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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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are now serving Breakfast a.m..11 a.m. daily In a hurry? have breakfast to go, too. Ic Hwy. No. For Phone Orders: , thru Thursday ' and Saturday 426-7224 LUNCHES ily MELT ............................. $1" & sauteed onions on rye, with french fries I00luxe HAMBURGER $170 Fries or tossed salad STEW t12S It's delicious! t served at S a.m.-- $ STEAK HOUSE JADE appearing Friday and Saturday nights till 1:30 a.m. in the Canal Room FSuper special ay and Saturday Night 00teak, & Lobster gl... of wine $O500 November 16th, i Fashions will he presenting a special and Fashion Show atarting at 7 p.m. with a SPecial Steak Dinner. CArE Mctbel Long, Owner in Hoodsport 101,877-5264 Friday and Saturday 6 a.m.-lO p.m. Laundromat Open 8-8. Hood Canal. commission he disagrees tile Today, Thursday, November 9 Mason County Schutzhund property is a conservency district PWP potluck, 6:30 p.n]., Club obedience class, 3 p.m., The request was to construct under the language of the master fairgrounds. Planning meeting to grounds of Seventh-Day a home which would be (m pilings over the tidelands on program, and believes it is in an follow. Adventist School. property he owns. There is urban residential area and lie Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Shelton Big Fours, 7 p.m., presently a house on the other should be allowed to build the Ming Tree Cafe. fairgrounds. side of Highway 106, tile proposed structure. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 PWP family activities, noon-4 commission was told previously, After tile commission action, a.m., Timbers. p.m., Bordeaux School. but because of slide problems, it Kargianis asked for a time when Kiwanis Club of Mason Monday, November 13 is unsafe, he could appear before the County Seniors, noon, Senior PUD No. 3 comnfission Commissioner Tom Taylor commission to present additional Center. meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference said he had checked the information and ask for Scout Troop 112, 7 room. property, and in his opinion, the reconsideration, p.m.-8:30 p.m., Mt. Olive County commission meeting, property on the beach side of It was set for 11i30 a.m. Lutheran Church. 10 a.m., courthouse. the highway was in a November !3. Aglow Bible study, 10 Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 a.m.-ll:30 a.m., Alpha Omega p.m., PUD. d d Christian Bookstore. Christmas Town CBers, 7:30 UGN fun rive Union Ladies Civic Club, p.m.,Island Lake firehall. _- noon, Union firehall. Rainbow, 7:30 p.m., Masonic IS progressing p.m.,Christmast°WnlwA Hall. Rounders, 8 Temple. Mary M. Knight school board The Mason County United that a ride-a-then be conducted Shel-Toa, 7:30 p.m., home of meeting, 8 p.m., school. Good Neighbors campaign has a as a fund raising effort. Lynn McFarland. total of $13,715 in cash and Planning meeting for SHS Tuesday, November 14 The UGN officials said since graduation party, 7:30 p.m., SHS Kiwanis Club luncheon, pledges, it was reported at a they state the fund drive is the student union building, noon, Heinie's. meeting of the UGN board only one made during the year, Dirt Dabbers, 10 a.m., Fir Monday morning. The goal of the fund drive, it would be too late to do Friday, November 10 Tree Park. which is in progress now, is anything for this year, but could Chamber of Commerce board School board meeting, 8 be used as a fund drive kick-off meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers. p.m., Evergreen School. $50,000. : activity for the campaign next Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 The UGN board also heard a NARFE, 2 p.m., PUD. proposal from Phil Chernis, year. p.m., IOOF Hall. 4-H Leaders Council meeting, Agate Grange business 7:30 p.m., Extension Office. representing the Silver Stars They agreed to persue the meeting. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., Riding Club and the Olympic idea and work with the riding Progress Grange, 6:30 p.m. Airport Hall. Reindeer mounted drill team groups, potluck, 8 p.m. meeting. Degree of Honor, 8 p.m., Skokomish Grange, 6:30 Memorial Hall. p.m. potluck, 8 p.m. meeting. Mason County Hospital Church schedules film Saturday, November 11 District Commission meeting, 8 C • • • ct - - --- " ....... - " "" =±" ' - --' °mm'$$'°n rele $ request for permit The Mason County conservency area under the Commission voted this week to shorelines master program and he t, aJaar''00''en'- deny a Shoreline Substantial would be opposed to granting Development Permit to George tile permit. Kargianis for the construction of ........ h e .............. . .  , ,,  ra rlalllS IOlU t ..... a Ilonle on tile :boutll snore el ..... - - -" .......... - ....... - Mason County Democratic Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD. Shelton Park Board, 8 p.m., City Hall. Time To Run, a film that is a mixture of problems and solutions, will be shown at Church of God Church on Sunday. The feature, filmed in Eastmancolor by World Wide Pictures, will be shown once beginning at 7 p.m: Filmed on location in southern California, Time To Run stars Ed Nelson, Randall Carver, Barbara Sigel, Joan Winmill and Gordon Rigsby. Nelson plays Warren Cole, a hard driving success-oriented industrial and scientific engineer who, because of over-involvement with his work, has failed to communicate: with his wife Fran, played by Joan Winmill, or their son Jeff, played by screen newcomer Randall Carver. Time To Run allows the viewer to become involved on any one or more of the three different levels. Viewed purely as entertainment, it's the suspenseful story of Jeff's attempts at sabotage in the nuclear generating plant conceived, designed and managed by his father. Jeff strongly feels that the plant is a threat to the environment, and he puts his feelings in action. Viewed on an emotional level, Time To Run is the deeply moving drama of the conflicts that are tearing a family apart - conflicts that develop between husband and wife, and between father and son. In an attempt to find freedom from the ever-growing hostilities, Jeff takes to the road, hoping to discover some meaning in his confused life. Approached from a religious SheI-Toa Shel-Toa will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the home of Lynn McFarland. perspective, Time To Run is also a story of friction between Jeff and his girlfriend, Michelle, played by Barbara Sigel, who is a familiar face to television viewers. Michelle has discovered a spiritual dhnension in her life, and this aspect is very confusing to Jeff, who has little time for "a God who would allow war, hatred, and suffering on earth." But his life is shattered by an avalanche of personal problems, and he finds himself at a Jesus people gathering with Michelle, where lie glimpses the possibility of a new lifestyle based on love and understanding. Time To Run is a film that can help strengthen love relationships between people. It's a film that was made for families to attend together. Democrats planmeeting A guest speaker will be featured at next Thursday's meeting of Mason County Democratic Club to be held at 7:30 p.m. in the PUD auditorium. Refreshments will be served. Meeting set Progress Grange will meet on Friday for a 6:30 p.m. potluck and an 8 p.m. meeting. Grange to meet A guest speaker from Mason Regional Planning Council will be featured at the 8 p.m, meeting of Skokomish Grange No. 379 to be held on Friday. Potluck will be served at 6:30 p.m. DON'T BE AN UNKNOWING DIABETIC There are more than 30 million people in the world now shortening their lives because they do not know they have diabetes. What a pity; for it can be lived with. if there is a history of diabetes in your family and you are overweight, -- or if you are troubled by too frequent urination or have a quick loss of weight -- check with your physician. These may be your warning signals. Our diabetic aid department carries a complete stock of medicines and other needs. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. May we compound yours? Nell's Pharmacy Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327' Open Daily 9:30-7:30 Saturdays9:30.6:00 Mason County Schutzhund Club tracking session, 8 a.m., fairgrounds. Senior Center dance, 8 p.m.-midnight. Potluck at 6:30 p.m., IWA Hall. 11 [ 11 breakfast, Memorial Hall. Social hour to precede 11 a.m. breakfast. Carpool leaves home of Stella Winter at 8 p.m. for PWP dances in Tacoma and Aberdeen. Children's fihns, 1 p.m., Timberland Library. Free. Sunday, November 12 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Schutzhund 21ub slates :log classes A tracking session will be held by Mason County Schutzhund Club beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday at the fairgrounds. Obedience class will meet at 3 p.m. Sunday on the grounds of the Seventh-day Adventist School. Hob )y Club sets bazaar A bazaar will be presented by the Hobby Club of Fir Tree Park between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. today and from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Friday in the Fir Tree Park social room. Handcrafted items, ceramics and macrame will be offered, and a bake sale will be held. Proceeds will benefit the Senior Center. a.m., hospital. WOTM chapter development night and enrollment, 7:45 p.m., Moose Lodge. City commission meeting, 2 p.m., City Hall. Roundtable for Scouting, 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church. PWP board meeting, 7:30 p.m., home of Stella Winter. Wednesday, November 15 Progressive pinochle, 6:30 p.m., Senior Center. Elks, 8 p.m., lodge. Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club, 6:50 a.m., Holiday Park. t Skookum Rotary Club breakfast, 7 a.m., Heinie's. Tops Washington Chapter No. 313, 6:15 p.m., First Baptist Church. PWP coffee-and-conversation, 7:30 p.m., home of Bob Stone. Thursday, November 16 LDS Relief Society, 10 a.m., I church. , Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11:30 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse. No. IS S BAZAAR If S AND I LUNCH IS Friday, November I/. 1978 S SS Open 10:00 to 4:00 Lunch served 11:00 to 1:30 ,.O.O.F..ALL OVER ,{ I COAST-TO-COAST STORE Handcrafted Items,  ! I Christmas tags, ! knitted Items, plants,  S I baked goods, white I elephant booth, grab bags, door prizes. S Lunch---Pioneer soup, bread, apple pie & beverage $1.25 L.---. .... ___._J i Magnetic Signs Custom Made All Sizes Advertising and Printing Specialties Jack Leimback 87%5733 Would Your Income Stop if you became disabled and couldn't work? Let me show you how our Monthly Income Disability Plan can help give you real security. See William F. Schultz New York Life Insurance Company [ Govey Bldg. Suite 5 4th & Railroad, Shelton Phone 426.3443 WF, ARE NOW BUYING: 8 € per bunch Pricel effective m prest time, Subject to market changec, Hillcrest Call 426.6546 1716 RIDGE ROAD i eme kIF'ei.dl'e ,.de Jlll eam dme elme m,e me  ie pe lme i,meellme tdmeN 1 l SIGNS OF CHRIST'S COMING-- t I THE TRIUMPHS OF ARCHAEOLOGY-Pt. 7 No. 144 Ethel B. Dinning There were still some happy days in Egypt for Joseph and #t # his posterity under the Shepherd or the Hyksos Dynasty (1674-1567 B.C.} but after their defeat and banishment by the Theban Dynasty, the whole atmosphere changed (Ex. 1:8) The t family of 70 that Jacob brought tO Egypt (Ex. 1,5) had developed into such a vast multitude that the new king Amosis 1 felt that they could be dangerous to the security of his ( throne; too, he had dreams of leaving a name of being a great builder" of cities to be used as storehouses and depots for his new army as well as reducing the Hebrew numbers through cruel slavery (Ex. 1.'6-14). This dynasty had much to learn of the power of GOD AND HIS CARE FOR HIS PEOPLE. Lesson one came from his decree to have all the male babies killed at birth (Ex. 1:15-21). This failing, he commanded them to be thrown in the Nile River which not only failed but rebounded in his own household when his famous daughter ItATSttEPSUT rescued one, not only adopted him put paid his own mother to give him the best of care for a good wage, as well as naming him # MOSES after her father KING TUTHMOSIS (Ex. 2:8-10). t In the meantime, the buildings progressed and Hebrews still I multiplied; which called for a new order to the task-masters, # "That no more straw was to be supplied and beatings where the daily quota was not reached (Ex. 5:6-14). I | This fact was proven for when the excavators examined the walls the), discovered that the lower courses had bricks of straw and clay, then as the walls advanced, the bricks were of clay r mixed with stubble and roots, while the upper courses were plain, baked clay. So the bricks cried out to prove another text. (Please read Isa. 55:11.) In the meantime, the fourth generation had arrived: 1. Levi and his brother, Joseph; 2. Levi's son Kohath; 3. Kohath's son Amaram; 4. Amaram's son Moses. (Ex. 6:16-20; 2:1). It is recorded that when Moses was born that the mother, Jocabed, decided to defy the king's edict for she felt convinced that he was a child of destiny, little knowing that she was preserving the future leader of the EXODUS (Ex. 2:5-10; Heb. 11:20-23). From excavated tablets we find that the adopted mother was a POWERFUL QUEEN IN HER OWN RIGHT, MARRIED TO HER BROTHER, THE WEAK KING, THOTHMOSIS IV, and it appears from the dates given that she would be the GREAT AUNT OF THE FAMOUS KING "TUT" THAT SO MANY of us en/oyed seeing. Her obelisk with its top that had been covered with gold, whose carvings and writings are a history in themselves - with such writing as, "HA TSHEPSUT, KING'S DAUGHTER, KING'S SISTER, AND GREAT WIFE OF A KING. "' For kings married daughters and sisters married brothers. Now as to Moses; for there also records by him. One is an excavated monument from the slope of Mount Sinai, deciphered by Professor Grimes, that reads, "I AM THE SON OF HATSHEPSUT, OVERSEER OF THE MINE WORKERS At Sinai, Chief of the temple of JEHOVAH AT SINAI. THOU, OH, HATSHEPSUT WAS KIND TO ME AND DREW ME OUT OF TltE WATERS OF THE NILE, AND PLACED ME IN THE PA LACE. '" It is reported that at the age of twelve he left his family to loin the household of the famous queen to be educated in all of the knowledge necessary to the heir-apparent of the throne. It /ust might have been that he was overseeing the mines at Sinai, at the age of forty, that he decided to rejoin the Hebrews (Acts 7:23). Then, through a rash act of killing an Egyptian (his mother-Queen and her generation had gone to their rest), and he was shocked at the lack of faith in GOD'S PROMISE OF THEIR DELIVERANCE (Acts 7:24-29; Ex. 2:11-15; Heb. 11.'24-2 7). So lonely and discouraged, he fled to far-away Median east of the Suez Gulf, as his great, great, grandfather Jacob had done before (Gen. 27:41-45; 29.'1-6; Ex. 2:15-19). Thus Moses found a new home and was well cared for during the next forty years of his life (Ex. 2:20-23). Where tending the flock of Priest Jethro, he was getting the spiritual preparation for his I supreme life task to fulfill the promise to Abraham by leading the great host of the Hebrews back to their promised land in the fourth GENERA TION (Gen. 15:13-16). "GOD IS NOT SLACK CONCERNING HIS PROMISES, NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH BUT THAT ALL SHOULD COME TO REPENTANCE" (2 Pet. 3:91. pd. adv. We carry o full line of calendars and date books... all sizes and prices. AND STATIONERY 13"1 Railroad Ave. 426-6102 thursday, November 9, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27