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November 10, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 10, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I WORDONTHESTREET /OURNALEDITORIAL With what a new projects kyor and issues city commissioner in Shelton, do you hope will be addressed Journal photo by Kevan Moore Mason County Literacy has been changing lives for 20 years, Read all about it! Mason County Literacy celebrated its 20th an- niversa17 a couple of weeks ago and announced that it is changing its name to Sound Learning. We hold great hope for the organization as it moves forward and wish it the best of luck in the next 20 years. As a weekly newspaper, we have an obvious interest in literacy and have long been supporters of MCL. It takes real courage for folks to reach out and ask for help in learning to read and the staff and volunteers at MCL do heroic work behind the scenes, day in and day out. They change lives when nobody is looking. MCL began as a reading improvement pro- gram sponsored by the Simpson Timber Company and now provides education to 300 adults per year in Mason and Thurston counties. It turns out. though, that basic literacy isn't what it used to be. MCL Executive Director Kris- tina Smock says that critical thinking, creative problem solving and sound reasoning are neces- sary tools to be successful in the 21st century in a knowledge-based economy. The name change to Sound Learning is a reflection of that reality. While we're a bit nostalgic and it may take us a while to get used to the new name. we'll continue to be big fhns. CORRECTION LETTERSTOTNEEDIT()R I've heard that some are No mention being paid to be involved. The big question is where's of Palin? the money coming from ibr all that? The whole thing Editor, the Journal reeks of Democratic Party involvement to counter the It must take some edito- Tea Party. rial ingenuity for a news- paper to announce the Dave Maxwell arrival of a new publisher. Agate f~om Wasilla. Alaska with no mention of Sarah Palim Will it be conceivable to the Journal readers that Mrs. Change of Sleight could be Democrat? Robert Hoit name Union unfair Occu py Editor, the Journal crowd Last week Port of Shel- ton commissioners took it reeks of upon themselves to change the name of the Mason County Fairgrounds to the Democrats Sanderson Field Special Event & Fairgrounds, with public input neither sought Editor, the Journal nor desired. According to COmmissioner Jay Hupp, I read a letter to the the change was necessary editor where the writer ad- because the property had vocates joining the Occupy developed a negative image movement. I also read an problem due to multiple is- article outlining the goals sues with fair management of the Occupy movement and leases. "It still has the and I wonder if the majority odbr of death when we talk of the Occupiers are aware about fairgrounds," he said, of those goals. They are "We need to re-brand it." against capitalism because Adding insult to incre- of the obscene profits but dulity, Mr. Hupp then per- yet they want a living wage, formed a perfect "180." say- whether one is working or ing he was now optimistic not, forgiveness of all debts, about a reversal of the FAA including all national debt. mandate that required re- trillions of dollars for de- moval of the fairgrounds by velopment and ecology, free Dec. 31, 2013. a possibility health care for everyone, the port said was an impos- free college tuition for all sibility right up to the very and open borders. Socialist moment it wasn't. European countries that So what's really going have measures like these on? Well. the port wants to are going bankrupt. They lease the land to a private claim to be the 99 percent, concern, much like they Could it be that they are 99 trfed to do earlier this year. percent of those who refuse NO doubt, this time. they'll to work for a living? Some be some name-changing of these protesters are now and a bit of paper shuffling, showing a violent side and b~t the outcome will likely ]If. Shelton-Mason County I[ • " .. .... , .... - - She/ton Mason .::.:.: c':::': !iiiiiiiiiiiii i::iiiii~ili:i~ i[ili!:2iiiiiii[ iiiii!ijiiiii~,~i'i iiiiiii[iii/i N ® Michelle Sparks "Road improvements and allowing businesses to come to our community." Sue Tom Wes Younglove Noreen Whitish ,,] e: e] b: d want them to be hon- "Streets. definitely streets." "I'd like to see somethin ,t and help the town. Ev- done about the cemeter~ 'y time someone wants to They need Go get somethin • ing something new and done up there." fferent to Gown. they al- In an article titled "Port talks budget, renames fair- grounds," por~ commissioner Jay Hupp was paraphrased as saying that the fair- grounds had an "image prob- lem after multiple fiascos be the same: fhvorable lease terms of public assets to personal fldends. [t never thiiq to surprise u~ ,,hen the port wants something to happen, all obstacles in its path are treated like bumps in the road, but when the pub- lic wants it, those bumps become insurmountable mountains. Examples: a citizen advisory committee. a vote on biomass, accurate minutes, workshops, open discussion, transparency, accountability, honesty, eq- uitability, jobs, growth and common courtesy. The fact that port com- missioners changed the name of our fairgrounds without consulting with. or even considering citizen reaction testifies to the con- tempt for public input that has defined that body since Jay Hupp came onboard. So what should have been a no-brainer became just an- other misstep in a long line of missed opportunities for the port to involve the pub- lic in decisions that affect their lives. In my opinion, Hupp is unfit to govern a munici- pality dedicated to growth because he is blind and/or stubbornly resistant to any opportunities that do not have at its center airport operations. And while it may sound as if I'd like Hupp to ride off into the retirement sun- set. I hasten to add he take director John Dobson with him. Because if Hupp and Dobson were the business visionaries they'd like us all to believe, the Adage, Shelton Hills, and Mason County Fairground issues would not have turned into embarrassing fiascos, and the Port of Shelton would have swung wide the doors to much needed public in- put. It's not that these two men lack the skills to do the w ays County Journal is a member of shut it down.." dth fair management andpublic funds, a subsequent ers and frustration from ~ases." investigation that cleared public. Hupp took exception to the por~ of wrongdoing, the However Hupp confin haracterizing recent issues loss of a possible long-term the following quote, in wt elated to the fairgrounds as lease of the fairgrounds to he said, "It still has the ( ascos, including a whistle- John and Rachel Hansen of of death when we talk a~ lower complaint for gifting Northwest Event Organiz-the fairgrounds." the aed Lich dor out The Journal welcomes and encourages your letter to the editor, will print sqnedi original letters' of local interest!:We will not publish letters that are libelous or scurrilous in nature. Signed letters ii!i~i!i!i!i!i!i!i!ii!ii! ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii~ a Highclimber, wanted t~) be a Highclimber, to pla_$ as a Highclimber. Whether job they were "hired" to do, teams. There was a differ- it's that they've hunkered eflt mentality back then. down against the public as Today there's been a shift if protecting their own pri- primarily to academics, not rate fort, instead of work- athletics. With all the bud- ing with the public for the get cuts. the whole thing is benefit of all. a mess. Now, don't get me wrong; Tom Davisacademics are the key ~o Sheltonsuccess ibr our students. However, not all students Are you are gifted academically. Some are naturally gifted athletes though. So, why proud to be not g]ve our young athletes the best chance for success from SHS? too? That means we need to be more competitive in all areas. We're not doing that: our students should be Editor, the Journal proud to go to Shelton High Ask yourself: if someone School. to be a Highclimber. were to ask you, "Where are Nothing against any of you from?" would you say the curren~ coaching staff, Shelton with pride? this problem starts at the Where does community top. The students need pride start? Is it in the ap- our community leaders pearance of our town? and the community as a Something unique that whole our school boards, makes it different? Is it superintendents, princi- the education system, how pals. teacher and coaches. about our sports? One could The philosophy should be debate on this till the cows that of winning. Winning come home. There will al- breeds success, success ways be a difference of opin- breeds wining. Athletically ions where we're entitled to or academically if you suc- that: or should I say it's a ceed you're considered a privilege, this is America. winner, no matter how you Now let's get to pride in look at it. our community. I've lived So. how do we change in this town and county my this course of mediocrity whole life and it seems like to get back to the days of the community pride is low. Stark and Brickert. Gregg Once upon a time people and Buitenveld. Wentz and around here had more Crater and many others? pride in our town. We ral- That was a time when the lied around our local sports students were proud to be you were in a club, dranq a, band. cheerleading or sports you were proud tc wear the red and black. Ask our current stu- dents if they're proud to be a Highclimber. You may be surprised. Some do n( t think it's a great place t( go to school. I've heard grumblings myself. I thi: lk it's sad: it's a pity that tl Ley don't have pride in their own school and that's a shame. Budget cuts or not, th LS current trend of losing should be unacceptable. We are sending a poor mess~ tge Go our youth if we think os- ing is OK. Dave Pu ;vin Shelton High Sc] lool Class of 1981 Thanks fo the suppo Editor, the Journal A pat on the back of Steve Bloomfield and Ly ada [e ~art ton Ring Erickson for havint both the moral and polit cal courage to approve t] mental health tax. Nicel done. Cheryl Ste~ t Kari Sleight, publisherAdvertising: Jesse Mullen, general mgr. Dave Pierik, advertising manager Harvey Morris, ad representatwe Composing room: She USPS 492-800 ! Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to $helton-Mason SUBSCRIPTION RATES: County Journal, RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. I $37 per year for Mason County addresses, $51 per year in state of Washington but outside Published weekly by Shelton-Mason Count~ Journal, Inc. at 227 West Cota Street Shelton, Washington Mason County, $61 per year out of state. Mailing address: RO. Box 430, Shelton, W/~ 98584 Telephone (360) 426-4412 • Owned and published by Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washiington She/ton-Mason County Journal, Inc Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 10, 2011 Newsroom: Kevan Moore, managing editor Front office: Aria Shephard, North Mason, Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper environment, reporter Margot Brand, circulation Natalie Johnson, reporter Cricket Carter, mailroom Emily Hanson, sports rep.orter supervisor Adam Rudnick, copy editor William Adams, graphics Koleen Wood, classifieds/leg~ Becky Corr, typing Pressroom: Kelly Riordan, production man Travis Miller press operator Is ager