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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 9, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 9, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Redistra!0000ing to be discussed The well is R e d i s t r i c t i n g Counties," said Ann for the districts based on current have only been reexamined twice The Beard's Cove well has one certainty, he reapportionment of Washington state will be discussed by Phyllis Bannister, November 16, at the North Mason League of Women Voters meeting. The meeting will be held at the Belfair Community Baptist Church at 10 a.m. Mrs. Bannister is a member of the local League of Women Voters. "This is a timely subject considering the recent growth in population of Kitsap and North Grable, n}ember of the local group. Both Democrat and Republican parties adopted platforms in their 1978 conventions which contained planks that called for a regular automatic process of redistricting and reapportionment, she said. She also explained that redistricting changes boundaries of districts and reapportionment changes the number of legislators D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Grlffey 275.2117 Lou Dobbs 866-4783 I I I II ..... BONDED LICENSED INSURED JESFIELD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING • BUILDING CONCRETE WORK P.O. Box 377 • Belfair, WA 275-6684 Jim Jesfield FUNERAL CHAPEL Serving families In this community since 1909 5303 Kitsap Way Lester M. Lewis, Sr. i t, , . : ...... II ,q,; ... Call US collect from anywhere ES 7-3836 Lester M. Lewis, Jr. Belfair Electric Co. We are franchised General Electric Dealers • Discount Prices • Factory Service • Terms • We take trade-ins. Free delivery & normal installation. Bonded • Llcensecl Electrical Contractors Special Contractor Pricing. Next to Thrlftway i illllll i illli 275-2020 J _ I i I I i COUPON Senior citizens, 5¢ off each gallon of gas. I DAVE'S BELFAIR ARC0 STATION Clip Coupon 8, Bring In. Good Thru November. I • Belfair AutoParts i Reasonable Rates II 275.3211 _/Jl.l./._I__III_i Contact Gary Brelland SPOT m REALTY IPIC. I I III Sunday Services HOURS: Worship Service ......... 8:30 a.m. Worship Service ..... ..... 11 a.m. Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m. BELFAIR COMMUNITY BAPTIST r'l ill i P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor Church Phone -- 275-6031 I I Ill Illllll I St. Hugh's Allyn Famil) ,%n it,'. q a.m. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH AND RETREAT CENTER OF BELFAIR 9 a.m... Christian Education 10 a.m ..... Worship Service Come as you are -- Nursery provided V4 mile W. of Belfalr State Park 27S.$3S4 Office 27S.ldlSS Home I)onald G. Fenmum, Pallor + I I II II I IIII I I THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU Come as you are St. Nicholas' Episcopal Church Tahaya Family Service, I 1:15 a.m. population. Members of the league believe the Washington State Constitution requires reexamining state districts every five years. The state districts - in 1890 and 1910, said Mrs. Grable. The League of Women Voters have been anxious to have the district fair, she said. Men in Uniform Bruce A. Martin Bruce A. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Martin of Belfair, has received his first promotion in the U.S. Air Force. Martin, promoted to airman, recently completed technical training at Keesler AFB, Mississippi, and is now assigned at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota. He serves as an administrative specialist with a unit of the Strategic Air Command. The airman is a 1970 graduate of North Mason High School and attended Olympic College in Bremerton. His wife, Kathleen, is the daughter of Mrs. R. G. Polhamus of Belfair. : (Continued from page one.) had been done, but lrrgang brushed them aside saying they weren't, adequate. Wilkens then said that the tate engineer still has to approve the well. If he doesn't approve it, the question will be referred to the department of ecology. Marley Young, county road engineer, told the audience that the development meets the road requirements, and there is nothing in the ordinances of Mason County or in the change of laws that would make the plat "null and void." Gary Chrey, the attorney for ARAB Inventors Inc., developers of the property, agreed with Young's statement. He also reiterated the county officials earlier comments that the project does not come under the shoreline act. That's because the water system does not come within 200 feet of the shoreline, he retd. ' The question before the board is the completion of the water system, he said Through the checklist that was filed it had been shown that no impact will be made on the environment, he said. : "Where the impact is, of course, is that the water system is one more step in development of the area," he said. It's up to the county to protect the people of the area, and they do that through building and health codes, he said. ; As a final point, Chrey said that Bill Herdman, who represents the investors, is a responsible real estate developer who has been in development many years. "No one can point to any development of his that has been a disaster," he said. "Developers that are successful aren't judged by how much money they make... :If the developer is irresponsible ... n0 one will buy property in the Michael K. Neyens U.S.'Air Force Staff Sergeant Michael K. Neyens, son of Mr. and Mrs. K.M. Neyens of Grapeview, has arrived for duty at Scott AFB, Illinois. Sergeant Neyens, a telecommunications systems control teehnician with a unit of the Air Force Communications Service, previously served at Diyarbakir Common Defense Installation, Turkey. The sergeant is a graduate of Lineon High School, Tacoma. area.'" : Bill Herdman Sr. Spoke in place of his son who was actually handling the development. His son couldn't attend the meeting. One matter that had been brought up earlier, concerning eight lots that couldn't be built on, was cleared up by Herdman. Those lots, he said, would be combined with adjacent lots. He also said that the health, safety and welfare of the future owners of the lots were his primary concern, and "I'm well aware of those facts." : After some more discussion, Hershal Quattlebaum, a member of the Tri-Lakes Club, explained the pollution levels recorded at Tiger Lake. lfl the last six years, the lake has shown a dramatic increase in pollution - in 1973 the public access was closed because of the high coliform count. The source of the pollution has not been found, he said. And residents have even corrected lrainage systems without any effects on the problem. With the pollution picture as it is, it would be difficult to tell what impact the development would have on the lake, Quattlebaum said. The attorney for the developer said that the amount of water involved in the community lot is less than eight percent of the total lakefront. Also a letter from an engineer stated that Tiger Lake would not suffer from the same problems of pollution as Long Lake in Kitsap County. After some more testimony on behalf of the residents, one gentleman told the commissioners that there wasn't enough information available to issue a letter of non-significance. Commissioner Taylor said that when he first looked at the developers checklist, he had By HANNAH DEHLER 275-3512 been sunk 350 feet without water down ---"-'-----'-------------------- striking any water. Since that is A t t h e The failure of school levies collected rare tropical fish for the depth stipulated in the commissioner'S to pass do give teachers some several years. A sheltered area of contract for the well, the well additional 17 'knotty' problems. Joy Soltis and their patio facing the Hood Canal driller has asked to go down an was approved for Maxine Asikainen brought one of has been a source of pleasure to additional 75 feet. of the Beard's these problems that had been them and their guests- a heated County commissioners are The extra placed on hold to the attention pond that held several fish of expected to approve extending $6,000 to of the Twanoh Falls Women's exotic origin. Most of them in the well, said Jack Christians•n, tank, Christians•Ill Club at its last meeting, the brilliant tones of gold, county engineer. The ULID The paper at the North orange and yellow, plus two or "We're down to within 25 that money, Mason High School is an more very unusual carp feet of where other wells found commissioners essential communication link handsomely spotted with shaded water," he said. contractor's between the school and students, hues, and worth a pretty penney. Christianson is optimistic the made Lack of money left the press Tragedy struck these that water will be found at least for ones room without the necessary carefully nutured and loved sea within the next 75 feet, composition. materials for the term. creatures this past week, however, if that is not the case, The change Photographic lights, lacquer, etc. however. Not once, but twice in "we'll pull it up and try another $4,000 because were just not available, the form of poisonous chemicals spot." are cheaper The school paper advisor, art from roof repair debris and one It didn't come as any with, said teacher and students extended huge raccoon, surprise to Christianson that water hasn't been found yet Many ways grateful thanks to the Twanoh Mrs. Johnson says, "He was because nobody is sure where to The ways t¢ Falls Women's Club for a check large, higher than my waistline drill, and most of that was promptly placed in the when he stood up with my mail.  On the other hand, there is gorgeous carp in his mouth. My Most people at some time or husband threw the first thing he another have enjoyed watching could reach thinking he (the goldfish or guppies in a glass raccoon) would drop the fish but world. Gene and Myrtle Johnson this didn't phase him one bit." of the South Shore have t some questions about it too. But since it only applies to the water tower it is an adequate review. On the other hand, he said, if the developer was to withdraw his request for a water tower, the lots could still be sold. "People have the fight to build and drill wells. You'd have the same amount of people and more wells." : If the commissioners request an EIS, it would cause a four- to six-month delay on the final water tower decision, said Connolly during an interview Monday. : An EIS would cost the county $2,000 or more, and it would take about two months to write, he said. Then there would be a 4S-day review period. : In the end, the commissioners could still approve the water tower. : STEREO STOLEN Larry Campbell of North Shore reported October 30 that $1,550 in stereo equipment was stolen from his residence, according to a sheriff's report. The theft occurred sometime between .October 22 and 28, Campbell said. Give a hoot! Don't polluter Grand Opening Special... Register at the Hudson Spray/Dust Headquarters. Win A Hudson Cordless Electric Sprayer / handy V2 gallon model 275-2031 In our new, up-to-the-minute lawn and garden department we feature a complete selection of everything you need to, garden and grow, Hudson Cordless Electric Sprayer Pushbutton ease, lightweight for effortless spraying. Adjusts from a mist to a 20-foot spray-lets you apply the precise amount right where needed. Use outside, Inside. For yard, garden and house plants. hudson &Ovalue *Mfg. suggested retail price Leader in cordless electdc sprayers BELFAIR HARDWARE Harold and Ernle Aries Father Alan Jordan--275-3177 III I IIIII II BE I I II I .I %.1 Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - November 9, 1978 (; 6301 The wily raccoon escaped unharmed with a very satisfied look (one really can feel sure he was pleased with himself)," said Mrs. Johnson, leaving behind a dirty pool and a very unhappy pair of folks. The wildlife agent urges everyone not to encourage raccoons to stay near, so that they may feed them. They are capable of killing a small dog without compunction, and are generally very destructive animals, he said. : Mrs. Frank DeMiero called to remind us to please contact her or any of the hard working ladies of the fire department auxiliary. She wants any names of young men and women now serving in our Armed Forces. These thoughtful women have sent packages to these young people at the holiday season, for many years, and we owe them a vote of heartfelt thanks. While she spoke on the telephone, in the background could be heard the loud objections of Sammy the parakeet. It seems that Tony, a grandson who hangs around grandma and grandpa's house a great deal, not only likes Sammy - he likes eats, too. Tony will feed the cat when grandma isn't looking - "We don't know the cat's name, as he seems to be a stray," she said. Now the cat won't leave, and sneaks in when Tony opens the door. "I feel sure you can't hear a word I'm saying," said Mrs. DeMiero, but Sammy can't stand that eat!" /lm.d Nov. 11th, 10a.m. • Arts g Crafts • • Needle Work • ' SNACK BAR oPEN Belfalr Community Bop NOIITIHI -- GENERAL AUTO 21ri.2121 mile w. of Belfair PERMS & FROSTS 15% OFF Allyn Center OPEN MONDAYS and qlo 27 ,ff/e TERIyAI+ Live Music Join the Fun Friday & Dance to The River PLENTY OF FIII Bar 2 a.m. 11 a.m. to2 a.a.