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November 10, 2016 |
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Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016 -Mason County Journal- Page B-25
The Mason County
Pomona Grange won first
place in the arrangement
category and second
place for the exhibit
category for agricultural
display at the Washington
State Fair in Puyallup.
Photo courtesy of the Mason
County Pomona Grange
e wins
By BRIANNA LOPER This is the best the grange has ed the theme of bees to help educate for the display -- and has for many
brianna@masoncoun com scored in decades, according to a news attendees on the importance ofpollina- years -- which was then covered in
release from the group, tors, according to a news release from peat moss before the display items
The Mason County Pomona Grange The Mason County Pomona Grange the county grange, were added.
won awards at this yealZs state fair for is a fraternal nonprofit organization Judging is based on variety, qual-In addition to placing in two catego-
its agriculture display, the highest the rooted in agriculture and community ity and quantity of the items selected, ries, the county grange's display won
group has placed in years, services, made up of all the granges in Hartley said, which can be purchased the People's Choice award at least five
The grange's agricultural display the county, from local stores or grown. She added days at the fair, Hartley added.
won first place in the arrangement cat- The Mason County Pomona Grange that Hunter Farms in Union of Len con- The awards totaled more than
egory and second place for the exhibit has participated in the event for many tributes much of the produce used.$2,500 in prize money for the organiza-
category at the Washington State Fair years, in which participants arrange Entries must use at least 100 items, tion, which will help fund scholarships
in Puyallup in September. produce that can be grown in Washing- Contestants arrange their entry and programs.
"It's a lot of work, and it's a won- ton in a fun and creative way to help the day before the fair opens, Hart- The Mason County Pomona Grange
derful feeling to get those awards," educate the public about agriculture in ley said, meaning they have to work programs include two $750 scholar-
said Diane Hartley, chaplain for the the state, hard and fast to create a dazzlingships to graduating seniors, as well as
Twanoh Grange, one of the granges This year, the county's Pomona display, a dictionary for every third grade stu-
that participated in the event. Grange Master, Elsie Parker, suggest- Hartley said Bill Vogel built the set dent in the county each year.
s of this writing, the fog
so thick I can't
ee farther than
the length of a football
field. A respite blanket
has covered our island
and it is a reminder
that we should stay
close to what we love
and hold dear. Un-
fortunately, (as some
might see it) technol-
ogy has changed this
and with a push of
a button millions of
voices instantly jump into our
surrounded space of quiet and
solitude. Island life reminds
us that we don't have to push
that button. As fall leads us
to winter, I look forward to
these days of slow quiet as it
seems to make it legal to rest
and relax without a feeling of
The Harstine Is-
land Garden Club
will not have a meet-
ing in November. It
will be sponsoring
a wreath-making
class on Nov. 19 at
the hall. This class
will run from 10 a.m.
until 2 p.m. The cost
will be $20. That
will include lunch
and materials for the
wreaths. If you have special
boughs or decorations you
want to put on, please bring
Let's remember the Nov.
11 community club meeting - is making plans for the 2017 committee was formed to get a
it's a big one. Because of the series. Your help is needed, head start on raising money to
power outage, the Octoberfest This means you will be asked provide for this possibility.
celebration had to be canceled to vote for the three speakers You may make your tax-de-
and the whole event will take at this important meeting, ductible donation m most any
place at the November meet- form: cash now, leave a dona-
ing. Even though the club DONATIONS tion in your will to become a
will provide refreshments and ENCOURAGED FOR CLUB legacy donor, give or leave real
bratwurst, this event is still a FUND estate or securities. If you want
potluck, so bring your favorite Here's a reminder about theto send some cash now you can
dish that goes well with cold Harstine Island Community make a check out to HICC and
drinks and spicy brats. Also, Club's second 100-year fund. mail it to Treasurer, HICC,
the club will be voting on the More than 100 years ago theP.O. Box 1635, Shelton, WA,
new slate of officers for next Harstine Island Community 98584. Decisions on how to use
year. If you have any desire Hall was built as a place to this fund will not be made for
at all to jump into the action, play some basketball. Sincesome time yet and will require
nominations from the floor then, the hall has been used a two-thirds affLrmative vote
will still be open at voting for an uncountable number of both the club board and the
time. of functions. Sometime in the membership at large in order
And as mentioned before, next 100 years the hall capaci- for the fund to be used.
Inquiring Minds, Harstine ty may need to be expanded to
Island Community Club's pop- best serve our community. The • Mike Callaghan can be
ular winter speaker program, second 100-year fundraisingreached at