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F=e. Campeau DElft N ICE
Farell Lynn Campeau, Morris of Memorial donations can~!1 very good
72, a resident of Shelton, ~ Shelton; be made to Hospice Founda- ~ at it,
died on Oct. 31,2012. Eri~ ~iH~
He was born on April 21, father Nil- tion of America.
bur Morris ~ ily shared.
1940, in Lewiston, Idaho, ~ her fam-
ErinM Lill~i33i~ e~re~dent~die~homeon of Shelton; Violet Rickards ~ She also
to Louis and Marie (El- Oe~ 28; 2012 ~~nts:~re by McComb sisters Violet Trousil Rickards, ~ enjoyed
sensohn) Campeau. Linda 93, died of natural causes ~ camping
Farell was a fraternal (Johnson) on Oct. 26, 2012, in Kaiser, ~ and hiking
twin. He attended Paro- ~er~a~ ~,b~ M a_ryIrene Symington Ore. ~ andloved
chial school in Clarkson of Shel- She was born on June 17, Violet animals,
through the eighth grade. H~E B~byi~i~donNo~ ~i20~2iat an~i:ell ton, Dana 1919, in Ewen, Mich.; sheRickards especially
He graduated in 1958 Health & Rehabilitati~ ~ange are by Mc~ombDipola of was the last remaining sib- cats.
from West High School inFuneral home under the ~rection ~D~bbi~ ~ ; Olympia ling in her family of seven She was
Bremerton, where he was a y of Cosmop- brothers and sisters, survived by son Cliff Rick-
sprinter. He became a certi- olis; brothers Dean Johnson Before World War II, she ards; daughter Christine
fled lifeguard.
Farell worked at Boeing
after graduating. He mar-
tied Hope, and the couple
had three children. The
marriage ended in divorce.
He married Nada Ogden
in March 1971 in Lewiston
and became a stepfather to
her three children.
He worked in the moving
business for several years
and started his own stump
grinding service, "The
Stump Man." The business
lasted for 30-plus years in
Kitsap and Mason counties.
The couple also ran the
Bostonian Touch Janitorial
Service for 15 years in Kit-
, sap County.
His family shared that
Farell enjoyed long walks
with his wife and their little
dog. He was a member of 20 2i at pine Way tirement ange
the Lake Limerick Country
He is survived by his wife
Nada Campeau of Shelton; ~ ~~~ ~~
sons Kirk Vallem of Deary,
Idaho, and Jeff Campeau
of Olympia; daughters Kim info~ti~ ~ not
Shattun of Port Orchard, ~ppropria~e tribute ~0 the dee~d ~ut ~ part ~f
Karcie Campeau of Wash- hist0~i: We encou~ag~ fami!ies ~ ~dude thei~ loved:
ington, Darcy Howell of nes interests ........... ....................................................................................... ::::
Port Orchard and Michelle
Campeau of Belfair; eight
grandchildren and three
great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death
by his parents; brother Ron
Campeau; and grandchild
Kirk Vallem Jr.
A service took place on
Nov. 6.
Memorial donations can
be made to an animal shel-
ter of the donor's choice.
Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at
Includes an attractive casket and professional services
Shelton Memorial Park expenses are additional
Eric Erickson
Eric James Erickson, 75,
a Shelton resident, died on
Nov. 4, 2012.
He was born on Jan. 15,
1937, to Carl H. Erickson
and Margie Jenkins Erick-
son in Shelton.
He graduated from Irene
S. Reed High School in
1955. He
Hume on
Nov. 27,
1987, in
Eric painting,
Eriekson woodwork-
ing, pho-
car shows and spending
time with his family.
He worked for Nicholson
Steel for more than 30 years
burning steel for logging
companies and boring tun-
He was a member of
the Fraternal Order of the
He is survived by his wife
Clarene Erickson; sister
Mary Anne Blanton and
Deloris Provorse; sons Ja-
mie Erickson, Paul Milner
and Robert Hume; daughter
Jeannine Allen; grand-
daughters Lyanna Bateman
and DeAngela Hume; grand-
son Jesse Hume; great-
granddaughters Colleen and
Courtney Bateman; and sev-
eral nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death
by his parents, stepmother,
two brothers and a sister.
A service took place on
Nov. 7.
Memorial donations can
be made to the American
Heart Association.
Arrangements are by
McComb Funeral Home of
Send obituaryinformation to:
Deadline is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
Online condolences can McComb Funeral Home of
be sent to the family at Shelton. Online condolences, may be sent to the family at
Genevieve Ruth Ford
Genevieve Ruth Ford, 91, Marianne Stites
died on Nov. 2, 2012, at Fir Marianne Stites Hol-
Lane Health & Rehabilita- brook, 84, a resident of Shel-
tion Center in Shelton. ton, died on Oct. 13, 2012.
She was born on Jan. 6, She was born on Sept. 20,
1921, to Harry E. and Gen- 1928, to Grace "Margaret"
evieve (Waclaski) French in (Johnston) and Melvin Hol-
Brooklyn, N.Y. brook of Port Townsend.
She attended Red BankShe married James A.
High School in Red Bank, Stites on Dec. 3, 1963, in
N.J., and graduated in 1939. Port Townsend.
She She was a homemaker.
married She enjoyed hunting and
Eugene camping with her husband,
Augustus rock and fossil collecting,
Ford on gardening and her family.
Feb. 11, She belonged to the Ladies
1939, in Auxiliary.
Red Bank, She is survived by daugh-
N.J. ter Beverly Love of Bremer-
She was ton; sons Riley Stites of Se-
Genevieve a worker quim and Mike Stites of Ab-
Ruth Ford for Elec- erdeen; sister-in-law Lillian
tric Radar Hankinson of Belfair; and
Assembly brothers-in-law J~sse Stites
before becoming a certi- and Ray Stites of Shelton.
fled nursing assistant and Marianne was preceded
working at various nursing in death by husband James;
homes. She was a member daughter Barbara J. Stein-
of the Jesus Christ Church berg Kernes; and sons
of Latter Day Saints. Her Richard L. Steinberg and
family shared that she was Raymond G. Steinberg.
an avid reader and enjoyed A celebration of life will
crocheting, traveling, classi- take place from noon to 3
cal music and her family, p.m. on Nov. 11 at the fam-
Genevieve was survived ily home in Shelton.
by daughter Barbara Ke- An online obituary can be
aly of Shelton; son Mike viewed at www.mccombfh.
(Deborah) Ford of Bremer- com.
ton; brother Ed Steffen of
Virginia; sisters Barbara Mary Irene Johnson
McLaughlin of Texas, Ber- Mary Irene Johnson, 51,
nice (Ken) Turner of South a Hoodsport resident, died
Carolina; 17 grandchildren, on Oct. 30, 2012.
28 great-grandchildren and She was born on June 16,
seven great-great-grandchil- 1961, in Aberdeen to Mar-
dren. tha (Holmudd) Johnson and
She was preceded in Robert E. Johnson.
death by husband Eugene; She worked at the Eagle
sons Ronald, Gerald, Eu- Creek Saloon in Lilliwaup
gene Ford and dog Ralph. as a waitress and bartender.
A private family service She was an avid reader
will take place at a later and loved animals, her faro-
date. ily shared.
Arrangements are by She is survived by mother
of Hoqium and Kevin Morris moved to the Northwest Kirkwood; and grandchil-
of Shelton; and numerous from Michigan following her dren Allyn Rickards, Aaron
nieces and nephews, older sister Irene Mork.Rickards, Issac Kirkwood
A celebration of life will During the war, she and Jacob Kirkwood.
take place at 1 p.m. on Nov. worked in the Bremerton A service will take place
24 at Christmas Village club area building motors for tor- at 2 p.m. on Nov. 30 at
house in Shelton. pedoes. After the war, she the Shelton Four Square
married Russell RickardsChurch, 910 E. Dearborn
and the couple started aSt., Shelton.
She loved to bake pies See Obituaries on page B-6
James Reed
James Milton Read, 78,
a 36-year resident of Shel-
ton, died of chronic obstruc-
tive pulmonary disease
(COPD) on Oct. 25, 2012, at
He was born on Sept.
28, 1934, to Clifford Mil-
ten Reed and Geraldine E.
(May) Reed in Newton, Kan.
He served in the U.S. Air
Force from 1952-1961 and
was an Airman 1st Class on
James married Virginia
on Jan.
10, 1970,
in Marti-
nez, Calif.
He was
to Donna
James man and
Reed Mary Mor-
row. Both
ended in divorce.
He retired as a machin-
ist from Capital Industrial
Supply in Olympia after 32
years. He was a reserve fire-
fighter for 10 years in Mar-
tinez, Calif., and previously
belonged to the Elks and
Moose lodges. He enjoyed .
photography and gardening.
He is survived by his wife
Virginia Reed of Shelton;
sons Mark Reed of Austin,
Texas, and David Reed of
Puyallup; sister Jean (Jim)
Livesay of Roseville, Calif.;
brother Clifford R. (Peggy)
Reed of Gardnerville, Nev.;
friends Eric (Joanna) Ras-
mussen of Shelton; nine
grandchildren and seven
He was preceded in death
by his parents and son Gary
Lynn Reed.
No service will be held.
Arrangements are under
the direction of Forest Fu-
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David W. Whitener Sr.
On Friday, November 2, 2012, David Wayne Charles Whitener Sr.
of the Squaxin Island Nation passed away peacefully with family at
his side after a long, courageous journey with Parkinson's disease.
Dave was 78. He was born on January 6, 1934 to Percy W. and Ethel
(Richards) Whitener at home in Kamilche. He graduated from Irene
S. Reed in 1951, served in the US Army, and obtained his Master's
Degree in Education from Western Washington University. In his
younger days, Dave worked as a logger and in the construction business
and enjoyed fishing with his family in Alaska. He married Elaine Moore
in 1957 and they later divorced. Dave was principle and teacher at Southside
School from 1965 until 1969 and was also the principal in Neah Bay for a time
as well. From there, he carries a tribal name in the Makah language. Mr. Whitener
was dedicated to education and the Native American heritage. He was faculty in the Native American
Studies Program at Evergreen State College for 17 years and was co-convener of that program for several
years. He was instrumental in the planning and building of the Evergreen Long House on campus, which
opened in 1995. Retirement in 1996 did not slow Dave down. He served on the Board of Indian Affairs,
Olympic National Forest Advisory Board, Mason General Hospital Board and was the Deputy executive
director for the Squaxin Island Tribe. He served in many capacities on the Squaxin Island tribal council.
Part of Dave's ancestry is Tsimshian from Alaska; he is of the Raven Clan. Dave was a member of the St.
David's Episcopal Church of Shelton and the Toastmasters. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, and traveling,
especially for Indian affairs and cultural events, smoking salmon, and spending time with his family. He is
survived by his wife of 23 years, Barbara (Greene) Whitener, Shelton; sons, David (Sotheary) Whitener
Jr, Olympia,'and Jonathon (Marty) Thompson, Seattle; daughters, Connie Whitener, Parker, AZ, Mitzie
"Rhonda" Whitener, Shelton, Annie-Beth (Cameron) Henry, Shelton, and Jessica (Nathan) Hoppe, Helena,
MT; sisters, Ruby Fuller, Shelton and Mary Bell Whitener, Shelton; his brother, Donald Lynn, Shelton;
nine grandchildren, one great grandchild and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins.
He is preceded in death by his parents and sister Martha.
A celebration of Dave's life will be held at the Little Creek Event Center on November 15, 2012 at 11:30.
Donations can be made to the Evergreen State College Foundation; with reference to David Whitener Sr
Scholarship Fund, Olympia, WA. [At this time there is a matching grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates
Dave was an amazing man who left an unimaginable legacy and will truly be missed by all that knew him.
--PaidObituaryNotice-- ~_
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012 - Page B-5
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