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Continued from page C-1
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what her GPA is, although she does
have an A in each of her classes.
She said she definitely wants to go to
college, but doesn't know which one yet.
She also hasn't picked a major yet.
"I'm leaning toward sociology," she
said. "I absolutely love that class. I
don't want to leave when I'm in that
She said she's enjoying her time off
between volleyball and basketball sea-
"During sports, there's no time for
anything," Sowle said. "After practice,
you go home, eat, do homework and go
to bed. Pretty much our whole commu-
nity is based around the school. I don't
know where we'd be without it."
Sowle said she is glad she grew up
in Matlock and attended school in the
"I feel if I went anywhere else, I
would be a different person," she said.
"I was given the opportunity to decide
who I was going to be rather than have
someone decide for me."
She said that growing up in Matlock
is like having an extended family and
everybody takes care of each other.
"We all stick up for each other," she
said. "There isn't the kind of judgment
you find somewhere else."
STAFF REPORT effective leaders.
emily~masulwoun/y.e!on~The Baseball Boosters have
.................................... chosen a few specific goals this
year they hope to achieve prior
The Shelton High School to the spring baseball season.
Baseball Booster Club is host- These goals include rais-
ing a dinner and auction ben- ing funds for new uniforms,
efit this weekend, helmets and bags for the var-
The event begins at 5:30 sity team, a roll-away cage and
p.m. on Saturday at the Shel- hanging nets for indoor prac-
ton Civic Center. tice during inclement weather
It will be a fun evening of and field tarps to protect the
food, music and a chance to con- baseball field and keep it play-
nect with others in the Shelton able during wet weather peri-
neighborhood of businesses, ods.
The Shelton Baseball Boost- Several uniforms have been
er Club is a committed group lost or destroyed and the team
of volunteers who believe that does not have enough to outfit
extracurricular activities build three squads. The current var-
character and teach life skills sity uniforms will be used to
that promote health, wellness supplement the junior varsity
and a sense of community, and and C-team uniforms.
that these qualities are the The spring climate has no
foundation of the critical corn- guarantee of dry or above freez-
ponents our youth need to be- ing temperatures, and Shelton
come responsible citizens and players miss out on valuable
Mary M. Knight senior
the end zone Saturday
practice time because they do
not have access to indoor work-
out facilities like many other
communities do.
Finally, the team needs
tarps because loss of games and
constant rescheduling could be
greatly reduced or eliminated if
the fields could be covered until
game time.
Music during the dinner and
auction benefit will be provided
by the SHS baseball alumni
band, "The Strand Brothers."
Tickets for the event can
be purchased individually or a
table for a party of eight to 10
people can be reserved. Individ-
ual tickets are $8 per person.
Tickets are limited, but will be
sold at the door if available.
To purchase tickets, contact
Jolene Scott at likethestarsab- or go to the SHS
Baseball Booster Facebook
tight end Nick Dierkop catches a 13-yard touchdown pass from senior quarterback
during the Knight Owls' home game.
MMK Football
Journal photo by Enllly Har/~c/ll
Kyle Willey in
Continued from page C-1
With Justin Curlybear rushing
for a 40-yard touchdown, the Knight
Owls' last quarter scoring effort
wasn't enough to lift them to a win.
"I thought our kids responded re-
ally well in the second half," Schultz
said. "Our kids played their hearts
Willey agreed, adding that he though, because we know we're a Owls had three failed conversions
thought the team hung their heads good team and we'll just have to Saturday -- as well as sustaining
a bit during the game. show it in the playoffs." blocks, creating seams and having
"We had a few missed assign- Schultz said Lopez is a talented the backs run hard.
ments we dwelled over and didn't team, despite a recent 90-6 loss to "Defensively, we need to work
play football like we should've," Wil- Neah Bay. on getting off blocks and being sure
ley said. "We're a better team than "They run a multiple front of-tacklers," Schultz said.
we played today." fense and defense so we have to be "Our kids are excited about the
Willey said losing.the league title prepared for everything," he said. playoffs for the second time in school
was a hard hit. After the team's loss to Taholah, history," Schultz said. "We know we
"We worked hard all season," Schultz said it would be working on can play at the high level we need
he said. "We won't hang our heads, two-point conversions -- the Knight to play at."
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Reg. $1499.
SaleEnds 11/30/12 Shelton senior defensive end Jake Lindley, No. 52, and junior lineman Rudy Mackewitzs close in
installation30# HoppermaterialSAutomatic i t?itor on a Nathan Hale running back Saturday during the Highclimbers' game against Nathan Hale at
Heats 250-750 SQ. . Seattle MemorialStadium.
Page C-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov 8, 2012
SHS Football
Continued from page C-1
was a difficult game."
Gettle said the buildup
within the school prior to
the game affected the mind-
set of the team.
Hinkle said he was hap-
py with the way the High-
climbers (7-3) played overall
this season.
"After a few weak sea-
sons, they did a good job of
reestablishing a team that
plays at a high level," he
said. "There were a lot of
positives this seasons, it just
ended in a frustrating man-
ner, but ultimately, there's
only one team that doesn't
lose its last game."
The team banquet has
been scheduled for 6 p.m.
Dec. 4 at the Shelton Civic
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