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Friday - Saturday
Veal Roast 1¢
Lb ............
1 Football Game Jr. High Student
<">"'"""' '""" '""' '"" Body Council Is
Tuesda:v ni,ht but is expecte,t to
shake it by Satln'day's game time.
Two morv seiihn': are fairly :,ure Now " " -urgan,zeu
to see some fiction in Saturday's
garne, but neither is a letterman. Org;ulizatton oil(The halter high
They are Byrnc Maekey, tackle,
and l)ave I)alby, the husky e 11 d school student body council wa,?
who h)oked so good a.lgainst Men- temple>ted recently with the elec-
tesano, lion of grade representatives.
%Voods, Lel)re%v AI,. Ready The council now consist.J of:
Waters Will be. [4helhm's i) rl I y Salil Wilson. i)resi(|ent; Bobby
diabted warri(w for the Arnlistice Wenz, vice.president; N'ita Killg,
Day grh|h'(Jn w3rf:lt'e lor ill addi- sccretaryl June Jordall. treaRurer:
tton to the I'eturn of Buck Arm- Rosemary Ki(lwel] and Dorothy El-
strong, botll I{alph lmDrew an d ¢m, pep leader,*: Virginia Gray
Warren Woo(l,. lil'c again fit for and Gordorl Smith, seventh grade
action although it is doubtful if representatives; Jerry Cole a lid
either will sta, rt. Both lllive been Dick Rector,, eighth grade repre-
out wfth shoulder injuries, LeDrew ,I .<mntatives; lPred Berry and l e a
Royal Blues, New
Pep Band, Formed i
By Prep Students
Musical pep in large quantities<
is being dispeilned by the Royal
Blue Orchestra an eight-piece pep
group recently orgni?md by Irene
S. Reed high rchool students.
Making their debnt at a school
ssembly la,% Friday, the Royal
Blues were wildly acclaimed by
the student body and immediately
engaged to play the musical end
of the r.enior clans party Novem-
ber 17, firs . all-school party of
the current ncholastie term.
i ,
't i
Dewatte Sthool
G u s Authur ()wn
lhdh)we'en l)lay
I,y Mrs. IL V. N:ln('e
l)ew. it(,, N.y. 7. A delight-
fill tlalh)we'en p:trly wa.s ]whl itt
tile :;'yll ,;' ':' :lftc:'lll,':l (t' the
31, <t ,,f ()c[<fi,er. A !fluy "The
Vvil(:ht.',q l',)ti.n," ",.'rittcn a,,ld tint-
ed by the ()](iol' il']!;, ('(.qltrit)tl{ed
1o 1lit" t)r();;F:tlll, tlIl(] re(:itations by
Ibe (q-nailer t,n,'. ,",)rile t(,) y{))lll!2,
to })( ill N('}I()()I, V(N'e e:i.itLv(!d. ];]vi t.
illltsoll V,")!I {lit! dOl.l"hDIli e'lt!:l;
conter:t. -Mary AIHh'yst)II V/Oil ill
the ill,.',; bobbii K conleqt.
'file 1II:)l}l(':':4 i)i' lli(! ;;[.IIIICIlt:; a!ld
;l. few (.lh' l')di',,:; t>f the il('i'h-
since eax'ly it) lh(, Rayinr)nd
• g'ame, I Howry ninth gr;t(le represents-
Woods since jllsl l)rior i.o last tives•
Saturday's M(,ntcsano rout .........
Tile will k e, e p I (taiLS CI.IIB HALLOIVE'EN
their eycJ peeled sharply on one
Boil Vl;eavtir, a .'.,t<)('.ky fllllhack
who i: 13etlarmine'; chief offcn-
aiw • thre;it. It wns VCeave.r who
eauscd ',-lhpltm so much difficulty
]',lSt .,c;lr illlil evcill.llal]y s(',(H'e f
)hi' louehdm<vn which wmi the
galYie f()F lh( Liolls 7 to O. %Veav-
m"s ability it) f:liall]{4t, ICe with a
It,cel)tiv(', iflt)C[llcnt proved high-
ly hafflin2 • to tle Highelirnher:;
1;H;t yenr. a:< well a, the fact til'll
11o iq huilt iti a wily which makeB
him difficult, to tacldc.
a.Lb, .................. THEATRE
Hamburger 29¢ B.LTON. WAS.,NGTON
3-Lbs ...........................
Tonight Only
(it; • °
Chalhe Chan At
Treasure Island"
The Royal Blues were organized
hv Cliff Kelly, who plays trom-
bone in the musical group, It i,q
dtreeted and mvnaged by Fred
Diehl. Completing the octet are
We,'., Lizotte and Bill Boylan,
trumpet. Don Rose and Art Biehl,
E flat alto saxophone. Jim Miller.
tenor saxophone, Kitty McCann.
pianist, Dewey Daniels, drums,
and Clarence Miehaelson, vocalist.
'I'he Roy( I Blues use 'Blue Skies'
as their theme ,'long. After their
baptism to dancinK at the senior
party the Royal Blues will seek
wider realmn to conquer in the
public dance field
[ Menibers ,)f the Junior tligh
!Girht' ehib enjoyed a Halh)we*en
party in the gymnasium la,s'I Wed-
nesday afternoon with organized
game.% dancing and refreshments
of cider and cookie.q enjoyed.
A big sifter-little sister motif
was carried out with eighth and
ninth grade girls acting as big
sisters to ,;eventh grade girls.
Mi,s Ella Peralla acted as fac.
ulty advisor. )BARN DANCE MOTIF
............................... FOR SENIOR PARTY
Blocked Punt . harp d,,,co motif wi,i ,;<>vc,.,,
,S tile firct all-sebool party of the
year at Irene S, Reed high school,
Aid Olympia In J the enio,. c,o,,, pa,.ty to ,,e iv<,,,
Victory November 17 ill the school social
Reserve " hal,
Prizes for the best costume will
........ be awarded, fines for failure to
Blocking two Dunts which re- attend in costume, warns Senior
,,:Hired in first half touchdowns,, President George Smith, who in
thc Olympia Bear reserves slosh- al::o general chairman of the par-
,xl on to a 25 t[) 0 victory ove ty.
the Highclimber seconds on a I Miss Helena Hendriekson and
mucky Loop Fiehl Monday after- i Eddie Duyff are faculty advisors.
Harstine Women
Guests At Home
0f Mrs. Carlson
liy l).<,llit (Jk)(,t(,h
llarstiz,, Island, N(iv 17 The
VVomen'a Club inet Thur:;day at;
the h[imc, el Iil':l. Go(age Carlso)i
with 12 i)lenlb(u's 'nd f()lir vi3i-
tor:; pre.qcnt.
h l'ottll;'e of the (hiy WaS tlw
]tying of a quilt toy the h(),,de:.
hy n.elYibel ' of the (;till) wh() to)R
eo:lsiderabc inler(,st in th'. qllilt,
whicl was "1 prc:;ent t,) the (:al'l-
son:; :'t the time ()1 tiwi)' ma:Ti: ,q'¢'
Ill ]934 fl'oItl 5']1':;. (JaFl:o.l':' ;l'lll(I.
m()th'u', Mrs. l,'red 8. \\;Vrigllt, wh'
nladt' the t()tJ hy i ind after a. pat-
I_Ol'n krlO%Vll a'-i "the wed(llli;,> 1'11}I:." b()llli)l)(I J'lli!li.<;htd (..bier, iI(alg]l-
\\;:trn<l .j'lllg-Ol' bread, w, uidwiehe; IlUtS, c;ih(' ai'.d CHll(Iy ['(ll' 1.lip (JC-
it?Ill C'.)ffee were ,serve(l )y lht ('ll;i(H1.
ll),?.e:;s, a:sistcd by Mr:',, Vine, enl I \\;,V n M, .<l:, N: +," 1, I ). \\;V
Stre.cker slid Mrs• aI•II(L{L l()z)tll N;tll(:t,,' ;lit(it led the "H ,moo n)-
of She ton who wore visiting' at lin;.', of l.h9 9'. a!!t A. M. lodge at
the Car]son heine thtt day. (.)tiler I Ili/imi City the eveniug' of the ,',co.-
gucstt, oi tbe club ",/crt' +I1":;, ;4,.'l.l,n,j. l'. \\;v. I\\;'allCC had tile hell,iF
lie thkell :lllli [1•5. Augits{ (.;arl- of t)ein!, {he ohh'it incinhpr (,I' the
t;o'l, I)t)tb ()[ the i<fl n I. )<ll'(' "t|•tvhw ' ()iue(I l]le Or(lcr
'Pile )lext nl('Cllll]. O[" tile (:hll) i in 191t:{, J. tt, N;ine, t. (,f [[()o<'l-
will l.le at tile }lmuc 4" Mr.q. l{cin- I In)r(' al:;) at',t:;:'h"t, )]tll()tl;.,'ll }u"
hart Gi)eslch (Jtl Noveall)(,r IG• is Ill(, c, hh,.:.d of Ill(.. Nance bl'()th-
A ,.)cial event )f il'nl))"tAiic('
wail the Ilitchcock [u.rnily glilhcr-
iIlg Oct),q)er (J aL the J,,hl/ lht('h-
cock home :it Ballow, which to.i:
tile im'm ot :t rccopti(,n l'r),' 2,Ir.
arid M'•lx Bishop of Iowa. 1Vh•. Bi-
shup is a Bieeo of Mr. <,, \\;V. A
Hitchcock and to the i,Mand
with her htlsband for a day while
making all 0xt0nsive trip fi'om
their home to the west coa,qt.
.Icsides those ah'e.l.dy mention-
ed, member, of the family (::Icing
part in Sunday's party were Mr.
and Mrs, Chapili D Foster :)nd th(
children. Barbara and Donald, J'F')iil
Cheh:lli:;q Paul H{teicock f r o m
Ocoltq: MI'. and Mrs. ['{,. H tkp-
kinti and Mrs. l-Iilbcrry of Taeo-
tma: Dr. al(l Mrs. S. D. I3rig'gs
from Portlaud: Mr. and Mrs. J()hn
el's, }'ills IR}Cll t ill0hlt)el' Of the
i()(]:,' ;{. D! '!,! ;l) VC;tI';g.
\\;V'.illy 'l'illnl2n tll(l (?ha,<-;. Frost
h,)vc lxdll l.een sick with the flu•
k'..('vel'al h:tvo had (:Pill.q, but not
serious. Ml'.. I,h'ost of Gig liar-
lit)r, Cillie t() bc with llor hu(b:tlld
(lUl'illg his ilh)es:,
Mts. Homer Hedgt)eth his been
in Olyml)ia wilh her t)u.venLs for a
week. l tcr father has been ill,
',i ]so.
Mr. and Mrs. t ). \\;V. Np.nce wont
, {.o tr(!ilel'l oil llnday H.ftel'l!o()ll tO
:ce the pl.'-lT, "lh>llywood Calve-
cede." It wil..q vol'y ii)tt,re{illg,
;bowing ibt.' l)r()gr(;sP of nlovilig"
)ieDn'es, f)'onl tha etlstard pi e
comcdier; and silent picture.% to
:he prcs(,nt time.
Thursday, Novel nher 9,
I. Foxglove Crop i SeattleMcet SheltonP!n: Lineups()
c(fili)lg out-take for carrying offi Two Inen's ;)ld one
,l()itu,e. Shipil',o)lt nulst be ni:l(h: b))wlip.g teara,q l'roD1
" ";"-iis."ht. r)oistllre-proof cans, perform oil the Sll01t(ul
which lneans tin and nothing el::,a, alleys Sunday again.q( local
These tins are hand-nmde and petition not a:)yet decided
therefore expcllsive. Also diffi- instance.
(:tilt, to get. Mr. Lasher ha.<: ex- The Verherger Winery
i)crienc.ed considerable difficulty Seattle faces Mac'sJ Corner
at, various times Ketting proper while the other two Seattle
tins for his ,<,hipping needs, he lwhose names are not yet
said, and he goes to considerable, roll at two ()'clock agttinst