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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 11, 1965
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November 11 1965 SI-TELTON--MASON COUNTY JOLTRNAE-- U:g.-A:" Sheldon, Washin PAGE 7 / -- Grapeview has proud of its voter election day and Nov. ~roof that our local voting privileges thirty eight regis- filled out their ballots passing 100 in fa- against the plx)posed fi- :icipation with Nortil school building pro- Us complying with the on school participation Grapeview's identity school district. voters, or 40 percent Voting in the last general Were necessary to vail- election and with 60 per- the turnout voting yes Pass the proposition, 83 WOuld have been suffic- )osition regarding the 105 voted in favor, Clayton (Mrs. Walter received a firm vote 102 for District 54 with 12 write-ins one for Robert eight-mill tax rate received a favorable 23, and the road tax 96 to 31. and Robert Kimbel and 86 votes, respect-! Positions on the County l~ducation. in our area put guns Sunday evening came to a close, a close, we might add, hopeful nimrod who local greenery the weeks with nary s evasive creatures. fortunate few mako of their tags locally Dave and Sam Gat- To Seek 'ntent Whys will help provide on the causes of un- nationally when they in the Census Population Sur- the week of Nov. 15, it today by John E. Director of the Bur- office at Seattle. interviewers will Job seekers Why they for work; fo~ example, or quit their prey- out of school, or 'u~STiON will be in ad- usual ones asked in the survey about and unemployment, the information for released by the of I~bor. The survey indicated that at 2.9 million, was from a year ago. 1964, the num- persons seek- work has been cut 2.2 milion. lin who brought home a spike and a doe last week; Ed Okonek and son Les who bagged spikes last Tuesday and Thursday and Mrs. Jubie Hicks who downed a good- ized doe the previous week. THE CLEM HOLLS were hap- py to welcome aunt and uncle, Ben and Carl Long, back home last Saturday after an absence of two and a half weeks. Visitations with relatives at various points in Cali- fornia made the time pass quickly for the Longs and included a stop in Porterville with nephew and family, the Herbert Walters and also a visit with Ben's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walters in Los Gatos. The most exciting event of the trip for the Longs, however, was the opportunity to he in Los Angeles for niece, Mrs. Homer Scott's installation, Oct. 22, as Supreme President of Em- blem Club, the Fraternal Order of Elks Auxiliary. This is certainly a great honor for Nadine since this is, of course, a national organ- ization. The Longs travelled most- ly by train and were met on their return to Washington by niece, Marge Holl. 4-H Grapenuts held their regular meeting last Tuesday after school at the schoolhouse with Leaders Mrs. Louise Ewart and Mrs. Henry Gatlin in charge. Members re- ceived their 4-H pins .and ribbons for last year's record books. Plans for the annual Christmas party were discussed along with a pro- posed Christmas cookie sale to be held next month. The group wel- comed new member Jerry Hinch- cliff. Grapeview Mother's Club also met last week--on Wednesday--in the school lunchroom. Members re- ceived tickets for the big Game Night and Thanksgiving basket scheduled for Nov. 19 at the school. Principal Arthur Zehe told mothers that Nov. 9 would be Stamp Day at school for the child- ren. Stamp Day is part of a plan offered by the Treasury Depart- merit which gives each child a chance to save at his own rate-- a dime, a quarter, fifty cents or more each week, buying Saving Stamps which lead to Saving Bonds. This very worthwhile plan, [ introduced and perpetrated by [ Mothers' Club member Mrs. BobI Battles, will afford practical train- ing in money management to the[ youngsters participating. I FAIR HARBOR Grange held its I monthly meeting last Thursday evening at the school and mem- bers welcomed ghosts, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ross, Grangers from California now residing in the Allyn area. Mr. Ross is the new State Forest (Fire) Warden for Mason County. Good news for Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Somers came in a six pound, 13 ounce package--a brand new grandson born last Tuesday, Nov. 2, to son and daughter-in-law, Harley and Judy Somers of Spo- kane. The newcomer, named Bret Charles, was welcomed home by two and a half-year-old sister, Lori Dee, and by "Grandma" Leona who l~})~ped a .train last Tuesday from Christmas Special ® m, JANUARY 1 THE PRICE GOES BACK TO $25.00 BIG ENOUGH FOR HER 18" Jetpak carries everything she needs for overnight. SMALL ENOUGH FOR HIM 18"Jetpak slips easily underthe seat of any jet airliner. SMART ENOUGH FOR BOTH Great gift for either. Seattle to lend a helping hand. Ta~king their first vacation in 15 years, Mr. and Mrs. Los Soule spent a fabulous 10 days in the San Francisco area with long-time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Art Shiefer. Having basked in the warnlth of Soule's hospitality many times here in Grapeview's share of Puget Sound, the Shiefers were delighted to welcome Lcs and Faye with real Indian Summer-type weather --93 degrees ! Arriving there by air Oct. 15, their various activities included sight-seeing trips through the Gol- den Gate Park, the San Franci'~co Presidio; tours to San Rafael; pic- nicking in the famed Naps Valley; visiting the Beringer Brothers' Wi- nery, which still uses the wine cellars laboriously chipped out of solid granite decades ago by im- ported oriental labor; and even at- tending Giaconi Puocini's "Tosca" at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco. Never fear, dear readers, in spite of all this whirlwind visiting and touring, Les and buddy Art found time to attend a few football games; the University of Washing- Ion's defeat of University of Cali- fornia at Berkeley, the Stanford- Army contest at PaiD Alto, and a pro-game, the 49'ers vying with Minnesota. A delightful and thrillingly com- plete birthday pa*ty took place at the Einar T. Petterscn residence Sunday afternoon. The honored guest:; at this "family" affair were Mr. Pattersen's two sistc2s, Mrs. Herbert Gunderson and Mrs. Sig- rud Grondahl of Steilacoom and Mrs. Grondahl's g~mddaughter, Sally Grondahl, who were celebrat- ing, respectively, their 77th, 67th and ninth birthdays. The family group gathered promptly for the dinner which was scheduled for 1 p.m. Sunday, 34 in all, coming from Sequim, Steila- coom, Seattle, Red, ton and Texas. Mr. Petterson, acting as a most dashing M.C., then introduced the special entertainment, two ap- propriately garbed (?) witches, slightly left over from Halloween. As a, finale to their presentation, the "witches" unmasked, and nmch to Mrs. Gunderson's surprised de- light, one proved to be her daugh- ter, Mrs. Bob Johnson, who had arrived by train from Hibbins, Minn., Saturday, and the other was none other than Mrs. Grondahl's daughter, Mrs. Peter Packard, who had flown in from Washington, D.C. Friday evening. I Following this happy reunion, dinner was served, buffet style and when all had satisfied their hun- ger, Mrs. Grondahl, an accomp- lished organist, px~vided the ac- companiment for a family song fest. Most fitting indeed, was their special presentation, dedicated to the Pettersens, "God Bless This House." Homecoming activities in Shel- ton,, with a championship football game in the offing, prompted Elaine Zehe to make the trip home from "Western Washington State College in Bellingham. She spent from Friday evening until Sun- day afternoon with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Zehe of Stadium Beach. University of Washington soph- omore Jim Doherty paid a drop-in visit to the Walt Claytons before and after the game Friday, return- ing to Seattle that same night. MRS. LEE D. Whitney, a past president of the 4Ill District, was one of 17 guests honored at annual American Legion Auxiliary Lunch- eon meeting of the 4th District Council Nov. 1, at the Edward B. Rhodes Memorial Hall in Tacoma. Presiding over this Thurston- Mason-Pierce County 4th District group was current 4th District president, Mrs. Leroy Nordyke who was assisted by the current 4th District Council president, Mrs. Ri- chard Collen, both of whom coor- dinated the theme to reflect all the beauties of autumn. Belated congratulations to Bill Sund whom we heat' (via the grapevine) celebrated his 80th birthday last Sunday at his Stretch Island home. A dinner par- ty, hosted by Bill's brother and siste~-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sund, brought the family and com- plete turkey dinner out to sur- prise the happy gentleman and his wife. Grapeview Vohmteer Fire De- partment Auxiliary President, Mrs. Don Pogreba, reminds members of the regular scheduled meeting Nov. 17, at the Firehall at 7:30 p.m. Don't miss the Sarah Eckert Or- thopedic Guild's annual Country Store and Bake Sale Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Firehall. Christmas gift items and delicious home-made goodies, including breads and L canned goods. Guild President Mrs. I Jubie Hicks, asks members who1 have tickets out on the "Seascape" t to please turn them in to the[ store before noon Saturday as the drawing will be held at that time. LION OFFICIAL VISITS~This group of flags from many na- tions on the podium before him symbolizes the theme of his re- marks to the Shelton Lions by District Governor Ray Wren, Olympia, during his official visit here last week. Wren told of some of the international aspects of the organization which has clubs in 132 countries, giving it a truly international flavor. O @ I [, OUR WAY THE NEW MI ooe LADLES FIRST LADY 'JA" New Pear- Shape w/diamond 17 jl. ,-.,_-- ~ LEADING LADY "E" Trim & $AI (~f95 Tiny= New Style 21 jl...~ .... ==IF~ MISS AMERICA "H", Elegant SfJtl~75 Expansion Bracelet 17 il, ,..__ ¢~l~ LA ,PETITE RR, Marquise $~00 Shape, 2 diamonds .................. ~ GODDESS OF TIME "G.G" $79" 14K solid gold case, 21 jl, ...~ CANDLELIGHT "D" ,125oo 7 diamond elegance ...... ALSO ;.~ CARAVELLE WATCHES for LADLES from ..... .................... ':/ JET CLIPPER "A", self wind, $~4~9S waterproof, steel case .~ ~I~. WATERPROOF, all steel ease~ $4=JpdPk95 IShookp!n0of, .17 jl. ~..~--.......... DATE KING "C" Calenda~ Dial Self wind= waterproof ,.., DATE KING "PG'~ yellow SmjFa~95 gold, date, self-wind, 30 jl. ~ ,J~' COMMANDER "C" Master- piece of Design, 30 jl,, yellow DATE KING "PA" for the Outdoor Manj ,17 Jl.. _..-.... We also feature ACCUTRON by Bulova, the most accurate timepiece in the world -- from $125.00 II ..... : ...... I1[I I ........ ~a ................. A 'q'RULY" IMPRESSIVE SELECTION OF FINELY STYLED, GOLD BIRTHSTONE RINGS AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS . . . Dozens of New Style BIRTHSTONE RINGS for All Ages eg FREElll FREElll FREEIll DURING THIS EVENT A FINE WRIST WATCH WILL ~E GIVEN TO THE LADY OR GENTLE. MAN WHO BRINGS IN THE OLDEST WATCH, STILL RUNNING. SEARCH YOUR HEIRLOOMS FOR YOUR OLDEST WATCH~ WJND IT UP AND BRINel IT INo ~BSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO ENTER THIS CONTEST, Solid Gold Baby Rings BECKWITH'S JEWELERS WILL GIVE ING THIS EVENT. GATION. THIS EVENT -E ES-MAGNIFi IALLY PRII BRIDAL PAIRS ENGAGEMENT RIN( WEDDING RINGS EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS A complete D Department at 'BEGKWITH'S $ OUR MASTERPIECE 150 Also Complete Selection Boys & Gents Rings luggage is a gift they'll love.., especially if irs Sam- etpak. It's designed to pack for a weekend of ft.m or slips under a jet seat with airline approval. Jctpak is design. Scuff and stain-resistant exterior.., magne- • hidden locks. The latest addition to the elegant Silhouette line. Start your favorite travelers on the ~lete matching set this Christmas... with Jetpak. 'eep Olive. Featuring divider pad with tie rack, lining. Biscayne Blue, Dover White. Featuring re- snap.ln pockets, full-length shirred pocket, ~dinated lining. 3rd & Railroad Subsidiary of P, N, Hirsch & Co. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 8:30 p,m, SPECIAL SILVERPLATE PARTY SET by International ........................................ 3 PIECE SILVERPLATE BOWL SET Reg. $49.00 ................................................ 4 12" CHASED SILVERPLATE TRAY by Wm. Rogers ........................................... SEE THE LARGEST SELECTION OF GIFTwARES IN TOWN, As Divided Payments Available GENTLEMAN'S $,mn DIAMOND RING LUU MATCHED ELEGANC; 95 ULTIMATE '100 G.A.~E~R i. '~nn ~w.,E. ~250 SIMPLICITY , . . " A SOLITAIRE ...... d[,,UU RAPTURE . . . . .. , MAGNIFICENT Sq fl CONTEMPORARY CLASSICALLY DUET ........... UlglU BEAUTY ......... "sue MODERN ........ tllUU Shelton's Finest Jewelry A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Item 'Til Christmas. Choose While Selections Are Complete.