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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 10, 2016     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 10, 2016
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.) Thursday, Nov. 1 ;tic a O, 2016 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page -17 continued from page A-1 unfinished drinks and stared open- mouthed at the big screen as Donald Trump slowly claimed victory as the 45th president of the United States. As votes from individual states were certified official throughout the evening, spectators would often point, calling out to others in the room, "Look! Clinton got Maryland!" or "How is Trump so far ahead in Florida?" Doug Sayan, 88, who served four terms in the state House of Representa- tives, was in attendance to watch to elec- tion results with fellow Democrats. "I'm an old Democrat, and I'm very worried; I always have been," Sayan said. "Our nation is split so badly .... This guy (Trump) scares me to death. He's a loose cannon of the worst variety." Others attending the watch party ex- pressed similar concerns. "It's like people have just filtered out every bad thing he (Trump) has done and said," said Sheri Staley. "The rest of the world looks to us to be balanced and stable, and we're not presenting a stable populace." Some people said they had more faith in the country to band together under the president-elect. "I'm not actually nervous," said Dar- rell Barker as he watched the results come in early in the night. "I was ner- vous when Bush was appointed, and we survived that. We are a great country. We can survive anything." On Wednesday, after Trump was deemed the official winner late Tuesday night, residents in Shelton said they weren't worried about the results; many said they are eager to see what Trump will do with the presidency. "It's what they do when they get in there," said Shelton-Mason Coun- ty Chamber of Commerce employee Heather Simeral. "They can say all these things, and say all you want, but it de- pends what you do." Simeral said she watched the election results on television until Trump won Ohio last night, and heard the official re- sults announced by a 5-year-old bey on the radio Wednesday morning. Co-worker Alix Hart agreed with Simeral's opinion of Trmnp. "Trump has his pros and cons," she said, adding that she thinks Trmnp's "big attitude" helped sway voters in his direction. Residents who voted for Trump said they were happy for his unexpected vic- tory. "Let me first just say, hurrah," said Darlene Garske on Wednesday morning at the Shelton Post Office. "... I'm so en- thused. She (Clinton) is such a crool " Garske said she watched the election until about 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, and woke up at midnight to see the final results. "I think it's about jobs," she said. "When you look at a place like Shelton, it's absolutely about jobs." Some residents were indifferent to the results. Al r learning the election re- Journal photo by Brianna Loper Members of the Democratic Party watch presidential election results come in Tuesday at La Cantina in Shelton. ployee, echoed her thoughts: "I don't have any opinion; it is what it is." Shelton City Commissioner Tracy Moore said she was "very surprised" by the results of the presidential race. "I had definitely hoped we'd see the first woman in the White House," she said. Moore found the campaign "divisive." "I think there are a lot of bridges to mend .... It's caused such a great divide between family and friends and races," she said. Shelton resident Marci Smith, who was having her hair styled Wednesday morning in downtown Shelton, said she was "shocked" by Trump's victory. "I thought we were more intelligent than that," she said. Smith said she found Trmnp's pro- fane statements "an embarrassment" to the country. "My husband said, 2aack up your bags, we're moving to Hope (British Co- lumbia)'" she said. As for Trump, "He says he l be presi- dential," she said. "I hope so. He better be .... I don't see a good future." Shelton Mayor Gary Crence said he was "surprised, but not shocked" by Trump's victory. "It shows how divided a country we live in," he said. "It was so dose. Bring- ing the country together is something we need to work on." As for a Trump presidency, "It's not necessarily just being about him, but looking at the people he surrounds him- self with," Cronce said. "He has chosen a lot of quality people to help him with the transition." Democrat Craig Patti, who lost his bid for a 35th District state representa- tive spot to Republican incmnbent Drew MacEwen, said he was disappointed by "In the past, you have respect for the "We21 see what running the government person you're not voting for, and I don't like a business looks like. H1 get behind think that's the case here. I can't say I have it though, no problem. respect for Donald Trump. In the past, you "My neighbors were really worried at least have respect for the individual, and when they were watching (Tuesday) that's the most disappointing part here. night. They just got health insurance "I hope I'm wrong about him. I hope and now they're not sure what's going we look back 3 1/2 years from now and I to happen. We've got some big issues to can say, T ow, I was wrong. Look at all watch in this country." he did.'" Kelley McIntosh, who lost to incum- Democrat Roslynne Reed, who was bent Randy Neatherlin for the other con- defeated by Republican Kevin Shutty tested county commission seat, said she in their race for a county commissioner also had a strong reaction to the presi- seat, said we're seeing the effect of a dential race. down ballot. "I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary, "People want change, but what theybut rm still shocked by the presidential want is no establishment," Reed said. outcome," she said. Kitten Season has arrived. We have a steady supply of stilts from the Journal, Blue Falkenha- presidential results. gensaid, Ohwow, I thought it would be "I'm more bununed, about that than kittens available for adoption. For more information Clinton. I don't really care either way." my own race," he said. I'm pretty speech- go toour website or call us at 426.2455 Jesse Juries, Shelton post office em- less, and I'm really, really disappointed, or584.0594. If e "II Smell- --., • Sponsored by: " -- -- LUBRICANTS ii o,.W.v+s,.co COMPANY $1 r ' We deliver EATING IL co,.PA.,= ou. Low Pm.C,=S, | We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson +1 / HAIGH VETERINARY. HOSPITAL [ . Industrial Park ~l "i 81SE. Walker Park Rd. Shelton I 7-808+ 1L ,3,o)426-1840 !