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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 8, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 8, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CALENDAR Thursday 1:30-3:30 p.m., Olympic College Shelton will hold a worker retraining informa- tion session for individuals receiving unemployment in- surance, who have exhaust- ed their benefits within the last 24 months, are dis- placed homemakers or are self-employed in a declining field. For more information, call 432-5400. 6 p.m., The Lilliwaup Community Club will hold its monthly potluck dinner at the club's building. Social will begin at 6 p.m.; dinner is at 6:30 p.m. Program will feature Shawn Batstene, new superintendent of the Hood Canal School District. Dinner provided; bring a side dish. For more informa- tion, call 877-9772. Friday 3-4:30 p.m., The Shelton Timberland Library pres- ents Manga Support Group for Teens. Sponsored by the Friends of the Shelton Tim- berland Library. For infor- mation, call 426-1362. 6:30-8:30 p.m., The Ma- son County Care Net Preg- nancy Center, a nonprofit, will hold a Sweet Celebra- tion For Life Dessert and Silent Auction' at Shel- ton Presbyterian Church. Tickets are $7.50 each. For more information call 427- 9171. tion, call 427-5359 or email Noon, A veteran's appre- ciation barbecue will take place at Hoodsport Fire Hall. There is no charge. For more information, call Frank at 437-2457. 1-2:30 p.m., The Shelton Timberland Library pres- ents 17 Million Years in an Hour: Washington Forests Past, Present and Future for adults. Presenter and Saturday Shelton native Patti Case 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Members is public affairs/regulatory of the Little Skookum Com- manager for Green Dia- munity Club will hold their mond Resource Company. 10th annual holiday craft For more information, call bazaar at Little Skookum426-1362. Hall, 3480 S.E. Lynch Road. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., A Christ- Monday mas gift giving arts and9 a.m.-3 p.m., Mason crafts fair will take place at County Fire District 17 will Pioneer School, 110 E. Spen- hold its second annual Holi- cer Lake Road. A children's day Bazaar at 34671 N. U.S. fair, Santa Claus, food Highway 101. Tables are court, raffle and entertain- $25. Lunch, bake sale, raffle ment will be available. Pro- and T-shirt sale will benefit ceeds benefit local families the district. Call Tudi at 877- in need. For more informa- 6714 to reserve a table. All day, All Timberland libraries will be closed for Veterans Day. Buy & Sell! Antiques • Collectibles ° Furniture ige Vendor Space Available 831 West Golden Pheasant Rd. • Open 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7 Days A Week (360) 791-0448 • (360) 915-463; Denny's Auto Service Non-Profit Organization of the Month: presents our LIVE UNITED United Way of Mason County u°.edW.y We at Denny's Auto Service are seeing of Maso. County the impact that the economy is having on the community and also how it is impacting local charities. We want to do our part to support our community and the people who help make Mason County great. YOU can help by adding $1.00 to your bill at Denny's Auto, or by contacting Tamra Ingwaldson at 426- 4999 about sponsoring or attending events, or volunteering. www.u We hope you wiUjoin us, your small change can make a big change in others lives! Quality Repair by People Who Care • Warranty Approved Maintenance • Nationwide Warranty • Courtesy Loaner Cars • Complete Auto Care • 24 Hour Drop Box • Lifetime Protection Program • Financing O.A.C. • Senior Discounts Tuesday 2-3 p.m., The Shelton Timberland Library will host E-reader Petting Zoo for adults and teens. Librar- ians will talk about the li- brary's downloadable books, audiobooks, movies and mu- sic. Bring a smartphone or e-reader to follow along. For more information, call 426- 1362. Wednesday 3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim- berland Library presents Teen Game Lounge. Play Xbox Kinect, Wii and oth- er games, or bring your own laptop and connect to the library's WiFi. Snacks and supplies provided by the Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library. For more information, call 426- 1362. Check for 'Bikes for Books' Courtesy photo Ken Boad, left, presents a check for $500 to Nolan Henderson, Shelton Center Director of Head Start. Boad, along with Alan Crick, Clayton Bennett, Bill Petersen and Jack Huggins, represent Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 11, of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington. Mt. Moriah Lodge is dedicated to helping youth in our community and has been instrumental in providing new bicycles to children from their "Bikes for Books" program, organizers said. Also pictured is Suzie Norton and Larissa Johnson along with their Head Start class. Harstine Continued from page B-1 Jim took last year. She had wonderful pictures and lots of interesting insights to what they saw. Our door prize was won by Kathy Jensen. Della Rogers shared what she learned when she interviewed one of our new members, Kathy Wendt. Well before they retired she and husband Larry were boating in south sound and discov- ered our island. I guess it was love at first sight, they bought some land and when they retired built their home here. I think this sounds pretty familiar to a lot of us." Busy times are coming up. We will hold our annual Holiday House Christmas Ba- zaar on Nov. 24. Chairman Diane Dawley shared how excited she is with all the venders, with five new ones this year. So, full house and a full day for shopping and sampling the goodies in the kitchen. Dec. 7 will be the women's club holi- day luncheon. It's always a very special occasion. This year we will share our fa- vorite hors d'oeuvres and then be treated to our host's holiday desserts. Pamela Moore, speaking for herself and her dad Lynne Fish, wanted to thank us all and all of the island for all the love and support they received with the very unexpected passing of her mother, Billie Fish. All who knew Billie loved her; she was such a special, caring, classy lady. She was always there to help and support anyone who needed it. She will be so missed by us all. Thanksgiving dinner is just about in the oven. The Harstine Island Commu- nity Club Potluck Thanksgiving Dinner will be served on Nov. 22. They will serve turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy along with coffee and tea. They will gather at 2 p.m. and eat around 2:30 p.m. or when the turkey is done. Remem- ber, this is a potluck, so bring along your own special dish to share. They will need an early head count so if you are plan- ning to attend call the Bensons at 426- 7803 or Jim Irish at 426-0266. That Thanksgiving weekend means holiday house is here. This has been a growing event that attracts people ~om far and near. Both the community club hall and the fire station will be packed with vendors selling their wares. So mark your calendar for Nov. 24. Thursday 8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- ative yoga, donation of $1 suggested 9 a.m.-noon, EZ Crafters 9 a.m., intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing 10:30 a.m., blood pres- sure checks, free 10:45 a.m., Zumba fitness classes 12:30 p.m., Bridge, par- ticipants are asked to sign up at least one day prior 1 p.m., mahjong, bingo Friday 8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi 9 a.m.-noon, fabric dona- tion sorting 9-11 a.m., open line dance 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., piano bar with John Rosen- green 1 p.m., Mason County Se- nior Activities Association is offering a members-only movie at Shelton Cinemas. Cost is $3.50 at the theater. 1 p.m., bingo, $1 for three cards Monday 8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi 9 a.m., beginning line dancing 10 a.m., intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing 12:30 p.m., game day 1 p.m, chess, cribbage, pi- nochle Tuesday 8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- ative yoga, donation of $1 suggested 8:15-8:45 a.m., "Medita- tion: Embracing the Still- ness" class offered by Chuck Nesmith. A donation of $2 per class is requested. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., sewing circle 9 a.m., intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing 10:30 a.m., senior assis- tance and information, sec- ond Tuesday of each month 10:45 a.m., Zumba fitness classes, no classes held third Tuesday of each month 12:30 p.m., bridge, partic- ipants are asked to sign up at least one day prior Wednesday 8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi 9 a.m., beginning line dancing 10 a.m., intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing 1 p.m., pinochle Nondenominational Fellowship & Bible study Services 5pm Sundays Johns Prairie Rd., Sh( • )!::::!:!11!7:::- ' Children and Worship Service , 10:00 a.m. ii ) (hoil Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childcare both services Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012 Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue Contemporary Service .......... 830 a.m Christian Educatkm ................ 9:45 am Traditional Worship ..... IhOO am Office 42@6353 Daycare 427-3165 F-"L L "'L^r-n rh" -h m 1212 Connection St. itlUl UUlC it UlUtll_ Shelton, WA !! !i:] SPRING ROAD CHAPEL 2t Christ-centered Church T (360) 426-8611 FIRST CHURCH OF GOD /fSunday Morning Worship~ ~ ~ [] 1113 E. Shelton Springs Road / Traditional-8:45a.m. / n** 0 a m • Bible Study tContempora _l,:° .j • Shclton, WA98584 J Youth Activities (360) 427-6998 ::tteo:r". www.FLCWA.Trg ii r'-' I Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. St, D dd of W ’s A place where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 • SUNDAY SERVICES Ancient Service of 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Chanting & Prayer 9:15 Conversational Bible Study Every Thursday 5:30-6:00 p.m. iiiii]iiiiiiiii!ii! Meets at new PUD#3 building on Johns Prairie Rd. Sun. - 10:30 am • Thurs.. 7:00 pm Church info line: (360) 427-4033 SHELTON 428 W. COTA Sunday Morning Worship ’ S.S. ;~ 9:00 + 10:30 . t • DeOrmingos- 6 PM !---.~- rvicios en Espafiol ~ Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed in Rivers of Grace Alliance Church 2320 Washington St. Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m. 438-8531 New Community Church of Union Sunday Gatherings (All are welcome!) WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 360-898-7855 web site: IIIll I I I I