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Continued from page A-I
51.69 percent.
Jeffreys said she is looking forward
to working with individual department
heads in the county in order to under-
stand the budget.
"I appreciate the voters' confidence in
me," Jeffreys said. "I'm eager to get to
work and will be working hard to get up
to speed on the issues coming up in De-
Jeffreys will take office on Nov. 27 since
she is filling the expired term of Jerry Lin-
gle, who was elected in 2010, and died in
office in August 2012.
Gallagher said he is hopeful that his
loss will be reversed when additional bal-
lots are counted on Friday.
"We'll see what the next counts do," he
said. "We're not that far behind."
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Ross Gallagher listens to election
results Tuesday night in the Mason
County Commissioners chambers.
Legi 1 ti mation about both candi- commissioner," she said. "I
s a ve dates. "I think both Lynda think I've had a good run
Continued from page A-1 and I ran pretty civil cam- there."
paigns," he said. Ring Erickson said she's
in the election. Countywide, MacEwen said he extends considering some job possi-
MacEwen garnered 56 per- his thanks to Ring Erickson bilities, but is in no rush.
cent and Ring Erickson 44for her public service, and
percent, for running a "spirited cam-
MacEwen, a U.S. Navy paigu." enjoy our home and take
veteran who has lived in "We'll get to Olympia some vacation time," she
Mason County since 2004, and get to work and get this said.
celebrated his victory with state economy moving ...Haigh said she hoped to
other Republicans at a party We have to work across the know the results of her race
at the new restaurant he co- aisle to get things done." by Friday.
owns, Smokin' Mo's Kitchen Ring Erickson, who has "Dan hasn't conceded
in downtown Shelton. served on the Mason Coun- yet," she said. "Most people
MacEwen said his vic- ty Board of Commissioners think I will win, so I'm cau-
tory "affirmed what we were since 2005, said she wishes tiously optimistic."
feeling, what we were see- MacEwen good luck. Haigh called the contest
ing." Voters cast ballots for "I've been a candidate be- "a long, hard struggle" and
change, and for the candi- fore," she said. "The voters said she was besiegecl by
date with private sector ex- have spoken. I'm fine with falsehoods.
perience, he said. it.' .... That's the name of the
MacEwen said the con- Ring Erickson called thegame," she said. "It's been
test was marred by third contest "a hard fought cam- pretty tough."
party organizations that paigu." Griffey could not be
sent out misleading infor- "I loved being a county reached for comment.
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Continued from page A-1
don't kick it any further," he said.
Washington voters approved Initiative
502 Tuesday, making recreational mari-
juana use legal in the state 0~f ~r~shing-
However, Sheldon said Tuesday he
doesn't believe that vote will resolve the
issue. Even though it passed, he said mar-
ijuana will still be an illegal drug accord-
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ing to federal law.
"I think it's been put on the ballot as a
political issue to bring younger voters out
today," Sheldon said Tuesday during the
commission meeting.
Commissioner Lynda Ring Ericksofi
said removing the moratorium without
having zoning regulations pertaining to
collective gardens would b~too risky-~or
Mason County.
"I hope we get some more clarity af-
ter the vote today," she said on Tues-
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Continued from page A-1
two groups could not come to an agree-
ment, and the senior center Board of Direc-
tors did not sign off on a p~oposed 15-year
"I think the spirit was there, but when
you sign something you have to be prudent
about it," Shaw said. "We did withdraw
from that."
With net increases in membership of
about 10 percent per year, the senior cen-
ter still needs to expand, Shaw said.
"We are continuing to pursue funding a
larger center," she said. "The need is there
and our membership is growing.
The senior center's Board of Directors
discussed how to proceed during a meeting
on Tuesday.
The board voted Tuesday to not pursue
buying the PUD buildings in the future.
"It would be irresponsible for us to keep
asking for extensions," she said. "We have
no rights on that complex right now."
In its continued search for a larger and
more accommodating location, Shaw said
the senior center needs to work with local
people and organizations.
"We would like to have more definite
partners that would be renting space from
us," she said. "We'd really like people to
come forward and be supportive.
Shaw said she is confident in the cen-
ter's ability to finance another location.
"We need to be realistic about what can
happen," she said. "We've purchased and
paid off two centers.
Wood said the PUD 3 Board of Commis-
sioners will likely discuss the future of the
buildings on Cota Street at its. next meet-
ing, at 10 a.m. on Nov. 13 at its Johns Prai-
rie location.
Reco d At 3:56 p.m. on Nov. 4, a
r wallet was reported stolen
Continued from page A-1in the 700 block of East St.
Andrews Drive.
At 1:25 a.m. on Nov. 4,
a wallet was reported sto- At 9:03 p.m. on Nov. 4,
len from an undiscloseda theft of checkbooks was
address on East Heartland reported in the 500 block of
Drive. East Hardings Hill Road,
Jones Road.
At 3:19 p.m. on Nov.
5, a theft of gasoline was
reported in the 100 block
of East Gravelly Beach
At 5:06 p.m. on Nov. 5,
a theft of extension cords
At 1:03 a.m. on Nov. 4, a valued at $700 was report-
vehicle prowl was reported At 9:35 a.m. on Nov. 5, a ed in the 100 block of East
in the 100 block of Eastvehicle prowl was reported Johns Creek Drive.
Willopa Place. in the 300 block of East
Wood Lane. Miscellaneous
At 1:55 p.m. on Nov. 4, At 8:55 p.m. on Oct. 31, a
a shoplifter was reported At 11:41 a.m. on Nov. 5, peeping Tom was reported
in the 600 block of Westa theft was reported in the in an undisclosed address
Franklin Street. 1800 block of Southeaston West J Street.
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Shelton-Mason County'Journal-Thursday, Nov 8, 2012 - Page A-7