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......... ......... i
Lois E. Gruse
Lois E. Gruse, 89, died
Sunday, Nov. 6, at Provi-
dence St. Peters Hospital in
Olympia. She was a resident
of Shelton for 34 years.
She was born in South
Bend on Oct. 3, 1922 to Wil-
liam and Laura (Wallen)
:::~ ......... She
: ~'°~::::.~ ~graduated
~in 19.40
from Val-
ley High
She was
married to
Robert U1-
mer until
Lois his death
Gruse and then
to Don
Her family said she was
known as Nana and was
one of a kind. She enjoyed
cooking, gardening, travel
and her grandchildren and
She is survived by her
daughters Sharon Nelson,
Shirley Asuega and Kathy
Ulmer LeBresh (Ron), 10
grandchildren and 20 great-
Her parents and both
husbands preceded her in
There will be a celebra-
tion of life from 1:30 to 6:30
p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12,
at Squaxin Island Commu-
nity Kitchen located at SE
50 Squaxin Lane, Shelton.
Memorial donations can be
sent to the Cancer Society
or American Heart Associa-
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
arrangements. Online con-
dolences may be sent to the
family at
Wilma Lee Herrel
Wilma Lee Herrel, 83,
died Tuesday, Nov. 1, in
Shelton. She was a resident
of Shelton for 66 years.
She was born in Ridgely,
Mo., to Ernest A. and Tessie
(Searle) Phillip on April 28,
She married Elmer Her-
rel Sr. on July 7, 1945 in
~ Springs,
was one
of eight
born to a
minister of
the Assem-
bly of God
Wilma Church.
Iterrel She met
her late
at the age of 15, married at
17, and was married for 64
years upon her husband's
death in 2009.
She was a homemaker
and raised three children.
She was a member of
the Bethel Assembly of
God Church and church
secretary for 30 years. She
and Elmer were youth
group counselors for many
years, a member of the
Women's Mission Group and
of Primetimers (a retired
group of seniors from the
Assembly of God Church)
and active in the church.
Her hobbies included
sewing (making her chil-
dren's clothing with pat-
terns she made herself), cro-
cheting, needlepoint, flower
gardening, cooking and
baking. She enjoyed singing
and enjoyed her children,
grandchildren, and great
She is survived by her
sons Erv Herrel (Deb) and
Elmer Herrel Jr. both of
Shelton; daughter Becky
Willis of Shelton; brother
Eston Phillips of Nampa,
Idaho; sisters Thelma Lee
of Shelton and Geneva Sjur-
son of Boise, Idaho; seven
grandchildren and 13 great-
grandchildren and numer-
ous nieces, nephews and
She was preceded in
death by her parents, hus-
band Elmer Sr., sister Kath-
ryn and brothers, Donald,
James and Curtis Phillips.
A graveside service was
held on Monday, Nov. 7, at
Shelton Memorial Park.
A memorial service will
be held at 10 a.m. On Sat-
urday, Nov. 12 at Bethel
Assembly of God, 1521 Mon-
roe, Shelton.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at
Robert L McClanahan
Robert L. McClanahan
Sr., 84 died Thursday, Nov.
3, in Olympia. He was a
resident of Olympia for 17
He was born April 23,
1927 in Quilicene to Ralph
and Mabel (Prestwood) Mc-
He was a member of the
~ii!i~i~ marineS.He
i i~ii~:~'~::~::::~iiii~i~iii~i:~! married
O aays
~ Myers in
N. Vancou-
ver, BC on
Aug. 10,
Robert He re-
MeClanahan tired from
after 36 years.
He is survived by his wife
Gladys McClanahan of Mon-
tesano; son Robert L. Mc-
Clanahan Jr. of Montesano;
daughters Joanne Steese
of Lacey and Kathleen Mc-
Clanahan of Olympia; sister
Viola McNish of Shelton,
brother Tom McClanahan
of Quilicene and Larry Mc-
Clanahan of Forks; grand-
children Sharilyn, Rick,
Michael, Breanne and Sa-
His parents Ralph and
Mabel McClanahan, broth-
ers Ernest and Ralph Mc-
Clanahan and sister Ger-
trude Finley, preceded him
in death.
No service will be held.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
Memorial donations can
be made to the Alzheimer's
Association Western and
Central WA State Chapter,
12721 30th Ave NE, Suite
101, Seattle, WA 98125 or
Providence Sound Home
Care and Hospice 3432
South Bay Road NE Olym-
pia, WA 98506.
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at
Dorothy "Dot" Laverne
Dorothy "Dot" Laverne
McCleskey, 90, died Tues-
day, Nov. 1, at her home at
Lake Cushman. She was a
resident of Hoodsport for 22
She was born July 17,
1921, to
and Lena
Gorden in
in April
of 1971 in
She was previously mar-
ried to Charles Hampton in
1945; the marriage ended in
divorce. She was married to
Edward Torre in 1950 until
ii!iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiii!iii iii!i! iiii i
ii!iii!ilili!iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iii!iil
his death. She was one of
14 children and grew up on
a farm. Her family shared
that she didn't like life on
the farm very much at the
time, but said she really
learned to appreciate it later
in life and it was probably
from those early days there
that she learned the incred-
ible work ethic that would
be with her all her life. Too
beautiful and adventurous
to stay on the farm long, she
left and settled in the Se-
attle area. her family said.
She was a homemaker.
She was baptized on
July 4, 2010 and attended
the Church of Christ. Her
hobbies included bowling,
gardening, shopping q es-
pecially for shoes), danc-
ing, crossword puzzles and
playing cards. She enjoyed
being home visiting with
family and friends and she
cherished her animals. She
remained very close to her
children throughout her life
and had the joy of watching
them grow and have their
own families. Her family
said she was truly a special
lady, wife and mother with
an incredible spirit and de-
termination and was loved
by all for her warmth, kind-
ness and am~i~ng sense of
She is survived by her
daughters Sandee Rodriguez
of Hoodsport and Toni Nich-
ols (Steve) of Sammamish;
son Mike Torre (Marni)
of LasVegas, Nev.; sisters
Christine Hermanson of
Valley City, N.D. and Mary
Maier ofLamoure N.D.; five
grandchildren and 13 great
grandchildren and numer-
ous nieces, nephews and
She was preceded in
death by her parents, hus-
bands James McClesky and
Edward Torre and 11 broth-
ers and sisters.
A celebration of life was
held on Sunday, November
Memorial donations can
be made to Susan G. Ko-
men for the Cure, P.O. Box
650309, Dallas, TX 75265-
0309; or American Lung"
Association, 2625 3rd Ave.
Seattle, WA 98121-1200 or
the American Heart Asso-
ciation, 7272 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75231.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton handled the ar-
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at
Ronald Weldon Nelson
Ronald Nelson, 48, died
Nov. 1, peacefully at home
after a two-year battle with
ALS Lou Gehrig~s Disease.
His wife said he was a true
warrior of his disease and
an inspira-
~tion to all
those he
met. He
lived in
Shelton for
13 years.
He was
born in
July 17,
Ronald 1963, to
Nelson Jean Poi-
tra (Engel)
and G.W.
He graduated from
Franklin High School in
1981 and in 2010 achieved
his associates degree in ap-
plied science at South Puget
Sound Community College
graduating with highest
He was married to Susan
Anderson on Valentine's
Day 1990.
He worked for Simpson
McCleary Door Plant. He
was a jack-of-all-trades and
master of all his family said.
He is survived by his wife
Susan Nelson: daughter
Elide Carter: mother Jean
Poitra: aunt Dr. Shirley
Anderson: sisters Peggy
Nelson and Cheryl Gibson
Eichman; brothers Gary
Nelson, Greg Nelson, Jer-
maine Jones, Bobby Gibson
and Jason Gibson as well as
various other close relatives
and friends.
He was preceded in death
by his grandmother Bernice
Engel, father G.W. Gibson,
son Justin Logan Lee and
brother Jeffrey Nelson.
A graveside service will
be held at 1 p.m., Friday
Nov. 11 at Holyrood Cem-
etery located at 205 N. E.
205tb in Shoreline.
Memorial donations can
be made to ALS/TDI. Enve-
lopes can be provided.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
arrangements. Online con-
dolences may be sent to the
family at
of Shelton; brother Brian
Workman of Shelton; sister
Bev Ann Wakefield of
Ephrata; grandchildren Is-
rael Barnett and Sydni-Fae
Workman; nieces and neph-
ews Melissa Church, Joseph
Workman, Jeremy Workman,
Briana Petersson and other
nieces, nephews and cous-
ins: adopted children Caleb.
Shannon and Jessica Hicks.
He was preceded in death
by his parents Ira and O1-
era Workman and brother
Chuck Workman.
No service held at this
time. Memorial donations
can be made to the char-
Sunday; November 20th
1:00 p.m.
Shelton Elks
741 S.E. Craig Rd J
Fotluc1 rollowsl
ity of your choice. McComb
Funeral Home of Shelton is
handling the arrangements.
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at
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Sidney Veigh Workman
Sidney Veigh Workman,
64. died Sunday, Nov. 6, at
Mason General Hospital in
Shelton. He was a resident
of Shelton for 19 years.
He was born Oct. 16.
1947 co Ira and Olera
(Ward J Workman in Ya-
He graduated in 1967
from Shelton High School.
He mar-
.~@i~" ,'~ ried Billie
• ~ii~:~i~!i!~ ~ 'Winne on
::~;;~#~° .~:~ ~ April 15,
~ 1978 in
He was
raised in
the Rifle
Sidney which is
Workman now be-
hind the
Dam and moved to the Shel-
ton area in the mid 1960s.
He also lived in the Randle
area during the Mt. St. Hel-
en's eruption.
He was a mill worker for
Simpson Timber Co. and
Olympic Panel Products
(2001-2008) retiring in 2008.
Workman was a Jehovah
Witness. He enjoyed hunt-
ing, fishing and channel
surfing on the TV, grand-
children, tinkering, whis-
tling, garage sales and thrift
He is surAved by his wife
Billie Workman of Shel-
ton; son Ethan Workman
(Laura) of Shelton; daughters
Hannah Workman (Joshua)
and Brette Workman both
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Margaret June McQuilkin
Margaret "June" McQuilkin 82 passed away on
Thursday, October 27, 2011.
She was born June 7, 1929 in Shelton, Washington to
Eber and Clara Furister. June grew up in Shelton and
graduated from Shelton High School. On September
7, 1947 she married Bruce McQuilkin and they made
their home in Shelton.
June had worked for the State of Washington until her
retirement. She enjoyed traveling, cooking and entertaining
family and friends.
Surviving is her husband of 64 years Bruce of Olympia: sons Garth of Wyoming, Paul
of Shelton and Kim of Olympia; daughters Raenae of Shelton and Penny of Everett; Her
Sister Rose of Port Townsend; 15 Grandchildren; 23 great grandchildren and 1 great-
Memorial services will be held Monday, November 14, 2:00 p.m. at Shelton Four Square
Church 910 Dearborn Ave. Shelton, WA 98584. Family suggests memorial may be
made to Shelton Four Square Church Moriah Christian Center. Funeral arrangements are
by Funeral Alternatives of Washington, Lacey, WA. To leave remembrances go to www.
i -- Paid Obituary Notice -- i
Deadline for the November 24, Thanksgiving,
issue is 5 p.m. Friday, November 18
Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, November 1 O, 2011 - Page B-7