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November 8, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 8, 2012
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FLYONTHESIDELINE .I Well, this was a disappointing weekend for Mason County foot- ball fans across the board. On Friday night, North Mason lost 38-13 to Sumner, ending its season. The Bulldogs tried hard throughout the game, but couldn't score against Spartans, very few of whom played both ways on the field. This put North Mason at a distinct disadvantage as nearly all of the Bull- dogs play both ways and were therefore constantly up against fresh players on the field. Next, on Saturday afternoon, Mary M. Knight lost 34-26 to Taholah to take sec- ond place in the 1B Coast League. I'm not real sure what happened in this game. The Owls came out and they seemed pretty evenly matched with Taholah. Then the Chitwins dominated the second and third quarters and the Owls' fourth quarter comeback ran out of time to close the gap. Finally, Shelton ended its season on Saturday night in Seattle with a 19-6 defeat to Nathan Hale. The Highclimbers seemed to shoot them- selves in the foot for most of this game, committing far more penalties than By EMILY they normally do and suf- HANSON fering the consequences for doing so. I was at all three games and let me tell you, none of them ended the way I'd hoped they would. However, the football season is not over yet for Mason County. Although North Mason and Shelton are both out of the postseason now, the Knight Owls are set to play in a pigtail playoff this weekend. This will be the second time in school history that MMK's football team has Though they play eight-man football, they do it with the heart of 11 men. made the postseason. At 4 p.m. on Sat- urday, the Owls will meet with Lopez Island on the gridiron at Oak Harbor High School on Whidbey Island and I'll be there. I've seen a lot of good things from the Owls this season. Though they play eight-man football, they do it with the heart of 11 men. Those boys go out on the field and they're positive the entire game. They don't back talk the officials or argue with their coaches, they just get in posi- tion and do their jobs. They had an accurate quarterback in Kyle Willey, speed in Juan Jimenez and Adam Pals and sure hands with Nick Di- erkop and Cory O'Neil. Their defense doesn't play dirty and always helps their opponents back up af- ter a hit. These are all reasons why I enjoy watching the Knight Owls play and why I think other people in Mason County would enjoy watching them as well. Matlock is a small community, but its fans travel to their games and root on their team. I'm hoping more people from the Shelton and Belfair areas will decide to continue supporting Mason County football by making a trip to Whidbey Is- land this weekend. Who knows, maybe if the Knight Owls get enough support, they'll take down Lopez Island and head into the quar- terfinals of the 1B WIAA State Football Championships the following week. Stranger things have happened. SPORTSCALENDAR Thursday ming Championship at 3 p.m., Shelton girls' the King County Aquatic bowling vs. Henry Foss at Center in Federal Way West Side Lanes in Olym: 4 p.m., Mary M. Knight pia football vs. Lopez Is- land at Oak Harbor High Friday School on Whidbey Island 2:30 p.m., Shelton girls' swimming at WIAATuesday 3A Girls' State Swim- 3 p.m., Shelton girls' ming Championship at bowling vs. Timberline at the King County Aquatic Aztec Lanes in Lacey Center in Federal Way Saturday 10 a.m., Shelton AxeL men wrestling club at round robin tournament at Franklin Pierce 2:30 p.m., Shelton girls' swimming at WIAA 3A Girls' State Swim- Nov. 15 3 p.m., Shelton girls' bowling vs. Yelm at West Side Lanes in Olympia • To have items placed in the sports calendar, send information to Shelton-sponsored seniors softball wins gold Courtesy of Dann Gagnon The senior softball team, sponsored by SIMS Vibration Lab in Shelton, recently won the Gold Medal in the mens' 60 division of the 2012 Huntsman World Senior Games in St. George, Utah. The members are: Orville Ware, front left, Lenny Mykland, Pike Johnson, Dann Gagnon, Dave Bowers and Richard Pesky; Doc Javal, back left, Jeff Vegna, Marty Jacobson, Carlos Felan, Leon Benek, Dean Ellis, Ray Horn and Paul Miller. FOOTBALL 13 completions, 18 yards, 1 Hansen, 11-of-ll serving, Championships touchdown, 15 carries, 88 11 digs, 6 kills; K. Budge, 7 Friday - Nathan Hale 19, yards, 2 touchdowns; N. Di- digs; C. Overlin, 11 assists; Finals: Shelton 6 erkop, 1 reception, 13 yards, G. Lugalia, 4 kills; C. Spears, 200-yard medley relay: 3, NHSH ....... 0 12 0 7 --19 1 touchdown; J. Jimenez, 12 3 kills Hannah Garcia, Sarah My- SHS .......... 6 0 0 0 -- 6 carries, 39 yards; A. Pais, 4 ers, Hannah Womer and carries, 14 yards, 1 touch-CROSS COUNTY Paige Goldsby, 1:47.05 Shelton NHSH down 5O-yard freestyle: 4, Sarah Passing 128 yards 81 yards Nov. 3 -- WIAA 3A State Myers, 25.94 Rushing195 yards 215 yards VOLLEYBALL Cross Country Meet at 100-yard freestyle: 7, Sarah Sun Willows Golf Course Myers, 57.03 Shelton: J. Welander, 10-of- Oct. 30 -- Taholah def. in Pasco 26 completions, 128 yards, 2 Mary M. Knight 25-18, 19- interceptions; R. Kinne, 31 25, 25-19, 25-22 Boys' results carries, 163 yards, 1 touch- 5,O00-meter varsity: 32, down; D. Bell, 9 carries, 41 MMK: A. Sowle, 16-of-18 CodyWilliamson, 16:21.7; 71, yards; M. Sobotka, 3 recep- serving, 3 aces; L. Dierkop, Zach Taylor, 16:58.9; 83; Dar- tions, 35yards 9-of-ll serving, 3 aces; M. ius Burke, 17:09.1; 118, Ry- Sowle, 4 kills; H. Frost, 4 kills der Phelan, 17:43.6; 132, Ri- ley Rifle, 18:03.1; 136; Adam Nov. 2 -- WCD III Tweed, 18:18.4; 142, Chris Tournament Frost, 18:55.1 Saturday -- Taholah 34, Mary M. Knight 26 THS .......... 0 14 14 6 --34 MMK ........ 6 0 0 20 -- 26 Round one: Columbia Riv- SWIMMING MMK THS er def. Shelton 25-11, 25- Passing 18 yards 50 yards 19, 25-15 Girls' swimming Rushing 204 yards 291 yards SHS: N. Andrewski, 8-of-8 Nov. 2-3 -- WCD III 3A Shelton: K. Willey, 3-of- serving, 3 aces, 21 digs; C. Girls Swimming & Diving Preliminaries: 200-yard freestyle: 23, Paige Goldsby, 2:23.29 50-yard freestyle: 9, Han- nah Garcia, 27.06; 17, Han- nah Womer, 27.95; 21, Carisa Kunkle, 28.40 Diving: 15, Lanna Keltner, 150.30 points 100-yard freestyle: 22, Me- gan Jacobsen, 1:03.42 500-yard freestyle: 29, Paige Goldsby, 6:58.72 100-yard backstroke: 12, Carisa Kunkle, 1:11.41 10O-yard breaststroke: 11, Hannah Womer, 1:17.52 . Zumba Toning , Zumba Classes , Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. FREE with membership o Kettlebell Classes Now in progress-- See schedule at • Sauna/Steam Room, Personal Training • Weight Training • Swimming • Aerobics Classes • Racquetball, Tanning ° Cardio, Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; Check us out on the web at Hours: Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm. Sat & Sun 7am-3pm Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012 IIIII I I i