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November 8, 2012 |
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By NATALIE JOHNSON '~We just wanted to have a con- Commissioner Jay Hupp ex- Hupp asked for the original Air- disagreed that the port commission
natalie(¢tmasoncouniy.comversation about this," Executive Di- pressed concerns about the accura- port Master Plan Advisory Commit- needed to discuss the plan further
rector John Dobson said. cy of technical information collected tee to be reconvened for a discussion with the committee.
The plan was last updated in in 2007. with the port commission to review "I don't agree. I think this com-
After five years of work, the Port 1997. In 2007, the port began the "This has been a very disjointed the plan again, mission has the expertise and the
of Shelten commission is beginning process of updating it. In 2008, it process," he said. "I'm not even sure "I would like to hear what they staff ... I don't think we need to
the process of completing an update created a preliminary draft of the that it's been handled in a techni- have to say," he said. bring back the committee," he said.
of its Airport Master Plan. plan, and in 2010, a full draft, cally correct manner." Dobson said he asked commit- "We're doing a lot of treading water
The Port of Shelten Board of The port commission reviewed Hupp noted that in 2008, the tee members to comment in Mayhere."
Commissioners agreed to schedule the most current update of the draft Federal Aviation Administration ob- on changes made to the plan since The board agreed to schedule a
a public meeting and open house for for the first time on Tuesday, during tained a copy ofthepreliminary draft 2010, and only one member re-meeting with the advisory commit-
6 p.m. Nov. 26 at the port adminis- its regularly scheduled commission of the master plan, thinking that the sponded, tee during the day, before the public
tration building, meeting, commission had approved it. Commissioner Tom Wallitner meeting and open house on Nov. 26.
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4 level 3 sex offenders register as homeless in Shelton
n a ta lia(~ma so nc(~ u n m
The Mason County Sheriffs
Office announced last week
that four level 3 sex offenders
-- Michael Jacob Erwin, Izak
Lee Shackelford, Joshua Mi-
chael Hartman, and Abraham
Eugene Bates -- had registered
as transients in the Shelton
Erwin, 36, is described as a
white male, standing 6 feet, 1 inch
and weighing 220 pounds. He has
brown hair and hazel eyes.
Erwin was recently released
from prison for failing to register
as a sex offender.
He is required to register be-
cause of a 1998 conviction in Ma-
son County Superior Court for
third-degree child rape.
In addition to this crime, Er-
win has an extensive history of
crimes not related to sex offenses,
according to the sheriffs office.
Erwin had previously been
July 2007 for an
ties conviction in
assessed by the
sheriffs office
as a level 2 sex
20, has also
recently been
released from
custody and has
registered as a
transient level
3 sex offender
in Shelton.
is described as
a white male,
standing 5 feet,
3 inches and
weighing 175
pounds. He has
brown hair and
blue eyes.
is required to
register as a sex
offender due to
a conviction in
indecent liber-
Clark County.
At 14, he
was convict-
ed of raping a
14-year-old de-
disabled girl.
Hartman' has
also recently be-
come homeless
and has regis-
Joshua terd as a tran-
Hartman sient level 3 sex
~Hartman, 28,
stands 6 feet
tall and weighs
245 pounds. He
has brown hair
and blue eyes.
He is re-
quired to regis-
ter as a sex of-
fender because
Abraham of a March 2012
Bates conviction in
Mason County
Superior Court
of sexual misconduct with a mi-
nor in the second degree.
Hartman was previously clas-
sified as a level 1 sex offender.
Abraham Eugene Bates has
also recently been released from
custody and has registered as a
Bates, 27, is 6 feet tall and
weighs 165 pounds. He has
brown hair and brown eyes, but
has been known to dye his hair
blonde or yellow.
He is required to register as
a sex offender because he pled
guilty in September 2010 in
Mason County Superior Court
to attempted third-degree rape,
criminal trespass in the first
degree with sexual motivation
and possession of methamphet-
Bates has previously been
classified as a level 2 sex offend-
Because of their status as
transients, Erwin, Shackelford,
Hartman and Bates have all
been classified as level 3 sex of-
fenders, meaning they are at a
high risk to reoffend.
Pioneer School District schedules tours
STAFF REPORT formation about their school diate/Middle School library district, and include tours of the Pri-
.............................................................. Superintendent Marry mary and the Intermediate/
Brewer has encouraged Middle schools, time with
The Pioneer School Dis- community members to par- building, principals, class-
trict has scheduled its Tour ticipate and help the school room visi~S~and ending with
~vith a Pioneer Eagle" pro- to celebrate its successes time with Brewer at noon.
gram on Nov. 14. within the Pioneer School A full scl~edule of the tour
The tours are led by Pio- District. is available at
neer students, and will focus The event is scheduled to To reserve a spot, contact
on education and provide in- start at 9 am at the Interme- the district office at 426-
Proposed state park the topic of discussion
STAFF REPORT eat and controversy among Harstine Island
p~Tnasoncounty.cont residents and others in the community. The
............................................................ park, which may encompass 255 acres, in-
• volves the exchange of existing state park
Steve Hahn, real estate program manag- property in the vicinity of the proposed new
er for the Washington State Parks Depart- park and the purchase of additional prop-
ment will be speaking to Pioneer Commu- erty.
nity Kiwanis from 7-8 a.m. on Nov. 14 Campsites, recreational vehicle sites,
His topic will be the proposed Fudgecabins and a new boat ramp are also pro-
Point State Park on Harstine Island. Hahn posed.
has been with state parks for more than 15 Pioneer Kiwanis meets at Spencer Lake
years. His duties include the evaluation, ac- Grill, located about 2 miles east of Highway
quisition and disposal of state park proper- 3 on Pickering Road.
ties. The meetings are open to all. It is aug-
This proposed state park on Harstinegested that guests arrive about 10 minutes
Island has generated considerable inter- early.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012 - Page A-3