November 8, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 8, 1962 |
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ag 20
Progress Grange At Kamiiche To
Have Gavel Meeling Friday Night
Progress Grange for last gavel A. P. Bissell. .
meeting of the year. The meet- MR. AND MRS. Newell tllison
ing will be at 8:30 p.m. had dinner at the Gene Taylor
M'(mday evening Mr. and Mrs. home Friday evening.
Edwin Petty had dinner with Mr.
l?etty's sister, Della Boyer, Olym-
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wood, Mrs.
Mainwaring and children motored
to Renton to visit with the Les
Mainwarings last. Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons
and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson at-
tended the Grange Halwest dinner
at Ha,Mine Island. Saturday.
FRIDAY NIGHT the worner of
Kamilehe Church surprised Mrs.
Dewey Sigo with a baby shower i
for their new son. She received
rna,ny nice gifts. Those present
were Mrs. Earl Bradley, Mrs. Don
Whitener, Mrs. Tony Ellion, Mrs.
Ed Sigo, Mrs, Myrtle Penn, Mrs.
Roy Went and Mrs. Phil Simmons.
Charlie Herz of Sielton was
a Saturday evening guest of tim:
Edwin Pettys'
Eric lagergren is home on a
12-day leave from San Diego,
where he was in Hoot training.
Eric reports back to Sail Fran-
cisco, where he will take up work
in electronics.
Weekend guests of the Edwin
Pettys were Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Jordan and Dianne, Mrs. Edie
l)arnetl of Salem, Ore, D011 and
Mary Newman of Seattle, and
Christi ,lorgenson of Olympia.
Other Sunday guests were the Roy
Pettys of Shelton, the Robert
Pettys, Marlene Johns of Lower
Skokomtsh and Peggy Castro.
Harstine Grand Has Good Turnout
At Harvest Dinner Last Saturday
HARSTINE.--Saturday evening
the Harstine Island Grange held
it ',, annual "Harvest Dinner."
More "nan 150 persons enjoye
'eating dinner out." The door
prize was won by Mrs. Olive
Shultes and the pole lamp by Gene
Seward. The flowers that deco-
rated each table were donated by
"Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pridham and
md were arranged by Mrs. John
Itit.ehcoek. The members of Hars-
line Grange wish to ttlank avery-
one who turned out for dinner and
social evening for without each
one of you our dinner Wollld not
.have been tile grand success it was,
And a, special "Thank You" to
those who "pitched in and gave
us t hAping hand when we got
On Wednesday afterxloon several
"Cove Ladies" called on Mrs, John
litchcock at her home at,, Baliow.
Z,l'esdarncs Lee Carlson, Aina An-
dersoil, Ed Wilson, Marie Crouch,
He.](,ll ,Iohnton slid Johllrly Jobs-
yon and Miss Helen Louise Sim-
ITIons drov(; S0utll d()'vvn "Holly-
wood and easl lo Bailow, ils spec-
tacular view and a relaxing Lfter-
rool7 koffceldateh.
Gil logers of Vancouver, and
brolJwr Walter of Saslatehewan,
CIt,llflda, spent lhe" weeken(l ;it the
lterb Spats" Imme a.t Point. Wilson.
MR, AND MR.S I, ARRY Jerrells
Jiave: returned from a two-week
[rip"to GlenclMe, Ca.idf. They at-
tendvd ll]e wedding of son Neff to
Julio Gil in l'acoima, Calif. They
visited Florence's cousin in North
Hollywood, the 9.I(t Fields, whom
she hadn't seen for 22 Dmrs. They
Stopped in I-edondo Beach and
Long Bea(dl iO visit Loiq Meeks
,;isl.ers, They also visitett in Palm
Springs, returning home via Reno
lnd yJol'thel'n California, lhey were
amazed at all the Morro damage
,t D eastern Oregon, lPlorenee says
the trees do llOl look like they were
ip,rooled, but Iwislod off. They
arrived ilome }0riday, picked lip
,5on, H,,rlin, who had been the
iloI1:, fftlest of the George Waites
and haa.ded the truck home,
Wednesdy nighl, the goblins
a11d wJlebes rode arotlnd tiarstine
no1: on a broom, bul. in the back
end of the (]lasers station wagon,
the Glasers four children, Ed mid
Bill .Waite XVanda, Darlene, Betty
and Huffla Laur and Linda and
MI'S. Doug White "tricked and
tl'vated" around the Cove frea.
Flore|)ee Jerrells. Maxine WaRe
and Mac Tierney att.ended the
eotlllly commlssmners meeting tn
Sllelton. They were pleased to
h,a,iTi illa,t tile land being con-
iderod for a garbage dump is
rations. New Mystery Siste.r
names were drawn and last year's
Sisters were revealed. Tile next
meeting Will be Dee. 14 at. tile
Tierney home witll Maxine Waige
as co-hostess. All ladies wlmt.he"
members of the Women's Club or
not: are invited to their party.
Eacll person attending is asked to
}:ring an exchange gift of $1 value.
Club members are also to bring
their Mystery Sister exchange
Ferry tally for Sunday alone
was 154 cars. Twelve deer wew.
taken off Sunday for a total of
53 for the season.
Mrs. Aina Anderson entertained
her family, Sunday. Occasion was
lnga and :Johnny Johnson being
bere from' San Pedro. Helen and
Gunner, Alvin, Peggy and Mark,
Carl and Bel.ty and girls and
Dlizabeth ,and Sundills all came
aotluel(, but of course Ma. Andcr-
son had t good Swcdisil dinner all
ready for h.m family. Inga and
,IohIHly left Ttlesday and headed
sou I h.
Tuesday'. evening Mr. and Mrs.
R. L, MeCulloch. Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Shnmons, Mr. and MI'S.
Sid l,.mndgar(, and Mr. and Mrs.
Nels F, auflsgard joined together
with lhe AI Pridlmms at tteir imme
on Picketing I"a;as, flu' a birLhday-
anniversary parly llil,l'illg the R.
L. McCulloehs 0n lheir annivcr-
.'-'al'y and Gordon Simmons and
Nel's Baunsgard's birthdays.
The llours ;it. lhe Harstine Is-
land slore will be cllanged to ll
a.lll.-5 pall. on Nov, 13. The store
t:as brim remaining open until 6
p,m. earl1 night
NROTG Application
Deadline Nov. 16
ttigb school seniors and gra.du-
ates have until No, 16 to apply
for l.he Navy's Reserve Officer
Trduing Corps. Applicants will
take thp natienwPh' Oml),,ltive
exanflnation Dee. 8 as the first
step toward an ,.ippoinlnlent a.s
Designed to sttpplenaent the ,q'-
fleer oulput of llhY Naval Aeadc-
nay, the NROTC program makes
it possible for a young rnan to
eat21 a regular commission while
studing, a,t a civilian college of his
choice which has an NROTC unit.
All trillion, fees and books are fur-
nished by tile Navy, and the. stud-
enl receives an a mnia.l retainer of
$600 for not more thatl fotlr year
college course, he is commissioned
In the llegular Navy or Marine
Corps and goes on active duty as
a prospective cmer offteer ill the
'i' '] ' i
sI-rELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in ,'Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington Thursdpy, Novem
/ ...... ' .... .... :-"1
,:[,,,,,o. _.,,
Fte s [i've/ .li,l.h bl e:
erring of club reprcsen
' festival association of
the city hall, a recom
,: was unemimously pas
: 20 persons present tha
be held.
, recommenoanon will b,
at a. future meeLing o
association's executiv,
Clive Troy was no
just when the meet
be held, one factor be
uccess of efforts to fil
in the executive corn
and board of trustee:
expiring terms of offic
of inactive mere
terms have not expired
eight or nine such va.
be filled.
fresh, Wash. grown
whole bodied
Wash. grown
cub@.- pan ready LB.
(12-oz. a/$1) 6-oz...
ins On
e Route
, . ason County Commission
9It : P.m. Dec.
e of a he
Jl a count:y
i .r,proposed 1
U.S. Ohoice boneless top LB. ll,oss Pic
J the first
. issue for
.... t before'
.: election ear
|0unty engir
..... ' ' ' Inission the
( Boneless Rolled Roast
from |he round U.S. Ghoice LB.
I'sS°PL. 'pc':er"
Butte r
Sweet Cream, Cubes
Prints. 1-LB. pkg ....
P.m. Dec. 3 as the date
of a hearing on estab-
a county road the route
)osed Harstine Island
Pickering Passage.
the first step in getting
issue for construction ot
before the voters in a
lection early next year.
nty engineer reported to
the estimated cost
building to house emer-
equipment was
ty and city will share
to be built at the
on Angleside to re-
present inadequate struc-
DEFENSE Director Har-
| said state civil defense
Wanted to meet witi him
Engineer Cash Bridg-
ttto h what would have to
make the basement of
a fail,out shelter.
,[i Was a.uthorizeo by the
LeOmmission to get bids on
..... .aary work last week. Car-
STAR- KIST st after he had checked
[ate civil defense officials,
/views before going aheaa
h[biris'rJen a bookkeeping ma-
the County Treasurer's
"| Slale Perm,ls
[ashington Utilities and
Tender, Moist, Delicate [aation Commission point-
,I }°day
Flavor! 6½-oz. illS . • • that state law re-
l.lrliel' owners who plan
Christmas trees for
first obtain a common
from that agency.
Pearson, conlmission
further pointed out that
to obtain a corn-
permit issued by the
in addition to tile spe-
tree permit which
the local sheriff's o£-
for state permits to
trees can be made
'.ring V¢.U..C. agents
' at the sheriff's office]
Thursdays from 1 tel
[ at the' State Patrol I
Bremerton Thursdays
10 a.m. to noon.
,,,'*,l'l'Sbh" and wil be inspected by Nawtl service. He receives the sa. V Frank Is- 5-
the :sanitary department hefm:e me pro.nlotion;:tl opportunitie.s, du- FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA a ,
'our dump" can become a reality. ]:Y a;sslgnnents ana ncnents as
They also are nlaRhlg plans for s m.,va'l.Acf.(lenlyc°nte lpOrsry'will be beld at the bnll, Nov 17 ales w'h° nave reaches 1Y arts ]POST CEREALS '' M/X OR MA TCH__, 0000T!0000HOKE s IU' ,,,
meetings, open to the public, wtliell .rugn scnoot seiners grauu-
,, ,rvati n F,
fosse a{ld't}(; p¢£Tsibility (;i: build* may apply for tile NROTO apti- BAKERY r,
ing a fall-ollt shell,er here. I This tud(' teaL. Tho:tA}lo nlaae a q.ll; | Bits (8,0Z,) Post Toasties (12-oz.) rl-
S r , lifvln r COle Alll D( glvtn a llgl(i I /
},! a ,e,'5 ,erioua proh,cl, and ,le- . g-''' ' ' " . 6ugar Crisp (9-oz.) ................................. 'V r :"1'; estd?:p'st'°ml e'eaf" o or tar Colonial
nwes the a, itent]¢;n t)f nil physical exsln ill 1,t)63. Idronl l!lC '" "' "" ' ' "
,.t')CIAL CI,UB will lne(,t Frl- nlullber ?f qualified young .men
day night at, the hall a.t 7"30 p nl re nahfing b competition more FIN:. . CE ' I . urant, was namcd Ma.
, :c, ,,n 00000, o s00iiO:,Tt ,i! :°°-ii "0 59' (ARRO'SI IU' || | ,IV-,,.llllli V g%r ConservattOnlast. Timrsda.yFarmer, night.. .
r badies CInb met Thursday ai gin their nawd careers in college C
• I:alao operates a t:ee farm
| Ilmmmm IIlIIll [.rl, y Lake on which his
the Ann Yates ilome wilh "Mrs. next Septemi)er. ea
Olive Shulte,s.' a.s co-imstess. Lunch- - ......................... _ ' I nlmlinl IIIK ient with an eye to future
e,,. ,.',.s.,'vd by lt,o,,,toss, a .|..,.,..I W..., a.h hv I IL/IktNU[a "and,.d,,se the,,ward
denlorlslration on (Jllrlst;nla,N deco- VUlun wmmut amw nm mll
SHUR-FREH, Reg./ "p I I f] I l]l:Uhanlber of Commerce.
8hur Fresh, t'm ' • "
" Ai€€€€ l-LB. r IFc 2.LB. '1 J7 EXTRA LARGE SLICERS CALIFORNIA - THE VERY FINEST, [. " , II' t' ers Night, Banquet tn
I Pkg. of 6s .......... Ii|trd was resented b,
::;.:. il tt., work unlt technic-
""'"'''O''**':'' ............. ,su 00?00AI01!S. . I € " I | --:" 71 'illscrvati°n" . .':":' Je.]i.iMaSOnwAs ' P "Yc°untYselecte,IS°ilfromand
U S ED G A R P R I G E S ..o, ^0,,,. ¢o,. ..os, qu e€4 vvtln ib d - :,: ic:.ilt fa,',ne,'s cons,tiered
1956 CJlIEVI;OLET 4.door .................... SGgS I FRUIT i!; "Jlave "inel;,dc}t" thinni;lg
Radio, Hcater, Automatic
195b DODGE 4-door ................................. '69S GAMPBE/i- S (includes Mushroom)--10-oz, 1€41 fltll I .......... IAIUIOI "vil forL"tertiliznti°nlmnber 'ffproductio,,30 acres
PONTIAC ......................................... $245 MI!A!,c So,! , v 50 Ib II lffl nll''u-:/'e"ei' l,- - . ..--.--,__ [:, gs ,o.l '.'.,'*'rtilieraeres. and
......... ................ ...................... $150 I: 29 ,. llush:y " -- ]WI:,, tinder nmnagen-mnt and
|1;:: ]i•()][*|: g, white, ag | ..ass 8,? acres of Christ-
|S.u.resb, ".JIU| g another 2o under
' > !ibl,ln , r.
lAYER CAKE' MI]( °' ,_,.,.oo,: ,o,. ,,,,,,,o ,,,oouo.
( X " , | 11-0Z. Pkg ......... il :i},.
19M DODGE ............................................ $145 ( Tune in RADIO KIN(, for Footb:dl Pre-Ganm " o'te system ,if roads a,,d
, nake all pats of his
Stble for fighting fires
l,)al 1 LYMOUI II .................................... $95 mid Post-Ganm Ilighlights, Co-sponsored by Thriftway 3 in to work with the
' (' " ' 2 ' .......
19o3 SII I)IsBAKElg I)iekup .......... $39:5
t hilinings
See Bud
Pauley Motors
Ist & Rtilroad Phone 426-8183
Home of RED GARPET Service
Ad Prices Effeclive November 8.9-10
half the woodland
ia,1 size. l;rank said
small poles t I0
Who use it to malce
These eanle fl'onl
his Christnl/as
tiais week.
Dresenting the engrav-
to the eonservatiou
Hm award was based
of the tree
thought ahvays in
production, rather
what was available