November 8, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 8, 2012 |
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MARGENE FIELDS, ARNP ....................
Full-time health-care providers
~/Walk-ins welcome VAccepting new ~ ~
V Family care, from patients
newborns to VExperienced in
adult geriatrics treating patients
of all ages ....................
MaryA. Dohn Margene Fields,
Call (360) 877-0372 .................
24261 N. US Highway I 0 I, Hoodsport ~697s
..... • Work Injuries
Newman Fam$/ • Car Accidents
• Wellness Care
Sarah Newman, DC
Accepting Medicare
and most Insurances
2211 Jefferson Street, Shelton WA 98584 • (360) 426-3886
Four Stars
Call for Parties, not~o°a,y, ....
Meetings, Receptions FRESH A Wide Variety............... of
Special SHELLFISH Seafood & Other Meat Dishes
Occasion Lunches DAILY with Chef Xinh T, Dwellers Asian Twist
(360) 427-8709 • Open for Supper Tuesday-Saturday
Downtown Shelton • Corner of 3rd and West Railroad Z !
Call 426-4412 to subscribe
Send a special gift to a friend or relative this season
Fir Wreath s32"99I I Fir Wreath s36"9I Large Swag
Mixed evergreen wreath with incense Mixed evergreen wreath with
incense cedar, juniper, cones Noble fir boughs with mixed
c Fdl ~:~l}udnis~ze:' aCpp reS) ~ nn da tr~dy bl 8 w" and red b ........ hed .... ~verg ....... d ...... I .... ~J
Item #10NFW proximately 18". Item #1 2N
. Each item includes decorated gift box, bow and card. ~ ~,
o Be sure to order early to insure delivery and availability. ~[~[[i~
0 Prices Includes shipping & tax in continental USA
(shipping is through UPS Ground) ~
Extrashippingchargeof$1£O0~ U
to Alaska, Hawaii and Canada "~-.~. i
Please do not email otlders. ~' JWmlIWB~
Ma ng Address:.___
Payment Method: Check
Credit Card Number:
Exp. Date:
1921 E. Hwy 106, Union WA 98592
(360) 898-2222 M (360) 426"2222
Phone Number;
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Money Order Visa MasterCard American Express Discover
Security Code:
I would like email confirmation of shipment with tracking number. My email address is:
UPS requires street address for shipping
Please Send to:
Item #:__ (OR CIRCLE AN ITEM ABOVE) Amount:__
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Gift Card to read:
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I would like the gift to arrive approximately:
High school teens have will be conducted onlinenated U.S. wall maps andanswers. They'll be able t,.
an opportunity to enter the only. Teens may enter once thumb drives. All prizesprint a copy of the quu~
Timberland Regional Li- eachday, have been donated by thetions page to mark v,h~h
brary (TRL) online contest, The contest is open to TRL Foundation and data-navigating the ¢LL~:~i~a~e>
"Teens' Database Chal- teens enrolled in a highbase vendors. Then they can sek~t theJ~
lenge," through Dec. 15 for school, an online high school Winners will be selectedanswers in the online/brm.
chances to win an e-reader, program or high school-lev- randomly from all entries TRL subscribes to dozeh~
When teens correctly an- el home school. The partici- that correctly identify all of online databases that a~,
swer 14 questions using the pant must have a valid TRL 14 databases, not available for free on the
TRL reference databases at card and reside within one Winners will be noti- Internet, but are accessibh, and submit of the library district's five fled by phone or email. The for free to TRL library card
entries on an online form, counties: Grays Harbor, names of the winners andholders. The databases tar-
their names will be entered Lewis, Mason, Pacific and their libraries' cities or geted in the teen challenge
in a drawing to win one of Thurston. TRL employees communities will be pub-are information resource~i
five e-readers. Complete and their family memberslished on the TRL website, they can use every day fiw
rules will be on the webpage are not eligible. Winners will pick up their school work, personal i.
beginning Nov. 1. Drawings Go to, prizes at their home Tim- terests and plotting their
take place on Dec. 17. click on the contest link and berland libraries, future.
Teens must correctly register. Teens are encouraged to TRL ran a reference d,
identify all 14 databases The main prizes are fivebrowse the reference da-tabase contest for aduh:-
from the questions on the e-readers. Other prizes in- tabases as much as they in May and June this ye~r
online form. The contest clude world atlases, lami- wish before selecting their that garnered 2,818 entries.
CPR class
Learn the correct
technique for
basic life support
The ability to save a
life is a great asset to all
members of the commu-
nity and Mason General
Hospital & Family of Clin-
ics encourages everyone to
learn how in another free
class it is offering this fall.
The next adult, child
and infant basic life sup-
port CPR class will be
from 6-9 p.m. today at
MGH & FC's Learning
Center, located next to
McDonald's on Olympic
Highway North.
Knowing the correct
technique for adult, child,
and infant CPR, and how
to recognize the signs of
a heart attack and stroke
can mean the difference
between life and death to
someone before medical
help arrives.
All members of the com-
munity are invited to the
class to learn the basics of
CPR and emergency re-
Everyone is advised to
wear comfortable clothing,
and a Spanish language
interpreter can be made
available on request.
Class size is limited
and spaces fill up fast on a
first-come, first-served ba-
sis. Participants can call
the learning center at 427-
3609 to register.
This is not a first aid
City of Shelton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which includes vac- urday through Monday.
cine, wormer, spay/neuter and a $10 city
license. New dogs are brought in all the Current listings:
time. Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter at Husky, female, 7 years old
902 W. Pine St. Labrador retriever, female, 10 month~
Dogs may be viewed at old Shepherd mix, female, 5 years old
Hours are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday Labrador / pitbull mix, female, 4 yea~
through Friday. The Shelter is closed Sat- old
This delightful little guy is Jimmy. He was found wandering alone, cold and scared
He is a rat terrier mix and appears to be about a year old. He is very good-natur~,d
and as sweet as can be. If you have been looking for a lovable lap dog look no fhrth,..J
than Jimmy. If you would like to meet him please call 432-3091 or send an email t~, To view our other adoptable dogs, please w>~
Prevent Uncomfortable & Costly Dental Problems
From top: Michelle Downing, Richard Downing,
Hunter Downing, Forest Downing.
• Convenient Payment Plans Available
CareCredit'. ChaseHea dt'ance
Padent Payment Plans FINANCING OPTIONS
(360) 426:4712 •
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012
Miss Katie is a sweet young kitten. She had a rough start, and now is ready fnr ~
special home. Miss Katie hopes for a sunny windowsill, daily food and water and a sat~
warm bed. She would like to have a forever home to explore, snuggle and play witt~ a
family of her own. She will gladly share purrs and cuddles. Miss Katie hopes that oni.~ ~d"
her friends can.come too. For information on Miss Katie and other indoor-only kitties,
call 584-05¢J4~~~ge :~1~5: