November 9, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 9, 1939 |
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d:l,V, NovCnllJ[ r 9, 1939
Elea.nor )avisc.ourt, ill
with Miss Beatrice
Olympia, plans to leave
for Montana by
She is to be t brides-
the wedding of a sorority
and the wed(tint is to be
Yellowstone Park. Miss
wtll also attend the wed-
They expect to
SOCI00t (V(M00
East of Schoolhouse
Nov. 19
be gone Jerry (ioodwin Is i|onored
! On Birthda,y Anniversary
Jerry G()o(twin celebrated h i s
thir(l birthday, Saturday with a
party at his home. Games were
i enjoyed hv nine ::mall guests, fol-
lowed by hmch at noon. The chin
idren who enjoyed the clay with
Jerry, were: Richard Drew, Jack-
ie Butler, Leonard Parks, Charles
and Glen Breitsprecher. Mickey
I Goodwin, Jackic Perry, Iren'e
I Chas, a, and Barbara Butler. Mrs.
i Glen Breitsprccher, Mrs. Howard
t Goodwin and Mrs. Alice Perry as-
sisted Mrs. AI Goodwin with the
MAXINE BRIGGS, Society Editor
Phone 274J
l'rrii)le T Chd)
're Meet Frhlay
Friday, the Triple T club will
meet at 2:30 at tte home of Mrs. i
Horace Crary.
Girl (')ut Council
= To Meet Monday
The Girl Scout Council will meet[
Monday, November 13, at the[
home of Mrs. R. tt. Allan.
Thursday, November 9 (15¢ Night)
Dog Drummond's Bride
They All Come Out
Friday - Saturday, November 10 - 11
Rainbow Girls Initiate
Tuesdty Evening
Tnesday evening, .it tim rcguhtr I
meeting of the Rainbow Girls, ini-I
tfation wa. , held for Mary Le e
Howry and Lois Simmons.
Trnop No. 4 Girl
Scouts Meets Tueiay
Troop No. 4 Girl Scouts met
Tuesday at the Bordeaux r,ehool.
There were 21 present and t h e
afternoon was spent working on
the Girl Scout arm emblems.
Rebekahs To Meet Friday
For Eleeth, n Of Officers
The regular meeting of the Ite-
bekahs will be held Friday eve-
ning at 7:30. There will he an
election of officer&
Mis ,le*;sle Knight
is SInrprlsed Men(lay
Miss JesNe Knight was pleasant-
ly surprised Monday evening by
the Rainbow Girls. After' a din-
her, the girls preented her with
a I)uquet of flower% and a hook.
MIss Aylene
Is Honored On Birthday
Miss Aylene Loughnan was hen-
(,red last Friday, the occasion of i
her 6th birthday anniver.ary, with l
a supper party at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Loughnan. Games were enjoyed
and there was a large, beautifully
decorated cake. Those present in-
cluded Anne Drew, Geraldine Carl-
son, Terry Lynn Skeisey, Lois Anne
Bernert, Bobby Strobe, Darrell
and Stuart Rose, and the honor
guest Aylene Loughnan. M rs.
Loughnan was mIsted by Mrs,
Buford Rose and Mrs. Horace Skei-
say, Jr.
Saturday, Nov. 11 (1 and 3 P.M.)
Sun. Mon. - Tues, November 12-13-14
"For 30 years I had constipation, awful
gas bloating, headaches and back pains.
Adlerika*helped right away. Now, I eat
bananas pie. anything I want.
better.' Mrs. Mabel Schott,
These Overt
21/']b" 25
Flour C
lilTIll 4,)-,,. T.49
ffUAll Bag
!nft an 49
= 3-lb.
1 all
J 4Cns SC
Meal Sack 250
A I S IN S 21©
"''W !l
.... :, ........... 25€
;N MORE .........
2-lb. can lSc
3 rolls 19c
Winesap, gomes and Ar,
Delicious, 'C grade; box; 7 *
8-1bs. for ............ 25¢
GRAPEFRUIT," 10 for .... 25¢
ORANGES, 12-1bs ............. 49¢
CAULIFLOUR, lge. head 10¢
CABBAGE, lb ..................... 2¢
Utah CELERY, 3 for ..... .. I0¢
ONIONS, 10-1b. bag .......... 10€
Brussell Sprouts, 2 baskets 19¢
25-1bs. 100-1bs. 50-1bs.
No. 1 No. 1 No, 2
4qc 1.49 49c
For Utmost Quality
2-lbs ......................... 39¢
Selected Meats
Rib Steaks, lb .... 20¢
Round Steaks, lb.. 23¢
Pork Roast, lb .... 16¢
SUGAR CURED---by the piece
Bacon, lb ......... 20¢
Beef Liver, lb.... 15¢
Mince Meat, 2-1bs.. 25¢
Mintes Brook
A Size B & C Size
19€ pint 23¢ pint
Corn' 2:lbs. 15€
Cello Bags
1939 Crop Fine Quality
Thimble Club To Meet
On Thursday Evening
The Thimble club will m e e t
Thursday evening, with Mrs. Pearl
Willey at 8 p. y.
Mrs. A. C. ltayley Is
Jlostes Tuesday Afternoon
Mrs. A. C. Bayley entertained
the membei's of a bridge club of
which aim is a member, with a
1:00 (/clock hmeheon, followed by
two tables of car(l& Mrs. George
LcCompte, Mrs. Robert Allan 'and
Mrs. George Drake were gu(sts of
the club. Mrs. LeCompte won the
11)I1 OI'S.
-lhs. Size
Amar'4nih To Meet
T'l,',day Evening
The Laurel Court of the Order
of Amaranth will meet Tuesday
i e\\;,ening at g p. m. at the Masonic
Temple. The meeting will honor
the charter mcmhers and the past
royal matroim. A program h a s
been arr.'mged in honor of t he
Mrs. (leo. LeCompte Is
Hostess For DelphianS
The Beta Tau Chapter of the
Delphiam') tact Monday afternoon
with Mrs..Gee. LeCompte. Tim
.,ubject for study and discussion
was "Seeking Art Forms for a
Space Conquering Age." The next
meeting will he in two weeks with
Mrs. tlugh Hamilton.
Eastern Star Social
Clul) Meets Tue,uday
Tue,s×lay, the Order of Eastern
Star Social cluh met at the Ma-
vonic 'l!.emph ' for a 1.00 ()'clock
hmcheon, followed by six tables
of cards. M)'.. it. H. Williams won
firs" prize at contra.ct and Mrs.
Mary Shelton, first a.t auction.
Hostesses include: Mrs. R o y
Kimbel, Mrp. Roy Batstone, Mrs.
A. F. Austin, Mrs. Carl Afdem
and Mrs. Oliver Greenwalt.
Girl S('ouI Trool,
2 Meets Monday
Girl Scout Troop No. 2 met
Monday after school for a business
meeting, with eight members of
the troop ling present. L a st
Saturday, Betty Lou Macke and
Betty Lee Jemison were present
at the Camp Robinswoid reunion
in Seattle, hehl with a dinner a.t
the Y.W.C.A. Mr. and Mrm Mackc
motored the two girls to Seattle.
Shelton Eagles To
Meet in Olympia Sunday
Shelton Eagles are asked to
meet in Olympia Sunday in honor
of Governor's Day, and as many
as po.ible from here are asked to
be present. The following h a
been arranged: 9:45, registration;
10:00 band concert; 11:00, drill
team contest; 12 to 1:00 o'clock,
tea for visiting ladies; 1:45,
parade; 3:30 initiation and 4:30 a
program. The grand ball w ill
close the day.
Mrs. Alfred Miehaelson
Is Hostess On Thursday
Mrs. Alfred Michaeln enter-
tained with ahridge party and
dinner Thursday evening. M r.v.
James Sand won first prize and
those present included Mrs. Velza
Adams, Mrs. Claude Rhodes, Mrs.
Henry Stevenson. Mrs. Duncan
Wilson, Mrs. Jam¢u Sand, M r s.
James Simmons and the hostess
Mrs. Miehaelaon.
Degree Of Honor Groups
To Meet Next Week
Monday, the executive meeting
of the Degree of Honor wm he
held at 1:30 with Mrs, Alma White.
Tuesday at 4, the Juveniles of
the Degree of Honor will meet at
the I.O.O.F. hall.
Tuesday evening the Degree of
HoDor will meet nt 8 at )'9
I.O.O.F. h&ll for initiation. All
members Of the drill team are
asked to be present for practice.
Home Guard
Meet Saturday At 1:00
The Home Guava C'.ivlq wm
meet Saturday at 1:00 at the homo
of Marjorie and Patty Troy on
Angle.ide. Girls who 'live on An-
gleside or southsidc hill are to
go directly to the Troy home and
the others are to meet with Mrs.
D. R. Pittingcr, 110 N. 9th at
12:45 and transportation will be
furnished from there. Those at-
tending arc asked to bring AIt
kan pictures to start the note-
Lincoln P.-T. A. To
Meet November ]6
The Lincoln P.-T. A. will meet
Thursday, November 16 and dur-
.ink the bttiness meeting arrange-
menLs will bc made for a tag sale
for the hot lunch fund the follow-
ing day, Friday.
The P.-T. A. have pledged them-
selves to a certain amount towards
funds for the hot lunch and this
is one of the methods by which the
fund is to bc raised. All members
will sell tags and any amount will
tm appreciated.
Bordtux P.-T. A. To
Meet Thorsday Afternoon
Thursday afternoon, the Bor-
deaux P.-T. A. will meet at the
schoolhouse, slier school. T h
ildren of the ,eeond grade will
entertain the group. In commem-
oration of the National Education
Week, there will be a round-table
discussion of education, in charge
of Mrs. Lawrence Burrell. There
will also be a dish towel shower
for the school hmch room. and at
the close tea will be served hy
Mrs. Robert L. Kettenring. Mrs.
Jamv Simmons and Mrs. Vernon
Gus,,(-k-Ciark Wedding
Is Performed October 30
Misv Pauline Clark. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Clark of Shel-
ton, and Raymond Guseck of Lew-
iston, idaho were married tn Mos-
cow, Idaho, Monday, October 30
in the Christian church, in the
presence of friends. Rev. Fair-
hanks performed, the ceremony.
Mr. Gusseck is violin instructor in
Lewtston. Mrs. Gus.eck is well
known locally having graduated
from the local schools in 1928, and
also taught violin here. She wa
music supervisor at the National
Institute of Music and Art in Se-
Mr. and Mrs. Gusck are vis-
iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
l:u'l¢ ;t few days this week.
Page 'three
The i)eople of Shin(on and vicin-
ity (:mi bc assured of an cxt'.ep-
tionally good production of "Mr.
Pim l'av, By," I)y the Theatre there with her uncle and aunt us-
Guild in their presentation of the
play Thu)sd;:t" and Friday, No-
vember' 1(i and 17 ,Vcdnesd;Cv
W.C.T,U. Meets at Baptist W.B.A. Club Meets !
Church Friday Afternoon This Afternoon
'- W ............. ) The W B.A club m(:t this af- I
IHt; ..l.u, llleL PIt tile tap- " " " ' "'7 "
.......... i ternoon at in(, home Of Mrs w al-
us cnurcn par)ors lrloay at • p, , ' . " : .... ' I
m Momht.,a nf fho Wtl{nrd non l lace Yneeland oil the Olympit I
Lenrry Union of Skokomish VaN hghway, i
ley met with them and listened to ...... ,'7-7--- I
' , iroop /o 5 tirl
reports of the state conventmn at l,, . =' e" ;; " 1
Kelso given by Mrs. w. ....... 1-I, Snei .... (,A)tlt,s ¢le [;N Ille[laV , evellill,, thc cntirc cast attell(tcd
grove, Mrs. C. C. Anderso, Mrs. Trool) No. 3, Girl Scouts, met the presentation of "The Taming
Nena Roberts and Mrs. W. M. EI-
liott. Mrs. EDiott quoted Mrs.
Ida B. Wise Smith, national presi-
dent as saying the work among
young people was the most im-
portant work. She also stated
there were 430,000 places dispens-
ing retail liquor in the United
States with thousands of girls act-
ing as bar maids.
Government statistics how that
more money has been spent for li-
quor since repeal than for relief.
The liquor bill in that time is
more than t,venty-five billions
with four billions received in rev-
entze, the net linuor bill being more
than twenty billions. One wreck
caused by drunken driving and
!with its'subsequent court trials
i cost $47,000.
Mrs. Ncna Roberts who was el-
ected state corresponding secre-
tary at the convention was pre-
sented with a beautiful corsag'e by
her union in recognition of ttm
honor bestowed upon her and up-
on the Sielton union. Mrs.'Arvil-
la Wiley was appointed state citi-
zenship director in Mrs. Roberts
place. A dinner and bPzaar has
heen planned for early in Decem-
Ian Ellis, ,ann of J. G. E, Ellis,
underwent a maffoid operation in
Tacoma Tuesday.
at the Lincoln school, 16 members
being present. The afternoon was
spent dressing (lolD and recondi-
tioning toys for Christmas gifts
for underprivileged chihlren. Mrs.
Dan Lind assisted the girls ill
drea,ing the dolls.
A new troop iv being formed at
the Lincnln school, with Mrs. Al-
fred Killmer leader. They w il I
,meet on Tuesdays also and as yet
they have not been numbered.
There were eight members prcs-
lent at the first meeting Tuesday.
They hope to have more member,,
[at next w(.'ekls.. ,'peet2?g.__
B.Y.P.U. Taffy Pull To [
Be Held FridaY Evening i
The Intermediate B.Y.P.U. an-
nounces their new social event is
to be a taffy pull. They will meet
at the Baptist church at 7 p. m.,
Friday' night, and go ill a body to
the home of Mrs. Pearl Fitchett.
of the Shrew," I)uL on in th:t city
by a suIlerb ca.. headed by Lym
Fontanne and Alfred Lunt, With
timt a9 an ex'tmple ao soon be-
fore thei)' l)rcscntation of "Mr.
Pim," h)cal peoI)le c:m expect
a fine show.
Results Repeat Again and Again.
Tell the prospects whore you are.
with a Journal Want-Ad. Phone
M'is Bethel S].;'tAi{:y left ,hel-
ton on Monday of ta.:t week for a
trip to Los Angeles. She will visit
til after tile holid'tya. She will
als,) visit pa)'t.: (,f Mexi,:), bcfore
roturniltg ht)nle,
Say It
They Bring Comfort
and Happiness
Delivered anywhere, anytime,
Travis Flower Shop
Shelton Hardware Bldg,
Phone 232 270W
10th Annual
V. F. W.
Armistice Ball
'25 Reward
Will be paid by the manufacturer
for any Corn GREAT CHRISTO-
PHER POSITIVE Corn Cure can,
not remove. Also relnoves Warts
and Callouses. 35# at Gordon's
Shelton Pharmacy. adv
Ladies Auxiliary will giw,, away Cedar
(,host at Dance
Admission 42 per person (tax included)
Store Closed Armistice Day
PORK ROAST lb. 12'/'-€
Fresh Picnic Style ..............................................
Fresh--Sliced ................ ............................................
"J 17
Half or Whole. Slab only ...................................................
STEAKS Shortening
An o,d .avor.o that ,s ,--lh 37¢
specialty with Safeway. "" "
Highest quality beef, aged
until 'it is irresistably tender, ALL PORK SAUSAGE .......... lb. 15e
them sold Safeway's modern:,
way to In,ure ,reshnes,. I'ORK CHOPS .......................... lb. 19¢
SLIC, ED BACON ...................... lb. 25¢
EDWhRDS COFFEE lb. 19€: FRESH SALMON ................ lb. 13½¢
If you are a real coffee lover you BACON SQUARES ............ lb. 12½¢
can use thie gtant slze economy
4-tI':: : .1¢ 2-1b. /11¢ Roll'd Oat000000=tS$. SIc
tin g,IP tin ,;aP ; ti°t h " igi;;c
I. Ibs. Jl
,/:'-;b7 C r s. 1.45
black ,IL: black L7 Pure cane, fine granulated m cloth bags New low price
Rolled Oats 3€
Quick or Reg. 94b. bag
Ritz Crackers, lg pkg. 22¢
Eggs, lge.doz ......... :. 29¢
Butter, lb ..................... 32¢
Marshmallows, lb ......... 9¢
Salt, 26-oz. pkg ........... 7¢
Spare, 12-oz. can .......... 25¢
Safeway's new 8
p. m, FLASH
NEWS broadcast
tune in tonitel
WINF£APS, 10-1bs... 3;)¢
Extra Fancy
C, RAPEFRUIT, 12 for ............... 33¢
Arizona Sweet
SWEET POTATOES, 7-1bs ..... 25¢
No. 1 Smooth Med.
POTATOES, 50-1kS ................... 45¢
Yakima No. 2
_ ,, '?It
Extra Special, Buy your Holiday Supply!!
2-1bs ........................... 25¢
DRY ONIONS, 10-11;.. ........... 10€
no. FanoYN ............ "
DRY ONIO S, 50-1bs. 39¢
No. 2 Large Size
LETTUCE, ea ............................. 5¢
Calif. Ice Paok
GRAPES, 2-l, bs...., ............. : ........ 13¢
IO)sedale Pineapple, 15-oz. cans; 3 for ................ 25¢
Stokely Cut Green Beans, No. 2 ca, ........................ 10¢
Sunnydawn Tomato Juice, No. 2½ can ................ 10¢
Spgar BeUe Fancy Peas, No. 2 can; 3 for ............ 40¢
Glen Oaks Standard Peas, No. 303 tin; 2 for ...... 15¢
Country Home Bantam Corn, No. 2 tin .............. 10¢
Glen Oaks Cut Beans, No. 2 tin--3 for .................. 25
Sweet Heart Toilet Soap, 4 bars ............................ 19¢
'Supurb Soap Powder, 24-oz. pkg.; 2 for ............ 35¢
Oxyd,M Soap Powder, 24-oz. pkg.; 2 for ............ 39¢
Lux Sap Flakes, lge. pkg ..................................... 22¢
Lux Toilet Soap, bar .................................................... 6¢
Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3-1bs ................................... 19¢
Kitchen Craft Flour, 49-|bs ............................... $1.49
Fishers Blend Flour, 49-1bs ................................. $1.69
Drifted Snow Flour, 49-1bs ................................... $1.69
Swamdown Cake Flour, lge. pkg ......................... 21¢
Federal or Cherub Milk. tall cans; 4 for .............. 25¢
Old Fashioned KRSC
Fancy chocolated in beautiful
tins. Creams, nougats, etc.
I I/-ll). 3-1b, $ .00
tin ....... 6O' tin .... 1
ChoColate Seattle • 1120Kc.
Asserted "cream
"'°"" ° '° 00fllll00rO#