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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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November 11, 196 I-I L ON--MA ON ( OUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Ohristmastoum, U.fl.A.", helton, Waahin ;top Smoking , /an To Start dy • L T0SU ...... . . ,,, . Yere Sun a STAH EY S A K P Anyone lo i,'in (o quil smokin 6t3 G ANGE ERiES ya,e ' Boy ...................... HAM r i RUH.AF] UI D ... . ,,S -,, , ,n,enance 19 ] invited to attend a meemzg m ~ I__x , ~ ,- ......................... % le Ew, zgzcen ~el~ool auditmim]] GRANGE LEAGUE "~ooo ~iros . . 19 13 continues to stall on extending the benefits of (,×t Suaday ex em ~g , t I ich ~ fll W L t ..... . ,~ "~ r .~ w ~ ,' Acetate Aces .................... 18 14 l.Bill to the young men who are serving in Vie( Nam. e explained the spi,cial 5-day plan Skokomi.Hl ........................ 24 8 i L-)!l Ct!rLers ...................... !S ]4 Jtmd so effective throughout the Agate ................................ 21 11 ~nva.. l,o×es ...................... J~ . 1~ Shard to understand why. aUon in recent years and whichShelton Valley ............... 17 ly~ ~:,m,'loxwers ...................... 13}~, 18}., pay clerk and commi.-sary corporal who man- triedwitl~coz{sidcrablesucces:~ Sea(aside .......................... 15},~lii~]ltayoucttes ........................ ;) z~ ~arlier this year hero ia Shelton. Ihm.m,m ............................. it 18 High games- Anna. Matye 168, Collect an honorable discharge after World War II The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. Halstine ............................ 13 19 Julian Driessche 201. Korean War had a chance at the benefits, and a lot vith Dr. R. D. Fulto,L AL'erdecn Patrons ............................ 12~..~ 19V._, I High series----Anna Matye 44{i, e picked up college education after getting no closer qlysician, and George Rasmussen, Matlock ............................. 11 21 t.Juliau Dricssche 560. ~heltcn clergymm, presiding t High games--..Kathalien Mikkel-I * * * gating than Market Street ill Sail ~ ranci co. The program consis~.s of regular sen 180Dutch Stanley 247 Be s 4 Julian Driessche 560), . P P_ ~. , ~ y , . ...... , .... lt may ,ot have been a fair system. Thereare thcra yse,'sionsand. tdail High series 'Co.k 475,]MainYSn,nc(e0,BinB ',,,r,; i7• Who argued that the men who did the fighting W )ersoaal control program for home i Dutch Stanle.y 613. /Fowlers 3 IBeth Brown 43.t~ Ray- .. ~r work. Other than a $2 registra- ] .............................. /°r~ettes 1 l Jean Johnston '412"); "ited a li[tle more at(cation tha,z the armchair U,,n fee there is no cost involved. J RECREATION LEAGUE ~Birds 3 (Rolls Halbert 510), Foxes Za andos, and that :so, ne of t;he tuition mills that ' 'rhe pro.gram includes lect.ures ] W L |Tobler 469) Curlers 2 Aana M:ttye i on the psychological aspects afiRitner's Pink Ladies ........ 28 8 lTeam 6 0 (Sue Bloomfield 305); PPedup after the War were a waste of tax retaking t'ilms on smoking and it~ Sheltoa Recreatioli 21 15 446), Ill ]azntful effects on the body and Clary & Clary ................ 20 16 . -- | mind, and demonstrations of pro-ILeml~e's Service ................ i9 i71 T fact remainsthat the educational benefits under . I cedtti:es helpful in overcoming the Olsen l~'urniture 17 19 JINIOR LEAGUE l ill have proved to benefit the entire country. Those Ii I s, oking habit. [Rainier Beer ........................ !6 20 I ~ . - W I,: ~: ~ - WHILE THE STOP-SM0!~ING LIICky L~ger 1~ ~ ] ~os~in ~na~u'ance .................. 16 , at °n t° c°llege' f°r °he thing' usually w°und uP in i I iia t i i! !s!! :tax bracket than they would otherwise have reach- g:vt::m:::::: t i: v?:hNam Sonj ° ,qu The first of these were career men,gwnhich produced i : of articles explaining this nasty.little war was sort .... , q,'. g h • a- Lucky 4 (Mac Dunl~ar 434), hal- High series---Sonja Ahlquist 4,),,, CHATTING WITH JULIA-- Rep. Juha" Butler Han- of the comm,ttees" . on wh,ch' she Served, wh,ch' ",n- .son~,, he pointed out. ' nier 0 {Dot~B~z nabv~ 413 ), R]tnez' ,~s ..~..,,d.Y...~,~z~,~= ....... ~ anced training program for American fighting men. sen, left, chats with Mrs. Liz Allison of Harstine cludes Interior, Education and Labor and Appro- "lhe phm was developed by thc 4 (Gerry Geist 560), Beverage 0 , • • :.President 'Johnson says now that 750,000 men are Island (right) after speaking at a Kiwanis Club priations. Commenting on the roll of the U.S.'s medical and ministerial (Jo Fisher 427)' Olsen 3 ,Glad ........... ~. .... -~ JOsun 4 ( b'lanK t-~ugnes )~,~ Luncheon in the Memorial Hall Tuesday. In the Forest Service in the timber industry, she said that departments as a means of inmz'ov- Adair 4.~9~ ~1,~,, ~ ~= o, ..... __ *' -. ". _. • '..;:.' L for Viet Nam, and that more will probably follow. • ................... ........... : 0rv's o (cm,c "rn,,mp. on ; center, Wilbur Sloan wa=ts to speak to the con- the Forest Serwee ~s playing an re(teasing part m mg aatmnal health. More than 60459); Leruke's 3 (Peg Bloom$it)l~ Beckwith 4 (Tom Demmon474), lly,draftees always seem to get into every fight, gresswoman. During her talk at the luncheon, the industry as the portion of available timber tot per cent of those who have tried 460), Rec 1 (Donna Coleman 5043, Team 6 0 (Sue Bfomfield 305) ; Mrs. Hansen commented on some of the legisla- cutting gets more and more on government owned it have steppes smoking records ......... ~ Eagles 4 (Ray 'Barrington 476), I/ America is going to continue in the police- tion passed by the session of Congress which ad- land. show. By the third night of the "~,~,.T=~..rn ........... ~" .. -: ..... .~ ..... On buvi ¢ss, Vie( Nam won't be the only stop. Ae rent Christian Science Monitor article lists ten er countries around the world where guerrilla breaks are a distinct possibility. articles from Viet Nam make it pretty clear that lgUerrillas is no .more pleasant, and no safer, than Conventional troops in a eanventi nal w r. ae who come back from Viet Nam: and from other :s that are likely to follow, 'surely are veterans to at great an extent as those of us Who cashed in on our ;e papers after bigger and less copfusing wars. here's say validity to the idea of benefits for the fight for their country, the Viet Nam servicemen to be treated as veterans too. (Kitsap Herald) Uti ing i aportanee of the pulp and paper industry to our in this area has been an established fact for so aOpaetimes take it for granted. atly theNorthwest Pulp & Paper Association pub- by the school board. COLUMBIA RIVER high won WOMEN'S CIFY LEA(~E Olympic AA W L° economic survey showing the state of the iltdus- cc Open A Main--Dick Miller, Ta- The audit report reveals that the the team title with entries taking Shington at the "close of last year, with sonic very coma; B Main Bob Aitken, Shel- purchase was made to take advan- first and second. St. Martins was Shelton Hotel ...................... 27 I~ EaStport AngelesBremert°n25,21'North'Shelt°n12 0 JayLi°nSBirdsClUb ............................ ........................ 1310 5" and significant Statistics resulting, ton. rage of a price incrcase which was second, Aberdeen third. Lumbermen's ...................... 23 13 Central 14, South 0 Cook's Plant Farm ............ 10 amp e, production increased 18 peT" cent and mill Sandy Saunders rode away with to go into effect Jan. 1, 1965. Plowman was enthusiastic about Evergreen Drug Cir. ........ 21 15 Olympic A Team 4 ................................ 9 6 :arly 23 per cent while employnlent since 1960 first place trophy in the Open ALSO QUESTIONED was the the event and said he would enter Sunbeam Bread .................. 20 16 Bainbridge 33, North Mason 19 Shelton Journal ................ 7 Glass on a 250 Bultaco. use of district, credit cards to put a full team next year. Millo's Diner ........................ 17 19 port. Townsend 12, Vashon 0 Tea~m 6 ........... i .................... 6 8 to produce Imlp, paper and pafierboard is now sawmill leftovers and thinnings--up from 46 1960. certainly attests to the improved utiliza- in the indqstry, per cent. At the salne time Capital investnlent Next event on the club calen-. rose 13 per cent from $87,800 to $42,600--one dar is the cross-co(retry Endure ghest levels in industry anywhere. " to be held Nov. 21. [also interesting to note that 56 her cent of the The club wishes to thank all the riders and spectators for at- tending the race Sunday. We hope to see you ,at our racing ewm~s when they begin again in the Spring. 4'Hoop Coaches Here Aflend Oage Olinio Four coaches who will have basketball responsibilities in the Shelton school system this year attended a basketball clinic at Seattle University last Saturday featuring top college coaches. Highclimber varsity hoop coach Jack Wright, his assistants Jerry Knutzen .and Jerry Mills, and jun- ior high varsity coach Gary Karl- berg, attended the clinic. Mills and Karlberg will be open- ir~g their Climber and Blazer bus- ;~tball turnouts next week. i:;/:i¸¸ " ' gasoline in private automobilcs when they were used ca district~ business. The report recommended that reimbursement for the use of private automobiles be made on a mileage fee basis to be set by the school board. The report also questioned some expense claims as lacking in detail and including telephone calls and orga lliza~:i,)n duc?s. A practice of splitting invoices to escape the $2,500 limit'~tion off work for which bid.~; must be called was questioned. The examiner re(- ommended that in the futtlre, all needs be anticipated aL once, and, Work put up for competitive bid- ding. The use of nnmarked district vehicles also brought a comment. ELECTED AT UW Candace Teddic Travis, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Travis, Shclton, was elected g member of tl~e freshman class exc'cqtive court- ci! at the University of Washing- to;t during recent class elections. :,,; ............... i: -: .T ...... Reid Preppernau, ace of his.dis.. tance rtlnllel's this year, has cacti unable to run in the last three c~oss-country competiLions and is through for the year because of a severe ca~e of the flu. The Climbers .competed in the Kitsap c(mnty invitational meet at West Bremerton yesterday and were scheduled for mo~e action today in the North Thm.ston in- vitational. LAST WEEK, in the final com- petition on Shelton's home course, East Bremerton scored a 20-53-56 victory over South Kitsap and Shelton on a new 1.8 mile t'zail set up at the comity fairgrounds. Glen VanBlaricom, recovered from his leg trouble, placcd'f.ourth Morgan . Transfer . ............. 16 20 Bettman's .......... : ................... 13 23 Hoodsport Lumber . ............. 7 29 High series----Vi McGee 524. High game--Vi McGee 211. Split picks--Alice Kopperman 4- 5-7, Bessie Sutherland 5-7. Sunbeam 4 (Mildred Daniels 496), Millo's 0 (Mug egg 363); Morgan 3 (Vi McGee 524), Bet(- man's 1 (Jeri Albrecht 408); Drug Center 3 (Bobble Barnett 458), Lmnber 1 (Helen Spaulding 41"/); ttotel 3 (Lois Albrecht 435), Ln~z- ~bermen's 1 (Evelyn Eliot 415). in 9:40 and Dan Dittmar, shaking ! glary in a warrant signed by Judge (~ff a back problem, was seventh i Charles Wright in ~a~on County at 9:44. Superior Court Friday. Informs- With basketball and ,wzestling tion cl~arg'ing him with the crime getting under way many of the was: fried ~iy Prosecuting Attorney Cr0ss-country p.articipants have Byron McC!anahan, Day had r~ot dropped froin the squad or, will yat been arrested at J~urnal press be at the end of this week. time Wednesday. Sequim 12, Forks 6 ~! ~.~. Team 7 ................................. 5 10 Seam,ount Team 8 ................................ 0 15 Thurston 13, White River 13 ' High games .... Anna Hansen 9.t, FosLer 7, Tumwat:~r 6 Mar~ JQhnson 175 Sumner 8, Laughbon 0 Bethel 7,-Fife 6 , Curtis 19. Peninsula 0 Central Montesano 12, Rochester 0 St. Martins t9, White Pass 6 Elms 14, Chehalis 13 nl Raymond 32, Soutb'Bend 6 nl Ocosta 35, Valley 0 nl Eatonville 28, Yelm 7 Southwest Hudson's Bay 26,'Olympia 6 Aberdeen 13, Centralia~0 Wilson 13, R.A. Long 0 nl Ewrgreen 13, Coltlmhia River 13 High series .... Anna Hansen 182, :Mark Johnson 298 Lions 3 (Randy Churchill 263), Team 7 3 (Don Gardner 124 ) ; Cook 3 (Mike Bac :~69), Team 8 0 (Den- his Graves 134); Team 4 2 (Mark Thompson 265), Team 6 1 (Mike Nutt 249); Journal 2 I Mark John- Son 298), Jay l~irds 1 (David Graf- fe 25O). one " i i i i i i i i Ill I II I '