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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Jesters will present adult comedy Decorating Tips By Bobbye Lewis Wall covering and window treatments are the background of any room. Besides paint there are many kinds of wall coverings and nothing can transform a room as Walipaper has " pattern as well as color and sometimes texture too, so it is more versatile than paint. It can reduce or enlarge the size of a room; hide its defects; unify furnishings; and establish a mood and character for the room. Some wallpapers are washable. This means that clear water will not make the colors run. Plasticized means that the paper is waterfast and that normal smudges can be removed without damaging the paper. Serubbable paper has been treated so it can be cleaned by light scrubbing. We have over 80 wallpaper books to choose from. Complete volume of My Fair Lady $ 99 now on sale .J. per roll VIKING ,00INTERIORS I I I West Cota 426-2916 Free Estimates Convenient Terms THE MALE LEAD in "The Last of the Red Hot Lovers" is played by Charlie Brown, shown with Kysa Jackstadt, right, and Maria Warren who play two of the three female leads. Henrietta Russell, not pictured, is the third woman to receive amorous attentions in this adult comedy to be presented next the Jolly Jesters. Local foster homes needed A recruiting drive is currently underway in Mason County for families who are willing to be licensed to take foster children into their homes. A variety of homes is being sought so that the characteristics and individual needs of the child requiring placement can be matched with the most appropriate foster family. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, in good health, and willing to deal with some lroblem behavers. Experience but childless couples will be considered as will single parents. Currently, the biggest need is for families who are willing to take teenagers for either short-term or long-term placements. Another resource that is badly needed is the foster family able to accommodate sibling groups of three or more youngsters so that these family groups of young children needing placement do not have to be separated. ' Age preference and the sex of the child may be specified by the applicants. A moderate payment is made by the state to licensed homes for room and board and minimal living expenses of the children under care. Applications are welcome from all areas of Mason County but additional foster homes are especially needed within the Shelton city limits. For more information or application materials please call Heidi Henderson, the foster home licensing worker at. the Department of Social and Health Services, 426=551 I. Great American Smokeout Coach Jack Stark has been named chairperson of the American Cancer Society's 1978 Great American Smokeout. The smokeout is a lighthearted attempt to get smokers to give up the habit for one day - Thursday, November 16. Coach Stark says he would like to see Mason County smokers stop smoking that day "Even if they have to be put in a straightjacket." It is hoped that at least 1,500 of Mason County's cigarette smokers will join in this one-day abstention from smoking. "After all," Stark said, "group support helped make the smokeout so successful the past two years." Estimates indicate that more than 30% of the smokers in the United States quit on the smokeout day in 1977, according to Stark. "American Cancer has lots of support material available for people who want to give the smokeout a try," he said. "One of our main goals is to have everyone who wants to participate in the smokeout make a personal pledge to his family and friends beforehand," Stark added. "They will be sure to see that the commitment not to smoke on that day is remembered." The Great American Smokeout was originated by the American Cancer Society to "show smokers that quitting is a one-day-at-a-time commitment. "If a smoker can make it through smokeout day, he or she may be encouraged to try it for another day and another and another," Stark pointed out. Coach Stark doesn't promise the smokeout will be your first day of a non-smoking future, but he says, "It will cause you to think about it." ' "The Last of the Red Hot Lovers" is the title of the Niel Simon adult comedy now in final rehearsal and to be presented by the Jolly Jesters next week in the Moose Lodge. The dinner theater will begin with a social hour at 5:30 p.m. with dinner to be served one hour later. Eight o'clock is curtain time. A private preview is booked J for Monday night with public performances scheduled for Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. The production is directed by Darlene Castle. The comedy is the story of 47-year-old Barney Cashman who is happily married to his childhood sweetheart but feels that he has missed many of life's more exciting experiences. This part is portrayed by Charlie Brown. The three female leads are played by Marie Warren, Kysa Jackstadt and Henrietta Russell, who are the recipients of Barney i!ili Cashman's amorous advances. Tickets are available at the Music Box or at Shelton Moose Lodge. For reservations call 426-6917. Epsilon Omicron will particpate in annual bazaar Epsilon Omicron chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will participate in the annual holiday house bazaar slated for Saturday in the Olympia Community Center from 10 a.m. tO 4 p.m. Included will be a sale of Christmas gifts, entertainmertt, a cake walk and food bar. Members of Epsilon Omicron helped with the March of Dimes Walkathon on October 7. The chapter was hostess for the monthly city council meeting on October 9 at their Halloween meeting on October 16, nine visiting guests from Xi Alpha Gamma were welcomed. Other October activities held included a Halloween social on October 28 in the home of Ginger and Pat Brooks. Members and their children hosted a party at Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center on October,3 I. ,. Homemakers name officers Hillcrest Homemakers Club met recently in the home of Mrs. Lou Cowles. The meeting was called to order by new President Mrs. Charles Stepehens. Other new officers are Vice President Mrs. Dick Dodge; Secretary Mrs. Valdon Jackson and Treasurer Mrs. Lee Chapman. Chairpersons selected were: Quilts, Mrs. Charlie Dale; scrapbook and sunshine chairperson, Mrs. Alice Sisson; and publicity, Mrs. Darrell Sparks. Plans were made for the Christmas open house which will be held in the PUD auditorium from 10 aan. to 3 p.m. On November 17. The next club meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Kerrnit Livinmore on Wednesday. Plans for the Christmas party will be made. Those who attended the fail meeting at Matlock were Mrs. Charles Stepehens, Mrs. Lee Chapman, Mrs. Kermit Livermore and Mrs. Darrell Sparks. A craft show will be held in Kitsap County at Silverdale on November 30. Any club member wishing to attend should contact Predent Mrs. THANKSGIVING TURKEY 18 to 21 ibs. with #125. purchase or more. OFFER GOOD THRU NOV, 22nd FREE 1979 CALENDAR CONVENIENT TERMS OLSE00 @ m • open daily 8:30 5.30 I I III I II II I Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 9, 1978 20000' ¢g CONCEPTUALFINANCI00PLANNING 706-B CASCADE - _ .... _ .... _ • m • II mmm -- - -- ' ' A CONSUMER-ORIENTED -- WE SPECIALIZE IN: • Pure Equity Family Trusts--Living Trusts • Total Estate Planning: Protect your assets inheritance taxes. • Income Tax Planning: How to get the most for and reduce tax liability. • Total Evaluation of your life insurance portfolio, i i SEMINARS GIVEN Civic Groups, Collective Gatherings & Non-Profit COMPREHENSIVE INDIVIDI CONSULTATIONS UPON Please call 426-9672 for *CONSULTANT FEE CHARGE THIS GOLDEN RETRIEVER MIX is four months old, and she's smart and friendly. Other dogs available at the city pound this week include a five-year-old black-and-tan German shepherd female, a young male Lab, a year-old male Irish setter-Lab crossbreed, a year-old male beagle-Lab crossbreed, a two-year-old male black-and-tan German shepherd, and a six-month-old female German shepherd mix. The pound fee is $5, and all dogs purchased may receive a free examination at Shelton Veterinary Hospital. For information call 426-4441 and ask for the humane officer. Free Pets Ptirebred black Lab, three-month.old female, housebroken. 426-9828. Kitten, black and white. Owner will pay part of spay or neuter fee. Call 426-6111 before 10 a.m. or after 1:30 p.m. Collie-shepherd mix, black and tan. One-year-01d male. 426-5708. German shepherd mix puppies. Eight males, three females. Five weeks old. 426-7586. Irish setter, male. Three years old. Red. Good with children, needs country home. 898-2607. Lab mix puppies, six females, one male. Black. Seven weeks old. 426-9855. Kitten. Grey and orange, semi-longhaired. Eight-week-old female. 426-2830. Lab mix male. Four months old. Has had shots. Good with small children. 426-5332. • - ",,-:i' . , .... .,, . ', ..... Chihuahua-terrier male. Eight weeks old. 426-5661. Puppies. German shepherd mix. Three months old. 877-9443. To list a free pet in this column call Mason County Citizens For Animals at 426-9828. Coffee hour scheduled for Monday Mason General Hospital Auxiliary will hold a coffee hour on Monday in the home of Roberta and Hal McClary on Route 3, Shelton. Diane Sieberg, faculty member of Evergreen State College will be speaker. Her topic will be "Nutrition for Today's Lifestyle." Ms. Sieberg's motto is: "Eat to live - not - live to eat." She will discuss simple nutrition to achieve weight 10ss; relaxation; and a better understanding of carbohydrates, vitamins, calories and proteins. She will talk on "cellulite" (that midriff spare tire) and will suggest ways to prevent and lose excess bumps and bulges. For The Bride... • A complete service to assist you in selecting and J patterns in formal and casual china, stemware, and bath acceMories. • Wedding invitations and • Daily updates of wedding gifts purchased for duplications. For Friends & • A convenient and complete listing • Assistance in choosing an appropriate and one that you know the bride and groom will enjOy. Monday-Friday 10 to 9, Saturday 10 to 6, Sunday l2) To all the wondedul of Mason County who voted for me. THANK YOII. Peggy Cleveland Mason County Auditor Republican Paid for by Peggy Cleveland, 7th & Pine, Shelton, WA 98584. *8.862% Our new short term savings certificate has a rate based on the weekly average established for United States Govern- ment Treasury Bills, plus on additional t/ Of 1%. * Federal regulations require a substantial interest penalty for early withdrawal. He FEDerBL Corner of 5th and Colu ml#l ' . OLYMPIA / LACEY / TUMWATER I