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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PA E ll) StTI J,TON--I ffA 0N COUNTY JOURNAE--- Pub]isbed in "Ohr sfmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, WashingTon Thursday, Mrs. Eliot To Speak ¢ ea! h:b mmb s New Member Is Welcomed. By VFW Auxiliary Margaret Witcraft was initiated at the last meeting of the VFW Auxiliary. A discussion was held oil plans for the bazaar. A work party will be held at 10 a.m. next Thursday in the home of Arlene Smith. Those attending are to Lake a sack lunch. Coffee will be served. It was decided to have a food sale at the bazaar with proceeds going toward the cancer fund. Fourteen flags were presented to the Girl Scouts and Brownie troops last Thursday afternoon at the 3£ountain View school by Mar- lens Pierce and Arlene Smith. Door prize for the meeting was brought by Willie May Shay and NOVEMBER Mrs. Craig Eliot will speak about Rogers school and the Ex- ceptional Foresters program at the ai'ternoon session of the Hood Canal Woman's Club when it meets next Thursday in the Pot- latch clubhouse. Mrs. Nina Miller, president, will conduct the club's morning busi- ness session which will begin at 11 a.m. Miss Dora Fredson, education depaz%ment chairman, arranged for Mrs. Eliot's talk and Mrs. D. H. Pierce is c h a i r rn a n of the luncheon committee. received by Ruth Nelson. Luncheon was served by Ruth Nelson, Arma Springer, Bertha Johnson and Mamie Clark. 1965 TWO OPERATORS to SERVE YOU SHOP HOURS: 9-6 Monday thru Saturday Open Evenings by Appointment Phone 426.6659 1428 Olympic Hwy. So. Each year more and more wom- en enter the science field which such a few years ago was consid- ered strictly men's territory. Chris- ty McMillin, Shelton High school senior, is one of these young wom- en who hopes to enter the field of science in the near future. CHRISTY McMILLIN * *This is our second try. The last time I was suddenly called away when my mother had a stroke. I sincerely hope no one was inconvenienced, "THE SECRET IS OUT, AMY DEAN is going to do Christmas portrait sittings at ;/2 PRICE again this year! Can't you just imagine how pleased Grandma will be? Our portrait from DEAN'S is a gift of love and one that only we can give. Aunts and Uncles and cousins and friends love Us tOO ---won't they be thrilled to see how much we've grown? Mom- mie says we can be a Christ- mas card tool Listen Amy-- phone DEAN'S now for your ~2 PRICE SITTING -- 426- 32722' (I'd. Adv.) $ $ Christy earned a semifinalist rating in the 1965-66 national Mer- it Scholarship competition as a re- sult of high grades on the test ad- ministered last March in schools: throughout the nation. The final- ists will be chosen from a second test. She has not made a decision be- tween Stanford and tlle University of Washington, but plans to com- plete her education in one of the two. Christy is secretary of Honor Society and a member of Pep Club, Girls Athletic Association, Girls Club Executive Board and Thes- pians. Outside of school she is ac- tive in the Methodist Youth Fel- lowship. Her subjects this year include math analysis, physics, English, typing and civics. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David McMillin and was born Dec. 7, 1947 in Bremerton. The McMillins moved to Shelton when Christy was in the fourth grade. She has two brothers, Peter, 13, and Tim, 6, and a sister, Cam, 11. Reading" is a favorite pastime of Christy. She likes sports but doesn't have much opportunity for them. She is a 5 foot 9 inch bru- net.te witil gray-hluc eyes and sometimes answers to the nick- name "Mac". ou name ,,we Q Take your pick, Seattle-Fkst finances allmakes and models. And we finance more of them than any other financial institution in the state. There axe two good reasons: fas seryico and excellent terms. So, whether you arrange your SEAFIRST financing through your new car dealer or through your SEAFIRST branch, you'll gel a good deal. Count on it. Soro#imists Hear Repor|s On l]ecent Bis ri©t Meeting Reports on the District meeting at Ocean Shores were given by those attending the October 29 meeting of the Soroptimist Club o£ Shelton held at Alderbrook Inn. The following committees were appointed by Joy Kilbourne, pres- ident: Attendance, Lucille Wo- jahn; classifications, Malion Coles chairman, Nancy Beckwith and Bernadine Duff By; public rela- tions, Bernadine Duffey, chairman, Frances Johnson and Marjorie Furlong; program, Shirley Beelik, chairman, Mable Quiggle and M'ar- jorie Furlong. Finance, Virginia Grout, chair- man, Ova Cook, Ruth Boysen and Lucille Wojahn; ways and means, Edith Savage, Jeannette Hansen, Mac Grant, Geraldine Chapman and Marion Coles; service objectives, Ruth Boysen, Nancy Beckwith, Lu- cile Wojahn, Mae Grant and Virginia Grout. l=lans were made for a Christ- mas cookie sale to be held this Saturday at the Sears Catalog office. November Hostess For WCTU Meet Is Mrs. Roy Eells The regular monthly meeting of the Womans Christian Temperance Union was held last Friday in the home of Mrs. Roy Eells. Following the no-host luncheon Mrs. G. R. Eads led the salutes to the American, Christian and Tem- perance flags. Mrs. David Turner gave the devotions and she and Mrs. Manilla Galloway reported on the recent state convention they attended in Bremerton. State, officers elected for the coming year were Mrs. Chas. Budde, of Seattle, president; Mrs. Dan C. Pittman, of Woodland, vice president; Mrs. Chas. Simmons, of Seattle, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ralph J. Brown, of Tacoma, recording secretary; and Mrs. Eth- el Snyder, of Bellingham, treasur- er. Mrs. Nena P. Roberts, of Shel- ton, Mrs. Win. J. Taylor, of Ta- coma, and Mrs. P'aul Prestis, of Longview, are state trustees along with the state 'officers. Following a short business meet- ing all present repeated the Aaron- ic benediction and adjourned. The December meeting will be a Christ- mas program and party in the home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. Auxiliary Coffee Hour To Be Held Next Tuesday The November coffee hour for members and friends of the Shel- ton Hospital Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. Wayne B. Carte, 905 Roy Blvd., from 10 a.m. until noon next Tuesday. Besides contributions for the gift bar, items to be donated for the Trash and Treasure sale may be r delivered. Jeanne Nicloy or Ada Oltman will be happy to receive them. Mrs. Hal Nordeng served 40 nembers and guests at the Oct- ober coffee hour when $29.50 was nade in cash donations in addi- tion to the many lovely gift items for the hospital gift bar. Because of the busy season approaching next Tuesday's coffee hour will be :he last one until January. TAKES POSITION IN YAKIMA ""7' ........... ................ ~; .............. • ~ I MRS. CAROL BAKES, former Shelton resident, has accepted a position as home agent with the Yakima County Extension office. Before assuming full duties Mrs. Bakes is taking an orientation tour of Eastern Washington, vis- iting extension offices at Wash- ington State University and vari- ous county extension offices, For the past year she has been employed at the University of Washington as food supervisor, She was graduated from the uni- versity in the spring of 1964. Mrs, Bakes is the former Carol Coffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Coffman, Shelton. Her husband, James, is employed with Frame and White Account- Ing firm in Yakima. He is al=o a native 6heltonian, the son of MP. and Mrs. John O~kes, PRICE, STOCK WEDDING PERFORMED BY REV. HATTEN GEORGINE REd Hostess for the Orthopedic Guild ber 19 will be nedy. The group p.m. in the RACHEL Mrs. Richard B r hostess for the eon meeting of Orthopedic vember 19. Mrs. be co-hostess. Play The phrase best" is a truism remember from in this day, with tication and some people nose and treat nesses--a practice to say Only your ified to dia When there is Play it safe with When medication our prescription fully equipped needs. MISS MARGARET JO PRICE and Edward Howard Stock were married October 23 in the Mason Methodist church of Tacoma by former Shelton minister, Rev. C. T. Hatten. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Price, of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock, of Allyn, are parents of the bridegroom. Attendants for the couple were Miss Jayne Rucker, Shelton, and Jerry Schei, Stanwood. Mrs. Stock is a spring graduate of Washington State University and a member of Chi Omega sorority. Her husband is a WSU senior and is affiliated with Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. They are making their home in Pullman until graduation. Emergenoy Ph. Fifth & Franklin Open Daily 9:30 Saturdays ~ g:30:i Garden Club To Meet Monday The November meeting of the Shelton Garden Club will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. W. A. Witsiers with Mrs. Frank Smith and Mrs. George Cropper as tea hostesses. Mem- bers are to bring Thanksgiving arrangements. workshop was held Novem- ber 8 in the PUD auditorium wittl Mrs. Wm. Keller, of Portland, giv- ing instruction on tile making of holiday wreaths, swags and cot'- sages in preparation for the sale of these decorations the club will have December 16 in the PUD auditorium. SATURDAY IS BIRTHDAY NIGHT FOR LOCAL OES A regular slated meeting and Birthday Night will be held by Welcome Chapter No. dO, Order of the Eastern Star at 8 p.m. this Sat- urday in the Masonic Temple. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all Eastern Star mem- bers: 3/3 TWIN SIZE SETS $45.00 4/6 DOUBLE BED $55.00 QUEEN SIZE 60x80 SETS Good... $79.00 .,= Better... $89.00 ' ' ~ ~- r ~ Best. • Sa e Good :thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Only 4th & Railroad ONE WEEK ONLY! Thurs., Nov. 11 - Sat., Nov. 20 ::3 Like low, luv! Delightful ingenue heels. Mod-bred. Queuing up with curvy new profiles for smashing looks. Quite! ,i! Reg. Price To $13.99 MILLER'S SHOE DEPT. Operated & Managed by Christensen's for Shoes, Bremerton . /i~ ' 4 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIt 8;30 ~=..