( 114 of deeds, Itage 45-A: lhe,l(, N 61 ° 31' ]'J and S 28  29' E alo,;g the north(u'ly and easterly boundari!s of said Sw(,a)'ingen Lrllct t() its sotllh(!ast corot!r; lhence N 61" 31' E 0 l'(-et more or less tc) a point S 28 + 29' E ()l" the point of hcginning of lhis d(,s(:)'iplion; thence N 28 ° 29' W ]0 f('('t; th(,nce N 61 ' 31' E. 2.39 f(,et ; t}wnce N 28" 29' W 140 feet t. said |)()in( of I)eginning. In Mason (',)t lty. Was.ington. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ,in Fri(htv L},e 30th day of November. ]!)52, at I0 o'ch)ck in the fol'enoon Of said day. I will sell the above describ. €'%(1 pl'()p(!lq.y, or So Illuch thereof am lilly i)e n0ccssaFy to sltisfY said judg- alent, together with 'attorney's fees, ill(erect, CoSts and increased (:()sis, in all amounting to tile sum of ($5,441.05) Five Thousand Foue tIiindred Forty- one and 05/100 Dollars. Plus Sim,'iFf's costs and cost of puhlicalion. Said s.'de will take plaee at the East door of lhe Cimrt House at 4th & Pine ill said County and State, and will be at 1)ublic auetion, for cash it] hand )o-the highest and best bid- der. Daied at Shelton. Wash., this 29th day of Oc(ober. 1962. W. A. Pf)TTER. Shel'iff (')f said County. 11-1-8-15-22-29--5t Real Estate • STOP Whatever you are doing and see this new listing today. You will quickly see the good value in this 4 bedroom, full basement home. Spacious living room with fire- place, family kitchen with con- venient dining area, lots of closets, Plus a very good G. E. Furnace. You will want it at $9,950. • LOOK At this charming 2 bedroom home right away. You will apprecfate it's convenient location, dream kitchen with built-in appliances and well kept appearance. There is a fenced yard and extra large ga- rage all for the price of $6,000• Contract terms will be considered. • LISTEN You won't hear the kids fussing about a play room when you move into this extra roomy home• Here is enough room for the growing family. Four bedrooms, full base- ment, large living room with fire- place, separate dining room, spa- cious kitchen with nook, Plus a bath & . Easy to heat and in perfect condition. All this and more for $11,500--•$500 total cash required. • SEE-- This spacious waterfront home to- day! 3 extra large bedrooms, plus a den. Charming living and din- ing area with fireplace. Best of all is the dandy kitchen with built- in appliances, including a dish- washer, all this located on a ter- rific low-bank waterfront lot. Priced to sell aL $15,000. • WHAT Are you waiting for? Here is a brand new 3 bedroom home for just $11,950. You should see this: home with it's gleaming hardwood floors, natural cabinets, handy utility area and large garage. Choice location close to IV£t. View School. Just $400 down, including closing. • YOU Shouldn't waste a minute. Call now to see this new on the market suburban home, 2 bedrooms, large lot, choice location. Close to South- Side School. Garage, also outdoor firsplace. "$4,500--Some terms or will trade for town property. • HAVE-. You been looldng for a fixer-up- per? Here is an opportunity to purchase one with a good rental income. $7,950 is the total price for a 3 bedroom home and 3 rental cabins--this needs some work but has lots of potential. • BEEN Waiting for a good buy on water- front property? Then this is a must-see this week. 175' of low bank property just 2 miles from our office. Some trees, perfect beach with tidelands easy access for only $6,250---Call Vince Him- lie now. • MISSING- A large down payment? Don't fret, call today to see this comfy 2 bed- room home. You can rent until you have paid in $350 for the down payment. Good condition, well lo- cated. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTI ME 321 South First Street-- SHELTON EVENING8 CALL VINCE H I M LIE--426.6501 KURT MANN---426.3228 Legal Publieations NO. :]:45:; NOTI('i+" 01: ]II';AIHN(I FINAL REI'OIUI' AND i'I'/IITi()N' I:Oi€ I)1,'1'1€1 nu TI()N IN Tltl;] SIIPEIIIOR ('OUI}.T OF TtIE STATE ()F WAStIINGTON .li'O H. .MASON COUNTY 1N PROi:;ATI'; In tlw Malter of th(' l,]stah"of Royal E, (:<';t..v, L)(!ct'ased. N(,tic( is ht'l'('by given that Mary M. Getty. l+]x,'('utrix ()f the (!state of Roy- a: E. G,'tty, drc,,as(,d, has filed in the olfic' (if L}l Ch+rR ()1' said Court a final r(,port and t)(,titi(m for dlsh'ibution, as]{illg I]1+! COtll'l io setLh, said l'('t)ol'l, (listril)tlt<! tilt! pr(ql(!rty to t)lc pt'l'S(,lls lh(+roto entitled and to discharge th(' pt,titilal,!r as Ex(!cuh'ix; &lid ]hal said r(,l)(,rt :lied p(.tilil,n will be heard on th,' 4tl dry ()1' January• 1963, al 10:0(I (Vclock ill the fol'elt()Oll Of said day, or' LS s4)()a th(,I'i!al'leI' :is tilt: lllatt(!r can I)( h('af'd ;It th(' cotlrl ]'Oi)al oF the above rntitlod court, in tim Courthous(! ill Sh(,lh)n, ]'I ascii (!(linty, Was]lillglon, Ill[ which [}Ill(  slid phtco ally I,oCSOll iiHer,,sted in said Eslatr may appear Illld fih, objecti(,llS l]l(!reto slid COllieS( lilt + Sll Ii1!, Datod this 2nd day of Nov• 1962, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court .I:y Te('kla Vormillion Dr,linty f:LENN F,, CORREA Att.)raoy for Estat(, Eeli BuihJing 121 South Fourth Street Sh*,lton. rashinKton 11/8=15-22-29 4t NO. 3350 Legal Publieations AMI,:NI)ED NOTICI," .4)!,' V(A'I'I,It RIGI! r AI'I'I,ICATION N(I, 1;t55 |lltl' €')[ %Vauhingtan OFi,'I('I +" OI" l'i)l':ltVISOIt OF WATER R E,O U lt(!E, Olympia TAKE NOTICE: That TItOMAS E. HEAf,EY i)f Seattle. Washiugt,,n, (m August 14. 1!)62. filed application for pernllt to divert the public waioFs Of an tlnnauled 14prIllg, in th(' anlount o[' 0.01 second-Fo(it, sub- ject h) existing rigilts, continuously ca(.(1 yetll' fo,' the l)arp()se oF d()lilestic Sttl)ply; that tho apprl,xihlato point oF diversion is Lit(rated within SE' SWat of Section 20. Township 22 N. Rang(. 3 W,, W. M., ill '[a.-on County Ally o )je(tions tnllst hc al'(!Ollll)tinied hy a tw;) dollar i$2.00) recordiug I'C(! and fih'd with the State Supervisor of "Watrr Resourc:es withiu t]lirty (30) dllys fz'(Inl Novenlbof 8, 1962. Witnes'; lily hand au(t oFficial seal this 2211(I dny of Octobcw, 1962. tSEAL) M.G. WALKER. St/It(' Supel'visor oF Water R( S (1 '¢'! "+S 11-1-8---2L NO, ',i351 NOTICE Oi: III,;ARING FINAl. )11'1' AND I)I':TI'rlON ],'()i l) l,'r RII||!TI()N' IN THE SUPERIOR CC)URT O THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ! Iu the Matter (f the Estate of M. C, ZINTHEO, Deceased. ] W. H. Auderson Executor of satd Estate. las f l,d with said Court Ills NOTICI,: O1" IIEAItlN(; I"INAI, final rc0ort and petition for distrlbu, ltI,:PORT AND I'ETITION l"()lt tiou, asking the Court to settle satd • 1)IN'rRIiVTIt)N report, distrlbut% the. property to the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE persons therelo entitled and to dis- STATE' OF WASHINGTON FOR charge maid Executor. Said report and MASON COUNTY Ill the Mater of ll{e Estate ,)f Mau- petition will he heard ou the 23rd (lay of Novemher, 1962. at 10 a.m. i I'ic, t+]. Jrnsen, Deceased. in the Courtroom ef said Court, ill ! Edna Metc'atF, Administrairix ,,f/said the County Courthouse at Shelton, Estat(!, hss file(l with said Court her Washington, final report and petition for distrihu- DATED THIS 22nd day oil October, tion, asking the Court to sottle said 1962. rel)ort, distrihute the llr<)llerty io the HARRY DEYETE l)ermms ttereto entith:.d and to dim- Clerk of the Superior ourt charge said Administratrix. Said re- by: Teclda Vernflllion, port and l)etitiou will I)e heard on the Deputy Clerk. 7til day of December 1962 at 10 a m. ROEERT L. SNYDER in llae Courtroon) oF said Court. in the Attorney at Law (:C)llnty Couriitotlse a! Shclton, Wash- 125!, N. 5th ingtt)n. DATED THIS 1st dy of Nov,, 1962. Shelton, Washlngton -I ARRY DEYETTE Cleek Of The Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Att¢)rney at Law Shelton Washington. 11/8-15-22-29 4t A, ROY DUNN OFFERS EXCELLENT BUYS 2035 KING STREET Price reduced to $9,950, 5-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, nice pa- tio, excellent garage, first Class area, clean as a pin. Don't iniss this one. A. ROY DUNN A NORTHCLIFF BEAUTY Two lovely baths, three large bedrooms, beautiful family room, two pretty fireplaces, award winning yard, you name it. This one has it. By appoint- ment. A. ROY DUNN IMAGINE THIS Three bedrooms, two fireplaces, nice family room, electric heat, attractive living room, picture windows, located on 100 feet of .Spencer Lake's finest beach. At $13,500 it can't last long. A. ROY DUNN MT. VIEW --RANCH STYLE $14,900 will buy this economical and well built two bedroom home complete with corner fire- place, guest house, colorful kit- chen, patio, excellent furnace. Better hurry A. ROY DUNN STEP UP TO QUALITY In top hospital area, eight spa- eious rooms, attached garage, two baths, three bedrooms, wall to wall carpets, storage paee galore, owner ,is anxious to sell. The price will be right, A. ROY DUNN PHONE 426-6363 For an appointment to see this Walker Park exchlsive, features galore, lighted dock, covered pa- tio, dining room, playroom, hobbyroom, extra bath, zone controlled heating, gorgeous view of Olympics. This one is for the executive type. A. ROY DUNN LOT SIZE 124 x 1'03 View of bay, large garden area, nice yard, two bedrooms, large closets, dining room, sun porch, well kept throughout. $9,950 will buy this good one. A, ROY DUNN REALTOR Eves Call: Mary Voss'. ............... 426-8074 Walt Marble ............ 426-3022 A. Roy Dunn .......... 426-4601 PHONE 426-6363 126 Railroad  10/25 11/1-8-15 4t NO. 3402 NOTICE TO CREi)ITORS fIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TI=]E STATE OF WASHINGTON FOI MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of WIL- LIAM KENNETH DEAN, Deceased. Mac V!olet Dean is the appointed and qualified Admlnistratrlx of said estate: ll porsons having claims against said dccehsed are required to se,'ve the same in duplicate, duly veri- fied, on maid Admlnistratrix or her at- torney, Robert L. Snyder, at the ad- dress below states, and file lle same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such servico, within six months after the date. of first publi- cati6n of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE (if first publicatioh November 1, 1962. MAE VIOLET DEAN, Administratrix, Potlatch, Washington ROBERT'L. SNYDER, Att(rne:¢ at Law ]25, N. 5th Shelton. Washington 11 -l-g-15-22---4t. NOTICI,: OF +tVATER R]GIIT AI'I)LICATION NO. 17383 tate of Vashtng/on OFFICE OF NI:PERVI,,OR OF IVA'r ER RI'OURCEN Olyml)ia TAKE NOTICE: Thst DONALD W. BEESON oF Al- lyn. Washington, on 3uly 5, ]962. Filed ln aPt)lh,ation for i)erlldt to dh'ert the 1)ublic waters of an nnnamed spring, ill the amount of 0.10 second- foot. subje(t to existing rights, from Ap,'il 15 to Octolter 1 each year for the purllose of irrigation: that the aPt))'oxinlat(, pl)int of divfrsion is tO- i'at,d within SWll SW of Secth/n 20, Townstfip 22 N., Range 1 W., W,M., ill Mason County. Ally oijeetions must 1)e aceomI'mnled I)y a tw, dolhlr ($2.00) recnrding fee nnd fihd with the State Sul)ervisor of Water Re.seurces within thirty (3(I) days From November 8. 1962. Wiiuess n)y lmud and (fffieial seal this 271h day of September. 1962. (SEAL) M.G. WALKER. State Siq)el'Visor i)|' Water Resotlrees ] 1-] -8-.21. NO. 3343, NOTI{!E OF HEARING FINAL REP()IVr AND PETITION FOR D] STI.IBUTION IN THE S:TDERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Ill the Matter ,)f the Estate of RUDOLPH A. OLSON, Deceased. Dora Muller, Adndnist,'atrix of said Estate, ins filed with said Court her final rolmrt snd petition for distrl- i butlon, asking the Com't to settle said report, distribute the prol)erty to the pcrs,:)ns tliereto entitled and t0 discharge said Adm|nistratrlx. Said report ar.d petition will be heard on the ]6th day of November, 1962, at 10 a.,n. ill the Courtroom of said Court. in the County Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. DATED THIS 15th day of October, I962. HARRY DEYE?TE. Clerk of lhe Superior Court ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 1251/z N. 5th Sllelton, Washington. 10/18-25 1]/1-8 4t NO. 3401 NOTICE TO CItEDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tile Matter of the Estate of JOHN G. JACKSON, Deceased. Wtlfred T. Jackson is the appointed and qualified Executor of said estate, All peruons having clainls against said deceased are required to serve the same In duplicate, .duly verified, on said Executor or Ills attorney, nob- ert L. Snyder, at the address below stated, and file the same with tile 'lerk of said Com't. together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first,publlca- :Ion of this notice, or the same wil be barred. DATE of ftrst pullhcath)n: Octobel 18, 1962. WILFRED T. JACKSON Executor 1728 Olynlpic Highway North Shelton, 'ashingt0n ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at LaW ]25/.., N. 5th Shelton, Washington 10/18-25 11/1-8 HERB ROTTER and A$$O¢IATI00$ Herb Rotter, Broker Walter George Associate Broker Office  Phone 426-6642 Evenings -- Phone 426-3530 THREE BEDROOM HOME Fireplace, electric heat. This home is just eight years old and is located on 60 ft. of salt water front- age. NO DOWN PAYMENT Two bedroom home. Full price $3,750. , THREE CHOICE ISLAND LAKE LOTS. Ideal building spots. EXCELLENT TWO BEDROOM HOME Fireplace, oil furnace, and outside bar-b-cue. Full price--S8,500. Terms. we HAVE SEVERAL good building lots for sale on Spencer lake. Herb Rotter & Assodales REAL ESTATE 124 North lit Street Union TW 8-2429 II IIII Classified Advertising Rates ]5 words or less (ndnimum charge) $1.00 singl'e insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional insertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on request. Classified display $1 per column inch. Card of thanks $1•50. Read- er notices 15 word minimum $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" notices $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing is necessary, NO, 3,10:] 0TIC, E TO ('lll.:l)I'ro]ls IN TH.E SUPERIOR COIHtT OF THE STATE OlV WASHINGTf)N lrOl MASON COUNTY. Ill the Matter of Ill,, I,]slate of JOHN THEO1)OBE CARl,SON., De- (',easod, lh,len lil,allC Ps Carlsoll is i.ho ap- p.inted and (ualified Adtninistratrix i)f said estate. A I)orsous having elsh,ls agaius1 said (ivceas(,d tll't  re- (lU[l'('d tt) serve the salue in duplicate, duly verified, on said Admiaistratrix or her attorn(,y, Rob(.rt L. Snyd(l ' Ltt the address below stated, and file tt,e SalII('! with the Ch!rk of slihl Court, to- gcth(!r with prooF oF SllCll StH'VICC, w[thiu six inonths aFter tht! dah. of first l)uhlietion oF this noti(.v, or the salne will be barred. DATE of first pul)lic.athln: Noveln- bcr 8, 1962. HELEN FRANCES CARLSON 534 Cascade Shelton, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125, N. 5th Slmlton, Washingt(tn ]1/8-15-22-29 4t. NOTICI,: OF SALE ()i,' Til)I," LANDS" STA']'I,; OF IVA,HIIIN(VroN I)I':PAItqPM.ENT OF" NA'rUltAl, RI:,SOUItCE ltert L, ('oh., ('OnllnJssloller oF I)ul)iic Lsnds NOTICE IS ttF.REBY GIVEN. That On Tuesdas". tin. 18th day of De(',m)- her, 1962, ('onlnlellcing at ten o'eha:k ill the fol'cuoon oF said day, at the County Court Ilouse in the city of Shell[on, county of Mason, State of Washinglon, by the County Auditor of said (ounty, the following described tide ]allds, togeth(!r with the i]ll|)rove- Inents situated thereon, will bc mild at. public auction to tim highest hid- der titerefor, to-wit: N(II'E---No one excepL citizens €)f ihc Unltl!d States. or ller.ons who hard deehu'ed tiwir inl[,,tlti¢')t, to |)('conlt SLl(ltl, can ptlrchase state lands. Altl)lication No. 13613 The tidclau(ls ,)F Ill( second ('lass, [)WllI!(I hy the. State of Washhlgton, situate ill front of a(ljac¢' lit t(), Ol ahuttlag up )11 (] V rllllllnt Lot 3, S(!C- thin 11, Township 19 North, I:allgt 8 West. W.M., wlfh a frontage i)f 20.62 lhleal ehailts, Illt}l'e (ll" less, Excopting thcrcfronl, the lid(!laads of th(' scco,ld class hlcitlded ill a tract cc)[Ivey d by the State oF Washhlgtoa for the cultivatiou oF oysters Olld¢"l' the provisiolls oF Ch;lllter 24, Laws of 1895, through deed lssuod to Huulpll- • cy Nelson, May 12, 1919, under Ap- plication No. 7589, aPl)raiscd al $5(I.00 per chain or $1,031.(X). Pllrctlaser lllusi sis<) ])ay a $5.(/0 statutory fce. Located in Skook(nn In(eli uear New Kaotilehe, ill southern Mason County. To he sold at Shelt.n, C.unty Sat r,n Tuesday, Dec(,rnh(,r 18. 1.962. at 10 .'chwk a,nl. Applicslion Nch 1:](;77 Tllo ti(]('lan(ls oF tit,' s(!('()ll(l ('lass. , wiled I)y the St[ate of WtlshillEton. sitllah! ill Fr(,at of that ]mrtioll ()f (.1ov- (,l'llloent Lot 3. S(mtit)a 10, Towllship 20 North. Range 3 West. W.M., ill- eluded within the folh)wint4" dl+scril)ed tract: Beginning at the West quart,+r s(!(!- tlOU col'n¢'r of said S(,cti,m 10 slid l'llll- llJll K then{'e S()utll alollg till' w('st line of said S'(ticn 10 to a point which is North 119 F(mt fl'(Hn ih,, m,a]lder (',t)l'nl,r i)ll said %vost lilt(', ttltn('.e N 53 ° 20' E 16 f,'et, th(.nc( S 53" 15' E 100 i'(.et, m<,r(* m" less, lo tlw g()vern- IIICllt lil('OIl(lel' line, tt]4llCl' llorttl(asitw- ly ah)ng said l|leander lint + to It lid(n| which is East of the point of h(!ghlning and tht'uce W¢'st to ill(' point ,)[" be- KiIlllillg', having a 'frontage (d' 6.15 lin(!al ehaills, nlorc or less• Except, however, all), of the above d('scrihed tidelands which arc included ill a tract deeded to L. R, Byrne, No- vend)or 2(;. 100, for cultivation of oystel's in accc)rdauce with the provi- si,,ns i)F Chapter 24, Laws (,f 1895. under Al)pltcathnt No. 2922, a )praised at $100.00 per chain or $615,(). Pure laser illust als ) pay a $5,00 statutory fec. L (ated on Oakhmd Bay, uear Shel- ton and within the Port oF Shetton In Mason County. To he sold at She]ton, County Seat. on Tuesday, Decenlbcr 18, 1962. at I0 o'clock a,nl. Applieation No. 13678 The tidelands of the seeond class. .wned hy the State nf Washington, situate in front of that portion oF Gov- ernment Lot 3. Section 10, Township 20 North. Runge 3, West W.M., included witilin a tract described a8 Fl)l]oWS: 'Be.ginning at the nleander eornt?r ou the west line of said Section 10 and ,unning thence North along said west line a distance of 11:) feet. umnce N 53" 20' E 16 fet. thenre S 53" 15' E 100 feet nlore or less to tile govern- ment meander line and tncnce  54" W along said meander line 116 feet to the point of beginning, imvinga front- age of 1.76 lineal ehains, more or less, except, however, ally oF the aBOVe de- scrihed tideland.', w]lich are lnclud(,d in a tract deeded to L. R. Byrne, No- vember 26. 1900. for tile cultivation of oysters in aecordauce with the provi- sions of Chapter 24, Laws of 1895, under APllllcatton No. 2922, appraised at $100,00 per chain or $176,(10, Purchaser must also pay a $5.00 elatutory fec;. Located on Oakland Bay near Shel- ton and wltlfin the Port of SheJton ill Mason Cnnnty. To be sold a.t Shelton. C()unLy Seat, on Tuesday, Decenlh(T ]8. 1962, at .10 o'clock a,nl. Ally sale which has been ({fFered, and fer which no bids are re(.eived sltll )lot be reoffercd until it has heen rc.advertised. If all sales cannot be offered within the sIlee.ified time ou the advertised dab,, the sale shall con- llnle on tb¢'r following day between tile 10urs of ten o'clock a.m. and lo(lr o'clock p.m. Said lands will he sold for not less than the al)praised value above stated I[ a11d upon the terms and condithms following: I I Not less than one-tenth of the pur- l I chase price must be paid at the time I I of sale. The purchaser, if he be not II 1.he owner of tt,e improve.nlents, must II forthwith pay to the (ffflcer nlalting I! the sale the full amount (if the ap- praised value of the hnprove.n)ents) as above stkted. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must he paid annually • thereafter with interest ¢')n (ill defer- red payments ;it the ,'ate of six I)cr centuln per annunl, Provided, That ally purclnlser may make FIlll payment o plqnclpal, lnterest and statutory fees at any thoe and obtain deed. The l)ur- chaser of hind containing timber or ",,ther valnable materials Is prohibited hy law il'o,n cutthlg or rel|loving lilly such tilnher or inaierials wil.hout first obtainiug const!nt of" the Colunlissianer nf Ptll)lic Lands, until tlw full alnc)tln] fd' the illlrChllse pl'h', has Ill'Co paid t,nd dec}l issllrd. All stllts oF state lands sve lllade, subjects to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, o,'es, nlln(rals and fossils of every name, kind aud description, and to the additional terms and con- ditions preserlbed ill section 3 of ellap- ter 256 of the Laws of 1907. , Said land will bo sold subject to lhe ternle, conditions sad.reservations of chapter 312 of the Seeaion as of 1927, relating to eaaenmnts for rights- 0f-waY lld tire carrying of tlntber, stone, tinerals and other products nver the salne, BERT L. COLE Commisuio)ler of Puhlie Lands. 11/8-15-22-29 4t Two Belfair Groups Plan Dinners This Week End For Fund Raising IY RACIlEL IREELIN BELFAIR.---The coming week end iu Belfair promises a holiday fin' b(msewives. Two h)cal organizations are sponsoring din- uers. inviling 1he public to come and enjoy good f()(id, and a chance to visil with friends and neighbors. Saturday the W.S.C.S. will give iLs annual "Butter-Fly" pancake dinner at the Belfair Comn]untty Baptist c]nll'ch from ll a,ln. to 7 p.m There will be the usual "I rimmings," with the ladies prontising all you can cal for $], A child's plate will "flso be served. Mrs. Clay Jones in chairman of Lhe dinner, Snnday Job's Daughter, Bethel 43 will serve a roast beef and oyster dinner from 12:30 to 6 p.m. at the Masonic Tentple. Prices are $]..50 for adults and 75c for chil- dren. All are welcome. Christine Ison, Senior Princess of the Bethel. is in charge of the event. MEMBERS ANI) (UICSTS en- joyed Twanoh Granges annual "Booster Night" meeting Nov. 2 at Ihe Fire Hail. Speakers for the evening's program were Glen Bingham of Lhe Mission Creek YouLh Camp, and Martin Auseth. The North Mason Choir, directed by Douglas Corliss, sang "Moon River," "It Might as Well Be Spring," attd "God Be With You"; and the boy's sextett, Tim Wing, Ron Bickle. Pete Merril, Mike Roessel, Td Gierke and John Wil- son gave "Dry Bones" and "Swing Low." New members are welcome in the Grange, which held this Booster Night program an an open meeting to acquaint local people with its aims to promote commun- ity interest, foster cooperation and increase fellowship in buildmg a better rural life, AS A I'ART OF THE meeting, the Grange-sponsored North Ma- son 4H Club held a candlelight in- itiation of new mentbers. Mrs. Stanley Bradley in leader of this group, now taking in so many young people that it has been di- vided into four project clubs which will hold regnlar meetings and meeL toffether at the High School every two months. 4]=] nle, nlbers from Tahuya, under ]V[rs. Ted Blair and Mrs. Rebecca Macomber will also take parI in these joint meetings. A CIlristmas party is being phmned for Dec. ]5. Outstanding work on his garden project wen James Harding, u member of the group, an invita- tion to 1.he Scars' nward banquel in Aberdeen next Saturday North Mason High School P.T.A. will meet at lhe school at 8 p.m., Nov. 15. The program will be given over to science, with a chemish'y exhibit and demonsh'a- tions by students from the classes ol Mr. Ganges, who did extra work in Iris subJect at the Uni- % ersity last snnmmr under a scholarship fronl Lhe Nat(dual Science Foundation. Refreshments will be served followinK tile meet- ing and all parenls and {(lose, in- terested m sc](,nce -u'e inviteti LO attend. PARIqNTS IVltOSE youngsters attend Sunday school at the Conl- munity Baptist Chur0h are invited LO an open house Loll(gilt, frol;i 7:30 Lo 9 p.m There will be all opportunity Lo visit the class- rooms, meet the teaehe]'s, and .ee the wori( being done in the Church's Christian Educati(m pro- gram, lefreslun(mts will t)e st'rved. N(uLh Mason High School in now well on the map. Not only b there , lovely new sign at tie entrance, d(mated by the Beach- combers' Garden Club and painted by Mrs. Ads Grigg, but the State Highway has put np a sign across from Lhe school. {Now, if they would just take "J(mior" High out of the phone hook. Belfairites wouhl really feel they had ar- rived.) Adult season ticketa for all home basket l>all games at the sehool veil] soon be on salc. With the closing of Belfair Stnte Park for the winter season; the Art Irvins enjoyed a well earned vacation. Laking in the last days of the Fair, and visiting thc W. A. Davies :n Grayland. Congratulatmns to : The ladies of Bear Creek Com- munity Club on tbeir successful 13azaar .and to Lowell Olson, Mrs. George Singer and Mrs. Schubert. who won the prizes offered. SCOtlt leaders, Alice McDonald and Margaret Crossen, given their 15-year pins at the Court of Awards. Sunday, and Senior Scouts Sally McDonald and Cm'ol Stimac. awarded 10-year pins. Bessie Pedersen fo]' her beauti- ful display and fine demons(:ation of shell pictures on KIRO tlevi- sion, and the good ptlblicity, for this area's "shellcombing" A nnntber of old timers were amazed at. the variety of shells she fot(nd on Lhe Tahuya beachcs. And best wishes for speedy re- coveries 1.o Mrs. K'trl Mats, .and Mrs. Ruth Small. both of Whom tlnderwent surgery last week. MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.0O p.m, Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m, Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Eugene Breld, Pastor SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street - MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor =   = = = = = = = = = = ======================================== = ,= = m ,= • • HEAR['-- MR. H, H. HILL Executive Director of Alcohol Problems Association Sunday, November 11, 11:00 A.M. Sunday School Chtsses F(ir All ........................................... 9:45 a.n).... Christ's Ambassadors ......................................................... 6:00 P.M. Revival Service ................................................................ 7:00, P.M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cots Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education ...... SUNDAY, NOV. 11 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "Poor Choices" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. 7:00 pan. Evening Service, Rev. Sandoval "A Burden, A Blessing, and a Battle" Broadcast over KMAS 1280 - 11:00 a.m. FISHERMEN'S CLUB . i i j FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D, Wigton Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p.111), r Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. Cqild Care Service Available at 11:00 Service . THE METHODIST OHUROH North 4th and Pins Streets ROBERT R, RINGS. Minlster 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. Morning, Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Clas 11:00 Morning Worship Service CARL J. CARLEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church -- National. Lutheran Council i , , ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion 9:30 A.M. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class 11:00 A.M. --- Divine Worhip The Church is always open for meditation and prayer i RRST OHUROH OF OHRBT, SOIENTIST $02 Alder t,, 8helton, Wash, Sunday School 9:80 .m. Cureh 11 II,.m. Wednesday evening tes, tlmony meetmp 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hour  to 4 p.m. Mort, & Fri. Wed. evening 8:45 to 7:45.