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BY MICHAEL HEINBACH ed in order for these actions to take
michael@masoncoun com place in time for the 2017 budget,
which is scheduled to be approved
The board of Mason County Com- Dec. 5.
missioners came to a conclusion on The move means those salaries
setting salaries for the county's asses- would return to being set at 95 percent
sor, auditor, clerk, sheriff, coroner and of the commissioners' salaries, though
treasurer during briefings Monday Sheriff Casey Salisbury's salary would
morning at Commission Chambers in remain higher than the commission-
downtown Shelton. ers. That would grant assessor Melody
District 1 commissioner Randy Peterson, auditor Karen Herr, coroner
Neatherlin and District 3 commis- Wes Stockwell, treasurer Lisa Frazier
sioner Terri Jeffreys voted in favor of and the successor to retiring clerk Gin-
repealing Resolution 132-08, which ger Brooks an 8 percent raise, while
halted salary increases for the afore- Salisbury would receive a 14 percent
mentioned officials during the reces- increase.
sion in 2008. The repeal passed, with In the future, salaries of the elected
commissioner Tim Sheldon casting officials would be tied into the 1 per-
the lone vote against it. The commis- cent salary increase county commis-
sion needs a resolution to be adopt- sioners receive annually.
mmission terminates contract
By MICHAEL HEINBACH During the public comment period
michael@masoncoun com on the item, which was removed from
the meeting's action agenda and con-
A Mason County public defense at- sidered separately, Sergojan spoke be-
torney who had been placed on admin- fore the commissioners.
istrative leave had her contract termi- "I'm wondering why the investiga-
nated earlier this week. tioil of the claims was done without
Susan Sergojan's contract was ter- talking to me," she said. "I've been
minated, effective immediately, at waiting since being put on administra-
Tuesday morning's Mason County corn- tive leave to have some input into the
missioners meeting in downtown Shel- history of these claims and I have nev-
ton after a resolution was passed that er been talked to."
would settle claims against her office Prior to commissioners' deliberat4on
dating back to 2014. She had been on on the topic, commissioner Tim Shel-
paid administrative leave for several don asked to hear from the prosecuting
weeks, attorney's office due to the legal nature
"I don't like any of these things of of the item.
this nature," commissioner Randy "A risk-pool attorney was hired to
Neatherlin told the Journal. "For me to review these claims," chief deputy pros-
feel like this was very necessary, you ecuting attorney Tim Whitehead told
can imagine what was in front of us. the commissioners. "A risk-pool attor-
What we saw was devastating." ney has advised this board, the Mason
According to Neatherlin, Sergojan County board of county commissioners,
had been on paid leave for "about three that this is an outstanding settlement
weeks" by the county's human resourc- based on our position. Michael Dorcy
es department prior to Tuesday, but he and myself also advised the commis-
declined to get into specifics, sion based on what we know and the
During approval of the action agen- claims that we have seen that this is an
da of the meeting, the commission outstanding resolution to the claims."
voted to approve a "release and hold "To our prosecuting attorney's office,
harmless agreement to settle any and well done," Neatherlin said.
all claims, demands, damages, costs you on behalf of Mason County."
and attorney fees, expenses, penalties, Neatherlin followed by immediately
liens, actions or cause of action aris- moving for approval of the item, which
ing from the client-services contact be- it received by a unanimous vote of all
tween Mason County public defender three commissioners.
and FT Law, P.S. Attorneys dated on Not long al r, a review of the status
or about Dec. 27, 2014, in the amount of the public defenders administrative
of $23,764.80 and requests for public leave was heard, during which county
records made by Christopher Taylor support services director Frank Pinter
dated on or about May 7, 2015, to the told the commission it had "been pro-
Mason County Office of Public Defend- vided with two options to make a deter-
er in the amount of $26,050 for a total mination."
of $49,814.80." Without deliberation, Sheldon ira-
The agreement was based on a rec- mediately moved to terminate Sergo-
ommendation by the office of Mason jan's employment and a unanimous
County prosecuting attorney Michael vote in favor of her termination was
Dorcy. completed.
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