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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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(Continued from page thirteen.) Dan Dial reported a dog killing chickens. Debra Baskin reported three horses missing. P.H. Carstensen reported vandalism to a mailbox. A boat was reported adrift ill the Pickering area. Vandalism was reported at the North Shore Garage. A one-vehicle accident was reported on the Old Belfair Highway. A car-deer accident was reported on Highway 106. A disabled vehicle was reported in the ditch on Highway 3 north of Belfair. Logs were reported being taken from a gravel pit at Timberlakes. A vehicle reported stolen from the Mason Lake Marina was JourrLal ff ord Island resident is taken by death found to have been repossessed. A two-car accident was reported on Highway 101 at Hoodsport. Glen Matkins reported he found two boats adrift on tile North Shore. Wesley Tesst reported an attempt to break into a summer cabin. A one-car accident was reported on the Lake Cushman Road. A residence on Deer Creek Road was found to have been broken into. Maryanne McIntire reported a summer home broken into. A disabled vehicle was reported on the Brockdale Road. Salmon gaffing was reported on Mill Creek. Christmas-tree cutting was reported on Simpson Timber t0o00/00ed Ao00d G.O.P. Paid for by the Committee to Elect Dick Swearingen, John Hays, chairman; Ann Rose, treasurer. I I I I Watch for auction signsm !/2 mile south of Lilliwaup on Hwy. 101 CABINET SHOPRheavy duty shop equipment. Shaper, grinder band saw, stroke sander, planer - 8"x24", com- pressor, blower, joiner, table saw, E-Z feed and miter trimmer, all 3-phase. Radial-arm saw, tenenor, Remington electric typewriter, Sears multiplier, many more tools. '73 Dodge Maxi-van, 4 boats, some household, collectibles, primitives, possible antiques including St. Regis piano. by: Reliable Auction Service Company land in the Trask Lake area. George Plews reported trespassers. A sailboat was reported adrift at North Bay. Phil Allen reported damage to a parked pickup. A one-car accident was reported on the Hamma ltamma Road. A one-car accident was reported on the bridge at Hoodsport. A tree was reported across the Agate Loop Road. Mike Farell reported he found a 16-gauge shotgun. Mary Kaudill reported a pony wandered away. Milda Stockdale reported oysters being taken from a beach. A car-deer accident was reported on Highway 108. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the City of Shelton during the past week were to Charles Wagner, enclose garage area, $50O. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT October 31, 8:22 p.m., Old Timbers Inn, l l9 West Cota, grease fire in stove hood. October 31, 7:15 p.m., Jane Cuzick residence, 812 North Fifth, hot stove, $500 damage. October 31, 4:45 p.m., A.H. Wagner residence, 701 North 13th, smoke from fireplace. November 2, 3:10 p.m., Aldrich residence, 1044 East Dearborn, chimney fire. November 5, 1:30 a.m, Paul Carter residence, 1599 Dickinson, oil furnace. FIRE DISTRICT FIVE October 27, 10:12 p.m.,, fire, Harstine Island, turned out to be controlled burn. October 28, 1:14 p.m., collapsed lung, Allyn, Station 1, transported to Harrison Memorial EiospitaX,iBmmertun,.: :  ....... , October 28, 11:46 p.m., car-pedestrian injury accident, Lake Limerick, transported to Mason General Hospital, Shelton. October 29, 9:53 p.m., injury accident, Highway 3, one mile north of Shelton, transported by Mason County Ambulance, District Five responded. October 31, 9:47 p.m., possible heart attack, Lake Limerick Inn, transported to Mason General Hospital, Shelton. November 3, 2:15 p.m., minor injury accident, North Grapeview Road, non-transport. FIRE DISTRICT SIX October 30, 8:51 a.m., cottage fire by Robin Hood Trailer Village, damage to roof. Jual Slmonson Auctioneer P.O. Box 27 Q)ullcena, WA 98376 (206) 765.372o * Call or write for brochure ii i i i i ii "If you want to win the duel aflalnst inflation, invest in Puclet Sound Naltonal Bank Growth Bond. They're absolutely safe. And double In value in less than ten years: Puget Soun00ational Bank %lkMllhl t t I t ,,, _ , t , ,, ,, , ,i Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 9, 1978 By CARMEN YATES Three weeks ago last Friday Stanley Yates entered Mason General Hospital. His doctor determined that he had both a heart attack and a stroke. For a time he was in critical condition and placed in the intensive-care unit. Two weeks later he was transferred to the Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center, and it was there he died last Saturday morning. At the time of his death Stanley was 86 years old, having had his last birthday June 7 of this year. Also during June, Stanley and his wife Annie celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary on June 11: Way back in the late 1940's the couple's youngest son, Glenn, who had served in World War I1, was stationed in Bremerton. After his stint in the service Glenn lived with an older brother, Warren, in Snohomish. And while eating his lunch at work (at a slaughterhouse) one night was listening to a radio program called "Swap and Shop" and heard on there that some acreage (I 10 acres) was for sale or trade on Harstine Island. Well, to make a long story short, he traded an old car for the land. A year or so later his parents purchased the former Gus Carlson property (40 acres)just across the road from Glenn's own land purchase. (Gus Carlson was the father of lke Carlson, now a property owner at Island Shores.) After Stanley and Annie purchased the Carlson home, they launched upon a drastic remodeling of the house as well as an addition that provided modern plumbing facilities ,to replace the standard path and "one- or two-holer." Compared to their precious "dry-land" farming back in eastern Colorado, wet wonderful Western Washington was a whole new ballgame. Along with farming back in Colorado, Stan  hi p auto relair shop in ray, ColOrado, during ihe Depression, which in many cases turned out to be a nice favor rather than a paying proposition. Stanley was born in Crab Orchard, Nebraska, one of eight children which included four boys and four girls. He is now survived by one brother (Faust) and a sister, Ruby Birley, in California. Stanley and Annie Baker were married in 1917 in Wray, Colorado and had four children; one daughter, Thelma, and three sons, Harley, Warren and Glenn. After selling their property  to the John H01dens, the Yateses moved to Phillips Lake in the late 1960"s and a few years later moved back to the island, next door to son Glenn and his family. Road names are approved The Mason County Commission has approved the naming of streets in Harstene Retreat as Fox Lane, Cougar Lane and Coyote Court. The action came at the request of the broker for the plat who asked it be done for map and mail delivery identification. In recent years Stan has suffered from two broken hips, but bounced back from both injuries like a rubber ball. And, as recent as last spring, Stan had supervised the planting of a garden and although he had to use one or two crutches to help steady his balance, had even managed to do a bit of weeding himself. But by the middle of this summer his health had begun to decline to the point he could no longer partake in his favorite hobby, gardening. Funeral services were held at the Harstine Cemetery Wednesday at 11 a.m. with a quiet and very simple graveside service. Survivors included Stan's wife Annie, their four children, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Tuesday night Annie Yates was admitted to the hospital about 2 a.m. The Women's Club met last week on Thursday at the Hartstene Points Clubhouse with a potluck soup luncheon which proved to be super successful. All-told, there were six varieties; of soup plus breads and crackers. The club gained one new member, Shirley Hicks, at the November meeting. Secret sisters from last year were revealed and new ones were drawn for the coming year. Coming events included the annual trek in the fall over to our neighbor Women's Club at Pickering today. The annual Christmas show has been set for December 16. And the next meeting will be December 9 to decorate the hall. Take a sack lunch. Goldie Weber was selected as the new secretary-treasurer to succeed Millie Snyder. Catherine Bertusky and CABOVER CAMPER, 10', with jacks and Port-a-Potty, reasonably priced. Good condition. 426-5430. Bll/9 1967 FORD station wagon, $250 cash. 426-2811. Nll/9 GARAGE SALE, 247 Lake Boulevard, No. B, Saturday and Sunday, 9-5. Toddlers' clothes. c11/9 LARGE one-bedroom, newly remodelled apartment, furnished. No pets. 426-8715. Mll/9 BABYSITTER WANTED -- for weekend to stay in home. Must be reliable. 426-3317. $11/9-16 HOUSECLEANER WANTED -- age in high school or older. $3 hour. 426-9988 for interview. Mll/9 '75 FORD Granada. 41,000 miles, red, bucket seats, good running condition. $3,000. 426-7513. Kll/9 CLASS OF 1949 reunion meeting, PUD conference room, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, November 16th. Bring addresses. Please attend. $11/9 LOST NEAR Bordeaux -- tortoise-shell female cat. Reward. 426-3149. BI 1/9-16 1977 FORD LTD 2 Torino station wagon. Loaded, 28;000 miles, $5,895. 426-9672. Nll/9 FULL- OR part-time opening to show Park Lane Jewelry, on party plan. No investment, no deliveries, commission paid weekly. Call Mrs. Kempton, 821 Railroad, 426-1820, 9-5 daily. K11/9 I When something looks good in Sweden, Swedes say it's "tuft:' Something like the new Jonsereds 90 chain saw. And no matter how you spell it, the 90 is a very tough chain saw, YEAR-LONG TEST IN WESTERN WOODS With a power head that weighs Just 17 pounds, the 90 outperforms any saw its size -- and as much as ha. a "cube" bigger Why such surprising power? Cylinder and port design and a N]lasil' cylinder wall mean maximum engine efficiency. Loggers did our testing in Calitomla, Idaho. Montana, Oregon and Washington. For more than a year. The 90 sports a new cartrldge4ypo filter. Then there are the safety features Jonsereds customers ave come to expect: Hand guards. trigger guard, chain guard. Check out the "tuff" Swede at /our professional dealer's shop right away, You'll be glad you did. Jonser0000ndS SAEGER'S MOTOR SHOP 1306 Olympic Hwy S. 426-4602 New Owner:, Bob Marcy I IIIII I Doreathea Johansen, two longtime friends of LeRoy and Elanore Wagner, from Seattle, were island visitors over this past weekend. In reporting on Ted and Elsie Ness' 50th-wedding anniversary, one very special detail was deleted.., the most memorable greeting card that they received from President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter. That should be a conversation-piece for many a year to come for our island friends. We received some very good news from some former islanders, Maude and Wendal Porter, who now reside in Ventura, California. At the time the couple lived here on the island in one of the Marina Boatels, Wendal was declared legally blind. Since leaving the island his vision has deteriorated considerably more. Thus feeling he had nothing to lose by undergoing surgery recently, Wendal now has had his vision restored to 20-30. If anyone hereabouts has had either a pair of oars or a five-gallon pressure gas tank wash ashore in their vicinity, Gordon Larson wishes to make it known that he lost said items in last Friday night's storm. Friday is the next regular meeting of the Harstine Community Club. And coming up next week is the November meeting of the Grange, which will be preceded by a potluck supper. It also will include election of officers. Be reminded that just because you are not present does not necessarily mean you are immune from being elected to an office. Besides the elections, the lecturer's hour will feature slides of one of Ruth and Lloyd Goodwin's recent trips, perhaps to Alaska or Europe or the Mediterranean. 0,4 Gifts Ceramics I Macrame Register now tor Macrame' Cla Starting Tuesday, We still have openings in our Wednesday and Saturday classes and in our Wednesday class. Classes may be arrang I :] times. : * Call now for details and i regist rat ion -- Class sizes are limited. 9 Lynn Wilson Phone 426-t Located IV2 miles out Arcadia Road Rt. 3, Box 76, Shelton By Realtor REIO MASON FINANCING INCOME-I If you are contemplating the largest al the purchase of income income, property, the question of how percentage large a mortgage loan you return. should have will undoubtedly In no other arise. Those who specialize in you have the this type of real estate, almost use lever to a man, go on the percentage philosophy that income a great P property should be purchased another's)' like with as large a mortgage as estate. So, possible -- provided the mortgage property yields enough net your own income to meet mortgage If there is payments, do to helP From the standpoint of real estate investment analysis, it can be drop in at REALTY shown that this policy usually Avenue, gives the greatest capital gain, 426-4486. This Huge_ Family ONLY '16 a Square Foot! 4' - II" 4" I Ill'- l" 21020 2866 4-BEDROOM FRONT & REAR TWO BATH (Approx. enderson Centralla 736-9991 Three Locations to Serve You and 5140 Yelm Highway Across from Capitol City Golf Club Olympia, Washington 491-1222 HOW TO GET TO HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES. From 1-5 lake Laeey exit... proceed south through Laeey on College Way to Yelm Highway, turn left to HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES. From Tumwater, take Brewery exit from l-S on Custer Way, 2 bloek to Olympia-Yeim Highway. Direct mute to HENDERSON MOBILE HOMES. Mltin ...... Capitol City Golf Club 5140 Yelm.Olympia Olympia, PHONE: t206)