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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Legal Publkati0ns L%%%%%%% NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 5012 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE). IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF VIRGINIA RAg BOURGAULT, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified Executor of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased must serve the same on the undersigned, or the attorney of record, at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of the Court within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of the filing of a copy of this notice or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011. Date of filing copy of notice to creditors: 2, November, 1978. Date of first publication: 9, November, 1978. JOSEPH W. BOURGAULT Rt. 5, Box 354, Shelton, We. 98584 B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, HEUSTON & SETTLE Angle Bldg., Shelton, We. 98584 11/9-19-23-3t NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS TAKE NOTICE: That WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES of Olympia, Washington on October 3, 1978 under Application No. S 2-25045 filed for permit to appropriate public Legal Publications waters, subject to existing rights, from unnamed spring, tributary of Stlmson Creek in the amount of 0.06 cubic feet per second each year, for fisheries propagation December 1 through May 1. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within SWi/4SEI/4 of Section 3, Township 22 N., Range 2W W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days from November 16, 1978. 11/9-16-2t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 13857 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. REID L. MITCHELL and EDNA F. MITCHELL, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. EDWARD M. BALING and JOY L. BALING, husband and wife; VANCE D. INMAN and MILDRED PEGGY A. INMAN, husband and wife; and MASON COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, to the said EDWARD M. BALING, husband and wife; VANCE D. INMAN and MILDRED PEGGY A. INMAN, husband and wife, Defendants: YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the irst publication of Legal Publications this summons, to wit, within the sixty (60) days after the 12th day of October, 1978, and defend the above-entitled action in the Superior Court aforesaid and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff, at his office below stated; and, in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to forfeit, cancel and extinguish that real estate contract annexed to the complaint against you and each of you to real estate lying and being in Mason County, Washington, particularly described as: Parcel 1 --The North 300 feet of the East 400 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section. 2, Township 19 North, Range 3 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington. EXCEPTING roadways. Parcel 2 -- That portion of the East 400 feet of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 2, Township 19 North, Range 3 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington, lying Southerly of the Phillips County Road. against the claim of the defendants and any one of them. GERALD L. WHITCOMB, INC., P.S. GERALD L. WHITCOMB Attorney for Plaintiffs Office and Post Office Add ress: Suite 2, Angle Building P.O. Box 869 . 00/[ason 00ounty CBusiness Directory"an to ; '.'. ' ./ Want action? Call expert help you. Auto Repairing Electrical ainting Licensed and bonded. -- Major Overhauls Ikled" Licensed ' Wiring " Hireling Fraser.Johnson Electric Furnace and Heal No job too small. -- Brakes & Ignition Pumps * Underground * Comme,clol Free Estimates. -- Welding & Tune-ups Arcadia Electric Interior & Exterior IEd's Service Bob Teyior office 411-tTx J.D. Company 2re So. Tee. 42t.T2t2 P.O. Box Ut Home 42.1tU 426-7567 Beauty I -- Complete Hair Core ..... ........... '  ...... --'rMel'le Norman t.osmetics : -- Pennyrich Bras ] Elalno'l Beauty Salon [ 6th s Laurel ,26.00002 j Builder • Building • Remodeling • Cabinets Dick Wood Rt. 1, Jox SqNI 42&.$657 /,ason Lake Drive, Grapevlew :ablnets ....  _ , , Bu,de00., - / __ /A Cust0.m Cabi_ .n. tie. "..Re.m°delllng Ill P.O. BOx 1140/IIIIweup J J Cable TV For Service Call 426-1691 :sr Csra .... .... Engine Dlgrllling, r   Shampooing, :111'I " Buffing, :'ilil,,' Woxtng, Insldl aM Out IriSh Morlor I arty ,rbr hte 1, kx n IIt.tWB Shelton, WA m :oncrete i Driveways, potion, sidewalks Retaining wails Saturday pours • Free estimate Bill Cox €oncrato 1aN  Vllte 42ikHM Concrete Ready.mix Concrete Concrete Culverts & Blocks Sand, Gravel. Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Screens & Tools Grayltone of Shelton 7th & Park 411k1144 IFI°°r Covering. Ins,=lla.o. il r00=mblng / * Notioncl Brands l l  * Recreational ] "Cnvenient Terms / IIF d "Remodeling / Viking Floor Covering J [ TTT W. Cot= hito 4=e:B [ J G. Lannlng Plumbing J 877-9719 Floor Covering --Linoleum -- Carpeting -- Tile -- Formica Rex Floor Covering Mt. View Ph. 42tk1112 THIS SPACE AVAI LABLE $1.80 per week Insulation Old Construction Nsw Construction Authorized Borcien's Insulsprsy Foam • Blown Cellulose • Flbergless Imwsy ColwvIIIo IIkltlon Tint  Hwy., lelton 411k111B Insurance I Tired of shopping? Let us do it for you! Auto- Homl-loclt -L ire.Heal lk .Business. P refer red Risk? We locate 1he lowest €olh InsurorKo is our only bls. Arnold & Smith Insurance Agency 117 I. Cote 4b-1117 Landscaping Ornamental g0rdens Nmlve gardens Rock gardens -- Lawns Irrigation systems Larlscape design Ilckerdl emenor (.mery ATA tlortlkllture 411kB911 Ughtlnl er LlhOt.S CUSTOM wooo WOK,NG UNIQUE LIGHTING DESIGNS Px IM-32M UNION. WA SlSe2 GRE LINDIER Recreational Vehicles M & M RV Center Recreational Vehicles Supplies -- Service - Repairs Custom Canopies Prospecting & Clam Digging Supplies 2335 Olympic Hwy. No. & K Sweet 426.5101 Remodeling TAIYIIY| CON|TIIYCTION HOUSING • REMODELS • REPAIRS Rick & Dee Sperling P.O. Box 148 (206) Sge-3666 u.o., w* e "Free |stingilY" 1 Rentals Shelton's Complete Rental Store ! Tools g Equipment for Homeowners & Contractors Ilarden'I Rentals 11e9 Olympic Hwy. S. 4:!6-11)91 tooting BENT NAIL For all your roofing needs. CAll 426-9757 Secretrisl Let the "'OFFICE ASSISTANTS" Do your work. We do: Concrete, - Basements Bulkheads Typing, Bookkeeping, CO,CR,ACrO TH IS SPACE income & State Taxes, Licens and aonclee as AVAILABLE Mimeograph Printing General Cant rsrtors Suite No. 4, Oovey Bldg. Serving Mason County $1.80 per week Shelton, 426-71N BEN MYERS ALAN TAHJA 426.1718 877-9728 , Drugs - Masonry Slaughtering • --Helena Rublnstein I " Block Foundations $15 per head. I --Cosmetics I " An)'thing with Mogonry --Prescriptions J&T --Hypo.Allerganic Cosmetics I John K lmmel i' Northwest Slaughtering I Nell's Pharmacy I Licensed. bonded and insured. 426-8615 evenings. I lth • Frenklln Ph. 4ti.11t7 i [ Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1S12 J Orywlll i ' ': Music ] " Hanging, Toping, Spraying I r TIAVIIL TIIAILIIIIS O'S II Tent and torp repair, furn,tur, too.Free estimate Larry Orth 426-9148 Mike Gibson Phone Shelton (16) 4.TMr/ Free Estimates OWNER Tues.-Frl., 4.9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. J  °" '0' n,, ,. re.s,, ,., ..... Arie s Uph0!stery i, i i ii i Page 30 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 9, 1978 Legal Publications Shelton, Washington 98584 10/12-19-26-11/2-9-16-6t NOTICE OF FILING Franchise Application No. 6137 Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, a corporation, has filed with the Washington State Department of Transportation, under the provisions of Chapter 47.44 RCW and amendments thereto, an application for a franchise to operate and maintain existing aerial and buried telephone cables upon a portion of State Route No. 101, in Mason County, Washington, at the following locations: Beginning at a point opposite milepost 314.64 in the NW]/4 NWZA of Section 6, Township 24 North, Range 2 West, W.M.; thence southerly within the highway right of way to a point opposite milepost 338.59 in the SW]/4 of Section 15, Township 21 North, Range 4 West, W.M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this franchise application may be granted by the Secretary of Transportation or his designee, with or without hearing, in the absence of receipt by the Department of any written inquiries or objections within 14 days from the posting and publishing of this notice. DATED at Olympia, Washington, this 27th day of October, ]978. /s/R.E. Bockstruck R.E. BOCKSTRUCK Roadway Development Engineer 11/2-9-2t NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 5010 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of STANLEY F. PARKER, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified Personal Representative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased must serve the claim on the undersigned, or the attorney of record, at the address stated below and must file an executed copy of the claim with the Clerk of the Court within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or within four months after the date of the filing of a copy of this notice or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions included in RCW 11.40.011. Date of filing copy of notice to creditors: November 6, 1978. Date of first publication: November 9, 1978. /s/Doris E. Myers DORIS E. MYERS Personal Representative c/o ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125Vz N. 5th Street P.O. Box 396 Shelton, Washington 98584 ....... 11/9-16-23-3t CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 A.M., Monday, November 20, 1978, for furnishing Mason County Department of Public Works approximately 21,500 cubic yards of special crushed cover stone and crushed surface top course and chips for sealing. The material is to be stockpiled, available for use by Mason County, approximately 14,000 cubic yards in the Shelton area, and 7,500 cubic yards in the Belfair area. Specifications, including list f material, and proposal forms are available at the Mason County Engineer's Office at 428 West Birch St., P.O. Box 357, Shelton, Washington 98584. Sealed bids are to be received by the Board of Mason County Commissioners, County Courthouse, Shelton, Washington 98584, prior to the time and date mentioned above. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to accept only those bids deemed most advantageous to the County. DATED this 30th day of October, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/PeggY Cleveland Auditor & Clerk of the Board 11/2-9-2t NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS TAKE NOTICE: That WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES of Olympia, Washington on September 11, 1978 under Application No. G 2-25029 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights in the amount of 25 gallons pe minute each year, for domesti, supply continuously. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within SEV4NWV4SWV of Section 9, Township 22 N., Range iWW. M., in Mason Cou nay. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protest! must be accompanied by a twc dollar ($2.00) recording fee an(: 00dsqvam-a 1 | 380CD I I Husqvarna/ SAEGER MOTOR SHOP i 306 O 14Y2.PH2wY-S. Legal Publications %%%%%%% %%%%%%%%_ -%% filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA 98504 within thirty (30) days from November 9, 1978. 11/2-9-2t NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that F. John Anderson who is owner of the below-described property has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the development of commercial moorage floats and pilings located at /z mile east of Libby Point on Hammersley Inlet of section 19 of township 20 N., Range 2 W.W.M., in Mason County, Washington. Said development is proposed to be within Hammersley Inlet and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify James E. Connolly, Planning Director. Regional Planning, P.O. Box 16, Shelton, Washington 98584 in writing of his interest within thirty (30) days of the last notice gwen pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or mailing of notice is November 16, 1978. Written comments must be received by December 16, 1978. 11/9-16-2t CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received at the Office of the Mason County Commissioners, Shelton, Washington, until 11:15 A.M., Monday, November 13, 1978, for furnishing one (1) heavy duty truck with 8 to 10 yard box to be used with hydraulic ditch cleaner to the Mason County Department of Public Works. Specifications and bid forms 00A/tPeh Shelton Christian Fellowship 825 West Franklin* 426-2758 BllLE - QIAIBMATIC - €011UITY Sunday 10 a.m ............... Bible Study 11 a.m,  .* ..... ....... ,. Worship 7 p.m ............ Home Meetings Thursday 7 p.m ................... Worship Legal Publications may be obtained at the office of the Director of Public Works, 428 West Birch St., P.O. Box 357, Shelton, WA 98584. All bids shall be accompanied by a fivepercent (5%) bid bond. The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid most advantageous to the County. DATED at Shelton. Washington this 30th day of October, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Peggy Cleveland Auditor & Clerk of the Board 11/2-9-2t MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION No. 942 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT No. 873 WHEREAS, on Mason County Road No. 5509 known locally as the Brockdale Road, and more specifically located In Sec 6, T 21, R 3 WWM, M.P. 1.47 to M.P. 1.98, work defined as "construction" in the BARS Manual, Page 11-63, et seq, is determined to be necessary and proper, and WHEREAS, this project is hereby made a part of the officially adopted county annual road program pursuant to RCW 36.81.130 and assigned No. 113 thereon. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE regal Publkations necessary and proper, and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows: Engineer, $1,026; Road Construction, $34,200. Engineer's Estimate in detail is on file in the office of the County Engineer. The County Road Project herein described Is HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity, and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law, provided, and in accordance with WAC 13@18. ADOPTED this 6th day of November, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Tom Taylor Chairman /s/Fioyd C. Cole ATTEST: CS(ePe g g y Cleveland rk of the Board 11/9-1t MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION No. 943 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT No. 872 WHEREAS, on Mason County Road No. 3586 known locally as the Ballow Road, and more specifically located in S 12, T 20N, R 2 WWM, M.P. 1.15 to M.P. 1.36, work defined as "construction" in the BARS Manual, Page 11-63, et seq, is determined to be necessary and Legal and drainin is to be in Washington Specification Bridge Cc by Mason BE IT RESOLVED described necessary and estimated cost are herewith Engineer, Construct Engineer's on file in the County Er The herein DECLARED necessity, and Engineer is HE AND AUTHO and proceed ovided, an AC 136-18. 6tit ADOPTED this November COUNTY OF WASHING /s/Tom Taylor Chairman /s/Floyd C. Cole ATTEST: /s/Peggy Cleveland Clerk of the Board NOTICE NOTIC GIVEN that Commission BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS proper, and that it is their intention to WHEREAS, this project is resurface with asphalt concrete hereby made a part of the and that said work is to be officially adopted county annual performed by contract in road program pursuant to RCW accordance with the Washington 36.81.130 and assigned No. 114 State Standard Specifications for thereon. THEREFORE, BE IT Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County. B E I T F U R TH E R OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLVED that the above described County Road Project is Call 426-5336 or write: Box 88z RESOLVED BY THE BOARD that it is their intention to reconstruct by clearing, grading Northside Baptist Church 111 W. "' Street Pastor, Rev. Kenneth P. HorrinI 416-Nff Sunday School .......... 9:4.=, a.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ....... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed .... 7:00 p.m. Jesu loves you -- we do, tool S.S.C. hearing on the budget at 7:00 28, 1978 Room at Revenue She considered a Preliminary available at November interested pea Helen W. Clerk-Treasurer Rrst Baptist Stk a nd November 12, O.W. lAB, Pastor lest "F" It. itS.lit4 Sunday School Hour ..... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. Evening Sarvlca ......... 6:00 p.m. (Wed.) Family Training Hour ................ 7:00 p.m. Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School ..... , ,... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ...... 11:00 a.m. Evening Service ........ 6:30 p.m. liible Study (Wed.) ...... 7:00 p.m. Rev. Jerry Hamlli 9:30 a.m.. *11:00a.m ....... 6:00 p.m ..... 7:00 *The cast live MS. AllianCe Sixth and Railroad Saturday, 9:30 am. -- Sabbath School, 11:00 a.m. -- Hour of Worship Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Tim Gallagher, Pastor 426..9601 Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Connection • 12th Streets Phone 426-2805 Priesthood Meeting. ......................... 9:15 a.m. Sunday School .............................. ] 1:00 a.m. Sacrament Meeting ........................... S:00 p.m. First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 ALDER ST. SHELTON, WA. Sunday School 11:00 o.m. Church 11:00 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings. 7.30 p.m. READING ROOM --302 ALDER Hours: 12noon-3 p.m Tuesday thruFridov CHILD CARE PROVIDED DURING SERVICES FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia &Lake Boulevard Kurt Hardenbrook, Minister Bible School ........... 9:45 a.m. Worship .............. 11:00 o.m. Family Service ......... 6:30 p.m, Wednelday -- Home Bible Study and Prayer  7:00 p.m. St. Edward's Catholic Church Father Michael Feeney 426-6134 3rd & Pine -- Masses Saturday ...................................... 7 p.m. Sunday. 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE rdnitllt L HI 426-1298 lames G. VIderpeol, Prater HOME PHONE 426-1485 Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship... 11:00 a.m. • Evening Service ..... 6:00 p.m. The family worship church Ch, Sunday, Rev. 6p.m. Mu t .Media sund0Y School .............. Family Rev. BIIIT UNITED METHODIST e and King Streets Dr. Ludvlg Sunday School .................. "' i Worship Service Mt. Olive Lutheran Missouri Synod 206 E. Wyandotte Roland HuE Sunday, November 12 Worship Service 1t Sunday School ...................... ., Serviceat Firlane ................. ." : Wednesday Bible Study ........ ... SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF 1521 Monroe Street M.A. Younglund, pastor "We Share Because We Care COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH The Friendly Church Dl=:lpllng the saved to abundant life and reaching their world for Christ. EVANGELISTIC € WITH DOROTHY REED 10 a.m. (6th & Railroad) ..................... Sunday Service & School NOV. 12-17 • rvemngs ............................. Home Bible Stuclv Fellowlhips Daily " Sunday, 10:50 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. ' • ................ ; .......................... IndivlcJ'ual Disclplihg Week Nights 7:00 p.m. , TOM BARWICK, PASTOR  -.-..--..,-.. I.,-- REVIvALTIME, SUNDAY, KGi N, 3:(] St4 Dearborn -- Office 42t-eli4 or,11-|111 , (Radio Voice of The Asseml: lies of Episcopal Church Welcomes You Faith L.thcra. l \\; I / st. David's ALC "MI/ 4th and Cedar, Shelton Sunday 7:30 g 10:30 a.m. . Pastor: Kenneth Robinso St. Germain's SUNDAY SCHOOL ........................... i:,' Main Street, Hoodsport " WORSHIP SERVICE ........................ , i '* . Sunday, 9 a.m. 426 8472 Come AI You Are 426-2268 1212 Connection St. 426.8611 II I I i iii