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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE 50TH WEDDING ANNIVESARY of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Smith will be celebrated at an open house to be held between the hours of 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Sunday in the Elks Club. BILL AND EVELYN SMITH were married on November 10, ]928. Christine Tara Clark and Marc R. Tomlinson marry Christine Tara Clark and .on ,eptemver : "m""censlon Lutheran Church Of Thousand Oaks. Pastor Willis E. Moerer officiated at the 8 p.m. ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her parents, Graham E. Clark and Violet Clark. Parents of the groom are John R. Tomlinson and Jeanne L. Tomlinson. Maid of honor was Karen White of Agoura, California. Dale Tomlinson of Thousand Oaks was his brother's best man. Guests were seated by Don Dorman of Filmore, California, and Joe Cruz of Thousand Oaks. Winners named North-South winners for the Monday evening meeting of Shelton Bridge Club were Scotty Murphy and Bob Quimby, and Lil Updyke and Joan Renn. Winners for East-West were Victor Van Fumetti and Vaughn Sorenson, and Bey Petersen and Bettielou Nelson. The club meets at 7:15 p.m. each Monday in the PUD auditorium. All bridge players are welcome to attend. Ring-bearer was Garret M. t-h!z, cousf tl ..,m, Idaa A. Tomllnson was {he' flower girl, sister of the groom. The gift table was attended by Kristen Inglee, sister of the bride, and the guest book by Amy Tomlinson, sister of the groom. Organist was a friend of the g?oom's family, Howard Sonstegard, of Thousand Oaks. He played "Wedding Song" and "For All We Know." Christine, a 1978 graduate of Agoura High School, is employed as a nurse's aide and is working on her L.V.N. at Simi Vocational School. Marc was graduated in 1974 from Shelton High School and is employed as a mechanic for Sears in Thousand Oaks. As a junior in California Lutheran College, he is working on his bachelor's of science in management. After a four-day honeymoon in Ventura, the couple is at home in Newburry Park, California with plans to move to. Lacey, Washington in 1980. Special guests were Mrs. Lou Greenaway of Canada, grandmother of the bride, and Mrs. Jerry Pyle and Miss Julia Pyle of Shelton. r III IIII I 11111111 I GUYS' HAIRCUTS $00 Includes shampoo, cut, style Summer nuptials now announce ! A 2 p.m. double-ring and Jennifer Strata, Strata and cousin-of-the-bride for the bride and groom. Pouring ceremony in Kingdom Hall of sister-of-the-bride. Flower-girl James Strom. Mary Taffera was coffee were Edna Siegert of Jehovah's Witnesses united in was sister-of-the-bride Kristin musician. Union and Mrs. John Robinson matrimony Kimberly Lorraine Strom. At a reception held in and Terri Robinson, both of Strata and Jeffrey Allen Thein. Dave Thein was best man for Hoodsport Firehall, Kim Aberdeen. Cake was cut by Paul Strom, grandfather of the his brother. Ushers were Mark Nicklaus played "I Only Have Zanna Kadoun and Cloie bride, officiated at the July 22 Struger, uncle-of-the-bride Dane Eyes For You" as a solo dance Johnson. wedding. Parents of the bride are Mr. Serving punch were Mary and Mrs. Gene Strom of Shelton. Strom and Fay Horick, aunts of The groom is the son of Mr. and the bride, and Barry Strom, the Mrs. Dan Thein Jr. Of Aberdeen. bride's uncle. Joy Norvell of Given in marriage by her Camas, Washington was in charge of the guest book with Andee parents, the bride was attired in Woods and Laurie Johnson at a floor-length beige the gift table. Victorian-style gown trimmed with beige lace and fashioned A family reception followed with long, full sleeves and a high in the home of the bride's neckline, parents. A dinner was served, She carried an arrangement after which the bride and groom of small blue silk flowers, dried opened their wedding gifts. dark blue blossoms, baby's The groom-attended breath and small rosebuds made Weatherwax High School in by her mother from material / ! Aberdeen, and is now employed identical to that in the / at the Anderson-Middleton Mill. bridesmaids' dresses. She wore After a wedding trip to Victoria, baby's breath in her hair. .... Amanda Strom was her  B.C. and the San Juan Islands, the couple is at home in sister's maid of honor. Aberdeen. Bridesmaids were Karyn Smith, sister-of-the-groom Ginger Liechti A November trip to Hawaii is a wedding gift from the groom's parents. Canal women MR. AND MRS. M.D. (POLLY) PARRE their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunda until 6 p.m. at a reception to be held in Apartments Recreation Center. Co-hosts and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R.G. par Parrett's sister, Mrs. Betty (Crocker) La slate meeting Soot| ide Next Thursday the Hood Clover Club Canal Woman's Club will honor i Hood Canal pioneer women at k I its noon meeting in the Potlatch i m a es p a ns clubhouse. Dessert hostesses will be Mrs. Marie McCune and Mrs.  Southside Clover Club met Lily Wilkinson.   i on November 4, from 10 a.m. to Mrs. Frances Catto will tell 11 a.m. in Mrs. Rains home. the history of Hood Canal and   Attending members were its pioneers. All women, -,i !,, Cindy Tobin, John Lake, Melissa especially pioneers, are invited to ii! ...... ii: Lake, Kelly Holman, Kyle attend this meeting. Holman, Diane Herrick, Linda Permann, Rene Miller and Steres Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Allen Thein Miller. AA JLO_  The meeting started with a nneeTnng set discussion era Christmas party ,l and the drawing of names took On Tuesday Shelton United PWP t-.anning meeting set place for the exchange of gifts. Methodist Women will meet at Members discussed the 11 a.m. in the Methodist Church. Parents Without Partners will scheduled for Sunday from noon making of Christmas decorations Elizabeth Circle will hostess the hold a planning meeting at 7:15 until 4 p.m. in Bordeaux School. for Fir Lane Terrace. The noon luncheon following the p.m. today at the fairgrounds Potluck will be served, and those possibility of hosting a dance business meeting.  following the weekly potluck to attending should bring dishes and was also suggested. Marda Moore will present the be served at 6:30 p.m. A eating utensils. The December 2 meeting will afternoon program on parent-youth dance is planned by A board meeting is slated for be hosted by Steven Miller and "Thankfulness."' the organization for 7 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the home John Lake at Mrs. Rains home. SERRV handicrafts and the Friday in Lacey Community of Stella Winter, and Bob Stone Refreshments for the last new Shelton United Methodist Hall. will host coffee-and-conversation meeting were served by Kelly cookbooks will be available at The Rainier regional meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Holmao and Kyle Holman ........... THE PAR RETTS were wed on th! meeting, ' .  begin at 9 ,m. Saturday,in , ' *'K' 6"u ,  ':  ' babysitter:! Igremetbn; iCffid  laiees lI )'j will be provided. All women are be held Saturday night ]n both welcome. Tacoma and Aberdeen with _.,, areal .av. amy of SAL Pre-l00oving Sims meet Family activities are The Shelton chapter of The el Good Sams, "Tramper Sams," Alco met on the second weekend of October at Westport. Thirteen information rigs were present. school At the October meeting, set officers were elected. Glen An Al'cohol Information Hufnail is next year's wagon Great ! master; Tig Hufnail is secretary; School for the Public is M o n r o e A n t o n s e n i s scheduled. ; vice-president; and Helen The six-hour school will be offered in two three-hour reductior00S Antonsen is treasurer. The next meeting will be sessions on the second and third .... heldthisweekend. 'at Minerva Beach, Potlatch, Mondays of the month from 7 or , pm to ,0 pm on fie auditorium of the Olympia City 1., ' . Hall, Eighth and Plum Streets. r O] 1 !! Board to meet Sessions will be held on m,00rchan ,., Monday and on November 20 Mary M. Knight school board and will be presented by the __ y i will meet at 8 p.m. Monday in Thurston and Mason Alcoholism Ths ThUrsda i --the school. Recovery Council, nc rnuy'-- a a- Let Lani Fashions and A LITTLE BIT OF HAWAII Saturday. Is Presenting A Fall and Winter In our Evergreen Square Store. FASHION SHOW 7 p.m., Thursday, November 16th Watch--y( "our Grand Opening at the ill our new store at Hoodsport Cafe Featuring our 826 Railroad Avenue Jane Colby Coordinates, a variety of T/, eveningwearandhostessgowns, andof ..,,urst November 16th. course, our very Hawaiian fashions. MIIoI North of HoodIport on Highway 101 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Sack ROMMIC' COIffURE; 103 W. RNILRO,4D 4£6-4783 I - | Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 9, 1978 HOURS I0 a.m.-S p.m. Closed Mondays Appointments any other time. 877-526t ears EVERGREEN  ..... SQUARE BEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 426-8201 Most merchandise available for pick-up within 2 days rm.-, i ii