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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 9, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 9, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ivember ‘ . ; DEGREE .15 was a , .d::::.C:.:T’RKELEY ‘ ER PUMPS r Every Pu rpése H BROTHERS Manes ONIC HALL Union SpOnsored by elton Eagles i iclor's prescrip nded by your R mist, and bot research and is symbolic of r health to co WAR 8‘ I es Orchestra ANOSi day, NOV. ssion 60¢ per person Tax included ‘ng 9:00 to 1:00 P’S DR I TORE 1in Gi.’ if M i NCRETE 'y a“ ASONRY ir picture i5» TS for Walls ie whole fa 'II‘III to get at only you . Our expert I Foundations hers take life-like r STRONG '15 achieved adern equip PERMANENT your app today to .E'B’fiiiiiifl‘s SHELTON ONCRETE ODUCTS CO. the rush. ndrew enth St. Bridge PHONE 123 ito Stu , t \H ) 'k ' ROCERIES ESH MEATS FRUITS NEST FOODS AT BEST PRICES HOODSPORT HOME OANS venith Terms onable Rates u DELAY ‘ an Association Insurance Bldg. Olymp :' “his: TY MARKET I; , November 9, 1944. ‘ I I l I l I i I l I I l I I l I l l l I l l i i County Savings . Dose of NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION IN’ 1W. R. IVIODONALD, ET AL, For the THE CITY OF SHELTON AND IN THE TERRITORY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that aspccial election will he lurid in the City of Shelton on Monday, the” 4th day of December, 1944. for the pur— suhmitthig to the qualified i-lectors of said City and of said here- inafter described territory, the pro— DOSIIIOII of annexing to the City of Shelton and of including within the corporate limits 0f of the said City Shelton, the hereinafter described territory, to-wit ' Beginning on City Limits line at Southeast corner of Northeast quar— ter of Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence South on section line between Sections 30 and 29, Township and Range aforesaid, to the South- east corner of Northeast quarter of said Section 30; thence East on cen— ter line of Section 29, Township 20 North, Range 3 West. W.M., to the East boundary of Puget Street: ex- tended South, which line is the North and South center line of the said. Northeast quarter of said Section 29. Township 20 North, Range 3 West. W.M.; thence North along said cen- ter line to the United States Govern— i ment Meander Line, North Of and ad- gacent to Government Lot 5, Section 20. Township 20 North, Range 3 West. thence Westerly along said United States Government Meander Line to the North and South center lines through said Section 20, Town- ship 20 North, Range 3 West. W.M.; thence. South along said center line followmg present City Limits line to South line 01 said Section 20, Town- ship 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence _ West. continuing City lelts 11118, being on South line of Section 20. Township 20.North. Range West. W.M., to the West right-of—way_ol 'the Olympic Highway; thence continuing on present City Limits line Southerly on West right- of—way line of Olympic Highway to the Easterly extension of McKinley Street: thence Westerly continuing on City Limits line, being the South line of McKinley Street extended Easterly, to the East line of Boundary Stree thence South on existin City Limits line, being the East line of Bonn. dary Street, to the. pomt of begin-. ning. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polls will be open at said election .from 8 o’clock in the morning until 8 o‘clock in the evening. Polling places shall be as follows: In the territory hereinabove described. Stanley Spiller Residence; in the City of Shelton— Precinct 1, Shelton City Hall; Precinct 2, Mason County Court House; Pre- cinct _3, Shelton High school Gym- nasium; Precinct 4, Vern Davidson residence, Eillinor Avenue; Precinct 5, Mrs. Martha Jacobs residence, Turner Avenue: Precinct 6, Mason County Welfare Building, Railroad Avenue: Precinct 7, Bordeaux School; and Precinct 8, Grant Lumber Com— pany'VOffice. First Street, the above described polling places being those generully used for voting purposes, both in the City of Shelton and in the hereinabove described territory. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the following named persons have. been aDDOIIltcd as election officers for the followmg named polling places. to-Wit: 'For the hereinabove describ— ed territory sought to be. annexed to the City of Shelton—Laurie B. Hill, Inspector. Stanley Spiller and Mrs. Rae Melcum._ judges; Shelton Precinct No. l—Etta Rector, inspec- tor, Helen B. Cole and Grace Stevens, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 2mCai-_ rie Durand. inspector, Alberta Land- ers and Mamie Earl, judges; Shel- ton Precinct No. 3——Teckla Anderson, inspector. Annette Munson and Max- ine Briggs, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 4——E. Len Smith, inspector..Esther Morgan and Jeanne Zintheo, Judges; Shelton Precinct No. 5——Eula Quinn, inspector, Arvilla Wiley and. Martha Jacobs judges: Shelton Precmct No. G-Letha Quinn. inspector, ‘Bcrtic McKinney and Ethel Carlson, Judges; Shelton Precinct No. 7—Helena Mc- Cann, inspector, Virginia B. Lund and Viola Danielson, judges; Shelton Precinct NO. S—Marian Hillman, in- spector, Inez Shorter and Allena L. Spring, judges. The electors entitled to vote thereon shall be invited to vote. upon such proposition by placing upon their ballots the words “for annexation" or “against annexation," or words equivalent thereto. By order of the City Council, dated this 26th day Of October, 1944. A. K. McCAMPBELL, City Clerk. 10—26»11-2-9—16-23-—~5t Here at Last Medium Size Rolls cotch'Tape I/2 and 3%., Inch with one inch core also Plastic a n (1 Metal Dispensers to fit. Also large rolls of half inch tape 1 Journal Office —— llll’ vouii FlllllT BY non FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, E‘“- Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: l"eaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for la. and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLAN DER, President UGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES ES! Cliff Wivell’s CERTIFIED TEXAOO SERVICE Representative in Mason County for Oil & Wood ‘ — - ‘— PRODUCTS COMPANY High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils .‘ 1' I . . ‘Iympia for the v lresses! ' 'der def rts and ...and o: PROMPT SERVICE Hit and Franklin Phone 397 i LEGAL PUBLICATIGNS i on present , l I i i g l v Washington. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF PUBLIC ALLEY BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Petition of vacation of a portion of an alley be- tween Lot 16, Block 2 and Lot 1, Blodk l. in the plat of Hoodsport, ac- cording to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the. Auditor of Mason County. State of Washington. NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that W. R. McDonald, et al, have filed with the Board of County Commis- sioncrs of Mason County, Washington, a petition to have vacated the fol— lowing described portions of an alley in the Original Plat of Hoodsport, to-wit: A certain alley, 16 feet ln width, commencing at the eastern edge of State Highway No. 101, running thence east between Lots 16, Block 2. and Lot 1. Block 1, and ending at the water edge of Hoods Canal, thet total distance being about 65 fee . NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that in accordane with said petition said Board has entered .an order fixing the hearing on said petition for the 7th ~day of November, 1944, at the hour of 10 o'clock. A. M., said hearing to be held at the office of the Board in the Court House at Shelton, Wash- ington, at which time any person in- terested in said matter may appear and. be heard by the Board for or against the granting of said petition. Dated. this 30th day of October, 1944. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board Of County Commissioners for Mason County, Washington. 11-2-9—2l7. NOTICE -OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF PUBLIC ALLEY BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON. In the Matter of the Petition of CHARLES A..McCARTI-IY, ET AL. For the vacation of a road (platted but not. constructed) in Concord Beach Addition, according to the re- corded plat thereof in the Office of the Auditor of Mason County, State of Washington. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Charles A. McCarthy, et al. have filed with the Board of County Commis— sioners of Mason County. Washington, a petition to haVe vacated the fol-. lowing described road (street) in Con- cord Bcacli Addition, tO—WIt: A platted road or street 40 feet in width, commencing at approxi~ mately 600 feet west on the side road running west from Concord Beach Road No. 231, running thence between tracts 10 and 11 (Road platted but not constructed), and ending at Hammersley Inlet, the whlole distance being about.1/5 mics. ' NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that in accordance with said petition said Board has entered an order fixing the hearing on said petition for the 27th day of November, 1944, at the hour_ of 10:30 O'clock, A. Bald hearing to be held at the office of the Board in the Court House at Shelton, Washington, at which time any person interested in said matter may appear and be heard by the Board for or against the granting of said petition. 194Dialed this 30th day of October. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners for Mason County, Wash. 11-2-9—2t. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF SHELTON AND IN THE TERRITORY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED NOTICE ISIIEREBY GIVEN that a_spec1al election will be held in the City of Shelton on Monday, the 4th day of December, 1944, for the pur- pose Of submitting to the qualified electors of said City and of said here- inafter described territory, the pro— position of annexing to the City of Shelton and of including within the corporate limits of the said City of Shelton, the hereinafter described territory, to—wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the North— west quarter of Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence South on the North and South center line of the Northwest quarter of Sec- tion 30, Township 20 North, Range 3 West,.W.M., to the East and West center. line of Section 30; thence East on said center line of Section 30 to the Southeast corner of the Northeast uarter Of said Section 30; thence orth on line between Sections 29 and 30, Township and Range afore- said, to the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter Of the Northeast quarter of the aforesaid Section 30, which point is on the existing City Limits line of the City of Shelton; thence West along City Limits line on the South line of the Northeast quarter. Of the Northeast quarter, aforesaid Section 30, to the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of aforesaid Section 30; thence North along the existing City Limits line on the West line of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, aforesaid Section 30, to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the‘ Northeast quarter of aforesaid. Section 30; thence West along ex1sting City Limits line on the East and West line between Sec- tions 19 and 30, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., to point of be- ginning. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polls will be Open at said election from O’clock in the morning until 8 0 clock in the evening. Polling places shall be as follows: In the territory hereinabove describedh Mrs. John Bariekman Residence; in the City of Shelton—Precinct 1, Shelton City Hall; Precmct 2, Mason County Court House; Precinct 3, Shelton High school Gymnasium; Precinct 4, Vern DaVidson residence, Ellinor Avenue; Precinct 5, Mrs. Martha Jacobs resi- dence, Turner Avenue; Precinct 6, Ma- son County Welfare Building, Rail- road Avenue; Precinct 7, Bordeaux School; and Precinct 8. Grant Lum- ber Compan Office, .First Street, the above described polling places being those generally used for voting pur- poses, both in the City of Shelton and, In the hereinabove described territory. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the following named persons have been appointed as election officers for the followin named olllng places. to-wit: For t e herema ove described territory sought to be annexed to the City of Shelton~Mrs. John Bariekman, inspector, Mrs. _C. Surrat and Mrs. J. A. Cetnar, Judges; Shelton Pre— cinct No. 1—Etta Rector, ins ector, Helen B. Cole and. Grace Sevens, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 2—Car- rie Durand, inspector,.Al‘berta Land- ers and Mamie Earl. Judges: Shelton Precinct No. 3—Teckla Anderson, in- spector, Annette Munson and. Maxine Briggs, judges; Shelton Precmct No. 4—E. Len Smith. inspector. *_Esther Morgan and Jeanne Zintheo, Judges: Shelton Precinct N0; 5—1311“! Qumn. inspector, Arvilla Wlley and, Martha Jacobs, judges; Shelton Precmct No. 6—Letha Quinn, inspector, Bertie Mc- Kinney and Ethel Carlson, Judges; Shelton Precinct No. fl—Helena Mc- Cann, inspector, Virginia. 13. Lund and Viola Danielson, judges; Shelton Pre- cinct No. S—Marian Hillman, inspec- tsor, Inez(i Shorter an Allena L. rin , 'u es. I)ThegeliJectogrs entitled to vote thereon shall be invited to vote 11 on. such proposition by placing upon heir, bal- lots the words “for annexation' .or “against annexation,” or Words equiv- alent thereto. By order of the City Council, dated this 26th day of October, 1 44. A. K. McCAMPB LL, 't C1 rk. Cly e 26—11-2-9-16-23—5t 10- And care of your ca for auto painting, body and fender work has been installed. Appointments accepted by tele- phone. Free estimates. Auto Painting a Specialty; 407 South First St. men's AUTO 31:31:11.1) v FOR YOUR PROTECTION . ‘. . Jack Middleton SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL State of \Vashlngton ' OFFICER OF.SUPER\'ISOR OF HYDRAULICS Olym in . NOTICE OF W TER. RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 6225 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby aiven that W. R. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: fl room house on I‘IIIII oi-est. Price $950. See Geo. L. Bar-I her. 16311:;- So. Holman St., Sllielgon. 1-. —2..2l ' McDonald of Hooasport. State of r , , ' Washington, under date of October FOR SALE: 5409’“ mo‘lemv mm‘ 30. 1944. filed with the State Supcr- lshed house $3300- Will take large visor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Waslr “all” pm“ Payment Infill”? ington. an application for a permit D- 14- LOHdFF‘)’. PmFS Auto Camp to divegt the publg'twaters on {an StOPF- 10‘26“11‘9 unname sirin: tri u or of on s . , Canal, in tile agmount of I101. subject FOR SALE: 4 rooms Wlth bath and to existing lights, continuously each utility. Foundation laid and mater-I the purpose of domestic supply: that the approximate pomt of diversion is located within Gov. Lot 3 of Section 12. Township 22 N., Range 4 W.W.M.. in Mason County. A map showing the location and plan of said diversion and the place of the proposed use is on file in the office of the State Supervisor of Hy- draulics. Olympia, Washington, to- gether with such other information as is required by law. Any person, firm whose right will be injuriously af- fected by said application may file with the State Supervisor of Hydrau- lics, at Olympia. Washington, such objections or representations, in writ- ing, as he may desire to make. Within thirty (30) days after date of last gugggiition, which date is November Witness my hand and official seal this 30th day of October, AD. 1944. (SEAL) , CHAS. J. BARTHOLE'I‘. State Supervisor of Hydrpflligsé year for or corporation ORDINANCE NO. 390 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING AN EMERGENCY EXISTS REQUIRING THE EXPENDITURE OF APPROX- IMATELY $10,000.00 AND PROVI — INC} FOR THE ISSUANCE OF E - ERGENCY WARRANTS IN THE SUM OF $10.000.00. WHEREAS, when the Budget of the. City of_ Shelton, Washington for the fiscal year 1944, was adopte , it Was impossible to secure materials or ma; chinery for hard- surfacing City Streets; and _WHEREAS. during the year 1944 it. became possible to secure such niatet‘ials and equipment for hard sur- lat'lng‘ the City Streets; and WHEREAS, many of the. streets in Shelton desperately reduired hard sur- facing and an emergency exists re- quiring the expenditure of approxi- matFIY $10,000.00 for hard surfacing the:l streets of the, City of Shelton: an WHEREAS, such emergency could not have reasonably been foreseen at the time of making the 1944 Budget, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CO N- CIL OF THE CITY OF SHELTON. WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That an emergency ex- ists requiring the expenditure of.ap- proximately $10,000.00, for materials, labor and equipment required to. hard surface certain streets in ,the City of Shelton, Washington. _ SECTION II: That such expendi- tures for material and equipment be made and emergency warrants issued in the sum Of $10,000.00 in payment thereof. SECTION III: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days from and afte its passage and publication accordln to law. INTRODUCED in regular Council Igiiting this 19th day of October, PASSED in regular Council Meeting this 2nd day of November, 1944. Approved: J. L. CATTO, Mayor. Approved as to. form: CHAS. R. LEWIS.‘ City Attorney. Attest: , A. K. McCAMPBELL, City Clerk. (SEAL) 11-9—1t. No. 1644 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND P TITLON FOR . DISTRIB TION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of SARAH A. MOORE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Elmer E. Moore, Administrator of the estate of Sarah A. Moore, de- ceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court his final re- port and petition for distribution, ask~ ing the court to settle and approve the same, distribute the property .to the persons thereto entitled, and dis- charge the saig Administrator. NOTICE IS URTHER GIVEN that said final report and petition for dis- tribution will be heard on Saturday, the 18th day of November, 1944, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fore- noon, at the court room in the court house in Shelton, Washington. Dated this 7th day of October, 1944. (SEAL) , CLARE ENGELSEN, County Clerk, Mason Wash‘iggton. CHAS. R. LE _ , Attorney for said estate. Suite 1, Lumbermen's Building, Shelton, Mason Countv. Washin ton. 1049-26—1» -9——4t County, N0. 1685 ,NOTICE. TO CREDIT RS IN THE SUPERIOR,COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ‘IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In t e M'tter of the Estate. of CHARL S RANCIS CARVER, De- ceased. ‘ Notice is hereby giventhat the un- dersi ned has been.appolnted and has quail-led as admin strator of the abOve entitled estate; that all per- sons having clalms against. said de- ceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly veyrlfied, on sat Ch r- les '1‘. Wright 0 Chas. T. rig t, attorney of record at the addresses be: low stated, and file the, same with the Clerk of said Court, to ether with proof of such serv1ce,._vrith n six months after the‘dete~ of first pubiia cation of this notice or, the same Will be barred. . Date of first publication, October 19, 1944 A.D. . . CHARLES 'T. WRIGHT, Admin stratbr of said Estate, 311:1th DWI Angle 31:13., 8 0 II on CHARLES T.. Attorne for Estate. at: scare: E n, In . , Nansen-2.9.4:. No. 1638 . NOT on T0 cnmnrron . sailors 9?: at THE COUNTY orfliflsoii In the 'Matter of the estate of Eva Ames Binns, Deceased. . Notice is hereby given that the un- der'signed . Townshi has been appointed and has ial to complete fifth room. Two lots, good view. Inquire Journal office. J10-26—11-9 FOR SALE: 80 acre farm in Kamil- che Valley. 20 acres cleared. Old house, barn, electricity, water sys- tem. Cash or terms. Route 1. 115. Phone 9F3. Til-9.1217 SALE: by owner: new modern, BOX l i 2-bedroom home. Double corner. Reasonable. Phone 404R. 11-2-16 HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT: fine mountain View lot near Alderbrook on Hood Canal. Per- fect sandy beach. 110 ft. of Waterfront and tide lands. Wa- ter rights. For information see Herbert G. Angle, Shelton, Wn. 8-3tfn. mv'v 'W'vvvvwv USED CARS .LAA- L‘AA‘Afifl‘ALAL FOR SALE: 1937 Plymouth sedan. Excellent . pro-war rubber. Good shape, radio, heater and extras. Wil- liam D. Fox, Rt. 2, Box 114. Shelton. 11-2-16 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF SHELTO‘N AND .IN THE TERRITORY HE EINAFTEB DESCRIBED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a'special election will be held in the City of Shelton on Monday, the 4h day of December, 1944, for the ur- pose of submit ing to the qual fled electors of sai City and of said hereinafter described territory, the proposition of» annexin to the City Of Shelton and ot' inc uding within the corporate limits of the said City of, Shelton, the hereinafter described territory, to-wit: Starting at a point where the West- erly line of State Secondary High’way No. 14-A intersects the Northerly line of Section 20, Township 20 North, Range 9 West, W.M., Mason County, Washington thence following .the Westerly line of State Secondary Highway No. 14-A in~ a Northerly di- rec ion to the Eastllne of Section 17, 20 North. Range 3 West. W.M.; t 'ence Northerly on said East ,section line to the Northeast corner ,of the Southeast quarter of Section I 17. Township 20 North. Range 3 West, thence-Westerly on the quar- ter section line}?I to the Northwest corner of the ortheast quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 18, Town- ship 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence Southerly on the West line of said Northeast quarter of Southeast Quarter, Section .18, . Tovmship 20 North, Ranges West, W.M., to Exist- ing City Limits, being the Southwest corner of said Northeast uarter of Southeast. quarter, Section 8, Town- ship 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence East along existing City Lim- its line to the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter of Section 18, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; ,thence South along existing City Limits line to Southeast corner Of Section 18, Township 20 North, Range 3 West. thence East along existin City Limits line, being the said Nort line of Section 20,- ToWnship 20 North, Range} West, W.M., to the place of beginmn . , . NOTIC IS FURTHER GIVEN that the polls WIII be open at said election from 8 o'clock in the mornin until 8 o'clock in the evening. oiling places shall be as folloWs: In the territory hereinabove described, Fran- ces J. Cole Residence; in the Cit of Shelton—Precinct 1, Shelton City all; Precmct 2, Mason County Court House; Precinct 3, Shelton High school Gymnasium; Precinct 4, Vern DaVidson residence, Ellinor Avenue; Precinct 5, Mrs. Martha. Jacobs resi- dence, Turner Avenue: Precinct 6, Mason County Welfare Building, Rail- road Avenue; Precinct 7, Bordeaux School: and Precinct 8, Grant Lumber Company office, First Street, the above described polling places being those generally used for voting pur- poses, bothdn the City Of Shelton and in the hereinabove described territory. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the following named persons. have been appomted as election officers for the .following named oiling places, to-wit: For the heroine ove described territory sought to be annexed to the City of Shelton—Vera Cole, inspector, Ida Armstrong and Sybel Ristine, Judges; Shelton Precinct NO. 1— Etta Rector, inspector, Helen B. Cole and .Grace Stevens, judges; Shelton Precmct No. Z—Carrie Durand, in- s ector, Alberta Landers and Mamie arl, judges: Shelton Precinct No. 3 ——Teckla Anderson, inspector, Annette Munson and Maxine Briggs, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 4—E. Len Smith, inspector, Esther Morgan and Jeanne Zintheo, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 5—Eu1a Quinn, inspector“ Arvilla Wil- ey and Martha Jacobs. Jud es; Shel- ton Precinct No. 6—Letha utnn, in- s ector, Bertie McKinney and Ethel , arlson, judges; Shelton Precinct No. 7—Helena McCann, inspector, Vir lnla B. Lund and Viola Danielson. .‘lu es: Shelton Precinct No. S—Marlan ill- man. inspector, Inez Shorter and Al- lena L. Spring, jud es. The electors entitle to vote thereon shall be invited to vote upon such proposition by placing'upon theirnbal- ots the words “for annexation 01' “against annexation," or words equiy~ alent thereto. , By order of the City Council. dated this 26th dag of October 1944. A. .McCAMPBELL. Cit Clerk. . y 10-26—11-29-16-23—5t No. 1635 NOTICE. To CREDITOR? . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 0 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of ILVA ANDERSON, An insane per- son. Notice is hereby given that the undersi ned has been appointed and has qua ified as guardian of the estate of the above named person: that all 'persons having claims against. said person are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified. on said guardian or Charles '1‘. Wright, at- torney of record at the address below stated, and file the some With the Clerk of said, Court, together With proof of such service, Within six months after the date of first pub- lication of this notice or the same will be barred. qualified as executor of the above .. ,_ entitled estate;' that all persons hav- balsa? £324 ting publication’ Novem ing claims, against said deceased are WALTER GEORGE hereby required to 39 e the same. Guardian of said Es'tate duly verif ed, on 88.1 e center or Shelton Washington“ ' his attorneys 'of rocord at t e address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with within six proof of such service, months after the 'date of first publi— cation of this notice or the some Will be barred. _ . 1911:35am of first publication October 26, r . .. .. ._ . , 4,5, ROBERT A. BINNS. Executor of said Estate Address 514 Fidelity Bldg., . Tacoma, Washington. Williamson, Binns & Cunningham Attorneys for Estate 514 Fldelit Bldg” Tacoma, ashington 10- 6—11-2-9-16—41: r the latest equipment Phohe 340 CHARLES T. .WRIGHT Attorney for Estate Angle Building Suit! No. 7 Shelton, Washington. in 11-9-16-23-30—4t. No. 1690 NOTICE TO CBEDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of HULDA MAY CARR, An insane per- son. Notice is hereby given 'that the undersi ned has been appomted and has qua ified as guardian of the estate of the above named person: that all persons having claims _aga1nst said person are hereby 're uired to serve the same, duly verier on said guar- dian or Charles T. Wright, attorney of record at the address below stat- ed, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with roof of such service, within six man! s after the, date of first publication of this notice or the same will be be red. Date of first publication, ovem- bar 9, 1944 AD. LELA BALL, _ Guardian of said Estate. CHARLES T. WRIGHT, Attorney for Estate Angle Building Suite NO. 7 Shelton, Washington. 11—9-16-23-30—4t. Journal WantAds get Results! VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvv FOR SALE rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv _ FOR SALE or TRADE: rabbits. one buck. 21 little ones included. 2. Box 98 (Dayton). docs, Hutches Star Route FOR SALE: large Monarch All cast iron, $15. 411 Phone 478.1. FOR SALE: Harvard sawmill power merit. Steam power. Elma. Route 1, Box 128. FOR s'ALEz—Wiiite Collie pups, Mell Route 1. phone 7F]. Saeger, 11-9—23 FOR SALE: teamof mules with har- home-made nests. good work horse, tractor. H. Hamilton. Route 2, Box 293, Agate. 11-9 FOR SALE: professional xylophone. 1931 Master. Buick coupe. Write R.F.D. Box 70, Slath. 2. Pan- handle Lake. A11—9-23 Two A. W. Rainey lI-9~23 heater. 14 foot cut. 48" saw. shingle attach— Alvin Butler. 11-9-23 Bll~9—23 ‘ i FOR SALE- FOR SALE: Oil burner suitable for 50 feet tubin. 5-rooms. V Johnson. 1529 Summt Drive. A. ______.____._._.————-———— FOR SALE: 18x40 heavy Inquire Journal. 11 -9-23 . $60. Phil tarpatilin. Fl 1-9-16 FOR SALE: white enamel tor, copper coils, Foyd $40. Walters. Mill FOR SALE: Road. heav pair 0 incinera- good condition. Creek 11-9 halter broke? 3~yea'r_ old col s. Li'it er Har- rcll's Belgian stock. son. 5196B. Albert Glea- Rt. 2. Ellensburg, Wash. 1519.3 ____.__._————-————— FOR SALE: 3 16" tires and tubes, wheels. ' 30. 1!, h.b. $ ’37 Chev. motor, sprayer with White enamel coils, $60. 611 Dearborn. on Paint $25. range with Copper All-9 FOR SALE or TRADE: 20-foot cus< tom built house trailer. Gas range. I l mvvvvvvs": WWW FOR SALE vavvvvvvvvvvm iFOR SALE: buzz saw on skids. 32" Taylor's $40. 11-9-23 r) motor, saw. gasoline Route Jersey Farm. 1600-LB. BLACK GELDING, 8 years old. Excellent work horse. Donald Ragan, Star Route 1. Box 140. Shel- : ton. 11-9-23 tables and chairs. Several children‘s wooden trucks and other articles. 225 South 6th. Bil-9- children’s ,TRAILER HOUSE FOR SALE: $50. Clarence Wivell, Route 1, Box 1. 11’—2-9 NO PRIORITY ITEMS IN STOCK 24x6 Rabb't Cedar Siding 1/éx8 Be'v. Cedar Siding 1x4 Cedar Ceiling 1x10 Cedar Finish 8 and 12" Knotty Pine 3/8" Insulating Board Standard Balsam Wool , A limited amount of 1x4 Fir Flooring \1x8 Fir Shiplap and 2xlls GRANT LUMBER CO. Phone 106 11-2-9 FOR SALE: good cow, giving milk. Gives better _than 16 quarts day. Will be fresh in February. $85. rs. Eunice McCowan, Route 2. 301:; 22g; built-ins, truck tires. Newly refin- ished in‘ideumd out.UW.rite Floyd t FOR SALE; wicker baby buggy, In]. Davis, 22 North DiViSion, TLIm- quire C. J. Sheppard, Route 3. water. Phone 9272. 11—9—23 11-2-16 FOR SALE: 515g months old N. H. R. FOR SALE: shee fertilizer, $1.50 pullets. O. . Archamb'ault,‘ 'Route gird, you haul. 'all Sundays only, 3. Box 166, 11-9~23 oselman Sheep Ranch. two miles WANTED: small tricycle for 3-Year“ east of Hillcrest on Arcadia Roadi old to give as Christmas present. and 3/4, mile south, 11.2-16 Call 432. . 1111-9-16, FOR SALE. Jersey cow. good milker'. FOR SALE or TRADE for cattle, Also heifer calves. Call at Mary Jane one team young hOI‘SES- A150 {01‘ Shop, So. 4th St., Shelton. 11-2-16 sale, practically new Heatrola. . Laurence Bailey, Star Rte- 2. Day— FOR SALE: cow beef for your locker. ton. 11-9-16‘ 17c pound, no points required. Also M FOR SALE: man's bicycle. 624 North 2nd, evenings. "vv'uvvsv.vvv«v armvv‘ ClaSsified Service 'Vm'vv HEMSTITCHING: 404 Franklin. Mrs. Martha. Jacobs. 2-1tfn SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE: rodeo grounds, Cole Ranch. Clarence ell. GUARANTEE pair, reasonable. Phone 10-26—11- Wiv- 9 D watch and clock re- Shelton 6F13 or H. R. Hipp. 2341 42nd Ave.. S. W., Seattle 6, Wash. Ali-9723 _L __ .___.___._____.————— CHARM-KURL PERMANENT WAVE. 59c! Do your Own Permanent With Charm—Kurl kit. Easy to do, abso- lutely harmless. Requires no electricity or machines. every lions ous movie star. Fir Drug Store. FREE! pains of Heartburn, Belchtng, sea, Gas Pains, ge Udga, at Fir Drug Store. heat. Safe for type Of hair, Praised by mil including June Lang, glamor-. 9-21—12-18 If excess acid causes you FOR SALE: goo Stomach Ulcers, Indigestion, Bloating, Nau- t free sample, 9-28—1- 4 ________._.————v—--—-“—-—"—" MASON COUNTY PLUMBING AND HEATING Contracting —— Repairing Burner Service 1616 Olympic HiWay Shelton, Wash. Phone 548 C. R. Bridges SWEDISH MASSAGE Rheumatism, o v e r W e i g h t, underweight. R e g u 1 a t e s functions of skin, nerves, digestion, circulation a n d digestion, lumbago, circula- tion and elimination. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday 9 a. m. p. m. 320 North 5th Home evenings, Navy Yard Highway A. F. Oppelt 11-2-—12-21 IF YOU WAN—’1; tgct C._,L. .00 line, .1 1? Dries)“: Pimce 24.9w- ,. Business A Maison County Electric Co. PHONE 548 1616 Olympic Highway HILLCREST Range SeWicé, Appliance Repairs and House Wiring CARPENTERS Son- in. 3- thn FOR PLUMBING Call HILLCREST HARDWARE Phone 499 Lawnmowers and Knives SHARPENED Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day Or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE 0511 at G11—9 ' i steer beef. Ted Richert, Star Route 11-2-16 1, Box 86. FOR SALE: large wood and coal cir- culating heater. Almost new, for quick sale. $25.00. Emil Schmitz, Rt. 2, Box 301, Shelton. 11-2-16 FOR SALE: Gold Medal cream separa— tor made by John Deere. Good con- dition. . Z. Thompson, Route 3. Box 152 (Arcadia Road). 11-2-16 FOR SALE: 50 red fryers, also 50 three-month old New Hampshire red pullets. Electric table model radio. L. E. Bishop, Route 3, Box 210, Shelton. 11-2-16 FOR SALE: 1941 6-horse outboar motor and 14-foot factory built Birchcraft boat. Write Jack Bun- nell (Dayton), Star Route 2, Box 55, Shelton. 11-2—16 WOOD FOR SALE: second growth: down one year. Call E. P. 215R3. d family cow. Can Ray Killmer's place. be se.en at 10-26—11-9 Route 3, Box 195. FOR SALE: peach tree ieaI curl; spray. Mail a penny postcard to the WATKIN'S MAN, 812 Franklin St., .Shelton. Home evenings Slo- IWINONA FARM WAGON for sale. i l i I with 120 bushel grain bed. All in good condition. Inquire Joe Grassl’s place, Mill Creek road. 10-26—11-9 NO HUNTING No Fishing No Trespassing Keep Off and many other SIGNS at the Journal Office FOR SALE: range, library table and other household articles. Anna Huss, 1520 Boundary (Hillcrest). 10-26—11—9 DRY ALDER and Maple slab and edgin s. 16" length. $10.00 du cord oad. Prom t delivery. F. . Nagle, Route 1. ox 116, Shelton. 23‘... i Q»... i 26%11-9 ’ 9‘28—11-30 ' MILL WOOD Delivered anywhere outside Shelton city limits. Two cord loads $7 per cord up accord- ing to distance. Leave orders at Shelton Transfer office (formerly Morgan's Transfer) or phone 66. FOR SALE: 550-gallon storage tank in good Condition. J. C. McKiel, Hoods- port, Wash. . _1o-26—11-9 I JUST ARRIVED another shipment of Chromolox Side Arm Hotwater Heaters 3000 Watt 220 volt Automatic Thermostat Heavy pro-war construction while they last $35.00 NASH BROTHERS Headquarters for Plumbing Heating Electrical Supplies Prepare for Winter We have a limited number of the following items Trippe Driving Lamps. Fog Lamps Tire Chains Tire Pumps Hunting Knives and Scissors Western Su '1 C . 218 N. First pghBOne I26 Page 7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 500. Lower rates for larger ads and more in- sermons. OReader notices 3r per word. TSr minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, $1.00; original poetry 50c per inch: classified display rates on request. Advertisemens accepted over the telolphone from phone subscribers. Cas should accompany all other orders or payment made within five (5) days of the first insertion to save expense of billing. An extra charge of IOC will be made when billing is necessary. ' PHONE 100 WANTED v---vv~vv WANTED: child‘s kiddy-car and doll buggy in good condition. Phone 385R. 11~9-2:l RELIABLE SINGLE MAN want; room and board or either. Employed permanently by local oil company. Call 326R. G119 CHRISTMAS TREES: can pay top prices for first class trees. Any- one interested to sell trees or stump- age contact C. P. Roundtree. 1700 Yew Ave. Olympia. Phoncniigfif). -.—12-7 BEAUTY OPERATORS WANTED: excellent Opportunity for the right girl. For full information write M. S. Schneider, 914 So. I St., TQCOSIEI. :II'."2:I WANTED AT ONCE: Alder and Maple logs via truck and rail. Top price. Full scale, prompt settlements. Northwest Chair Company, Tacoma, Wash. 11-2 23 WANTED: elderly woman or girl to care for children. Would get room and board. Good pay. Inquire Jour- nal offico. McClO-26—11-9 WANTED: woman to work by hour. Southside hill. Phone 191JX. F10—26~ll»9 WANTED TO BUY: salmon pole and star drag reel. Phone 39. A10-26—ll‘9 ,_.1 M WANTED: men and women Christmas tree cutters and yard workers. Con- tact or writesJ. Hofert, 121. Fourth Street, Shelton. 10-19tfn. WANTED: middle aged woman wants children to care for at her home. Mrs. R. D. Stocchll, Southside— Angle, Wyandotte Ave. Phone 133J. 10-12tl'n WANTED: Christmas or stumpage, not less than 40-acre tracts. P.O. Box 271, Kirkland, Vl’n. S10-5—12-7-2M WAITRESS and kitchen help wanted. Apply Hotel Shelton Coffee shoot o-4t n WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink feed. Phone 391J or write Andy Hansen. P.O. Box 223. 1-1tfn VVVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVV FOR RENT TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT in connection with Goldsborough Apartments. See Herbert G. Angle. 8-17tf. l ._ _. FOR RENT: furnished cottages, two and three rooms. All modern, hot water, electricity. Call 22F23. Ad- join post office. G. R. Kirk Co.. Allyn. 11—9-30 FOR BERT: room in private home. 311 Cookson. Elizabeth Butler. Phone Fourm’ _436R. 11-9-23 11-2tfn- ,FOR RENT: 2-room furnished ca- bins, water, lights and Wood. 111- quire Tin Can Cafe. J11-9-23 "vvvv, vvvvvvw Wv "‘ vvv LOST AND FOUND .WOULD PERSON SEEN taking boy’s bicycle from 223 North Fifth re— turn same at once. No questions asked. R10—26—11-9 DOST: by Standard on Station. la- dies gold Bulova watch. Blue ribbon tied to watch! Reward. Mrs. Frank Logan, 1305 Perry Ave, Bremerton. 10-26—11-9 l LOST: ladies’ at Loop‘ Stadium Sunday. Telephone 210. WILL TWO LADIES with small boy seen picking up small red change purse containing money, ring and Bulova watch please return to Jour— nal office. Reward. 11—9 .. CARD 0F APPRECIATION We wish to \express in this way our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy. kindness and assistance, also the beautiful floral offerings given us during the loss of our beloved one. Mrs. Gordon McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Adams CARD 0F THANKS In this way we wish to express our most sincere appreciation of the kind- nesses, sympathies and floral Offer- ings given us by our friends and neighbors during the loss of our be- loved one and to especially thank the men of the Shelton N.A.A.S. who conducted the military services. folding plaid umbrella Reward. P114) Mrs. Don Mathews, Dorajean and David. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mathews and family. .- - -4 '9 U4--- mvvvvc 'WOFESSIONAL CARDS ' ' REGINALD SYKES ACCOUNTING Northwestern Life Insurance Agent Accident and Health Insurance 123 Railroad Ave. Phone 30 ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers . W. A. Witslers, Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting ‘Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 128 4th 81:. Phone 665 , INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORN EY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington