November 9, 1939 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 9, 1939 |
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C METHODINT Cltll.(tl R. V¢. BRESSLER. pastor
ROBERT BRUMBLAY, Pastor. "l:)raw nigh to God, and He wlll 1 .m
9:45 t. m., Sunday school. Har- draw niKh to you." -James 4:8.
¢ vey Beal, general superinten(hmt. Bible school ................... 9:458.m.
e9 A brisk, growmg school to which A cordial invitation to adults
" ¢ou will be elcomed. and children.
11 H. m., Public worship: Morning worsbtp ............ 11:00a,m.] IF Yq ?U WORK OUTSIDE
Prelude: "Largo," by Handel. Vo- Subject: 'He Restnreth My 8oul.'
number, "Bless Ut:, O' God Young People's meeting 6:30p.m.
, -#.a Tl/is Day,. by Thehnt jaetson E]vening,serviee 7:30 I ' 'd
Smith. Vocal duet, "The t'erfect rhurPday, Cottage Prayer
1 Prayer," by Ervine Stenson. IVlceting ...................... 7:45 ).u,
Sermon will be by the It,'v. W E L C C) M E
Brumblay .........................................
' 11 a. m,, Worship of the Jun- MIS'IION 1
., ior Church: Mrs. Robert },'umb- Assembly o, ,od i 25% l $2 511
lay. dir,,eto,'. The .lu,io,. Ch.,.cb '.'2Z so. ,,d St,',',', W00 .................
3 is for boy and girls between mx Sunday school .................. 9:45 50% l $3 45
and fourteen, Mrv. Otto Graffe, Supt. ' WOO
6:30 p. m., Devotional M Morning servi('e .............. _...11:001 ................ , *
of the :',,ling Peoph'. Miss Mir- Evangelistic service .............. 8:00, 100% wool natural $4 95
tam Bcal, counselhn'. Tuesday, Bible and Prayer .. 8:00 - ......... •
Thursday, Young Peoples .... 8:001
t. Edwad' ,,ill O,a.e, lade,'. : 1t)tt%
....................... Wright's i - -- -- cI* "LI
. ('ATIIOLIC CHIJltCEI Saturday Chihh',.,ns chureh .. 3:00: wool, dark oxford ..... ,,).o,,
Winter schedule for masse at The Woods Evangelistic party l
st. Edward's Ch,,,'eb is .8 ro,,ow: is with us ,.d wiU t)e l:avi,m ser- Extra warm! Extra durable! Extra Full Sizes! Men's 16 to 18-lb.
First mass 8.00 a.m. vic. ovc,'y ,,Igbt this we,,k. Spec- part W001" unions. Spring needle knit fo}' lasting fit. Double closed
Second mass 10:00 2. m. ial mu,Ac "and th(: old time Gospel i
Weekday maes 7:45 a.m. lwCached. I crotch. Long sleeves, ankle length. Sizes 38 to 50.
Evening devotions and benedie- You are invited'to come an(l[
tie,is 7:30 p.m. enjoy the services. I __.
Catechism instruction for ehil ............................ : HEAVY WEIGHT COTTON
dren will follow the hlgh mass. OAKLAND iShY NIINDAY J C
I Instruction in Church history I SCIIOOL I m m m
nd bible history, for high schol]• Classes, . for all on Sunda. y., 101 These fleeoed cotton un[ons are a lot for your money. Warm and durable.
; + students, Monday evenings. 7 to,a m at school buildlng Every- Sprlng needle knit for perfect fR. Long sleeves ankle flt0 Hanes rnake.
8 m ' " " ' "
p, • ]one welcome. 36 to 46. ,
4-) Any changes from the ab(we or _ ..........
ecial devotions will b(, "mn(amc- AGATE SUNDAV 8CltOOI. (ItlLDREN'S
ed ,,n Sundays. Sunday School at Agate school IF YOU WORK INSIDE -- ,- ,1.
' - ............................ 'house every Sunday at 11. o'clock. -- .... 00otton un|ons
1 ,t. Davids W (L Brown, Supt. All are IU.
EPISg,OPAL CHIII,CII Ivited t6 attend. Y{ Wa* ---
Services and fgermon 7:30 p. m./ ...............................
unday ,it Memorial Building. I,'onrsquare ," 49¢
l T.E. J ESSE'VI' Vicar, GOSPEL C IIUR(!!I II 1 "JIF # /IlP / Cozy and warm--smooth fitting.
......................... 910 E. Dearborn Ave.
...... [SIInday crvh,es' I I Short or long sleeve. Knee or an-
..o,.o,, " ' ket4_ LONGS
BAPTINT ('ilURCIt i 10 a. m., Sunday school, W. 'i. kle length. Drop seat.
- -- :G',:, :r .',', ,Sheaf, superinten,lmt VV
J. U IUt) .... , rt ,r " " "'' " ' " Marne-- BOY'S 10r, Wool
fitzndsv Rih• ., q.4. I ]I ;t. In 2aorllmg worsllip. "
_ ..... _...le school , ......... . ,,,, "' 7,
,,+ .,, ,+.. w,+, o:,,o ,, ,o, ' "-- UNION SUITS
, . , 7:30 p 11|., lvangell;I:le servlc(..
Moultlop, Sup. '- t -1 " '
Large Adult Bible ("las. meet- vtt' (ty: . •
" . " " 7'30 Ch)ir and ()rcnestra pro(-
ins in the Library Buihhng, J. O... ' ' *-' / - 98¢
Bovee, teacher. "Every (he wed uce. . • l,
come ' I, 7:30, I)eeper learning
Junior hlternledlate and Sen- , I,ve[yone wtthm reach m. n,lost Boy's 10% wool that "does not
tnr v Pr ;,t g. m v,,,, i..,,earnesuY anu eort]my invited LO wash out. Cream random knft.
people welcome at ttlcse [.t..nd ........... u .................. wear
If not attending some otherlrUv, a.n,, mr;, w..,. ,mt, mrv,, ,,4/--.- .... u.uw¢.=, xyu. ,,.=v= comfort. Short sleeves and knee
several suts ot JocKey I V ankle
[ , ength or long sire es and
rI 0 ( k tIH,()l S
....' Longs on hand this length. Ages 6 to 16.
church home, ........... ]'- ". _'U-'-7_--
g' up, make )ur church y,)ur I ""
w .,,.q ...... v... + ..n i HOODSPOR[ €,OMMUNITY r winter. Protect your _-
........ " ' " " .... I SUND%Y SCHOOL
\\; .... i ! ,.,s i. a modish, yet 0,,, woo, z4"=
A coraml invitation is extend-I . . .'2 . . . o/.
. Meets arm a m, In Lne scnoo
ed to all to jol us m our wor- . .... ' : [ ., | ' mannlsh undergar- .}
.... ...... , ,, ,, o.._.
Irl /-/'-d
Mr. Olive ----: ........................ ' support affords, corn-
• " I ' ' CALVARY
II B LUIHERAN CH[ RCII i ,, .... u,va, -',t., i xj/" ] l fort and conserves /' //-/t ] "" \\; ]
R. C. MUHLY, Minister. t ..... ""L"v":="'Y "' ........ # A I l energy. NO buttons. Let ano z., ] l
r|/Ta| Ill "isln P'lle °"'M i ]2o !. l'nlo c,,.,.
...... V UI -- IIU a ork 4' "
, PASTOR G ,0 M NYE, phone 479
,,oly Co,omunlon wil, o dis-. .... • • I I\\; I ., show you the var- ... (I
tributed next Sunday morning in utt.erv:t.u: n.,,, -- t... I / I I -. ,pus ,abr,c wo,ghts ,o. bhorts ,.( I
the 11:00 ()'clock serviceR. iun- I .... '-LTt. "'." ' ................ " I I I I morrow -- J O,C K E: V "-- I L/ I
< day school at 9:45, and the at-] : . .' ..... ] ] .I SHIRTS TO MATCH, .__ /=--?)---=_1]1
+ • r • *' lylo,'nlng worslllp 11 :uu a. m.
tendance growing every Sunday. ,Walthcr, League. Zone Rally will ] .",r., ...... ou,,o .y ,,.,o,.: .... " I) (}" ....o. u0.
be held 'n Olympia next Sunday ommumon. . .+ ...... .[--
. .................. ,, + treet me.;ung. ",:uo p.m. L/ .] fr i per garment ], / \\; I
li .=',,uu,t , o .... , Evangelistic service, 7:45 p.m.
, I|le Lutheran Hour every Sun- .., _ .
day, 1:30, KMO o,' KOL, wre u.ay m?V}ueS: Pro 1€ M Vt J [ ],oto:-,--,] Same quality and '¢ " '1
AdUlt Membership classes get _ u sa y, g . p =. yg., It B I ...t..t¶"..._.__.__ I excellent c o n - ,- : _ ' ; ,
J! m, I;.::1 struction. Last. I J+N.¢d
F- under way 4n anotaer week, call lYing)P.m. . All 1 I1 waist on sh,ts. L
• Thursday, uotta e serwce at the
the pastor for' m(,re iniormation. ] ....... ' g ; .......
God, the L,te the Trth, th,,1 v -
( .. ) wnltener nume aL alnllcnc, :LK Ages 6to 16
' p Ill
c.W.ay, "o "h, z calms of (1-) 'Fz';day Mid-Week Gospel serv-
- ,,ume you__t: t. ++e_ !':.. ! .. ___ 'Y' ice, '7:45 p.m. ,, '
--" ...,RRI.'rlA .CIENC+ at Radio, entitled4:30 to 5 "m, ver StationThed i. ... + 4_ • 2 qgl
4)rvleo-- " ever - -a mornln - v°ice Of Calvary each Thu's &yy +una y g ' o [el 4 Mt
P Values to $4 95
at ix a. m., orner T r am . •
Alder streets. unday school at ?Y'uOiY?Laralm21a0ndKe w:P::d | Many stylel and kinds in tho . Mostly button, combination knit, and colors. Sizes llll.. |
( U'+NO, "a'' 5 m''' ...... d F+tlen M-" any requests, just address your
13,, -,'°. !
.:k': ...,_.,a ........ e t' ldtter to" Voice of CaLvary, KGY,
weanesaay evening servm n at .... " " """ sl" / ,
8 p. m, Reading room Wednesday ulympta, wa .
6:45 to 7:45 p. m.; Friday, 2:00 to .......
,oo,,,,, ,.,+,,o ++.. '-"UlCKEES'--
i . . . ' • Matlock Church Receives II
j vitem • •
I .......... ElectrncRy on Saturday
I'ROCIBAM Electricity will be installed in CH RILD ENS UNDERW as modern as tomorrow. No buttons, no fasteners of any
The next Christian Science nro the new Matlock MisL,on Church, kind. Made of two-way stretch with lastex. Self-help backs. Made in fine ribbed cottons
_ , ,. ......... +,, )..,'¢h. 4o( the rebuilt oi grange hall Sat- or 10 peroent wool and allk mix with rayon. Perfect f tting. Ages 1 year to 16 years.
umbia West Coast Churth of the urday, and a series of special meet- Shorts and vest tyles. 60¢ to 69€ garment.--
Air will be conducted by Mr. A1- ings started.
Chrlst,bertRus'elIKillg°re'a f°rmer TheMatI°ekMisM°nehurchlSscientls)t, o+o c+ ,, ,, 39C
First Reader of First Church of now completely organized with a
board of directors, a Sunday ,chool
fornia, Sunday morning, Novcm- program, a deed for the property
her 5, from 8:00 to 8:30. and building given by Soph Jacob- 15 pernt wool oombined with silk and
sen in its possession, and a re- cotton. Vest and pantie styles. Sizes --
auspices of the Chrlstian Science modeled and painted church in small, medium, large. .
Committee on Publication f o r which to operate.
Southern California, with the sane-
r. tion of Th Christian Science Young Lutherans Hear f-,e"
Board of Directors of The Mother
Junior Choir rehearsal every wlth anyone having arguments for SWAGGERS
Friday at 4:15. or against said application having
" The Walther League meets on the right to be hea.rd. S16 5
. Monday, November 13 at 7:30. .........................
: A new Adult Membership Class Don McKay Applies For
, gets underway in about a week.
Call tile pastor for further tnfor- Purchase of Tinfberland
Thankaglving Day services Nov- Olympia, Nov. 7. --.- Albert C. Popular for campus or town
ember 23, at 9:30 a.m, Martin, Commissioner of Public trottersl Wear yours on t h •
"The Bible, diamondlike, casts Lands, this week accepted an ap- tweed or gabardine dPer-
its lu..tre ir every" direction; torch- plicathm to purchmse timber on
like, the more it is shaken, tle the SW'4. SE,,I of section 14. feet all-weather ooats• Parka
more it shines: herblike, the more township 23 north, range .5 west hood to match.
it is pressed, tie sweeter its fro- in Mason County, filed by Don H.
grance." (I¢ ].)ettes C.ollcction). [MeKay, Shelton, Washington.
Oil Silk combined with rayon.
Smart border and panel treat-
ments. Two-color print oil silks
in floral and geometrio designs.
16-inch rib gilt frames; Fine
quality handles with Ups and fer-
rules to match. In many colors
and black and white.
Church, in Boston, an,, may be Program, Attend Meet -
following Columbia stations: A group of Lutheran young pro-
KIRO, Seattle; KVI, Tacoma; pie met at Mount Olive church on
KFPY, Spokane; KOIN, Portland. Hlllcrest last Sunday at 1:30,
......................... where they gathered about the ra-
dio ancl listened to Dr. Walter A. 98¢ $1 25 $1 45
g ZION TABERNACLE Mater on the Lutheran Hour.
8rd an(I (Jrov@ Mtreet 9 * 9 •
Shortly after the broadcast they
M. OLSEN, Pastor. left in cars for the Walther Lea- Let it storm and let it rain, for you'll be high
flunday school .................. 2:00 p.m.
gue Rally at Olympia, returning and dry with Goodrich Shuglov and fine Ga- ,\\;;b
Afternoon service ............ 2:30 p,m. in the evening at nine after a loshes! Reinforced at soles and the heels. Sizes
Evening service ............... 7:30 p.m. splendid convention at the Worn- 3'].:, to 10. All heel heights.
e Wednesday: en's Club House In the capitol CHILDRENS sizes from 5 to 3
Prayer meeting ................ 7:30 p.m. city.
Everybody welcome.
,o, cm,,,, s.,.¢+ ru"'" c ear:n-,g n
r "a " , c .OAO. astor P it Th d $1.95 to $2.95
Sunday School at 10 o'clock and
0 church at 11 o'clock at Old Grange erm urs ay c.,-o. w.,TE GA-OS.S .................... ,,.,,
@ Hall at Matloek.
Public hearing will be held on
1 CHURCII chambers at the city hall by the )
R. C. Muhly, Mi,ister special committee of city council-
1517 Division - Phone 395-M men appointed to investigate the
O application made by James Roush $1.39, $1.98, $2.98
Morning worship every Sunday for a buildlng permit to establish
• at 11:00, with Sunday School at a, car wrecking busines at Fair-
9:45. The Sunday School children mont and Olympic highway on Reversible
are now in the rebearsal for Hillcrest.
Christma work. The meettnff will open at 7:30
Of all the nation's public days, Armistice
Day is one that should be earnestly ob-
served by every American. It's a day for
tribute and thought.
(Prices effective Nov. 9 and 10)
Peanuts, 2-lb. bag ............
Fancy Virginia, fresh from the roaster.
Broil Nuts, 2 lbs
Graded and washed. Lge. size. Crisp, delicious meats.
L. M. Blend
Coffee, l-lb. 23¢; 2-1bs. 45; 3-1bs.
High in quality, low in price. Fresh roasted and
your individual order.
Toilet Soap, 6 bars
French milled in an assortmenl of'fi'n: ;Sfume:.'gal
Lilac, Castile, Pine, Verbenia. (Some numbers in this +
rnent retail for 10€ bar).
7 L,¢ 25¢
7 L00lW ,,¢
r_[ 1 SH°m)lm0 SUGAR
6-1bs Extra fine granulat,
3-,b ...... " , lO-lb, bag..
Golden H a I ILi "
Dates, z lbs ..................
Vresh, new crop.
Nalley's "Lumberjack"
Syrup, 5-lb. pails .... .........
I otato Chps, 3 pkgs ...........
PANC, I(E & WAft[
48-oz. pkg ...........
Just add water--stir--and bake.
I Rich and tasty . . . chuck full of fruits and nuts.
I l-lb. size ................................................ 25¢
I 2-lb. size ................ . ...................... ........ ;. 50¢
I 5-lb. size ............................................ $1.25
I Handy to keep on the shelf for the unexpected O--(,I) 2
Seedless Raisins, 2-lb. bag ....
Milk Chocolate Bars, 2 bars ..
Hershey $ economy size, large 7-oz.
Arizona Grapefruit, doz .......
Seedless . . . 80 size.
Cranberries, 2-1bs .............
Western grown.
Sweet Potatoes, 6-1bs. ........
U. S. No. 1 smooth, uniform stock.
Apples 10-1bs 25¢; box
Eat more apples . . . help the apple farmer. Fancy
WinesapFancy and Extra.
Celery ............... . .......
Utah green, large, crisp stalks,
Onions, 10 lb bag
m • o e • • e e • • & • •'
Yakima No. 1. i
Average weight 31./2 Ibs.
LEGS of PORK ........ lb.
Fine for roasting.
All center cuts,
READY-TO-EAT HAMS ................ lb.
Armour's, Carsten's, Swlft's.
HAM and VEAL LOAF .................... lb.
OYSTERS .......................................... pint
Medium Size.
ARMOUR'S DOG FOOD, 3 No. 1 cas
ROAST BEEF ..................................... lb.
Young heifer beef.
SHORT RIBS of BEEF ................ 2.1bs.
Lean and meaty.
Rath's Tender, Mild
HAMS ...........................................................
/4 size. Weight l-lb., 13-oz$.
Lumbermen's Mere.