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Shelton Parks and Recreation youth
basketball registration due Nov. 12
Shelton Parks and Recreati
now accepting registrations fol
upcoming Shelton Youth Bask~
Registrations are due by N(
bar 12. The league is open to boy,,
girls in the second through set
Registration forms are availaL
local schools, the Shelton Civic C
and the city's website,
The participation fees are $~
one or $50 each for two or more
the same family. A scholarshi
gram is also available for qua
The league begins Saturday,
12 with skills clinics conducte
Highclimber coaches Mark J(
and Aaron Lath.
n is The clinics will continue on Novem-
the bar 19 and December 3. Team assign-
tballments and league schedules will be
distributed on Saturday, Dec. 3 for
~em- games and practices through Febru-
and ary 4.
enth Each Saturday second and third
graders meet at 9 a.m., fourth and
le atfifth graders meet at 10:15 a.m. and
ratersixth and seventh graders meet at
lton.11:30 a.m.
The boys program will practice at
for the SHS Mini Dome and the girls pro-
from gram will practice at the Oakland Bay
pro- Junior High gym.
ifiedParent volunteers are needed to
coach teams.
Nov. For more information, contact Mark
] by Ziegler, Parks and Recreation director
nsen at 432-5194 or mziegler@ci.shelton.
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Journal photo by Emily Har
helton senior Daniel Hascall slides a third grade Bordeaux Elementar
chool student into the diving pool where Josh Albaugh waits to ensur
SHS d ts h lp third ~ the most important ss-
S t/~ el// e - peat of the class," Smetzl ~r
dents fi d fins said.
g ra"a t Senior Daniel HaSC Lll
S //g 7I/ said he was advised to ta]m
• the class but he also want Lo
3y EMILY HANSON I certainly hope it's not;" take the class.
Youngquist said. "I chose,to take this class
For some Shelton High He stated that while most because Ive heard go,)d
~chool students, attend- of the SHS students who em things about the program
ng fifth period regularly is roll in the class choose to do and I wanted to see what i;'s
nore important than just so, some of the students are about," Hascall said. "I li] :e
;arning a good grade, advised to do •so. it and have a lot of fun."
Fifth period is when "When you're someone He agreed that teachiltg
~had Youngquist oversees who doesn't have a whole lot safety is very important b ~t
he Water Safety Instruc- of optimism and you comeadded that making sure t: ~e
riOn class - also known as kids have fun is importaz Lt,
Peach Kids to Swim - dur- "Whenever too.
ng which S~S students "I was a little bit advis~;d
each Shelton 'third gradeh~vi~g ~ b~d because I had a really btLd
~tudents how to swim. attendance record last yam ',"
" Yu ~ Hascall said. "This year, I' 7e
In third grade, approxi- d~ come onlymissed a couple of dais
nately 80 percent,of the
dds in Shelton dont know here and the because of doctors appoirt-
merits. This is not the on ly
mw to swim," Youngquist
" class that makes me want Lo
,aid. By the end ofthis pro- kids'energy
~am, almost 90 percent of come to school, but it hel )s
me get through z,ny day.
hem can swim in the diving
)ool." pL~t~ ~e ~ ~N~ "Whenever Im havi,g
This semester, a bad day,, I come; here arid
~oungquist has 16 students better mood. the kids positive, enert,T
eaching between 40 and puts me in a better mooc ,"
15 third-graders per class, he continued.
~ince the SHS students here and know that you are Youngquist said the cla ~s
Lre not paid, Youngquist is potentially saving a child's began when he first start,~d
,n salary and the teachers life and for sure making a work at SHS just more th~ n
i'om the elementary schools child happy, you show up for a decade ago. When Wl ~I
Lre present to oversee their school more," Youngquist first started, the SHS st 1-
.tudents, the swim lessons explained, dents were teaching ch 1-
Lre free for the third graders Kaileye Smetzler, a se-dren in first through four ;h
Lnd only cost the district the nior who chose to take WSI, grades.
)rice of busing the children said she picked the class be- 'Then we switched ;o
i'om one school to another, cause she likes kids and she just third grade because it
"As far as I know, the likes swimming, third grade, children are ~t
)rogram's not at risk and "Teaching the kids safety an age where you can tea h
them quickly," he said.
Page C-6 - Shelton-Mason County Jou nal- Thursday, l~oveml~er 10, 2011
iing Center, Shelton
Kaileye Smetzler plays Marco Polo with third grade Bordeaux
School students during the Water Safety Instruction class
Shelton High School on Tuesday, Nov. 8.