November 9, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 9, 1978 |
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Amy Anderson, youngster.
Madelon Shellgren, mother.
Mark Veleitch, youngster
You don't have to be a kid to get a kick out of Halloween. Adults and youngsters, who attended the carnival at the
Belfair Elementary School last week, were not only dressed up but made up as well.
A white five. or 10-speed
bike was found in Belfair
October 30 by Gayle Fortner,
according to a sheriff's report.
.e,00uj Ih
Donations sought for playground
Ten-foot logs, 10-by-%-inch if somebody would donate them. ' held in January, there will be a materials.
carriage bolts, and 10.inch spikes
are as valuable as hard cash to
By ELEANORA FEDENK 275-2774 the Belfair Community
Education Association's (CEA)
, The big "Y" intersection of Scouts, "all going great guns." playground committee.
the Dewatto Road with the Mady is a trainer, fills in as a These are just some of the
Mission-Tige r Road has been a consultant, manages the annual items the committee needs so it
beehive of activity, cookie sale for Belfair, and is a can build some playground
The bulletin board was put council delegate for the North equipment at the elementary
in place at this spot as planned Mason area. "Linde" enjoys the school.
by the lakes improvement dub many hats she has earned as, a The committee wants to put
The (late and current Girl ScOut trainer. She is' a in more swings, three more sets
activity was" loud and clear member of the nominating of monkey bars, apole climb, a
the passerby, committee, area council delegate, stump walk and a "barrel of
The Mason County Road and serviceunitchairman, fun," said Deanna Walker,
crew deserves a big "thank you" To combine business with chairman of the group.
for the bangup job of removing pleasure, the gala left home a There's just not enough
the existing road hazard of many few days early. The extra time playground equipment at the
----- .......... T- ....... years. By removing the offending allowed them to go sightseeing school now, so the kids invent
Open 7 Days dirt bank with their heavy through the Denver Art Museum, games that get them in trouble -
A Week, ' equipment, visibility of tour the Colorado State Capitol, water balloons is one.
..... Men. thruSaL, oncoming traffic at the blind shop at Larimer Square (that is A work party, calling on
8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.; curve has been greatly improved, comparable to the renewed parent volunteers, was set for the
News from our traveling local Pioneer Square in Seattle), and next two Saturdays, but they
Sunday,'8:3OtoTp.m. .... girls, "Lindy" Linnenbruegge and attend a Denver University had to be postponed until
Sunset Beach Mady Cataldo, to the national drama on campus. A calorie January because there just wasn't
Girl Scout conclave in Denver, countoff groan is for the enough materials, Mrs. Walker
Grocery Colorado, brings home a note of much-too-much good food served said.
confidence to the changes for a and eaten. For example, they have 30
South Shore future programs of girls, girls, More about girls is the baked piling logs, but they need 20
275-2500 girls.
As alternate delegates of goods and rummage sale on more, she said. As a matter of
Totem Girl Scout Council (that Saturday, November 11, at the fact, they could use another 30
means they paid their own way), Belfair Firehall. The seventh
they sat in on sessions, but could grade Belfair Group No. 60,
not vote as the regular delegates Camp Fire Girls plan their fund Ski swap
were present. However, they had raising effort from 9 a.m. to 3
the opportunity of hearing the p.m. planned
proposals and the tops in Girl Actually, it is no effort as Anyone interested in buying
Scout representatives and they look ahead to keeping the or selling used ski equipment?
speakers, holiday plans within their own The sixth annual Ski Swap will
Their notes from the business funds, like a revolving savings be held Thursday, November 16,
meetings firmed up coming account. Their leader, Mrs. Patti at North Mason High School
proposals for changes on the way Kemp, said the girls' plan on cafeteria from 7:30 p.m, till 10
of "doing things," new sharing expenses with those not p.m.
handbooks, uniform styling, and able to attend camp sessions, by Ski movies and slides will be
-------- ------=--------=-------- a new logo for Girl Scouting. sponsoring after-school dances shown. For more information
lllll An accolade came from and assisting local civic projects call Nancy Sanders 275-6576.
l)-Fal Totem Council for the Belfair for donations.
activity which represents the This may be giving away a
0ial tLIJF, whole of the Girl Scout program secret, but the girls are working Corrupted morals
Sat.,Nov. 11th, 1-7 p.m. with a full complement of on holiday gift ideas that will Morals today are corrupted by
Sun., Nov. 12th, leaders, troops of Brownies, add pleasure to the Belfalr our worship of riches.
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Junior, Cadettes and Senior Girl community. Marcus Tullius Cicero
Star of the Sea Church
Basement, 6th & Vanata,
Sponsored by: Star
of the Sea Church
Parents Club.
Christmas Holly IPJ--m--------------------.-----m------mmmmmmm......
& Holly Wreaths I I
Alder-lmnked Puget Sound | H i
,eaf,,oa, I uekleberrv Herald I
(;e,.,, P.O. Box 587 275-6680 _1
Gift l, ackaged ? Beifair, WA 98528 i
& mailed for you! Ill Name
Ill 1
Holly Lane Farm Address
Phone aga-2'. m i/ Rates: One year in county with Mason County address, $8.00; in state $I0.00. !
Please Call Collect or
w.,, ,or .ro*hure lh.. ----..... " I
mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|
Page 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - November 9, 1978
Besides the items already
mentioned, the committee could
use some chains, two 50-gallon
barrels for soaking the logs in
preservative, sawdust or sand for
the ground after the equipment
is in place.
When the work parties are
need for volunteers, and some
equipment such as a post-hole
digger, Mrs. Walker said.
The playground committee is
an equal opportunity charity -
you don't have to have a child in
elementary school to volunteer
for a work party or donate
Oh yes, if there are no
carriage bolts or spikes around
the house, cash - in spite of the
international money market -
will also be gratefully accepted
by the committee.
For more information call
Mrs. Walker, 275-5273.
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