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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 9, 1939     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 9, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l"ii tq, F,llr ml iii,ii i i .. i J i i i { i &apos;I i ii J 5HELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL (onsolidaled with The Shelton Independent Eutered a: secltd-r.s mattcr at tbe poJtofflce at Shelton, rasbington. U. S. Fighting To Save Life While Courtly (0utshle of ShtAton city mall calrler dtslrlci) $2 Imr yar; 6, $1.25; 8 CO flxonihs, 7be. i.+'oreign $3 per year. Poslal A striking ,,parison between regulations forbid residents of Shelton lervcd ia war to save life and one to de- W ctty mall carrier from receiving tl'lelr S . !,roy it, was drawn bY Dr. John E. Nelson of Seattle, chairman of :ournal by mail. By Journal carrier in 8hel-- 6n; 25c per month (collected by carrier) or the Tuberculostv Committee of the ,.50 per year tn advance. Washington State Medical ASSOC- Published every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon iation in discussing the annual na- i tion-wide sale of Christmas Seals, GI2ANT C. ANGLli, Editor .omber of Washington J• EBER ANGLE Manager Newap[per, Publishers' Association 01d Mill Usurps Top Rung 0f Pin C00rclnt; Wins 2 'Q,'O M E N' IIOtNLIN G W. L. Pet. Old Mill .14 10 .588 Maml (?leanev ....... 12 12 .500 ,Io-gn' .............. I I 13 .458 Forres( (lltl'dellS . I ! 13 ..t58 itigh Scores (;mi'n¢. Elsie Peter=.,, 199. 'rural Hazel Ferri(,r 496. 3'lit .elws Mondlay .h>All'S v::,. l rrest Gardens Mnson ('leaner: vs. Old Mill. Marit l(llbik and [)aulhlc Staley helped Old Mill fortify its Women's bowling league ]e:ul Monday eve- sing as they sh,t do-Art's into a two-to-(rot dcfe;xt with Ll•loir av- ot'i, ige- build ii]ff Dttal',. I.t)rre-lt (lLlr(iens dropped Ma- son (3leqfleFH by the sanle count as Elsie f'cter.,:m led the winning standstill: on the headpin, pulling tile flower 141rl, into a third-place tie ',VII h .lit-Ali'S. Scoring was un- usu'zliy low I, hi,€ week. The line- ut)s: Old Mill (7) Jo-An's (1) It:radios p 63 Hndicap 63 l)ummv 474 3: Irerrier 496 M Kubik 435 M. Struthers 342 l,'. Corn:ler 32g/ McKenzie 257 P. Staley 425 %'. P.oMnson 412 M. Stew.rt 369 Dummy 468 Total 2094 Total 2038 (iardt, ilS () Cleaners (I) ltltll(,lic}l t) , 901 H},ndicap 282 f)unHliy 44t,. Dummy 417 lint, my 324IV1. Wood 354 nqcr? m 322 utherhmd 281 llevb 353 I. l)(tdds 300 I:q# ['(;iJn 472'A. Hurst 284 Total 200T Tdal 191.8 Well-Known Canal Woman Visitor Is ('laimed By Death By Mrs. Carl Morris Mt. View, Nov. 7. Mr. and M£,'L Chas. ohnston and family, rc4idellts of the Mr. View com- munity a week, coming here from Scabeck employed with the Pope Loggin.,  ('o.. received the s a d D'leb:.tll{'o (t[ the suddeD death of Mr. .John.c, ton's mother, Mrs. C• ,hthrston. late last Saturday eve- i'tl[1K, at hOtile (if hi!/' S ti n /which opens December lt, I 'Today in many parts 'of the l world, men are drswn up in bat- tle array for the de.v.ruction of hu- in the United States, men, we- Hi Ag Wins man life" said Dr. Nelson, "while Jr...... ain me,, and children arc preparing to Football 1,,u,,ch at, agg,+00ive attack to s,ve lives, ustng tiny colorful Christ- Tilt From Ocosta mas Sea,s as thei," weapon00, "For thirty-three years" contin- ued Dr Nelson, "the ChrLvtmas Three lengthy touchdown plays seal has been one of the greatest turned in a 20 to 6 vietory forlfactors in bringing home to peo- Shelton junior high over Ocosta,pl e the vital importance of eon- fr,hmen in am six-man football trolling tuberculosis, and the vast game played at the ocean city larmy of worker,,, and purchasers Tuesday afternoon, of seals may justly hare pride in Wally Anderson, fleet Shelton the declining death roll from this halfback, romped 90 yards down disease in the State of Washing- t. h e sidelines behind beautiful , tun. blocking for the most brilliant play ] "Nor should we overlook a point of the game• Frcd Berry, full- Iof equal importance" he concluded, back 9f all-around eapabiltties, ran "which is that the number of thoae 60 yards on a triple lateral play sewrely ill from tuberculosis is for Shelton's fir,t sem'e a n d he alma decreasing, The annual stim- pcJ.¢zsed to Anderson for Shelton's ulus provided by the sale of seals third touchdown. The Shelton players., enjoyed the privilege of hearing the noted vnolinist. Rubinoff. who happened to tm :it the Ocosta. school Tues- day. Coach Frank Willard used Donn Nelson and Duane Dickinson as sgarting ends, Don I)tektnson. ten- in giving every one an opportun- l ity t'o participate, is an important 'element in our success agamvt a 'common enemy. Every seal pur- chased helps in this great public health campaign." . LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA Mrs C. H. Kldwell left Tuesday gHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOITRNAL I I II I ..... Rhododendron !Mrs. Frank Wylie Planting Near Host To Pickering Hoodsport, Plan I Homemakers Club liy Betty McKlei i By i•irtue E• llanhnl NOV. 7. ..... OU Moll" t I'lckerillg, Nov. 7, The Piek- Hoodsport, day eveTling, the Hood,.,port Corn-']ering Holl]enlal(er. , club met with inertial club held their regular l Mrs. Franl( \\;Vylio Thur:iday ttf- meeting ill the Hoodsport club-, tern,.)on with a hLrRt lu:'nout. Af- room. Plans were discussed for iter a short btlsile.: meeting, Mrs. planting rhododendron along tne.Rempel disphtyed the articles she. highway, in and near Hoodsport. '. had purchased for tbe club and W. R, Anderson is the eommitteeschool to bc sent m the Christ, ms.', chairman, and they expect to take i box to Samua. A real Hoosier action in the near future. George party hmcA wa: served e.(msi,,ting Hlxon of Lake Cushman, gave a of 1)uml)kin pie with whipped report on the benefits derived from cream, pot)corn balls, ginger cook- the fish-planting, done h¥ the is:J, etmdios aml coffee. Visitors Sportsmen'sJ Association, Follow-present were: Mr,v. M. L. Forberg, lng the business meeting," Mrs,. H,  Mr,. Frank Gray, Mrs ,h)hn h:rab- R, Dick|nson and Mrs. U. R. An- bcnhoft and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Rea Howry in the backfield, and Rex Howry at center. Sportsmen Meet Tuesday Evening The November meeting of the Hood Canrtl Sportsmens' Associ- ation will tie heh:l in the tiood:.:port .:chool gymnasium next Tuesday evening starting at 8 t?eloek, mem- bers were reminded t()iy by President tia.rry Y(tung. He was not ready to announce details of the meetinR prt)gram but indicated be would complete ar- rangernentt, within the next tow days, 1 Shelton Youth Honor Man In Navy Compa y Carl William Westcntt, son of derson served a delicious lunch of pumpkin pie. whipped cream and coffee. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Harrell of Seattle. came to the Shelton General hospital to Shclton. Members present were: Mesdames. Isabel I)roseher. Elida Barnes, Arthur Beck..1 La.Page, E. B. Cameron, Claude tianlon f]l- mer V\\;'is,% .h),:'ptline Hushek. S. Nelson. Maldor Lundquist. W S. see their daughter, Mrs. Jack Rempel. Ruth He(ides and I he Slmmon:J, who had been confined hostesq. Mrs. Frank ylie there with a severe ,ore throat.  The next Fiiecting will he with from Wednesday to Sunday, when her parents took her home with them for a week or two. While not at he hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Harrell visited her sister and fain- lly, Mr. and Mrs. J F. Smith of Hoodsport. On Thu}sday evening, H.E. Lockwood. S. U. Lockwood, Jim Purdy, Harry Yenter. Mr. Nance and "Scotty" Lavendar, of Hoods- port, and Mr. Simmons and Mr. Bltney of Lake Cushman, attend- ed a "Home-Coming" at the Ma- aonie Hall in Union Mr. and Mrs. James O'Neil of ter, Wally Anderson and Fred Bet'- fox" California where ..*,he will spend Seattle, were weeken(i guests of ry, halfbacks, and Burr Dtckin- the winter wth her daughter. On Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vail. son, quarter. Sam Wilson a n d the trip to California, she wi II In Port Angeles on Saturday and Dick Look did relief duty at ends. visit two sisters in Oregon an d Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Leo one in California. She na£, been Johnson, who visited their son;: visiting her daughter here, Mrs. and daughters,in-law, Mr. ami Lmgh Duffield for several weeks. Mrs. We,.ley Johnson, and Mr. and .................................................. Mrs. Bud Johnson. 'q'lFF'qrr''P"tt'F Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dunn of Mr• and Mrs. C. W. We.<.cott, Mat- ,lock Route t Siielton, VahJllgtoll, has been sHccted Honor Mun of his Company, because of his ex- cellent ability, aptitude and in- fluence on his shipmateql He en- listed in the U. S. Nav v through this office on September 8. 1939, and is now going tlirnugb his per- Bctb. on the canal near Blum, led of training at tile Naval Train- Where she had gone only a feWting Station San Diego, Calif. dav,¢ )3eore. acct)lnpall[ed hy her daughter, Mrs. P'tul Carlson of OIympim Mrs. Johnston had Junior Class Sweater been m £,lili/Jg health for st)me To Be Wine and White time. but w&, fecling much better and ill high spirit, al evening On Ordtrs a be',nr nla :, " •• 1 now ...... e, r ---eed fol l(tlIlng ll( ( )nip uned of beln /  ¢) " [ " !" : [" ! ; ' g I the junior class sweater.; at Irene t o]d llld while members of t h e ) •  , e :'  r .' . . S. Fec.d high scho )1 following s .l- I tlolly W( l t:, 11xnlg tl t flit sh{   " .... - ' : ':. '  ection uf win(. and white as the a. sharp cry, then passed class colo. Mis Miriam B c a l, (lUl(q, ty away froth a. heart attack, class advisor, ann(,unced ye,"ter- The (leco&:et| wa: 6,1 years of age, al ( : ;Lrvived by ller htlsband, 6, ii.t Ibe fatnily 'home in Olym- pia. She h-, 10 living children ,!'.?v(:r:)l r0ii(JiNg ol ffood Canal, and in Olympia'• "]1(" funeral ser- vices will I;ade plaee in Olympia thi: ,Vl?dnesday with burial in the ec, illettly nearby, "I?lle deceas- eli wa.s well kllown LO l'lla, liy In the canal community. Newsettes Tell Of Belfair's Events ()t he+ent Import By Mr.. liid.ys Irving Belfair. Nov. 7. Mrs Sam Ttieler nnd Mrs. John Stytes re- With an intertting program 1,n [llrlltM holrle Saturday after a two week,' holiday m California prospect, the General Welfare Club • will hold a meeting Saturday eve- an J ,;+', ing tht fair Tltey lad a .......... t t- i v ' j bl ' tli• " . " sing al:  o'clocR in emoriai kiSll• } "y ' i ]( ya' t "  I)U. W C r e • r ., ;, .' '.', . ' ,After the. business meeting ente - day. The numcrids, 1941 will be prominerit on the swcatcrs, which i cn he procured in any style de- 1 sired, she said. I Shelten: Schettules Two I Hoop Tilts with Wildcats 1 Two pre-season practice gamez[ have been scheduled fro" the Shel- ton Highclimber basketball team witi the Bremerton Wildcats, [ Athletic Director Homcr Taylor ! announced yesterday. The first will be played in Shel- ton December 12, the return game I at Bremerton December 15, h e said. I Goneral Welfare Program '/--" ,f ) Bremerton spent from Wednesday to Saturday with her aunt, Mrs. R. B. Johnston, when Mrs. Dunn left for Long Beach. California• Mr. Dunn plans to stay in Brem- erton until his ship ttl. for Long We never fulls lien niYer woiTy# When ¢lelninl'$ wiMtd In a hurry. Ysolt Iolll... Illht ol • llothsr! Mtr# Milli calll 'era Oiahge Rolll, and they're certainly light and delicioul. It'i a delightful way Io:preve what a dltlel eBCt Fisher'e b. [ d  +ku- in Ilour. Yidd: ! dot' 2 cdc cempmal 2 ql, will bHt y,ill I/.l  mgu 41/l cup# llb lli# I# Phl.r I cup nJk I/1 I,llpeoa lilt IA cup m*ld but Sclid milk, lddllq.  il hakewm &dd ytnl brOkln into inul IHI.  111 15 ml[tt- Util. Add I cup lOUy, bill WII, Add mh, bttttw, and eelil, b*lllml IhoroulilllF, G¢ldullly lllll¢ i ¢cmilndet ol our.  luuld imlil deubll i Ind dmlll holdl iillprjn¢ O[  whlil Imld dowl,   durlnll dllnl, in • warm place. 'Wlltn llll, pulh ilown and pit to .inct chictml $1mmd wich Orlmll Filltnll, Illl up .. Ior €I  ( dkmgh in Inch IIi¢ll ind pll¢ ha pI#li tl Clll ddo diam. lil unlll doubled b Ihl il! blkl It 75' i 12 anulU. ORANCd FLING- I/)  Imtt,  IlllW, Z Ibllpl otlmll juilO 1 Fllld rind i . Beach• Mrs. Carper, Mr amt Mrs. Lud Andersen of Union, and Mrs. An- I derson of Minerva. were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mr.. I Ralph Hllllgoss. On Sunday afternoon, Claude Wood was a dinner gues.'t of Mr. and Mro. Herb Dickinson. at which they "partook of ducks, furnished by Claude. Mrs. T. Ahlquist and daughtcr, Penelope of Munroe. visited sev- eral of her friends here on Thurs- day of last week Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ahl return- ed on Thur,vday from an exten- sive trip to California and t h e San Francisco Expo,ition. Have you noticed the new com- puting gas pump which was in- stalled this week in front of Lunt's store ? Mr. and Mrs. O. K Linscott and family spent Friday and Sat- urday in Taeom with Mr. a n d Mrs. A. R. Etherington. Mr. Lin- • scott returned to Tacoma on Mon- day morning for a Jew day.. Hoodsport chool children a n d pre-school children w'e inoculated l this week for diphthe[ia. Maurice Kaare and-Marie Finch I both of Seattle, spent the week- end in Hoodsport with Mr..and Mrs. M a t t Kaare. Mauriee I brought his paxents a cute little cocker spaniel. ' Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Lockwoot: and children spent Saturday and Sunday in Tacoma with her par- ents, Frank Ahl was home from Camp 5 for the weekend, Mr. an d Mrs, MeCrary of Bremerton, were Saturday evening guests of he and Mrs. Ahl. On Friday evening, the Hood Canal Women's club will hold their "Husbands' and Wives' Banquet." They have planned numerous speakers, and a movie, and dinner will be served by the Hood Canal Jun4orz. M'iss Cora Avres on November 16. Mrs. Isabel l)ro,k:eher and :*otis. Donald and Ralph, made ri trip tO Long Beach• W.tshington, on Fri- day and returned Sunday. They were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Amty Panian. Miss Dorothy \\;Viss +if Shelton. spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. Slid Mrs. 17JlnleF \\;Vi,¢l . A dinner party was hoht oil Oe- lober 25th at lhe ,h)hn I,rabben- heft ]lome in IlOllOr of the birttlda.y anniversary of Mrs h:rabbenhoft. Guests present Vest's: her brothers Henry, Bill and Ben Lorenzen and Mrs. ,13ck. of I{arstine Islnnd: Mr and Mrs. Jo]In Adolph>'<m Mr. and MrE). Mfoll to, and J's ]-{el'nl&n Lorenzen of AgaLe. M'l's. Adolph- son ts a .ister it(] Mrs. LorenzeFl. l.t sister-in-laW of Mrs l(rabb01t- heft. . Piekering "% l-•a,q well rOll'eselled at the P.U.D. meet ng hehl in the Kamilche (Irange |-Pt]l October 20th, which gee:, to show we are very lnltcb interested ill getting the'power lille througql. Mi'. and Mr.. , Ira Libby of H:lr- per, \\;,Vashington. wore guests Fri- day evening lit the ]lOnO of h e r brother. Elmer \\;Via.L Mr. <'rod Mrs R. P An(lerson and Mr and Mrs. }¢. 3. Shopard of Minerva P:.irl¢ eli Hood Calla|. wore dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I" E. Ball (m Thursday. Mr'.". Helen Shafer wont to Sc- attle on Tuesday and returned on Thur.,.,:ia y evening. 'Vhile llere she wits the guest of Miss Gr;.lc  Pet.erson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Nelson of Grays Harbor, spent the weekend at their led UWr) for a .shorl stay, Mr arid MI",L Jud Babcock and two Irlt>ndf, I froln Seattle viNted MHe Bubeock't parents, Mr. and Jilrs, (}tell liarris Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mickleson called Sunday at the Irving home, Molrit Vance and Irving Wat- son were getting out wood Satur- day and Sunday, Mrs Claarl.e, Beck and daugl- tcr w(11'6 viAtlng tile Harris h0md Tliursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ettrl Johnson were ]3rt•Fl'i,.'rttm callers Saturday• Mrs Ga,rland IllroWn and daugh- ter Sally, visited Mr;t. Kenneth Al- len Friday tit last week. Miss Ruth Jul'f of T'teoma was vJ' iting frieil(ts in Belfrtir ()vex' the v, retdielld. Not much lmws thi: week--too e,q.rly m the week. CAMP 5 LOGGER ILL Ben ]'eckhnm of Camp 5 was ad- lItt, l(Lf(l tO ,t!heltoll ht)'+pital Monday fol' IPeat IT1 r, rlt • ! ....... ! Thin Week I [(,ames " I HOSPITAL PATIENT I ] John Bender of Matlock Route, was adrnitted for treatment at the I Shelton hospital Monday• A IIMlf4TICE DAY tlell,'u'mine ;it Shelton. PeEIt at ltaymond. IlJilru), fit Moniesan:o• Sladtum sit Bellinfflk'til. F+voxet.t at tjihCldlt. O]yl]da tit; Aberdeen. l+(oquiam at Chehalis, ICESl3LTN LAST WEEKEND She!bin 37. Montesano n, Elms '13, Rayslend 7 L(mgviow 34. Aberdeen 0• OlyillJ)it 13. (3hehalis 7. Although young Wa.shington is in yearv  a state, and will cele- brate its 50th anniversary on No- vember 11, its tradition reaches Into the colorful past of the 16th century when its coast line w. linked with the rmgn of Queen Elizabeth. If the log of England's swaggering Sir Francis Drake, bd boy of the sea., tells the truth, Qtleen Elizabeth diued on the Gold- en Hind, Drake's Phip. upon its return from a freebooting expedi- tion in 1579 that took it a,s far up the Pacific Coast as 48 degrees. Ti,9 line would run approximate- ly through the present day city of Everett. An 'Oslao' An Osiso is a device which shows the distance of lightniug by record- ing the interval o£ time between the flash m,d the arrival of the noise of the thunder at the poinl of observa. tion. News Briefs From Mt. View District Report Activities By Mrs. (hid Mnrri Mr. View, Nov. 7. - Mrs. R. D, Brown eutertained the Iadies Sew- ing club at her home last Friday afternoon. A delightful time was enjoyed in games. Dainty refresh- nlel]ts "vVel•e served consi.vting of ice erean], cookies and hot choco- late, Mrt.,. Bernard Ristine of Shelton, will be the hostess at the next meeting Wednesday, No- vember 15th. The ladies have changed their (lay of meeting from Friday to Wednesday. The Sear> Tavern eujoyed it ca- pacity crowd at its opening last Friday ewming. Special entertain- ment consisted of several musical numbers, guitar and violin music, and songs. Scars Silva, the new propriettn', is making the tavern a Union house and is featuring .,-,andwiches. Neat, little tables tave been added around the front I ro()nl Merle ftall is mueb improved and able to be out after being' wound- e(I when he aceidently shot him- I self reeeritly• Hc had the bullet removed from his body Monday afternoon, and i'J now feeling fine. J. I). Maloney came up from Eu- gene, Oregon, and spent the week- end with his family here. Friends /'eeeived word from the Robt. Berry family saying they w(nihl not retdrn home for the Christnlas tree work, as they are working in Oregon, where they moved some time ago, near Crater ILake. Their son, Bob, i' employ- [ ell driving a snow plow. Mis.' Rose Terrell of Shelton, w t., t hmcheon guest Monday of Mrs. l=t. D. Brown, and spent the d'.ty calling on her many Mt. View friends. Mrs M Courteau was a guest of I Mrs. I,..1. Malavey at the Idyll- i wild Gee. \\;V()odruff of Mr. View and • Le>:,ter Bonner of Restwhile Park, left early Monday for the Harbor I countrv 'where they will spend the week tunting elk on Quests River. Mr. and Mrs Tom Vanderwal of Agate, were Sunday dinner -guests at the home of Mr. an d Mrs. Harry Hall. Other guests at the Hall home were: :Mr. and Mrs. Ole Olsen of Hillcrest. Mrs. Gee. VanHorn of Hoods- port wa.q a Mt. View visitor on Thursday evening. Mr• and Mr,v. Elmer Sytsma and family of Hillcret, are new Mt. View residents, moving into the Gee. Wood property, formerly oe- YOU SAVE BUY NOW J0-AN'S WILL SOON BE e,,p,ed by Mr• a,,d Mrs F A Flo,- LOCKED UP home on Pickering. ,, ence. Mr Syt,rna is emnloyed at M.r• and Mrs. W S Rempel an(ll "  - son. Ray, spent, tfte fir+..t of the the pulp mill. I week in Tacoma. where Mrs. Rein- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woodruff pcl atte':ded in,<,,;,iDuto, ere LosteiWere dinrier guests of Mr. and Mrs FOREVER Mr. a.nd Mrs..] E. Gilliatt w , • " BQnner at Re,twhile Park overnight guests in Bremerton on Sunday and enjoyed a fine fishing Friday at. the home of Mr. andlt;'iP on the canal. M)'r. Rush Bhmlienslm). Mr, and Mrs. Jim Johntton and Mr. and Mrs. C4.rl Johnson and Mrs. K. Whittakero Hoodsport, daughter Olivi;l, were dinner Ruest:; I we/'e dinne/' guests Saturday at on Sundav at the LaPa.g'e home. I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mr. and Mr". John KrabbenhoftiJohnston, of The Pines. visited at the home of Mrs. Jose- Several Mt, View residents at- phine Hu,:,hek Saturday afternoon, tended the card party sponsored tADIES Rayon Hose Mr. and Mrs. ,l. E. Gilliatt and by the Grange at their hall in Blouses Mr. and Mrs. J Lal'age a.ttended the valley last Friday evening, and Values to 39¢ ............ the meeting of the U.S.W.U. in report a very enjoyable time. Mrv. Values to $1,00 ............ Bremerton Wednesday night. Adolph Kopperman brought home The Pinochle club )net at the the first prize in the '500' game, GIRLS ALL WOOL PURE E. B. Harriman home Saturday This was the first of a series of li"povers Silk Hose night. Those present were: Mr. games. The next will be held in aml Mrs. P. E: Ball, Mr. and Mrs. two weeks. 50¢ Values .................... J. LaPage, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Values to $1.00 ............ Gilliatt and the host and hosta, Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ha.rriman. Camp Three, were Sunday dinner FLANNEL KAYSER guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ba- ...................... ke,. Pajamas Kayser Hose 'Matlock P. T.O. ++00iss Shirle+y Harris has been confined at home from school a $1,50 Values .................. Reg. $1.00 Value Meets Friday In few days with an attack of the flu. • FLANNEL ight S h M, and Mrs. R. D. Brown and G 79¢ H Kn c eel family, were guests at dinner on owns Kayser ose Sunday with Mr. and Mr,v. Axel $1.00 Values .................. ' $1.15 Value .................... ......... Jobnson of Beverly Heights. , , Mrs. Ray Stacy ha) been on the t-ADIES KNIT By Mrs. Zen Priszner sick list with an attack of t h e Kayser Hose Matlock T o wi,1 flu Union Suits have its regular ln()llLh]v rnee'Ang Mrs. Harry Johnson of Hill- ;1.25 Valde .................... at Marry M. Knight autli'torium on! crest' was visiting at the home Values to $1,50 ............ I' MARRIAGE LICENSES ' 00°vemberl public U'tility10 at 8 o'clock,District will haveThe [Monday.°f Mr, and Mrs. Owen Pigmon on ALL ..... WOOL S!ip=ELANESE a, speaker for the everAng. M is,vl Mr. and Mrs' R" H' G°°d and S 99¢ Picrce's and Mi:.,.'+ Katscit's rooms i Ge°" Gamble of Seattle., spent w eaters s will furnish part of the program, the weekend at the home of Mr. Values 'to $1.95 ............. ;1.00 Values .................. John A, Martin, 23, Bremerton, Bring cake and sandwiches. [md Mrs. I J. Harris. They are and Martin Dahl, 24, Seabeck, at Mrs Kelsey and Mrs. 'ranner of parents and brother of Mrs. Hap ALL WOOL ' SILK SheltOn,weyneNOVemberGossett, 28,6" I Skirts 1 99 Gowns and Lora Camp 3, came out after Mrs.,. Fred iris. Ferris and took her to Sheltori on Glen "VCstson and two small Harrington, 20, both of Bremerton, daughters, Gwendolen and. Ruth at Shelton, November 7. a business call Friday,  Values Mrs. James Carvairs. Jr., and iMarie" were guests of his par- Vslues to $2,95 .......... Sam McKissiek, 26, Gull Hap children, called Monttny atterrloon l ents,, Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Watson bor (Thurston County), and Aug- lat Sunset Bea*sh Sunday ' KAYSER ILK PONGEE usta Gustafson. 23. Olympia, at on Mrs. I C. Ford. Gi 79¢ Pajamas No definite report on the school ] Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Glaser of Gig Harbor, spent the weekend ores Shelton, November 7. dance which was given SaturdaY ivisiting with Mt. View friends. Mr. $1.00 Values .................. $1.50 Values . - night, Had a good crowd and a lGlase r i engaged in the wood . " ............... good time, Made enough to buy a set of drmns for the school or-I business, having uurcha*ed a new draR" saw, with which he i ,.awing A New Treat ch00,,t,'a MORE THAN 911fin PAIRS-- Mr and Mrs Bcrn00=t Smith and a large order near Harbor The Miller residence is getting children were dinner guests of a.ll dolled up with a new coat of Ladies, Misses and Children's . 5a dt Mr'arldMrs'FranleRabidear'qnn'whitepaint'withagreentrtm* 00,iSCK00177S00i Mr. Harry Ford and son Clifford Bob Lemke of Dayton. was a Sunda.v visitor at the home of Mr. 2  c'elebratcd their birthday'v Sunday and Mrs" Wm" Buchman and fm" at the Ford home. 'hose present were: Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Ford, ily at their lovely Mt, View home. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ford of Men- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jadln and tesano, Mr and Mrs J. C. Borst, I familV of Lost Lake were Sun- Mr' and Mrs' And'y Han'°n °f + day dinner guests at the h+me °f Values 100to4. Shelto]l; also Mrs. Fannie Champ-+ Mr' and Mrs. Gee. Jadin of the fin, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hansen and i G°If Course. 29 children' C°rrine Carey' Mrs' I" C' ] Mi ': Anita C°urteau s back at C "" = C Ford and daughter& Mrs. J. R. i her office duties it, the office of Singleton. Mrs. Joe Peterson and the Hillcrest school, after being Ralph attti Jean Rothrock of Euum- i confined home last week by illness, i A delicious newcake that combines claw A b°unUfu dinner was' JusUnKeever°ftheSk°k°mish  C t0 served and the folk,v left, wishing] Valley' spent the weekend visit- the smooth flavor of fresh ripe ban - them many more plea.ant bi'ti-IA ' Kopperman. €, t ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. arias with the crunchiness of chopped days. Corrine Corey was an overnight Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Edmlston of walnuts. Topped with a banana wal- guest (if Lucille Hansen Saturday' the SkokomL.h Valley, were din- night, and attendetl the Fords' net guests at the home of their , daughter and husband, Mr. an d [] nu buttm cream icing, celebration on Sunday. Mrs Kopperman at their Mt. View Mr. and Mrs. Zeo I'rizner went home Sundav. to Seattle Tuesday after t heir Appl , _..+.. ,+..Pinannl T daughter Mildred. who has beet, madeOwenit businessPigm°n Oftrip Theto OlympiaPines' : e e urnovers in the Orthopedic htpit&l the pas Tuesday. < two weeks. eachS¢ Mrs'E'C'Reibc)w°fH°°d Mr'andMrs'TedHaddixand J01-AN' S daughter-in-law, Mrs. • Harding, Can:tl, })l'e.idcnt of the Mason 1 Connty Fctleration of Ladies clubs, all from Morton, were looking after! • interests on Mt. Vtew last met with the Matloek G ra n g e week. club ladies last Thursday and gave a ,vp]endid report on the John Shelton Bakery ,+0o,,+,co,v,,+o Mrs, char. The ladi+,announcedtheWomens' Shelt0 les Reid, president of the Shelton District meeting would be held. Juniors club also gave her report Tuesday, November 7th, in Shel- on what splendid work the Juni(s ton. with a large group from Mat- ' ": ..... arc doing and the convention, also. lock attending. Close Out prices on Ladies, Misses and Chil, drens Shoes and Ready-to-Wear are good ,only until SOLD OUT!!