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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NoVember 11, 196 COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christma town, U.S.A..", Shelton PAGE 11 !0LE 'HARDWAREMEN'---Trophy winners. ~.on, Val Sienko, Frank Heuston• Front row--Joe 1965 tournaments sponsored by the 19th Holt, Rudy Pitman, Andy Tuson, Jerry Thompson, ~b received their awards last week at the Jack KImbel. See adjoining story for the awards =lWards dinner. Back row (from left)~ each won. .owe, Bud Pauley, Fred StuUer, Larry Lar- NOR H Bulldogs Enjoy Best Offensive Performance Of Year, Lose 33-19 |,, LOTS OF HARDWARE GOES OUT AT AWARD~ DINNER Enough hardware to ,'~t'u't a ret'til busine,~s was ll:mded om at the annual Hl',e!ton Golf Club awards (iinuer in the F, ay~;i~ore chlbht,d:'io l:;.';t Thlll'SL!dy event;l;}. The p,)tllwl{ tlillllcr ~h'ich l);"e- ceded the "spails" pl.cscr..tatio::s at- traete~ oVa; t{0 cl-lb lil(}nQ),21'.3 Cub i:l'esi l,?ttt' (,lint }Vllhnn' i)re- sided with tle~.en 13rcwcr, ~.VO!ll¢?II'S team captain, and 13on P'au~ey, 19th ttole Club h)urnament chair- man, making, the prescntalions. Kay Smith)-Nits Kinlbel and I Dct Willour were in ch'::rge of Ihc arranff:ementa. ! tain's tournament; Sonny Lowe, wimlcr, ,Joe licit secon(l, ,in tile champimmhip fllgllt of the club [chamiqmmhip tournament; Fred Stul!m', whine:', Bob Coots, second, in the first /light; Jack Kimbel, i t'i~:~l, ,h,rry 'Phonlpson, second, in the 2ud f:ight; I.lud Pauley, first: l):,n (2:;i'l, second, ill tile 31'd flight; lzlr!'y Lar:;on, first, Ray Rice, see.. o:l:l, in the President's Cup tom'- nhl'~lellt. ~!; J!, * =1: WATER SYSTEM RKPLAC EM f-I~T PROJECT NOW UNDER WAY CJmplete replacement of the ques; Ruth Heuston and Vh'ginia Bayley, Washington State Worn- elK'S Golf Ass'n awards for nlon- thly medal play; Nita Kimbel, a special award for having 17 no- putt greens during tlm season (chipping in from off the green)• In men's play the awards went to Rudy Oltman and Andy Tuson, winners, and Dan Carl and Bob~ { Women's cub awards weld lo of the Shelton-Bv, yJhorc gol:' Vir~.,inia lJ:)vley and l;~uth lleust.on, I c:;m'se is now under way and wilt I " • " , , winner and m the ,qm'l:~g i make tile CO[lrse hazardous to eclectic; Gert Batstone and lgeltylplay for the next three weeks or Otson, winner an(i tremor-up in :m, pro-manager Ray Walker re- tile Pall eclectic; Ruth Heuaton and, ports. Betty Ols(m, winner and rmmet- I Work is being done by the Kim- up in the team capt.~in's tourna-/bel Construct{on Company of ment; Helen Brewm' tirst, Billie Slielton under supervision of the Broughton and IJetty Oson tied tI. D. Rowler Co. of Seattle, spat- for second for lowering their han- !ialists in golf course phmning. dieaps most: Kay Smith and Vir-[ The project tnVolves the replace- ginia Bay'ey, breaking-100 plac- ment of between 15,000 and 20,. ~00 feet of pipe, the mains being )f 6-inch diameter, at a total cost )f approximately $25,000. A 4-man Kimbel crew aided by Walker is tiding the work, which began No- vember 1. All nine fairways will be chewed up to some extent when the work is at its peak, so playing the course will bc diffi- cult although not necessarily ira- AWARDS WINNERS--Best of Shelton's gal golf- Olsen, Gert Batstone, Helen Brewer• Missing to ers during 1965 were these six award winners receive their awards were Virginia Bayley and shown after accepting their trophies at the annual Bitlie Broughton. See adjoining story for the awards dinner last week. Front row--Ruth Heus- awards each won. ton, Nita Kimbel, Kay Smith. Back row---Betty • 2226 Olympic Hwy. N. • 426-4832 "th Safety Studs for "Su er Traction" laab/ V acked snow at small a ditional cost, High set--Bill Richter 581. Fuller 4 (Jack Frost, Bill John- son each 516), Hardware 0 (Larry Lyle 468); Lions 4 (Bill Richter 581), Bulls 0 (Charlie Savage 495); Rotary 3 (Jim Shrum 508), Ki- wards 1 (Jim Sneddon 475); Ant- lers 2 (Gerry Hart 563), Eagles 2 (L. C. Leman 521). SIMPSON WOMEN w Lumber .................................. 20 9 Insulating Board .................. 19 Accounting ......................... 17 11 Purchasing : ......................... 14 14 Loggers ................................ 14 14 Olympic Plywood .............. 11 17 Research .............................. 11 17 Engineering ......................... 6 High game--Joan Sowers 2022.2 High series--Joan Sowers 518. IBP 3 (Phyl Ziegler 486), Lum- ber 1 (Joan Sowers 518) ; Purchas- ing 3 (Phyl Collins 481), Plywood 1 (Jeanne Paterson 455); Accoun- ting 3 (Helen Rice 488), Loggers 1 (Norene Stevens 424); Research 3 (Cleo Hulet 456), Engineering 1 (Jean Hoffman 364). 12:30 WOMEN'S LEAGUE Shelt, on Union Service ...... W 1~ John s Richfield .................. 19 21 Cots Grill ...................... 19 21 Neir Pharmacy .i..:ill ...... 14 High game--Donna Coleman 198 High set--Donna Coleman 526. Union 4 (LaVonne Castle 502), Cots 0 (Evadean Lord 460) ; John's 3 (Donna Coleman 526), Nell's 1 (Betty Freeto 417)• SIMPSON RECREATION W L Loggers .............................. 23 9 Railroad ............................ 17 15 Loaders .............................. 15½ 16½ Shops .................................. 8 %, 23 ~ High game~--Charline Murr 493. High game--Sharon Huisingh 199. $ a * Loggers 4 (Donna Coleman 473), Raih'oad 0 (Charline Murr 493) Loaders 3 (Sharon Huisingh 456), Shops i (Judy Manke ~08)• High .............. 6:31 p.m. 10.5 ft. Sunday, Nov. 14= Low ................ 2:07 p.m. -1,7 ft. High ................ 9:51 a.m. 12.4 ft. Low ................ 3:28 p.m. 7.6 ft. High ................ 7:27 p.m. 9.8 ft. Monday, Nov. 15 LoW .................. 3:05 a,m• -0.9 ft. High ............ 10:51 a.m. 12,4 ft. Low ................ 4:48 p.m. 7,1 ft. High ................ 8:42 p.m. 9,0 ft. Tuesday, Nov. 16 Low ................ 4:08 a.m• 0,1 ft, High ............ 11:47 a,m• 12,4 ft. Low ................ 6:04 p.m. 6,0 ft, High ............ 10:27 p.m. 8.4 ft. ' Wednesday, Nov. 17 Low ................ 5:16 a.m. 1•2 ft. High ............ 12:36 p.m. 12.4 ft. Low ................ 7:07 p.m. 4.5 ft. Thursday, Nov. 18 High .............. 0:19 a,m. 8.5 ft. Lc~w ................ 6:23 a.m. 2.3 ft. High .............. 1:19 p.m. 12.4 ft. 5ow ................ 7:58 p.m. 3.0 ft. MIXED FOURSOME~ W L Strippers ........................ 27 5 Twisters .......................... 21 11 What's Next .................... 16 16 Board Busters ,. ............... 15~ 16~ All Kats .......................... 14 • 18 Timber Ducks ................ 13 19 Odd Balz ........................ 13 10 Knock Outs .................... 8 ~ 23 ~/~. High games --- Jean I-Iartwetl 177, Jack Frost 226 High series -- Maxge Witcraft 508, Lloyd Clark 565 Split pick --- L. C. Leman 4-7-10 Busters 3xh (Lloyd Clark 5651 Outs V~ (Sandy Karshner 398) Twisters 3 (Don Knudsen 487L Next 1 (Fred Boysen 442); Ducks 3 (Jack Frost 559), Balz 1 (Jean Hartwell 484); Strippers ~ (L. C• Leman 531), Kats 2 (Ralph Simp- .qon 480)• of SHELTON :F FEC' ! 8 a.m. to $ p.m. IWONDAY t ru FRIDAY OFFICE & PLANT CLOSED Until Further Notice• Maybe you've driven $20,000 impods. Maybe you think you know how quiet a car can be, Try a new '66 Ford and you're in for the quietest little surprise of your driving life. And what luxury. Deep pile carpeting. Sculp- tured bucket seats. Stereo music from Ford's new optional tape playerl Performance? V-8's up to 425 hp. Come try 'eml 501 RAILROAD AVE. Ford Galaxie 500/XL 2.D~or Hardtop .... SHELTON, WASH. for Positive Traction in Mud or Snow ......... ~- _ ...... Coots, runners-up, in the team cap- possible, Walker said. ~x~rtu A LEAGUE lor, mamng the nnm score 33-19• * • , * (Flnal st~mdlngs) W L pf pat This game concluded the foot- 'l~lt~ltll~ /~llll JUNIOR HIGH LEAGUE Willsoilahd Bill Richards at Port Townsend ...... 5 0 172 19 ball games for the 65 season• / / / . ........ ,o Vaash:nd~.e. ................ ~ 21 131 9121_. _ i.Score by Qua~¢ters I I 1 Contrali. ................ r %/E;'Enie";? ....... s ............... 2 3 5 "73 ............ "t E 13 7.33 /// Mi.e,•....................... 4 1 1 47 19[adams and Scott Puhn at hair- ~DUt.ll.ttltl ....................... U I ~Nortn mason ..... (5 7 U 0---19 , ~, '~ ~, ...... Jefferson 32])2 ~i bpeks u*d Gary AUstin at full ............,;:, a r,, mm mm n n nn ,v,,,,,,,,,,, ............ 231:{~ 52/b;;~ik 'Chris Cl0se and Steve Wit- .......................... Tay ', .y . ..p, ,; . nn cna- ~~~~.~'~ ~ ~(~ ~ Hoquiam .................. 2 4 0 2,) 6~ I craft took places in tile sta}•t ng Fhm,l Games stain Tartar, 3-yd. pass Irom Cha- ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ Ho,.kino 1 3 2 39 50 I .;, e-....~,,..,.. ~2.~.,~ • . 1J ,~ .................. • • • ' (l{_~tt?xI~51% [" ,|tl~t.t~, : Batnbridge 33 North Mason19 I stare; Chastam 9-yd. run; Paul / ~ 1 ~ ....... 1 4 1 33 7)9 [ Port Townscnd 12, Vashon 0 [Anderson, 32-yd. pass from Chas- II ]/ ~,,~ ............................ [ Re]ief assigm,nents were g~ven Se uim 12 1, mks 6 tain, Taylm 16-yd pass from ~i~/ / Final dames ]end Bud Tuson. tackles t=ra~g r~ey- ix,up, prepare for q ---------- [Chastain; North Mason: Don Hu- l i/l Mitler 7, Shelton 0 /nolds a, d Bob Mcelanahan, guard ~ Dave ~,tez iDerg lllI(l(lt( guard Br JAY ALLEN [son, 4-yd. run• Mike Fleury, 1-yd / nll 1 1 Hoquiam 13 Centralia 12 ] " " - . ' ' ler, pay bills, meet NORTH~iVIASON HIGH -- The/run; Don Huson, 1-yd. rt.m. m ~ 1 Jefferson 6 Hol,kins 6 ] ~e~re~:e mW'~°n'Bth.~lifblaick~ldGtr~lg. 0ther fall ~,,,.,~ ~r .... ~-lldo~s nla-ea a/ Convermons: Bainbriage: Chas- l~lll i~l i 1 .... /K " ~Y '" " " ' " fleeds° hard ground game and turned in/ tam, 1. }tick: 2 r}lns, No z'th Ma- //EE Two acts of failing to follow] Lair) Lind.-, ... . erformanc of son t~]cnara ~anMnson KlCi( th .... ur of their top offensive p e / : " , • l1 coaching instructions cost e/ " ........ ~li again! Make . u r" tlrconvenient heaaq a - the season against the Bainbridge] Team Statistics llll 1 l~ P~rs~i Shelton Blazers a 7-0 defeat at tho~ In the f~ttn quarter' um ~mz-. ' FALL CASHI Spartans' passing' game, but still] BB NM ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ hands of Miller in the final junior] ers came ~T..with their b e~t per- lost their season finale Friday]First downs ...................... 13 13 ~~~~ ~~i~ high football game of the season]~°rmance°Itnescas°na!°n" night, 33-19, on the Bulldog grid-] By rushing ................. : 6 11 / l ll ~ Ui~l ~ last Thursday in Aberdeen. /ly score either zor .agamsthtnem' YOur good credit to get iron. | By passing .................... 4 2 ~~~~ ~ ~!~ ~ ~,,, ....... a ~h .....,o onl,~|in ~ive games as tney w tppeu ~aey you need here now IRsY up bills or monthly in-and keep you,' credit ~~hii~~i] Rii~~~~i~~ :!i : i/1H ] ii i iiiy :i~ ~dbzapom°th th.eItoucto 205 Co??iC ~476.~4302 ~r tc pay for some im- ' I ~ ~ ~ n • all purchases for your ed: :::::i: good coaching and footb'all hungry|Passing .......................... 11-19 5-9 l~lll.ll | i!ll n / ~tonned the nlav for ,,'loss with[ boys, Mason x~ ill be a thz eat m t Intm cepted by - 2 0 ~: :,::.:'~ .... ' • | • . | . • l~lll~ll |~v:,:~ :~ I 1 the result that Mzllm halfbacl~,. ........ Y on monthly terms to Olympm Leag.ue..... |_ Yards gamed ................ 183 54 /~ll~~ Jack Weber turned left end for/I budget. That way, Play openea witn mason receiv-| Total net yarns 347 173 : [~f"; ~:~!~ • " ............... : ::'~,'.~,'~'>-~' ' 17 ~ards to cross Shelton s goa ,{t~ve a carefree fall--m the ball After movin the ball Fumbles--Lost 0-0 I / . ~l Turkey Shoot Now g ' g ......................... ': ~ii'~i~*~,~ A BLAZER fmnble had given " ~the cash you need! 55 yards Don Huson tallied the Punts .... 0 0 ~'~ :~{~{~\~;