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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 11, 1965
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November 11 1965 SttELTON---MASON C I_/N2 JOURNAL-- Published in "Ohr{stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3 FLAGS PRESENTED TO GIRL SCOUT TROOPS BY VFW AUXILIARY AT SOMGFEST ON FOUNDER'S BIRTHDAY IVY CLIMBERS Officers elected for the Ivy Climbers 4-H Club are Kerry Har- vey, president; Linda Cochran, vice president; Dana Guyer, secretary; Denise Guyer and Mary Stewart, reporters; and David Guyer, treas- urer. Projects chosen by members are: Kerry Harvey, horse; Linda Coch- ran, second year baking; Kathy Wivell, Jersey calf; Lorrie Wivell, first year baldng; Denise Guyer, third year baking and first year :abbits. The rest of the members have not decided. Ribbons on record books were passed out, as well as 4-H books, year pins and ckecks from last year's earnings. The original Ivy Climbers club has been divided. Members living around Isabella Lake have formed a new one. --Denise Guyer and Mary Stewart HORSE CLUB The Mason County 4-H Horse Club, which at this time is still unnamed, will have a special meet- ing at 8 p.m. tonight in the recre- ation hall at the Mason County fairgrounds. Members are asked to bring their parents as a club name and outfits will be decided upon. Also important will be the planning ar- rangements for this weekend when the club will be handling the con- cessions at Greenaeres Training Stable during its anniversary horse show. All proceeds from the con- :Jehovah's Wilnesses Plan Tacoma Meeting An announcement of importance to all sincere students of the Bi- ble was here this week by John Gill, presiding minister for Jehovahs Witnesses. A three-day assembly for Christian people is being prepared for the Olympic Peninsula and Tacoma area and will be held Nov. 26-28 in the Mt. Tahoma High School Auditorium in Tacoma. Gill commented on the import- ance of this gathering and said, "Nka~y people today have become too busy to fulfill the need for rendering proper praise to the Cre- ator. Our lives and our future homes rest entiely in the hand of that One. The means for in- creasing our praise to God will be explained and demonstrated at this assembly, and we hope many will plan to be there and reap its benefits. Everyone is invited." cessions will go into the club treasury. Everyone's support is needed to make the project a suc- cess. "Horse Magic"is the name of the slide showing to be sponsored by the club at 8 p.m. November 16 in the recreation hall at the fair- ground. The public is cordially invited to attend. The film and refreshments are being made pos- sible by Mr. Bostwiek of Western Farmers Association of Shelton. FISHERIES MEETING State Rap. W. S. "Bill" Traylor announces an important Legisla, tion Interim Committee on Fish- eries meeting Nov. 11 and 12 at the Department of Fisheries Of- fice at Fisherman's Terminal in Seattle. Today the committee reviewed the operations, needs and future programming of the Department of Fisheries. The status of the stocks of fish and shellfish and their fisheries will be discussed. The session Friday at 9:30 a.m. will be open to the public and statements will be presented by representatives from state, inter- state and international depart- ments and commissions. In the af- tin-noon representatives of the sport and commercial fisheries wili be interviewed. The royal yacht of England is 412 feet long. SHELTON VALLEY GRANGE HALL MUSIC BY THE TUNE TOPPERS Use Journal Classified Ads -- They Pay So Many Of You Are OUR GRATITUDE IS BEYOND OUR MEANS OF EXPRESSION For the Wonderful Response So Many of You Accorded Our Get-Acquainted Open House Last Saturday and Our Smorgasbord Last Sunday. You Certainly Know How To Make US FEEL GOOD It Makes Us Renew Our Efforts to Justify the Faith You Indicate in Us and We Pledge to Continue To Bring You the Kind of Service and Quality Of Meals Which Has Earned Your Confidence. Earl and Mabel YOUR GRATEFUL and HAPPY NEW SERVANTS at the "~RVE SMITH, representing the VFW Presented American flags to Girl Scout lathered at Mr. View school Novem- annual observance of Juliette Low's Brownie, Junior and Cadette Girl r Mason Neighborhood took a staging le United States followed by songs sung by Girl Scouts and Guides around the world. Members of Mr. View Brownie and Junior troops presented the flag ceremony. Contributions were made by all troops to the Juliette Low World Friendship fund, The songfest concluded with a friendship circle. Dinner Bridge ,y Nighl bridge players an- dinner Mon- the Shelton Hotel. the following of- President, Rex ; vice president, Bill Secretary, Katherine . The nominating com- by Bob Eliot. founder Bridge Club, Gor- the spca- Peray Bean, of the American ~ge League, and Dick Ol~ )ia bridge of the eve- :~vas presented Lg work the president". were pre.~ented to Eva Aamodt as winners of fall series. Were won by Gusti Mrs. Frank Travis, Lou Stewart and the winners in the ~rsary Master Point tables were: for Mr. and Mrs. Starr, Bob Quimby, Bob Mr. and Mrs. East-West: Lou Dick Perry, Mrs. Bob Stratton, Mr. Parsons, Mr. and l~ennett. MEETING Post meeting, and Joseph El- en the obligation by Swope. Floyd from Post We welcomed to our post. Democracy contest VFW Post and hold the final run radio station MEETING SLATED TO FORM CADETTE TROOPS An organizational meeting for Cadette Girl Scouts will be held from 1:30 - 3 p.m. today in the Methodist church. Mrs. B. F. Heus- ton will act as chairman of the meeting. Mrs. Don Mills, council advisor from Olympia, will attend with members of the Senior Round-Up patrol who attended the Girl Scout Round-up at Farragut, Idaho. The Senior Scouts will show and dis- cuss their round-up slides. Parents of Cadettes, as well as anyone else interested in Cadett- ing, both Junior High school age girls and adults, are cordially in- vited to attend. .... ~'~bb~' NEWS Mt. View Jtmior Girl Scout Troop 306 will make a trip to Seattle to- day. A visit to Woodland Park Zoo and the Art Museum and Science building at the Seattle Center is on the day's schedule. Junior Girl Scout Troop 305, led by Mrs. J. Kelvin Hamilton, is hav- ing a hike and cook-out at Twanoh Youth Camp today. A mother-daughter tea is plan- ned by members of Junior Scout Troop 308 from 4 to 5 p.m. next Tuesday in the Methodist church. Mrs. Howard Austin is leader. $ $ $ DATE CHANGED FOR LEADERS' MEETING The Mason Neighborhood leader meeting will be held next Thurs- day from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses at the Mason County Auditor's of- rice this past week were: George W. Davidson, 19, Shelton, and Jill Jeffery, 18, Shelton. William L. Farley, 55, Bremer- ton, and Kathleen Nevison, 41, Bremerton. Robert Newell, 41, Shelton, and Betty LeGarde, 45, Shelton. James D. Ha.ynes, 34, Port Or- chard, and Joyce Haynes, 27, Port Orchard. Edward J. Brewer, 26, Shelton, and Nancy Ramsfield, 22, Shelton. Weather High Low Precip, Nov. 4 .............. 58 48 1.07 a.m. Nov. 16. ~Nov. 5 .............. 57 46 1.08 card w~;]Nov. 6 .............. 52 45 .06 Minoza I Nov. 7 .............. 54 47 .17 Swope. Nov. 8 .............. 57 50 .50 to pay your 1966 Nov. 9 .............. 58 43 .14 Nov. 10 ............ 56 43 .25 was won by Walt Readings are for a 24-hour per- large jackpot was iod ending at 8 reported name was August by the Rayonier, Inc. weather st~- absent, tion. 440 4-Dr. V-8, Radio, Auto. Trans., New Tires 4-Dr. 4-Cyl., Auto ......................................... HARDTOP Rebuilt Engine .................................... R Clean ................................................ O 2-Dr. .¢, nly 39,000 Miles ................................ v Ull YOTORS , ail oad 426-8183 'JOIN THE DODGE REBELLION" Little House in Kneeland Park. The training film, "Why Troop Government" will be shown and discussed. Following the regular meeting, leaders of Brownie Scout troops will see the film on "Brown- ie Troop Government". There will be an evaluation of the Songfest held November 4 in honor of Juliette Low's birthday and preliminary plans made for the annual Christmas caroling. Plans will also be discussed for the expansion of the bicycle safe- ty program to the outlying areas by establishment of bicycle taping depots by Junior Girl Scouts. This program is sponsored by the VFW. Members of the VFW, assisted by Girl Scouts, taped bicycles at Mt. View, Evergreen and Bordeaux schools the past week. ' Thanksgiving tray favors witl be made by Brownie Troop 43 for Shelton General hospital, Brownie Troop 195 for the Clinic hospital, Troop 172 for Shelton Manor and Troop 121 for Allyn House. ?undture Ualk By Rod Olsen DINING AREAS in homes have undergone some drastic changes in the past decade or two. One big change has been light ! Many of our intimate still feature dark rooms with flickering candles Gunr reheat ab'lse'o sot Y°U'p~etne?t2u:te homes, we welcome Sunshine and light. Let your dining area catch a view, if there is one. And for evening, a fixture hanging low over the table is both practical and pretty. Pleasant colors, wal~mth and brightness make dining a more delightful experience for guests and family. Most dining areas are smaller than they used to be, and you should select your dining furni- ture accordingly, perhaps with a small table which can expand to handle a large group. Stor- age for china and linens is a must, and if you have room, a handsome breakfront can be one of your most impressive decqrator .pieces. Slender, high-backed chairs are increasingly popular for dining suites. Their slim height is an effective foil for the long, low lines usually emphasized in the living area. For dining in style and practic* al elegance, see'the selection of dining room suites, and dining tables and chairs in our dis- plays. We feature quality name brand furniture and accessories for your entire home, in a bal- anced range of prices Come in ! i • ° soon.You l e always welcome ac uJsen Furniture. 4th & Cota A REVOLUTIONARY COMFORT DISCOVERY BY UNION CARBIDE THAT GIVES: 1. GENTLE, LUXURIOUS, CONTROLLED COMFORT 2, FIRM, FOLLOW-THROUGH SUPPORT SL 4½" THICK Comparable to other mattresses selling for $59.95 Youql know the difference at first touch--it's softer, more cushiony than regular urethane foam. And there's plenty of deep.down firmness for luxuriously relaxing support and comfort. It's easy to handle.., flexible,., non-aller. genie and won't sag. Beautiful quilted cover, You must lie on it to believe itl twin or fu. size mattress or box spring eeeeeeeeeeeeelleleellleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeleee.eeeeeeeeel @ Luxurious foam top and bottom Flrm lnnerspring support Urethane Foam Bound all around Here M an entirely new kind of innerspring mattress with an entirely new kind of comfort. There is no coil feel, No edge sag. No squeaking. Only firm, relaxed support on high.grade steel coils totally encased in lux- urious urethane foam. It's handcrafted throughout to insure quality that's unequalled anywhere at this price. twin or full size mattress or box spring 4th Cota Phone 426-4702 NO FREE and as low as $4.00 PER FRIDA Y EVENINGS UNTIL 8:30