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For the Shelton boys' cross coun-
try team, 13 is its lucky number.
The team finished the WIAA 3A
State Cross Country Championships
in 13th place on Saturday at Sun
Willows Golf Course in Pasco.
"I was very happy with where
our team placed," head coach Daryl
White said. "We actually did better
than what we thought we might."
Points-wise, the Highclimbers
found themselves in a three-way tie
for llth place, White explained.
"But in cross country, there are no
ties," he said. "So, because the other
under 17-minute 5,000-meter time in
a row. He finished the race in 71st
"1 was very happy place witha
time of 16:58.9.
"Zach finished off his high school
with where our
career nicely," White said.
team placed ...
We actually did
better than what
we thought we
who beat us badly the first time at
districts," White said.
The Highclimbers were once again
two schools' sixth-place runners were
faster than ours, we officially get led by junior Cody Williamson, who
13th place. That is 13th out of the 61 finished the race in 32rid place with
3A schools in the entire state, so not a time of 16 minutes, 21.7 seconds.
bad for us." "Cody would have liked to have
He said the placing made Shelton placed higher, but he has had a tre-
the third fastest team at state'from mendous season, which any runner
Following Williamson and Tay-
lor were sophomore Darius Burke
in 83rd place with a time of 17:09.1,
junior Ryder Phelan in ll8th place
at 17:43.6, freshman Riley Rifle in
132nd place with a time of 18:03.1
and junior Adam Tweed in 136th
place at 18:18.4. Sophomore Chris
Frost rounded out the team in 142rid
place with a time of 18:55.1.
"Darius ran a nice personal record
as far as 5Ks go to cap off his season
nicely," White said. "Ryder ran his
dependable, consistent race times
and looked great. Riley was a huge
surprise in his first state meet, not
far from getting into the 17s. Adam
and Chris ran their hearts out as
they always do to complete our team
run at state."
White said the team has much to
the West Central District III. would kill for to accomplish," White be thankful for this season and is
"We beat North Thurston badly said. looking forward to a strong season
and we even.beat Enumclaw, the Senior Zach Taylor finished hisnext year from both the boys and the
second place team from our district, cross country career with his second girls.
Riley Rifle
the finish
line at the
WIAA 3A State
Cross Country
on Saturday at
Sun Willows
Golf Course in
Pasco. Rifle
finished the
course in 132nd
place with
a time of 18
minutes, 3.1
Courtesy of Daryl White
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emil~,(~, thirdTheyplace."dr°pped almost 4 seconds to finish ~) i ~il~
The team took third place in the prelimi- K°~ /~ ff]
Despite a judge's controversial decision naries with a time of i minute, 48.85 see- [~! ~ ~ ff /~/f~: .......... ~:~~:~ .... ,~ o ~y:~ ,~ ....
that disqualified the team's 200-yard med- ends.
ley team, Shelton will send four swimmers In the finals, the team finished in third :~ -~ .... /
to the WIAA 3A Girls Swimming Champi-place again, this time with a time ofl:47.05. ~/£~"~":~; /£ DENTAL CENTER
onships. The top five finishers in each event [ii!i Come see why everyone is smiling!
Junior Hannah Garcia, senior Sarah qualified for state. After that, swimmers
Myers, sophomore Hannah Womer and ju- with state-qualifying times also advanced ~ ~~. (360) 426-8401 • 360.G0.BRUSH (462-7874)
nior Paige Goldsby qualified for state in the beyond districts. Heading into state, swim- [ii: ...... s~ ~
200-yard freestyle relay. Myers also quali- mers are ranked based on their times at
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The state meet is set t° begin at 2:30 'We reranked 16thin the 200 free' based i Sin:; ~~0~ ....... II O
p.m. tomorrow at the King County Aquatic on times, Youngquist said. The top 16 at
Center in Federal Way. state on the first day make it to finals for
With the four qualified swimmers, the second day, so if we go a little faster and
Youngquist said three alternates -- fresh- defend our spot, we should be in the finals."
men Julia Morris and Megan Jacobsen and Myers dropped time in the 50-yard free-
junior Carisa Kunkle -- will also go to state style to advance in the event, t ~ ~ LUBRICANTS
this weekend. "Sarah dropped one full second,between o I L ~ DIST. C(~ COMPANY
At the West Central District III champi- league and districts in the 50, that s incred-
was°nships °n Friday' what the team th°ught ible because its a sh°rt race'" Y°ungquist lilts best chance at qualifying for state said. H EATING OIL
was disqualified in the preliminaries.He said that 1 second from Myers' final We deliver
"The 200-yard medley relay team time of 25.94 at state could mean finishing
was disqualified," co-head coach Chad in lSth place or winning the race. I,~
Youngquist said."That was our best shot "She's at that level where a couple hun- OMPARF OUR LOW PRICES!
at qualifying for state. It was a frustrating dredeths of a second separate several plac-
moment and there were tears." ings," Youngquist said. We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson
Youngquist said the judge for the relay In fact, in the finals, the fifth-place swim-
team was looking at the wrong spot and mer finished 1/100the of a second slower I~ ~ ~ Industrial Park
thought one ofthe swimmers dove in before than Myers and the sixth-place swimmer ~ ~ ~'" --~ ~--~
she was allowed to. Though he said he has a came in 4/1D0ths of a second slower. --~" ~ 42 7" 8 084
video proving she did not, the decision was Sarah received a wild card entry for the
That's when the team put forth a strong
performance in the 200-yard freestyle relay.
"We were ranked eighth going into the
200-yard freestyle relay, so we really didn't
100 free," Youngquist said. "She's ranked
18th heading into state."
Myers placed seventh in the 100-yard
freestyle with a time of 57.03. Her wildcard
entry qualified her to state.
Taholah serves season-ending loss
Before last week, the
Mary M. Knight volley-
ball team had faced Ta-
holah on the court twice
this season, splitting
matches with them.
In last week's match,
Taholah came out ahead,
ending the Lady Owls'
season in the first round
of Southwest Washington
District IV Tournament
on Oct. 30 in Taholah.
Taholah won games
one, three and four 25-
18, 25-19 and 25-22. The
Lady Owls took game two
"I thought we played
fairly well," head coach
Kitty Brehmeyer said.
"We had good hustle and
communication on the
Senior outside hit-
ter Ashley Sowle led the
team, serving 16-of-18
with three aces. Sopho-
more defensive specialist
Lauren Dierkop served
9-of-ll with three aces.
Junior setter Hannah
Frost and
m o r e
both col-
FRIDAY: 1 e c t e d
Taholah ......... 3 four kills.
MarylV[~.. 1 " T h e
best kill
of the
match was put down by
(sophomore defensive
specialist) Melodic Sny-
der," Brehmeyer said. "It
was textbook: hard, fast
and awesome."
She said this match
was interesting because
it was the third time the
Lady Owls had played
"Every time we played
Taholah this season, it
was a good, competitive
night of volleyball," she
said. "Both teams were
victorious on the oppo-
nent's home court."
Brehmeyer said the
Lady Owls' final match of
the season was competi-
tive all the way until the
She said the team
"We are
a young
team with
only one
senior and
one junior
... Look for
the Owls
to be more
as we
played hard all season.
"We are a young team
with only one senior and
one junior," Brehmeyer
said. "Look for the Owls
to be more competitive
as we mature. Finishing
third in (the 1B Coastal
League) was a good ac-
complishment for this
young team."
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012 - Page C-3
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