November 9, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 9, 1939 |
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November 9, 1939
A dvertlsrments
a lille {5 words} first
line each subse-
Mini mum
advertisements ae-
the telephone from
Cash should
all other orders or
made before the first
to saw expense
An extra charge of
be made when billing is
Card of thanks 50c.
Display Rates on
For Sale
Ah.daAAa Aa a a A A 4a a AA A A Adada,
13 A R G A I N
Used Tractpr Sale
FORDNON---10 to choose
from . ............................. $; 50.00
and up.
Wanted 'qr.qr .qr .qr.qrr-qlr .q. 'v v"v v'qlv 'qll." v-p. v q). v "lr p..t..'qv 'ql."qr'qr'.l. v v v 'v v 'q" v'v.qr 'qp*
For Sale
Used Furniture
] Washing Maclfine ............ $14.50
1 Heater . ................................ 12.50
6 Ranges .......... 12.50, 14.50, 22.50
2 Beds .............................. 1.00, 2.50
CLETRAC E62: 3 Springs .......................... 3.50, 7.50
No. 57 .................................... 995.00 2 Davenports (Velour} ........ 17.50
No. 32 ................................... 995.00 2 Chtb Chairs ........................ 14.50
No. 45 ................................. 895.00 1 Leather Bed Davenport .... 24.50
No. 58 ................................... 1,150.00 1 Studio Couch .................... 14.50
CLETRAC K: 2 Walnut Dining
No. 47 .................................... 545.00 Tables ................... 4.50 and 8.50
No. 59 ................................... 395.00 2 Walnut Buffets .................. 7.50
;No. 28 .................................... 445.00 2 ockers, each ...................... 3.95
No. 29 .................................... 645.00
CLETRAC 'VV: 01sen Furniture Co.
No. 61 .................................... 145.{)0
No. 27 .................................. 165.00
Clctrac F No.42 .................... 115.00
Rent Cletroc 30A No. 3z ............ z95.o0 ROOFING
Clctrac 3OB No. 49 ............ 795.00
Allis Chalmer.¢J Mdl M 35 . 995,00 Light 35-1b ..................... 98¢ roll
5-room house, hard- Caterpillar 30 -44- . ........... 895.00 Medium 45-1b ..................... ].,35 roll
fireplace, full base- C-tterpillar 15 -43- . ............ 795.00 Heavy 55-1b ..................... 1.75 roll
furnace. Phone 248-R. Case 10-18 -36- . ................... 145.00 ...........
D-11-9-1t. McCormick Decring No. LINING FELT
38 ........................................ 550.00 No 50 .1-1b ..................... 2.95 roll
3-room furnished IWallis -39- . ........... 550.00
month. Inquire at, John Deere MiDN). 40 .. 395.00 No. 40--%-1b .................... 2.30 roll
ll-9-tf. [Twin City No 41 ............ 350.00 .......
5-room ouse and [We will make--Tr-lght allowance. Asphalt Sheathing
at Dayton. $. W. De t 500-ioot roll ............................ 1.35
Matloek Route, Shel-I Burrows Tractor ep. e9€
250-foot roll ................................
6-27 tf 217 S, First Yakima, Wash.
I FO---sXi:i7-in-U='[anks GRANT LUMBER CO.
T FOR RENT: fort., turkeys Mrs. E. A Rutledge, Phone 106
Inquire 404 Franklin. I Shelton' Valley. 11-7-14-3t.
6-13-tf .........
FOR SALE: 6-wks. old pigs and
F, ,o,,4 ,,, ,, [ corn fed turkeys. H. H. Halbert, Fisherman Size
art'ett ", p'ts';' ' I Route 2. 11-7-14-3t.
B,11-2-7-9---3t, WS-()-D Dry old growth slab, any JOHNSON
SLEEPI1gG'-'room length. C. E. BuXton, Rt. 1, OUTBOARD MOTOR
Phone 49R. Mrs, Hel- 7-11-tf.
11-2-9--3t. Used very little--reasonable price
ROOM reasonable. Lumbermen's Mere. Co.
Avenue. Phone Mill
FOR SALE: Baby crib, 6-yr. crib,
high chair, stroller. Phone 213,
Classified Service
Give Your Miniature"
For Xmas
Your photo taken, hand painted in
oil and h'amed in tarnish-proo£
miniature frame
$1.98 Complete
Andrews Photo Studio
When you have been out late at
night eating and drinking, take a
spoonful of Bisma-Rex in a glass
of, water before going to bed. Bis-
ma-Rex acts four ways to com-
bat acid-indigestion. Try it and
see how wonderful it is, Buy Bis-
ma-Rex, only 50¢, at the Rexall
Drug Store--Gordon's Shelter
T. T. RICHMOND piano tuner in
town all this week. Call Hotel
Shelton or L. D. Hack. ll-9-1t.
In Machine and Machineless
Purcell Beauty Salon
Phone 496-J 722 Pine St,
FOR SAL/: papers in bundles for
lighting fires. Inquire Journal
office. 8-15-tf,
FOR SALE: Top soil, fill dirt, al-
so Alder wood. Phone 387.
Upholstering and Furni-
ture Repairing
Welding, Braizing, Soldering and
Fine mechanical repairs.
Real Estate
• J-room modern home, basement
and furnace, [n excellent condi-
tion. Terms. $2,750.00,
10-acres, close in, excellent 6-room
borne, basement, furnace, out-
buildings, good soil. Will con-
sider a trade on 'dhelton prop-]
er'ty. This will make a fine sub-]
urban home for you and a real[
place for garden, cows, chick-
ens. Terms. $3,000.90.
SALT WATER tracts and homes.
Large and small farms, city lots
and homes.
7-room house on Capital Hill,
basement, nicely furnished. 2 lots,
Shelton Real Estate
M.odcrn home, completely furnish-
ed, 3 large rooms with bath.
Has e×cellcnt lawn and yard. In
ine condition. Terms .... $3,000.00
4-room modern home in excellent[
condition, with basement and}
furnace. Why pay rent any long-
er when you can get this nice
home at a bargain. Terms. $2,500
4-room modern home with fire-
place, hardwood floor in front
room and plenty of built-ins.
Newly refinished outside. Nice
lawn. A bargain at $1850 with
$350.00 down, balance $20.00 per
month including interest.
Large piece of property in heart
o£ the city, suitable for inex-
l,; a,,,, ..... "' <" 1Shelton v.y'00a"e-
way. [
Host To Pomona
!'l:,;illtll't"S .lt|lll'll. y.
H't'i(:[' add ]' (). .%,ill rl,s. 2ul
,:r, .,, , ,,,,, ',,+, a,,,, Grange Sunday
)uildiDl. |{l"'lt : 'lIol. (? I 1t 3" t [ i
]it.sal). Sltttt: of %Vnshirllzloli,
]0-5-13-19-26, J l-2,.9--l;I. ]y Una Wlnsor
Shelton Valley, Nov. 7.---- This
N,. :17t Sunday, November the 12th, an-
SMIO:*fJ I. other big" time is scheduled to take
IR the Superior Court of the State of place hece at the grange hall when
Wtllgton in anti Ior the County the crack degree team from the
of ]ii.,son.
I"TH I.'1, MAt,[ Gt'IN "WI,;A V I,H
l'lahltlff, ,,,s. ,%IUFII,] I,YNN I.VI,',AV-
Iqlt. l)ef,nds at.
The Stall, of \\;Va:Qiillgtilll tJ tli .ulhi
Av't ie LyliII Vt; t!av,' i' :
YOU Ill'l! hl.rQh) 'Atlllllillllllq| 1t lllJ-
11€>11l' within .<:lxty day:4 lit'l, r lb. ihi<
OI r ih,' firs lllhtioiltlliiel t, llit: :'lilt}
llrlOlifi, to-wit: t',ilhht .41Nly lillyS itll'l
liD' ,rl I It tiny of ( )t't otil,r, I 3 :.l!l A.
I). llll(I di,l(.lllt ItI* lth,i%'l, qlllil,,d li('-
l]Oll 111 ltv, ab'),o viilillod (,,itll'l, llli(I
lloRivl,r thl. {,Ollll)lllill O till' lllHlll-
lift', l']thlq iitt!" <.lllhi Vlt'av( i Zlll(I
7ill' v I • Ft COpy (If }l'O II I' II/17iVII ' lllJOll
till; Lllldl!rsiglld tLIIoi'lll y t'lil' i)lalll-
tiff at his tlfl'h!t.: hi,low lttt,d; :till]
in ir.lll, of .vlior l'tllltlVO Mi) lo ilil
Judgn i,r w b rt, ill' 't? Itlffl D.;I
7011 ilecordtllg tO lht' it+,lllall(I ft' tilt
(:onllflltlrlt. wtlictl has hi'oil I'ill'd Wlltl
the eltq'l<, ill' said Cot • " l, tl )iv(I
of this a( litlli IS tO O|)ltiilt II. ¢h.l'trl.c
of dlvIll'l!t tll {lit' I'l>tlllll Ipl" tl+'-
Sl'l'tiOli II?ll] I iiil Ih,' llll F111'4 lit' '.'