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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 10, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 10, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I J,:ympw £ollege Shelton who have served! Veteran's Day- November 11, 2011 V,'~¢e;', ~s ore y,~m interested 91 attendb(q OC? Olympic College recognized as Millltary Friendly School for the past three years by G,I. Jobs, Contact the Veteran's Service Office at 360.475.7560 or 1.800.259.6718 x7560 • or email OLYMPIC COLLEGE Shdton 937 W Alpine Way, $helton WA 360.432.5400 * www.olyrapicedu/Shelton Olympic Coll~ge d~s no~ d~$crlmlnate on the basis of ra~e, ~lor, n~tlona~ odg~n, sex, diiobllhy, sex~l or[emoflon, or oge hl ll's progr~r, ~ cnd ~c~lvifie~, Your Full Service Roofer Since 1959 IPLETE ROOFING SYSTEM* Present this coupon at time of appointment. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 11/30/11 : www.TheRoofDoctor, com ', II *Minimum 1500 square feet of roofing space required to qualify for discount. ....... - ..... ' ....... "T ............... Tim Upgr Offer, ¢r i., m See Clear to Nergy Savings! II t MI Windows & Doors up to H,500I I|ii Tax refund °n qualified wind°w / replacement new construction J $0 12 MONTHS SAME • Commercial flat roofs • FREE ESTIMATES • Year-round re-roofing • Skylights • 24-hour emergency service • One-day service (in most cases) ! • Top-quality roofing products oWindows • Decks • Professional clean-u 10 "Here Yesterday ~ere Today Here Tomorrow" Derek Yantis She~ton Roof Doctor Licensed and Bonded ROOFDI*168N8 DI~COU~ 136Ol | 1!31 W, Kamikhe Lane Just off Highway 101 Also Serving: Olympia. Lacey, Tumwater • Tenino ' Yelm ' Tacoma. Montesano ~ Aberdeen. McKenna • Gig Harbor * Cent,alia * Chehalis. Longview • Vancouver * Roy Shelton resid Shelton residents G1 Smither and Lisa Blevins among the dozens of vend~ tured at the 33rd Annual Christmas Bazaar on Nove~ and 20 at the Grays Harb~ grounds in Elma. Glenhelen is a multimedi specializing in clay sculptm Shelton resident graduates from basic military training Air Force Airman 1st Class Andrew S. Eklund graduated from basic mili- tary training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Anto- nio, Texas• The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military dis- cipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness, and basic warfare principles arid skills• Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associ- ate's in applied science degree through the Com- munity College of the Air Force. Eklund is the son of Da- vid and Denise Eklund of Fairfield Court, Shelton. He is a 2007 graduate of Shelton High School. He earned a bachelor's degree in 2010 from University of Washington, Seattle. Visit with 'Jimmy James Blood' author Missy Anne Local author Missy Anne will be at the Shelton Tim- berland Library from 6 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 18 to read from and discuss her novel, "Jimmy James Blood." " ~-~ k will Copies o~ my boo " be available for purchase. This event will be held af- ter regular library hours; no other library services will be available. The story of Vera is told backward. The reader finds out only at the end why Vera left home but it becomes clear as the story unfolds that she is part of a violent sub- culture. She is from a broken fam- ily in a broken logging town in rural Washington state• She leaves the rainy clearcuts and ends up in a strange city, alone and se- verely troubled, according to a press release. The book also touches on themes of dwindling natu- ral resources and the tim- ber industry. Missy Anne is the pen name of Melissa Peterson. Peterson was first pub- lished nationally at age 21 by Seal Press. Since then, she has re- ceived a fellowship to at- tend a writer's residency at the Vermont Studio Center, studied medieval manuscripts in Iceland and ............. ~i~``:.~`~:~:i~i.~..~i~:~.~:~.~..`.~`~::~.~.~...~.~*.~`~`~::~;~i~`~ ....................................................... i worked to create her own i~i[i ~'~ ...... ....... ""~*:~'~ .~~::*"1 ....../~::~ ~ ~F*'~*~"~*%, i publishing company, Cedar ...... ..... ! IMIGl E wour busmess ,_ i Street Publishing" Peters°n iiiF ~!:I~i~:~i::~ : ~Z~¢:!i~:~2~::,:,~!il~ lives in Shelton. "Jimmy Gll HarveY0 Dave for advert Sing infOrmat on novel•James" Blood is her first .4~" _ Sh,*,~,.,-~,~,C0u~,~. , ~! The Shelton Timberland ~ ....II • • ........ ~f:'i Library Shelton.iS at 710ForT Alder '227W Cota. (3b0) 26 4m Street, more ....~ ~ ~ ' *:~FI:.:~:: i information, contact the li- .... , .... ~ ~ " brary at 426-1362 or go to ~*~ ~'~~ ° ~ ~ ~%,,~.~:* ...... ............. ~" ~: ::: Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 10, 2011 ents to be vendors at Christmas Bazaa mhelen has displayed her work in galleries Ronnie Nicole's is located in dov will be throughout Western Washington and town Shelton at 129 W. Railrc ,rs fea-most recently showcased her over- Avenue. ~ountry sized multimedia sculpture, known Glenhelen and Lisa will each f ~ber 19 as "Clarice" at Oysterfest. ture one-of-a-kind items that v ~r Fair-Lisa Blevins, owner ofRonnie Ni- only be available at the show. cole's Boutique and Gifts, features For more information about 1 artist unique jewelry, dresses, custom Country Christmas Bazaar, call 41 es. She furniture, and shabby chic decor. 2717. Heritage Bank collects new gloves, hats, mittens for Mason County school childrei Hundreds of Mason County chil- through 30, items can be dropped off dren will be warmer in the cold winter weather this year, thanks to the 10th annual "Warm Hands" program again being sponsored by the Sheltorl branch of Heritage Bank. Heritage Bank is sponsoring the drive to collect new mittens, gloves and hats for children in Mason County. Everything collected will be delivered to local elementary schools in Mason County the first week of December. The schools will then distribute the items to children in need of those items• Ten local schools have been contacted and are looking forward to receiving the do- the following participating business Heritage Bank-Shelton Branch; S~ Book Store; Mariano's Jewelry Stc VaderWal's Garage; Maple Glen; P: dential Realty; Green Diamond; Ma., County Title; Taylor Insurance; Ma~, County Senior Activities Center; Exc, tional Foresters; CURVES for worn Alderbrook County Store; Gate~ Property Management; Hood Cm Communications- Shelton/Uni( KMAS Radio, Edward Jones; Ma~, County Literacy. For more information call 570-73: Local schools participating are H( F rn- ad 'ill he ~2- at es: ge ee; 7u- on on ~p- ~n; ay ml n; on nated gloves, hats and mittens for their students this December. Their goal is to collect 1,200 hat and gloves or mittens sets. From Nov. 1 Darnez Omari Eugene Erickson-Newman Darnez Omari Eugene Erickson-New- man was born Oct. 30, 2011 at Capital Medical Center in Olympia to Ashley Ann Erickson and Trevon Joseph Newman. He weighed seven 7 and 3 ounces. Shelton Spiritual Cinema offers monthly mowe Shelton Spiritual Cinema will screen its monthly movie at 2 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 13, at .the PUD No. 3 auditorium, 307 W. Cota Street, Shelton. SSC screens movies on the second Sun- day of each month from the growing num- ber of films in the spiritual cinema genre. There is no charge for admission, but do- nations are accepted with proceeds going to pay the license fee for the films shown, and to SOCK's (Save Our County's Kids) youth programs in Shelton. For more details about the movie being shown, go to www.mcspiritualconnections. org or call 432-3229. For information about SOCK, go to www. Shelton Spiritual Cinema is not associ- ated with any political or religious group. )1. od Canal; Mary M. Knight; Pioneer ~n- mary; Southside; Bordeaux; Evergreen; St. Edwards's will beat 7 p.m. Several collabo- providing this concert, i hosting musical tribute rating church choirs from Edward's is located at 6 to our veterans tonight around Mason County are West C Street in Shelt( Sign-ups available for Christmas basket The 40 et 8 and the Journal Christ- mas food baskets for the needy of Ma- son County, announced its kick-off for its 65th year with sign-up dates for this project along with sign-ups for the Toys for Kids plus project that gives children 16 years and younger Christmas presents. The goal of this year's program for food baskets is $40,000. Last year 1,057 baskets were gener- and toys must provide photo ID t ated and this year, the goal is 1,300. food and ID for all children receivi: Turkey prices are up 15 cents per toys is mandatory. pound along with the cost of all the Acceptable ID is a birth certifics food items, or paper work for state assistance p] The 40 et 8 Veterans Club and the grams that shows a birth certifica Shelton-Mason County Journal col- DSHS cards will not be accepted. laborate on the Christmas fund. toy-shopping day at Walmart will The veterans put together the food from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Dec. 17. II baskets and distribute them, while will be required at the time of sign-c the Journal collects money to pur- Food baskets pickup will be he chase the food for the baskets, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Dec. 23 at t: Donations to support the Christ-Shelton Armory. mas food baskets may be mailed to The letter received at sign-up day the Journal at P.O. Box 430, Shelton mandatory for toys and food baskeke, 98584 or dropped off at the newspaper Sign-up session for the voluntee office located at 227 West Cota Street will be at 1 p.m., Nov. 19 at .40 et during business hours• Those who helped last year are e Those who donate will be recognized couraged to attend again if possible. Mountain View; Grapeview; Belfair nd Sand Hill. Shelton School District refinanc(s bonds, saves fun(is Shelton School District has refinanced a portion of its outstanding bonds in order to take advantage of lower interest rates• The recent refinm ~c- ing will save the d is- trict's taxpayers a to ;al of $119,787.50 during he next 11 years. Theses savings flow 2i- rectly to taxpayers throt gh reduced tax levies and not available for district, ;x- penses. The Shelton Sch. )ol Board, through the work of Director of Finance Bren da Trogstad, accomplis!~ ed these savings by approvi ng the issuance of $1,790,GD0 in refunding bonds at its meeting held on Oct.. 11. The District has been monitoring bond mart:et condition over the past ye ar and recent low internist rates allowed the district to exceed their savings targ ~t. Interest rates averaged 2.45 percent on the n,~w bonds compared to 4.7 p,~r- cent on the old debt. Is ~t. ,n. 3 in the newspaper unless they choose to remain anonymous. Donations c m also be made in memory of a loved ot ~e. Persons who would like to receiw a basket or toys can sign up at the 40 et 8 located at 113 Cota St. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 26 and 30, Dec. 3, 7 or 10 for food and toys and Dec. 14 for fo)d baskets only. Those signing up for food bask~ ts Or ~g te O- ;e. A 3e )s le is rs 8. el- Veteran's Day concert offered at St. Edwarc