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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ 1 For Sale AG, p ush, kitchen, many $.3.75, $4•75, etc. 426-8111 ,nl. Tuesdays U9/14tfn 15-60 n picture? See for instant pictures. )rth Second. CUT glass, col lectables, weekdays, 10-5:30, and Monday. n-Pierce County lest. 275-3247. ,DY to hang. rock-bottom 113 Old furniture. 10-6. Shelton lir. 426-1858. S3/2tfn Cosmetics at on. 6th and 11/gtfn • $1.50 i-8856. -T sewing 2. Hl1/9 Frost Bonded and new. tfn )me. Your g in canvas can handle Iprons, tote or made to are our S IN 426-2321 Hwy• No• 3 tfn PHONE Engine Irs less I rqtell, r 2154011 BOAT TOPS Willtravel. Jade boat Your boat Or Sea. intrnent ngs zds Owner Shelton ¢e WE CAN FIX IT! For Sale For Sale STEREO, REFRIGERATOR, dining table, gas dryer, bed frame and dresser. 426-7671 after 6 p.m. E10/26-11/16 MAGNETIC SIGNS, custom made, all sizes. Advertising and printing specialties. Jack Leimback. 877-5733. LS/3tfn FOR OUTDOOR families: free sleeping bags for your time, just to see what we have to offer. Call Shelton Furniture Repair 426-1858. $9/2 ltfn JAN'S SECOND Hand Store- 2215 Olympic Highway North• We buy and sell. 426-9950. J4/Stfn FOR SALE -- used Ford 302 engine plus Cyclone headers, $150. Ford 351 engine parts: a set of 2-barrel heads, $100. 2-barrel intake manifold, $30. 4-barrel intake manifold, $50, plus 1 2-barrel carburetor. 426-9922. R10/26-11/16 BEDS, CHESTS, tables, living room furniture and antiques, other items. 426-2752 after 4. Bll/2-23 CUSTOM ROLL bar for Dodge truck, two 250,000 candle power lights, two antennas. $250 firm. Call 426-6474 after 5:30. M11/2-9 FOR SALE or trade- Allis Chalmers tractor. $850 or small economy car of equal value. Call after 6 p.m., 426-1708. Fll/2-9 HAND-SPLIT cedar shakes; silver-mounted black saddle; ads, horse blanket; halters; obbles; wringer washing machine; square wheel for '72 Ford l/z-ton; old-fashioned well pump. 426-6584. H10/19-11/9 ARE SPRING greens invading your fleshtones. Start the new T.V. season with a new Curtis Mathes T.V. from Conley's. Four year financing O.A.C. First and Alder. 426-5528. C7/27tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture. 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn HAY, $1.50 bale. McDonald Farm, Kamilche Valley. 426-3740. Mc8/24tfn The Car] ,et Layers Custom installation carpet, vinyL, tile. $2.00 a yani. 426-3763 Rt. 3, Box 406 Shehon GOING OUT of business sale. Everything 20% off. Betty's Candle and Gift Shop. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 10-5. Hll/2-9 INDIAN BASKETS, Pacific Northwest. Cedar, grass, raffia. 426-2268. M11/9 HI NEIGHBOR! Tried Blue Lustre for cleaning carpets? It's super! Rent electric shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast Store. Cll/9 FREE ONE gallon of root beer to Mrs. Harry Anderson, Rt• 5, Box 750, Shelton from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A11/9 FOUR POSTER kinq size water bed, complete with vibrator. $350. 426-5379. Tll/9 RED FIREPLACE, free standing, cone-shaped, qrates, screen and flue collar, new condition. $125. 426-6038. O11/9 FRENCH PROVINCIAL, six-piece child's bedroom set, white, includes mattress and box springs, twin size. 426-4881. M11/9 ANTIQUE SWEDISH counter-balance loom, excellent condition. 200 years old, 6-foot square. Asking $1,000 or best offer. 426-6971 after 5. Pll/9 CACTUS LARGE barrel plant, $45. Antique iron bed, ornate with brass knobs, $55. 426-3408. Wl 1/9 CHRISTMAS HOLLY, holly wreaths, greens, smoked seafoods, gift mailed. For brochure call 898-2299 collect or write Holly Lane Farm Ent., Box 312, Union, WA 98592. Hll/9-12/7 FREE-STANDING Franklin-type fireplace for sale. $100. 1969 Buick. 877-9596. Pll/9 '76 WILDERNESS canopy for small box pickup, excellent condition• $250. Call Dave, 426-4481. W11/9 EASTERN WASHINGTON alfalfa hay. Direct from grower. $85 per ton, delivered. Call 1-509-346-9311, early or late. T11/9-30 i VACUCJM CLEANERS --we have parts and repairs, for most makes. Rebuilt cleaners at big savings. Central Sales. 877-5798. c10/19-11/9 6/9fin Otto septic tanks dozing gravel otto field backhoe service 20b e. pine 426-t500 & •Gloss • Wire Welding • Fiberglass Work • Complete Paint Jobs I SAND '(, GFAVEL For the finest in: , SAND , GRAVEL , CONCRETE SATURDAY POURS ARE WELCOME AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Radio Dispatched Trucks LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE 426-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/15/ffn I I Auto Body --___ 6RAYSlllNE Concrete Building Materials • Custom Pin Striping * Pipe * Sand & Gravel • Body & Frame Work * Masonry * Crushed Rock Septic Tanks * Ready Mix • Vinyl Tops Installed • Sun Roofs lnstalled ,- -  i • Auto Glass Installed " "" SATURDAY POURS ,Weekdays RADIO DISPATCHED READY-MIX TRUCKS 8:00 o.m.-5:00 p.m. FOR WEEKEND GRAYSTONE ESTIMATES CALL OF SHELTON 426 9020 At tl00e end of West Fronklin. II , ?11 ]lfn For Sale 30" CAST iron Ben Franklin. '66 CHEVELLE, needs work. FORD F-500, 1961 truck in 300-gallon fuel tank. Oil .heater. Large circulating wood heater, exceptional condition, flatbed, 426-8756. Mll/9-30 '- Smith and Wesson magnum, new stake body, 55-gallon tanks, condition. 218 North First, many extras, excellent for PORTABLE NELCO sewing Apartment 10. Dl1/9 hauling X-mas trees. 426-8370 machine, excellent condition, after 5p.m. Hll/9 426-3145.$11/9 '65 FORD ¾-ton, good heavy-duty truck, six.cylinder, '77 HONDAMATIC, three-door HEATILATOR,. 5-tube with with canopy, $900. '71 Ford hatchback. $3,200. After 6 p.m., blower, used little. $50. Galaxie, two-door hardtop, white 877-9377. Wll/9-30 426-4557. S11/2-9 with brown vinyl top, good FORD ENGINE 302, V-8, shape, $900. 426-9101. Hll/9 '72 4x4 jeep pickup with canopy, very clean, $3,400. '66 IL 1 RATES 1970 CHRYSLER 300, 4-door. Excellent running condition, new tires and brakes, interior and exterior very clean. Two studded snow tires and set of snow chains included. At 629 Pine Street. 426-8597. $950. 511/2-9 '71 BUICK GS 350, with 4-barrel, good tires, with Camaro-style wheels, P.S./P.B., automatic, excellent running condition, looks sharp. Asking $1,700. 426-3724. L10/19-11/9 '61 FORD pickup with canopy, has air shocks, good tires, runs good. $575. 426-9423. $11/9 '65 FORD pickup, half-ton, six-cylinder, three-speed. $850. 426-7223, 352-9756. Wll/9-16 1972 PINTO Runabout, new radial tires, two extra rims with studded radials mounted. 426-2641. $11/9-30 '67 PONTIAC wagon. $200. 426-4605. $11/9 '72 VEGA, GT, 10,000 miles. $800 firm. 426-1238. Tll/9 1975 DATSUN 710, excellent condition. $3,400. Call 877-5375 evenings. Tll/9 '66 FORD Galaxie, A.T., P.S./P.B., A.C., excellent. See to appreciate. $795. 426-6709. Al1/9 1977 FORD F250, ¥4-ton pickup with canopy, automatic, power brakes, power steering, trailer towing package, only 16,000 miles. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. Pl1/9 1977 DODGE D150 long box, a must for pulling a trailer, automatic, P.B./P.S., 400 Cid. engine, only 11,000 miles, just like-new. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. Pll/9 1977 DODGE; D150 short-wide box, white with black bucket seats, automatic, P.B./P.S., 318 V8, only 13,000 miles. Pauley Motors. 426-5548. Pll/9 1974 JEEP %-ton pickup, four-wheel drive, automatic, P.S./P.B., six-cylinder, only 30,000 miles, just right for off the road. Pauley Motors 426-5548. P11/9 1965 V.W. Karmann Ghia, new paint, nice shape inside and out. $1,200. 426-4315. Cll/9-30 '74 PINTO station wagon. CB radio snow tires, good cond tion. Good runner. $1,600. Rt. 2, Box 209F, Spencer Lake. 426-6496. PI 1/9 4x4 JEEP wagon, 1963, PTO winch, hubs, 289 Ford. $1,000 or offer. 877-5286. Gll/9 1973 TOYOTA Land Cruiser, excellent condition black. 426-5733. $3,300. Bll/2-9 mout YOUR HOMETOWN CHRYSLER-DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER THE 1978 LEFTOVERS ARE GOING FAST. DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE ON THESE FANTASTIC SAVINGSl ONLY 9 ! 978"S LEFT 1-1-ton Dodge Sportsman Wagon 1-Dodge m XE 1 -Dodge 00D.U. 1 -Dodge 0000-Wheel Drive 1 -Plymouth Volare 4-Dr. 1 -Dodge k00'-Dr. 1 -Dodge Aspen 2-Dr. ] -Dodge Aspen SW ] -Dodge Diplomat 2-Dr. ALL THESE CARS WILL BE SOLD AT DEALER'S COST. PAULEY,44OTOR00 PHONE 426-5548 Front & Railroad, Shelton ]972 DODGE Polara, new rebuilt transmission, six tires like new, extra wheels, runs good. $700. 426-4044. R11/2tfn '70 FORD station wagon, 4-door, $1,075; '74 Monaco, 4-door, $1,125; '71 Dodge pickup truck, 4x4, $2,795. All ood condition, clean, excellent ires, P.S./P.B. 877-5228, 877-9232. M11/2tfn FLEA MARKET fourth Saturday monthly, 9-4, Lincoln gym, Shelton. For display table reservations call 426-2910. D8/3 ltfn FLEA MARKET, second Saturday monthly, 9-6. Potlatch Women's Clubhouse, Hood Canal Lions Club. H9/28tfn JAN'S TABLES at the Potlatch Flea Market will feature collectlbles of many kinds for keeping or giving. Also pictures, jewelry, dishes, books, houseplants, and much miscellaneous. Hood Canal Woman's Clubhouse, Saturday. Dll/9 BASEMENT SALE November 10 and 11 at 941 Valley Road, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You name it, we've got it. Moving, must sell. Hll/9 MOVING SALE: Everything but the kitchen sink! Saturday, Sunday, 9-5. Hurry for good buys. We will bargain. 1936 Laurel Street, Mt. View. three blocks across Brad's. Pll/ RUBY REBEKAH Lodge No. 75, bazaar and lunch, Friday November 17, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch 11 to 1:30. IOOF Hall over Coast to Coast Store. Rll/9-16 GARAGE SALE November 11, 12. Follow signs in Hoodsport near firehall. 9-6. Mll/9 TOYS CLOTHING and miscellaneous items. 9-5 Thursday, Friday. 503 East Birch, Capitol Hill. Tll/9 451 FIR Street, Friday and Saturday, 9:4. Dll/9 GARAGE SALE, Saturday, November 11, 9:30-3. 506 West I Street. Gll/9 Help Wanted PREVIEW REALTY "has openings for experienced hard working sales people who wish to join an innovative office with a progressive and generous commission program. Call Mary at 426-9748. P9/21tfn MAIDS NEEDED. Apply Alderbrook Inn, Union. All/9-16 BOO K KEEPE R- RECEPTION IS:I" with qualifications, dental office, salary open, 3-4 day week. Write Box 52, c/o The Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. 11/9-16 EXPERIENCED PART-time waitress. Apply at Heinie's. Hll/9-20 TEXAS REFINERY Corp. offers 1enty of. money plus cash onuses, tringe benefits to mature individual In Shelton area. Regardless of experience, write A.N. Pate, President, Texas Refinery Corp., Box 711, Fort ,Worth, Texas 76101. Mll/9 NURSE'S AIDE day and p.m. shifts, prefer minimum three months experience or graduate of aide training course..Starting wage, $2.91 plus range oenefits. Apply in person, r.mployment Security, 5000 Capital Boulevard, Olympia. Fll/9 WANTED -- TELEPHONE solicitors for Kirby free rug shampoo program. Start $2.75 hour. Come o 211 COla, 1,00 Friday to apply. Dll/9-16 FULL-TIME day care for four-year-old boy and four-month-old girl in my home starting the first week in January. References required. 426-4315. C11/9-12/14 BABYSITTER, MATURE; my home, two children, two days a week. References. 426-7267 after 5:30 p.m. Kll/9-16 i i ii I I II FLOOR COVERING Contractors wanted for im- mediate employment to work for quality floor-cover. ing shop in Bremerton. Must have license and bond. 1965 4-door, Lincoln Continental, excellent condition, all extras. $1,450 firm. 877-9232. M 11/2tfn 1977 FORD %-ton pickup, radio, tape deck new tires, P.S./P.B., completely automatic, 400 cubic V-8 erlgine. 426-1326. K10/26-11116 CENTURY 21 Real Estate the number 1 sales organization in the nation has an opening in the Shelton office. We offer the most complete training available, the largest nationwide referral system and an opportunity for greater earning. Cal/Jerry Smith, 4 26-3363. ClO/19tfn CHRISTMAS TREE workers needed. Kirk Company. 426-6151. Kll/9-16 AVON ANNOUNCES its new subsidiary -- Geni. No experience necessary. If you have experience, come talk with us about management. Call collect, 297-2062. Mll/9 TEMPORARY OFFICE assistant ' needed, 20-30 hours per week. Will assist in writing payroll checks and balancing payroll. Ten-key, light typing and telephone work. Apply between 9 and 10 a.m. weekday mornings. Andex, Inc., Suite 7, Govey Building, Fourth and Railroad. A11/9 MASON COUNTY Parks Department is accepting applications for the position of caretaker• Applicants must be willing to relocate to Matlock area. Housing and utilities furnished. For more information, contact MCP at 426-7464. Mll/9 LEARN REAL estate sales -- Join the most progressive realtor firm in Mason County. Full training and help for inexperienced sales oriented persons. 25 years of successful real estate experience by broker to assure your success. If you like dealing with .people and are willing to work plus be your own boss, call Reid Mitchell today. Are you retired, but not tired? Age is an asset, not a handicap. Phone 426.4486. Mason County Realty. M 10/26tfn PART-TIME desk clerk, apply in erson between 2-5 p.m., Sper Motel, Mt. View. $11/2-9 SANTA CLAUS for hire. 426-5332. Cll/2-23 Work* Want00 LICENSED CHILD care, my home, IQvlng care, starting November 1. Phone 426-7775. G10/26-11/16 NEED YOUR housecleaned? Call Peaches & Clean Housecleaning Service, 426-4542 or 426-1816. P10/26-11/16 Instruction OFFERING DRY flower workshops, Monday afternoons 1-3, Monday evenings, 7-9. Brooms, wreaths and arrangements. Make something special for the holidays. Please call Marilyn Smith, 426-8462. $11/9-30 Business Opportunities SMALL OFFICE space for rent. $40 month and up. Century 21, Jerry Smith Realty. 426-3363. C10/5tfn Phone €ol lect 479.341Kl. Ask for Steve. 11/9.16 .... BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES JERRY SMITH REALTY 7th and Railroad 426-$363 R.V. TRAILER PARK 123 sites, 70 full hook-ups, large home. 8Vz acres, many extras. $365,000. Owner will carry contract. Buslness location, Northcllff. Suitable for nursery, veterinary, what-h ave-you. vacre, 4-bedroom home with large double garage. $64,700. 5 rental units located on ideal restaurant or motel site. H.ighway frontage., view. Bargain priced, $79,950. Apartment house, 7 units, downtown Shelton. $65,000. Business building -- Highway location. Includes living quarters. $65,000. 4 Rentals. $575 month gross. Only $47,500. PLUS WE HAVE OTHER UNADVERTISED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY for lease. Highway 101, Hood Canal waterfront, 1 mile south Hoodsport; also 1,200-square- foot building, suitable for restaurant, plus trailer sites. 877-9760. P11/2-23 -- -------- -------v- "--. ---__ - --v _ Auctions AUCTION EVERY Saturday night, 7 p.m. Bring in consignments for quick cash. McCleary. Auction & New/Used, McCleary, WA, phone 495-3541, 495-3454. Virgil Reading, Auctioneer. R5/5tfn Public Auctions Held every Thursday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m. at the Tropics Ballroom. Shelton, Olympia Highway 1010 866-0866. Cliff Nichols, Auctioneer tfn i %%%%%%%%%%%%' Lost & Found LOST -- EIGHT month female Brittany spaniel, white with orange spots. Reward. 426-3700. Pl1/9 ' ' Basin. H10/5tfll Thursday, November 9, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31 LOST, IN the Stadium Beach/McClains Cove area. One-year-old male collie. Answer to 'Tank.' He belongs to Terri Steinberg. Call 426-1723. Gone since Saturday. Gll/gtfn LOST ONE R edbone female hound in Hamma Hamma area. Real shy. If seen please call 426-8756. W10/12tfn LOST OR strayed -- two pigs from Frank Schmidtke, Matlock. $10 reward. Call 426-8794. $11/9 " Pets, Livestock OLYMPIC GUIDE Service offers coon hound puppies out of our $1,800 strike dog, Roller. These puppies are sure to please. $50, $75. 692-4618, Silverdale. Oll/2-23 LOW COST spay/neuter clinic. Sponsored by M.C.C.F.A. For information and appointments call 426-9413, 426-7087. M8/3tfn X-CEL HORSE feed. Reasonable prices. 426-9136. A10/12tfn GINGER'S DOG Grooming, downtown Shelton, 24-hour service, convenient, courteous, clean, professional. 426-4727. B9/28tfn PUPPIES $5. ½ English pointer, ¼ German shepherd, ¼ St. Bernard. 426-1792. W11/2-23 FOR SALE -- Registered Australian terrier puppies. Phone 426-6152. F11/2tfn PUREBRED ANGUS heifer, no papers. Due to calve March. Bred to good papered Angus. Twin Rivers Ranch, Shelton. 1-885-2467, 1-453-0444. R11/2-9 PUPPIES, DOBERMAN'S, purebred, puppy shots, tails cut, good breeding background. Call 426-2996 after 5:30 p.m. V10/26tfn BAY MARE, 14 hands, 14 years old, gentle but spirited, to loving home only $300. Will hold for Christmas. Also 15" saddle, $125. 426-1172. W11/9 DUCKS $3 each. 426-9854. Mll/9-16 TWO SAANEN doe goats, one 20 months, $95; one eight months, $75. Phone 426-7490. Kll/9 IRISH SETTER, male, free, 1% years old. Australian shepherd puppy, four months, free to good home. 877,9259. $11/9 Motorcycles 1977 HONDA CR 125, new condition. Call 426-4232. M10/19-11/9 1972 HONDA XL250, four-stroke, one-cylinder, dirt bike, runs great. $300. Call 426-2829. $11/9 Boats & Motors 24' CABIN cruiser, Chrysler ower, radio, sounder, new ottom paint and carpeting. Sleeps 4. Ready to go. 426-555] days; 426-2489 evenings, or see John Hubbard at The Yacht 1973 LTD wagon, 1968 Ranger F100, both good condition, 426-4566. A10/26-11/16 1975 STARFIRE, V-6, automatic power steering, power brakes, cl'eluxe model, $2,600. ]976 Luv pickup, excellent Condition, $2,700. 426-9229. M11/2-23 1972 MUSTANG Mach I, 302 motor, 3-speed, excellent shape. $3,200. 1954 pickup, rebuilt motor, 292, body is in good shape. $750. 426-6989 or 426-7793. M10/19tfn complete, approximately 58,000 1966 CARRYALL, many new Oldsmobile F-85, very reliable, miles. Asking $275. 426-6679. parts, needs paint, $1,250 cash. $175. 426-6864. Tll/2-9 Tll/2-9 1953 Chev pickup with 1961 .... engine (runs great), needs water 30" GEM Top Canopy for 8' iump and TLC, $250 cash. bed. 426-4428. J10/26-11/16 Dump hoist for pickup, $250 ..... _ ..... - cash. Rabbits, hutches. 426-9722 '----------------------: ...... --'----"-"---------'------------"---"-- after 3:30 weekdays, anytime Garage, Yard Sales Used Cars weekends. E 1 1/9 : '----------------------_=2- _--...-..-...-...-_ , '--__--__--..--..r--__-- " j=j-- ' __--* :: -- --__-- -- --j--  Used Cars ; Used Cars Help Wanted Business Opportunities