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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 11, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 11, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 16 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, i i i, For Sale For Sale FOR SALE -- Several good used USED WALL OIL FURNACE for sale, freezers reconditioned and guaran-$25. Call 426-3431. R 10/7 tfn teed, Lem Warren Refrigeration, 127 South Second. W 7/1 tfn FOR SALE -- Borge-Warner ,.~-ineh chain saw, used six hours, like new, $97. See FRANK AT JOURNAL. eupplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6108. S 9/23 tin after 5:00 p.m. Demonstrations, R 1/7 tfn ALTO SAX FOR SALE --- Excellent ~r ~er condition. Call after 5 p.m. 426-8690. stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 O 10/7 tfn each. 227 West Cota. 12/1 tfn FOR SALE -- Large Frigidaire refrig- freezer, Clean, Good working condi- longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps, tion. $80. Also tapestry covered day- See them at Shelton Electric Co,,enport, Lauson style with down- 419 Railroad, 3/16 tfn filled cushions. $30. Phone 426-4505. T 11/4 sale or lease, Liberal terms to right party. Route 1 Box 225, Shelton, Miscellaneous Phone 426-8768. 9/23 tfn BATON LESSONS -- $1 for half hour. HOMEMADE CANDIES by Al. Peanut Call Tracy Hamlin, 426-6136, 326 brittle, a specialty. Many others South 5th St. 10/21 11/11. available. Order now! Phone 426- 8267. E 5/20 tfn CARD OF TIIANKS SEVERAL USED house trailers, largeMay we extend to out- many friends and neighbors and especially to the ann small for sale. Herb's Second Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Hand Store, 426-3532 or Union 898-Eagles Auxiliary, our deep thanks for 2457. , H 6/10 tfnthe flowers and sympathies given us during our bereavement. FOR SALE --- Used steel plates, pipe, Mrs. Clarice Flick pulleys and shafts. All types san Martin Skaar rage. Shelton Junk Co., First and Knute Skaar Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE -- Large selection of re- We wish to express our heartfelt ¢onditiened ranges, refrigerators, gratitude for the sympathy, kindness washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap-and assistance, also tlle beautiful flo- pllance Center. 615 tfn ral offerings given us during the loss of our loved one. DON'T SELL IT! Have your uphol- M~s. Henry Jackstadt ~tery cleaned by Cleaning Services " S, Randall Jackstadt Company, phone 426-4376 or 426-8138. Karen J, Jackstadt 1/7 tfn Richard Jackstadt. William Jackstadt NEW MOON mobile homes! Nation's Mrs. Marie Jackstadt 11/11 best seller, your best buy. DeTray's Mobile Homes, 1617 Fortes Road, , , , , Ol~one 352-2907, D 10/15 tfn Pets, Livestock TRY OUR CATALOG SERVICE -- Many thousands of items to choose SHETLAND PONY mare for sale. Two from. Large discounts. We pay years old. $75. Gentle. Phone 426- freight. Shelton Marine Supply, Hill- 679~ V 10/21 tfn crest. M 8/8 tfn ~OR SALE --- Good, effective a~ BLACK WHITE-FACE cow and two- month old calf for sale, Phone 426- allinexpensive advertising. Just ca 1 4788, H 11/11 The Journal, 426-4412, 8/19 tfn ~~ SHETLAND COLTS, fillies and mares. haul or we haul. Ca11426-6760. Buzz Lowery, Rainier, Wash. or call F 9/16 tfn 836-2458. L 11/n-25 ~~ GENTLE MEX~~ able prices, dresses 50c up; skate out- ~addlc and hags, sa:ddlc bridle, etc. fits $1.00; pajamms 75c, Many more, $125. Phone Union 898-2448. Contact Laura Sheffield 426-2216. B 11/11-25 S 9/16 tfn , ,L, ,,,, * ' Sporting Goods BRAND NEW Polaroid color pack cameras. Fully automatic from $59.95. Zleglcre C .era Shop. 10 PRAM, new un.nishcd. A,l metal show(u- plus fixtures. Phone ~~ 426-4195, C 11/11 tfn QUART JARS, round oak table, :tO ~--(~~ ft, rope, bath tub, vine grapcjuice press, Lusin, Rt. 2, Box 808, Agate ment at Wall's Marine Supply, on District. 8/5 tfn beautiful ttood Canal. Phone Hoods- _._.~___~ port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn FOR A FREE HOUR of beauty call ~~ for a Merle Nornmn Cosmetic dem- onstrution, Elaine's, phone 426-4582. boat. Radio, depth finder. Moored E 6/4 tfn at Westport, $8,500 cash. Phone 426- ___. 3405. H 5/27 tfn ATTENTION -- Dance Clubs! For your New Years Eve Party---horns, hats, noise,makers, etc, Call 426-6784 for scopes and re'loading. Dean's Gun more infornmtion. H 10/21 11/11 Shop, Union, Wash. Phone 898-2133. D 3/4 tfn ~N-S()~C ~or~ HUNTERS" Keep track of-~our bench, service for 12 restaurant dishes; glassware. 426-3195. partner with a Halicrafters walkic- B 10/28 11/11 talkie. Johnny's Music Box. .............. 10/28 11/11 FOR SALE -- Onc box springs and ~A-A-TI-A-stt'e:t 80 cc blke~Tow mattress, and one trash burner. Good condition. Call 426-3877 after 4 p.m. mileage, very good condition. Phone S 11/4 tfn d~6-6035. M 11/4-18 FOR SALE -- Used cabinet T.V. New 426-2291 for further information. picture tube. Phone 426-8420. R 11/4-18 • T 11/4-]8 50e dozen. Corner cabinet,tables, Phone 426-2026. W 11/4-18 three doors, etc. 426-6629. F 11/,1-18 CL(.)SE-():t;T :~I~]ICES -~- S,,me new OIL HEATER, ,:ircu~iting, ~({0-~0~ 196[, Mercu,'y outboard motors at plpc aml fittings, $10,00. Call 426-big savings, Verle's Sporting Goods. 8584, Edgcwood Apts. S 11/11 200 Olympic ttighway South. Phone 426-4105. n/n-25 FREE, one gall,m of A & W root becl." 19~'~: to Gordon Costa. Rt. 4, Box 480 at Minor's A & W Drive-In on Mt. View.1947 Willeys Jeep, 1957 motor. 10- .~ 11/11 speed bicycle. Phone 426-8765. ~'OR SALE; 3 H.P: DeTail 14" Mc 11/4-11 sttw, mounted on trailer with exten- sion tables. Excellent condition. $550. 506 East H St., Mt. View, W 11/11-25 WOOD --$20 per load, delivered, W~ over a cord. Specify length. Phone Hoodsp0rt 877-5520. p 11/11-25 FOR SALE --- Spark oil heater, excel- * Australian Terriers, A.K.C. lent condition. Phone 426-3506 after Wanted Wa ted For Rent Real Estate Used Cars " --------- ..... Rea___ll For Sale 1962 Renault, Good EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted -- WANTED -- HANDYMAN for resort. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT downtown 90 x 100 FT. COMMERCIAL LOT on FOR SALE BY C over 25 years, Apply in person. AI- | Write Box F, c/o Shclton-Mason location, clean, dry storage. Phone ] Mt. View, corner Olympic Hwy. and room home, 1325 ft. Cndition, New Tires 426-4412 derbrook Am, Union, WasiL 11/ilCounty Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shel- ] 426-8211. L 8/4: tfn I H St., zoned C-1. $6000. Glen Wit-place, hardwood flol $495.00 ......... ton, Wash. 11/11-]2/2 ~ son, 506 East H St., Mt. View. years old, double REGISTERED NURSES WANTED -- ~ I HOUSEKEEPING APTS. -- One and W 11/11-25 range. Fenced bae 1956-~~ ~.,u ...... * ~i .... .~w w,,~hh~*,,n', l wA~m~ Bab-sPter also light[ two rooms. Dishes linens utilities l-- on 110 x 140 ft. 1 ...... (-.' J-~.' ........................ ~ ..... ..,~ ..... -- a', ~ , - e~ , b • e lnder, stick shift, $350, Radio, heater,newest and most modern nursing] housekeeping expected. Five days asupplied. 426-2081. B 5/27 tfn FOR SAI~E _-3 b~dtQ,~m ranch, sty!. Phone 426-8431. Phone 426-6539, P 9/1.6 tfn home facility. Salary open. Write orI week. Must have own transportation ~G-~i~ nonm, fi/2 R!ll~m,_mm~Y room, (~?l~uLe 1~ phone Centralia Convalescent Center, ] and a non-smoker, Phone 426-2445.p~w~ ~xo .....~, c e ap~rtmem, one carpm'.t witn. roads oz..;utorage, xnter: FOR SALE -- Older 101~ L~n," Woad ~entrnlia nhone | w ~n/2~ tfn I Deurooln, Iuru~saeu. xnqmre t±~ [ COILS tnrougllout, OUtit-ln oven ann hardtop. Excellent condition. Extrem- 736~3381~ ........ B'11~11-25 I ....... I North Sixth St. D 8/26 tfn ]range, dishwasher, food center, gar- dar Street. Make o ely low mileage. 426-2442. N 10/7 tfn ............ ' .... I ¢~t_.. a~e* :~£~____ . [ ---- [ bage disposal, electric barbecue. Cor- 3361. WANTED Christmas tree workers ~la~SllleU ervlce FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two bed-] tier fireplace with heat-o-later and F"OR'-S-A-LE----'~75~~" ..... "--: --". . ..~ ..... I I room, modern, new apartments on [ glass doors. Large covered patio, HOME IN COUNTRY 4/745. S 9/16 ttn o~t~np~l(n::.42~l~p~ at ~k~t~;n SEWING ALTERATIONS and iron ng, Mt. View. Wall-to-wall carpeting [sidewalks and black-top street. Brick drilled well, new sel~ ~~ .............. ~ ' ' - • / I hn~ 5ha Ed~.ewood Aots [ draperies, laundrYa "facilities' appli- w ndow-h gh around complete honsc .~Loome down, doll ......................... [ H 11/11 tfn ances, private p rkmg and private|Very nice lawn. Price cut to $~H,000 truck. Directional signals, all steel ~t-mrclmi~uml) t;HILD UAr~e~ --- ~viy I ~ I locked storage space. Heated swim- [ including rugs and drapes. 506 East dump box, good motor and rubber, home, anytime. Hillcrcst, Please call ~ ~m.r,~ ~x^~r~ . a.*~ ~. a ..... *e ~-r ] ruing pool. $99.50 month. Contact ] "H" St. on Mt. View. W 11/11-25NICE five-bedroom h0 426-6062, or 426-3108. R 1/ tfn [ ....., n,~,,~,,, .~a ~,,u ~.n~.i~. [ manager. Phon -3100. E 11/26 tfn [ --~ - Road, Country living Call 426-2278, M 10/21 tfn ,r, • 1 4 ~* *~ ........................ e 426 F-OR-S-ALE'~c--k-I-'~--[-~on ~i cal'i~"Be~n'eit"'~ P~a'intln"ff'" ~o-~np'an~', I IACREAG IN DAYTON area for eale. from downtown. FlY, ~Ar~x ~XTT~ WAI~TE~ weeKdays I 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn I l.~xWllS~wr ;~ u~.x~t~ ~ay ~ore ior [ Call evenings. 426-8113. B 11/11 tfn approved, Terms a~ from 9:00 to 5:30 in my honm. One ........... ' .... sate or masc. ,doerm terms to rignt $300. Call evenings 426-8157]), 11/4-11 pro-school child, three in school, ]EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation. I p party, Rout;6 1 Box 225, Shelton. ]RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LO T S: 426-2442. Phone 426-8074 after 5:30 p,n,. or on ] Jim Pauley Inc., 501 Railroad Ave. [ vnone azb-~ ~. v/z~ ~tn ]Water, sewer and streets in. vamety cHoICE WATERFRO: EXCEPTIONAL CAR -- 1964 Pontiac weekend. V 11/11 Phone 426-8231 4/28 tfn~I of locations on Mr. View. $1700 tolow-bank bulkheaded Catalina, 4-door hdtp., all the ex- ______ " .................... FOR RENT --an-MtiiJeie~o~O~ln~untw [$3000. Glen Watson, 506 East H St~with two story didO, tras, extremely low mileage. Phone I WISH TO BABY SIT in my home or ROOFING blown rock wool insula- ~uo~oU~, ~Y 0. 4'~.aa~q erma- W 11/11-25 home adjoining. Wa: 420-2442. N 10/28 tfn , ! ...........- .............. yours, from 9-9 week days..Phone ]tlon guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn, M 6/18 tfn l.. ^~,~ ~.~.ea ,ff land all fenced 426-2078. 1963 FORD F-100 PICKUP -- V-8 on- 426-6418. K 10/28 tfn I I I ....... ~ ""~" ~ " ' - " ~ and cross fenced. 2 bedroom nouse, ginc, custom cab, radio-heater, wide .......... I WE BUY SCRAP iron, batteries, radii-175 ACRES--50 CLEARED -7- Good out-] water, lights. Some other outbuild-~~4 box, heavy:duty rear springs and w~L~'rm~) -- ~ronmg in my nome, vuc j tors, copper, salvage of all kinus. I buildings. Creek with lots of water, ] ings. 4V~ miles outArcadia road. bumper. Three-speed trans., two ex-an hour. Phone 426-6420. L 11/12 tfn Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mill [ Write Box 134 Matlock. W 10/28 11/11 [ . Route ........................ 3 Box 394 S 11/11 - 2/10 tra wheels. $1695. Phone 898-2311, ] Streets. Phone 426-8626. $4/7 tfn ...... HIMLIE ~] nl Union. S 10/28 11/11WILL DO BABY-SITTING at my home ~ FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ] FOR SALE -- One 60 x 120 ft. lot on or yours, Day or night. 426-2594. |FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in- one bedroom apart.ments, two blocks I Hillcrest. Lot 12, Block 4 on East ~.~.~ / FOR SALE --- 1962 Renault. Good con- H 6/17 tfmstallations, oil conversions. Sheltonfrom bank, snoppmg center. Appli- I Cascade Terms available. Phone 426- dition, $495. Has new tires. 426-4412, ~ Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial ances, heat,, hot water, garuage ser- ] 3361, H 6/24 tfn S 10/28 tfnHOME REPAIR WORK carpentry 426-4792. S 5/1 tin vice ~urmsl~ea. Tueu smKs, natn-I~ cement and brick work 'roofin~ Os-' I.---~ [ tubs, showers. Ample storage, Quiet, I FOR SALE -- Three bedroom 1~ i965 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 S. Variant ~ ....~.~...t (,~*..'*~ ~hone[ ..... ~r^~ ~xrr,-~ m ..... I clean attractive surroundings. Also l bath home by Mt View school. Will station wagon. Just brought over -~-,,~ -~ ........... ~-=~,-,~. ~x~t~ =..~.~v ~,~.~ --- ~.,~- ' " i 428-6241 O 4/1 tfn [ and technician "Regular Care Pro- bacl~e!or_.umts for _single persons, [ FHA for $450 dowm 426-652_6. _ .... from Germany. Perfect condition. ~ I , o,..H. ~on.~.,, dart ~lvmnla I electric xttcnens, tueu suowers ex-I 8 ~/~ tin White. No trade in. Phone 877-5414; yen s ..... ~ --~v ................ i d ' ............. ! ^--~ ............ elton 426 I haust fans built-n resslng rooms for showing. G II/Ii tfn ! wa~'~'~ -- ceuar rags versapanet vffu-~/~z or ~ot-~ or ~. - ~' . • ~, ~a a~.~,,.~ .~,',o+.~o~ [.~a7 ' ~ 3/12 tfn [ Three laundry rooms, automahc wa- [ AT UNION overlooking Hood Canal-- ~1 ................................ I-~'-~''- -,~w~ ,.,....~.4".~5 .... ~ i shers dryer Abunaance hot water[ 8 or 4 bedroom house Large living FOR SALE -- 1963 Pontiac Tempos i John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426. I'~~m~ "ru~,, u ..................... '- . - ~ ~eds of ," ' " ~/~ ~f~ u ~.~-,~'~ q'~ .~,,~-e~n .~ervice 426- I ann neaL ~oou ~ , course. Iroom and kitchen, fireplace, garage LeMans. Three-speed floor shift,: ........ | ~'~o~ ............. '//1~ tfn'Lawton Apts., 7th & Pine. Shown] and workshop. $5750. Terms. Call ??~A ]ySl clean, $1200. Call 426-6568 after 5 ~ I ............. I by appointment. Phone 426-2121. I Bill Pearson 426-2471 P 7/15 tfn a ~!| 1959 Ford Thames Bus, 9 passenger, 426-4822. Inquire 1202 CotaR 4/9St tfn [ 426-4376 or 426-8138. 1/'7 tfn] Real Estate I Call evenings 426-8113. B 11/11 tfn Phone 3000 miles since motor overhaul. $475~ ......... I FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, I , I ~--"~---~-~w~ 506 East H St. Mt. View. w ~/£1-~o chimneys planters call R. E. Mason house ne FOR ~'~" -- Traner space mo~e t ~~¢,.k-k~9.4-8--I'~e}= BACK HOE SERVICEsewa,e-- Light grad-I ..... e~ , , .,. ,,;; [THREE BEDROOM . ar school, ] downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn to see tl In~ hn~'k fillin~ systems I ~u- ............ stores and churches. FHA appraised ]~ Pronertie national. Runs good. $150. Phone 426- Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, ph. ]HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior $11,950. Phone 426-4791. F 9/16 tfn ] 100 x lb0 FT. WOODED bulldl~0g" sit 2389. N 11/11-18 426-6893. 7/22 tfn | and interior. Free estimates. Work ~ | on uoie roan. ~'l~u. uau a~I~tl~)lI 25 m ~ 1948 FORD V8 2 door. Original 'b~ack ~1 guaranteed Bennett Plainting Co - - -- o. - " "'' ...... • ' ^,~ =.~. ,f Dearoom one ~-oearoem,and one [ paint, good condition. $200. 506 East WANTED --- Atuer saw-togs, ~op prm-Phone 426-3zaa u/~u ~ n ' JUST LISTED-" .... "" ...... 1-bedroom house, Good condition [ 20 WOODED ACRES -- 440 feet front- H St., Mt. View. W 11/11-25 e s paid. _Any ^length.. Pho~ days I ~_ . close to school and business district I age on Grapeview road near Stadium And what a listl unenans 'las-~sou evenings tas-~o~u I o~z ~aw ~HARPENING s~eeuy "-~'~ "" " hone 426 423 ' 1950 CHEV Us-TON PICKUP, $300. CaVil ' C 2/11 tfn t ....... accurateY"--recmmn ~' ' grmamg" ' ~ow'~r a~t z~zs Auams St., p -p ....8' "f .[ Beach cut-off.. $275 per acre with is that seldom of' " I ' - P" ~" " "" '" ~'- e ~/~v ~ nl terms Owner 426-8785. W 11/11 tfn that is full of 426-8410 after 6 p,m. and weekends. Sae er motor ~non~iucrest ~non , ' ' D 10/28 11/11 WELL GROOMED local man, cl~eta:l 1 426~602. - 1/15 tfnCOMFORTABLE 2 bedroom Angleside I~ just 7 years 01d, experlence pre~erreu. ~iooa " I " home, nice yard, garage, wood-slmd. [~" " '"""'"~ ""'-matter what you do. Cleaning ~erv- ty f rep ace with r advancement A 1 Box J c/o fo PP Y , ' / SAND AI~ID GRAVEL top soil, peat Owner moving, will sacrifice. 426-d710 [ ices Co nhone 426-4376, 426-8138. large kitchen Wi ''~00 MODELS' Journal. 9/23 tfn[[ CreekS°ll custOmsand & Graveltract°~ Co.,W°ri~'phoneJOhns426- ~--/after noon daily. P 7/22 tfn ] ------------~"- 1/7 tfn ofCabinets'~ closets,utilitY!a la WANTED -- 1000 recappable tires, OK i 3552. 9/12 tfnFOR SALE -- Twenty-acre ran~, four [ TWO LEVEL cleared (~anyon edge Rubber Store, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn [ ~ miles (rot Bayshore Road. TAr ,e bed-| building lots. Inside city on Capitol g rage, 2 huge be , r,n,~,~,~ T.ana clear- room nonle, z-car garage ~all 426-[ Hill $650 each Your terms. ~none DAVE S BUL~..~- ....-- ...... " '~ " tfn Available at Real WHAT BETTER TIME than now to ] ing, road building, ~xcavating, grad- 4086, C 10/21 ttn | 426-8536. . N 6/10 much, much mor cated on Mt. View tune-up your sewing machine? In ing, terracing, leveling. Dave Dick, ~ ~-----~ Substantial Savings your home for only $3,75. Any make[ 426-4360 Shelton. D 4/15 tinMODERN 4-BEDROOM home fine se-/ISLAND LAKE for summer fun or than you would ! or model, Singer Sewing Center. Ph. [ ................. eluded, location, tlu'ee baths, living, [ year round, living, 115 ft. of water- $12,500. Easy F.I'I V-100 VALI-- 4-Dr. Sdn. Olympia 357-7586. 4/1 tfn [IRONING DONF~--fast. efficient sere- dining, family r oom..Garage,, two-cL~r] f~:on_,t sU~toa?~en~OrcO~le o~.~8~ an~- too. [ ice 90c per hour CallMrs. Will sill ctlrport, covereQ pallo, nicely ,an(l- [ lllU~t~llJu~ • T. ~/la tfn Big 6 Engine - Std. Trans. ~...,~,~.,~ om~A~'~W9 m..n hir, h to / ÷ . -.,~o ~;,a ar.n,~ ' L 11/11 tfn scaped. Price $22,000, this is $1000/ tinle. ~ ---~ " . " • o under FHA aPInatsal Price mclu lea ~ , _ Airfoam Seats- Undercoat 11 Cleanln ServicesC., [ . , , n a A COZY COTTAG reach,_.Caj .... o~ g~.o Im tfn ~ .... all appliances plus dishwasher wa-[ ONE BEDROOMHOUSE fm sale: ~ Y, On Angleside at 0 W/Washers - NEW pnone 926-a~o or ~.u-o .... ,* I ~'~" • - ~' ~ '7 ' -2" ";;':'~ = ton area $1 000 down payment ~a- ~, ~' uz ~ saer,uryer ana urapcs. ,~ o-,~v. / . '' ' ' . . ;~A~ ,f. sounds unbelievabl LADY WANTS WORK of any kind, [ ' R 10/14 tfn [ evenings 426-8119 .......... true. Low down P~: V-200 VALIANT 4-DOOR Call 426-4378 evenings, V 4/16 tfn~ ~]ONE BEDROOM unfurnished343. Down-apart" ' -- terms of course. Big 6 Engine- Auto. W~NT2t~Da~oCwhris~maes ~ee s~U~lP~g~"I ]-~ 4'~"~Vi0/28tfn -- ..... "" " ---- Bett young couple. Vinyl Trim-Padded Dash 8163 9/30 tfn N¢0R I)hTTI:R llGAi F. TIITE o.,, oo ..,.. Backup Lights- Low Mileage ...... ]KITCHEN UNIT APARTMENTS for ., • • , right away. ........ ~ Full and ',~rt tram con ] . , illk-itB lIVIBImlt Itlmlrlilm illVi il ~ r " ': _ . • . rent from $45 per month. L lliwaup . li~' w2,z~ ~ I m l~er Motel Lllhwaup Wa~sh 10/28 tln ..~ sultants with new cosmetic f'r . " [ ......... ' ANOTHER DANI~ BELVEDERE 2-DR. SDN. , " .,, ...................... 1 information call Mr. Staudt, 426-6755. | ....... "This one also has 2 / | , ..... IUI I111 IHli BII and lots of extras ~.---------/ age, Ihone 426-3397 or 426-4d20. 145 H.P. Engine - Airfoam S 10 21 11/11 NEW DUPLEX FOR RENT with gar- m~,m~mwmmm Seats- Undercoat- W/Washers CONSIGNMENT SALES --- We'll sell [ G 11/4 tfn a fenced yard, g t Std. Trans. - NEW anything you have on consignment. [ ' ' i~E~VB~/i~ paint, panelled n~j Such as: lawn mowers, boat and/HoOD CANAL waterfront. Furnished room, hardwood SPORT FURY 2-Dr. Hdtp, house trailcrs, cement nflxers, cars I or unfurnished beach home ior ycat ................... and trucks: wood saws.,t.ractors, w, god [ round living. Electric heat. Sun OFFIC~ ~'HUN~. ~zo-oo*~ new counter top. anci mt stoves, plumomg suppnes, I deck, Adults only. RcIerences. Star ' cated on Mt. Vle~ LOADED tools power saws,i~;~t(:~oa[d m('tors, I Rouie BOX 104 Lilliwaup Phone .......... $500.00 Discount etc. Come sce u.. ;'. Hdwr. &~ Iloods'port 877-55()2. 1:[' 11/4 tin WALTER GEORGE - ASSOCIATE BI~UI~U be yours at $10,5q'( Marine Supply, 1209 Olympic Hwy. /~'-- . school and stores I Low MileageIDnU~ I ~i~;2L6n~i;4i~:sl~1'~S' Phone 426.8163, 10/14 tfn|Lc~wr~v ORGANS 3:~enSld:~n~;~a~iv~,~ look today. --'~ IN THE couNT TOP QUALITY A ~ (1) lcabedr~RomdhO;~:5~);.0~.acres w,th,n 2 m,lcs of town on A, 4304. " S 9/2 tini phone 426-6485. J ~-,o And in a real USED CARS ~1 "NEVER USED anything like it," say (2) 26 acres of timberland, $11,000.00. Approximately 125 neighborhood, bU '62 RAMBLER 400 I users of Blue Lustre for cleaning acres of timberland at $135.00 per acre. " ......... utes from SheU, ¢~l~1::)rll~T('~ rlnA~TT2"/ carpet. Rent ele(:tric shmnpooer $1. thing about this 4 DOOR SEDAN ~.~Jz .~.v .,..-~x~ I Coast-to-Coast Store, 11/11 ~ 3 bedrooms bi~" family room basement, electric baseboard h o m e express¢ Radio- Heater- P. Steering THR2~rinker.- 528 u, F~ankli~. .~Iso tion. All this for only $17,500.00. Owner says, "SELL kitchen, fireplaO~ INSTALLATIONS zE ROOM nnstai~s ant ~or ~ingle heat. FHA appramed at $17 790.00.Nice downtown loci- country living. Auto,- Real Clean 500-gal., 750~gal., 1000-gal. I tw~-bedroon~ huus~, for small non- NOW" and nice patio. Back oe, Tre crier orDralnhFiel-dS'nDltchfTMgg~f2 '] d;;,;.k,ng family Call ev'B'l~1711-t-(n°"'" "~ (4) 100 Ft. waterfront lot on Hannnersley. ~nlet only 3 miles bellvingpurchasedWith aboUtfol RAMBLER CLASSIC SUPER SERVlC~ ~fbedrooms from town. Approximately 300 feet deep.$7,500.00. 500 via F.H,A0 SHARER DIGGING 6 Radlo-Heater-Auto,CYL" 4 DOOR SEDAN ~R ~$-2151~7,h;n~f~: 3660 8-18tf~ ~e~'~l:ne'e~ne ~a~qg:ne:a~;m~~ibii~ (5) ~2:%l~t.wlth ::21?o001:lof~igbaCOs~e~iPt?Yot$:5oO0 clP:~s1°~ti CHEAPIE! Just $6,500 f '~ ~ ~ - storage space, freshly painted outside. $8,800.00 is he fu but nice 2 beC 4 DOOR SEDAN price, home. Needs 5 p.m. F,11/11 tfn FOR SALE -- Bulbs ef mixed tulips, crocuseS, daffodils and narclssus. Al- so mixed Pconi¢ roots, 50c each. Garden Shop, Rt, 1, Box 48. 426-3710. G 10/28 11/11 FOR SALE -- Dining room table, six ch~irs, High chair, wood heater. Call 456-6342, S 11/4-18 HAMMOND ORGA~NS priced front $650. Sherman Clay, 205 West Fifth, Olympia, Wash. Phone 352- 3791. 11/4 tfn ONE MODEL A buzzsaw. Mobile and extra parte. $90 or nmke me an offer. Sec it at 1232 Railroad Ave,, 426-6516, H 11/4-25 LARGE VANITY for sale with extra thick horror. With bench or without. 1505 MaSon, Phone 426-4309. E 11/4-11 21.1 Cu, Ft. Westinghouse freezer. 740 lb. capacity, chest type. only $238,00 333 lb. capacity upright freezer. ELECTRIC CO, 419 Railroad Ave, 426.6283 11/4 It Home slaughtering Unit Cooling, outtlng I.emke'a Servloa 426-6779 Glenn L. Probst Olympia 352-2255 11/21 tfn I I i i Use Journal Want Ads Regietered--Small, lively, i~ood oompanlone. • Sohipperkes, A.K.C. Reglatered--Cute little blaok fellowa • One Adult Female Pekinge~ --Small Sable, Loveable $35 Australian Terriers, Basenji I St. Rt. 1, Box 34 A ' Phone 426-6152 Wise People Will Not Compromise On Their They Will INSIST on !Johns Manville It will withstand hurrleane winds, and It costs no more at the SOUND MILLWORK CO. ~ Mile South of 8helton on Hlway 101 WHERE THE SMART PEOPLE BUY THEIR BUILDING MATERIALS BOOTH Construction & Lane House Moving HDUSES RAISED, FUNDA- TIONS & BULKHEADS Phone 426-8147 4]22 t~l Radio - Heater - Auto. '59 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM V8 WAGON Radio - Heater - Auto. P. Steering - One Owner '59 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4 DOOR STATION WAGON 6 Cyl. - Heater - Auto. '58 DODGE D-500 4 DOOR HARDTOP Radio - Heater - Auto. P. Steering - P, Brakes '57 PLYMOUTH V8 4 DOOR SEDAN Engine Reconditioned Radio - Heater - Auto. HI VALUE '60 GMC 9 PASS. SUBURBAN Wholesale Price '60 INT'L. 1/2 Ton PCKP. Rebuilt 6 Engine Heater - 3 Speed - Clean i -- '54 INT'L. 1 TON CAB & CHASSIS Dual Wheels - 6 Cyl. Several Older Model Cars and Pickups Priced AS LOW AS $195.00 EVENINGS CALL J. KImbel -- 426-8124 Les LaBissoniere -- 898-2292 LOCAL FINANCING WITH THE NATIONAL BANK OF MASON COUNTY 707 8. 1ST. 426-3433 BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING BACKHOE - DROTT LOADER DUMP TRUCK - FILL DIRT SEWAGE SYSTEMS Pete Fassio 898-2452 Union, Wash. 6/24 tfn - , , , _ ,, JJ ,L t ,,,," ' Prompt - Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-4553 '65 Mustang H'ardtop, 6-eyl. '64 Volvo, 2,dr. Sedan '63 Plymouth Fury '63 Fairlane Wagon '63 Country Sedan '63 Ford, V8, Stick '63 Falcon Convert., 6 cyl., 4 spd. '61 Chevrolet 2-dr., 6 cyl., stick '61 Chevrolet Monza '60 Ford Galaxle VS, At. '60 Ford V8, At. '59 Galaxle 2-dr. H.T., V-8, A.T. '59 Ford H.T. '63 Ford V=-ton '63 International ~2 T,on, 4 cyl. '63 Ford V~ Ton, 4.Wh. Drive '61 Dodge ~= ton 6 Cyl. '60 Ford =/'=.ton Pickup '55 Ford ~-ton, V-8, A.T. Bill --- Bob --- Bus--- Dick 5th & Railroad 426-8231 Rent Soon BUSINESS OFFICES Now Occupied by HIMLIE REALTY Large Reception Area and 2 Separate Offices CALL 426-4712 N 11/4-11 IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE At ths beautiful new HOLIDAY HOUSE 1 bedroom garden court apartment. Sparkling new, carpets, drape~, Westinghouse appliances, off- street parking. Drive by 7th & Cedar Street, Just a few steps from complete shopping Sorry, No Petal $89.50 per month. See THE MANAGER APT. NO. II 426-2549 Mt. View ELWOOD MANOR now available Ill Unfurnished • 2-bedroom • Wall-to-wall carpeting • Draperies • Laundry faollltica • Appllanoes • Private parking • Private Storage • Swimming Pool month Contaot Manager, 426-3100 1/7-tfa (6) Do you want to raise beef cattle? Here's your chance on 117 acres in beautiful Shelton Valley. 75 acres cleared, 12 room older farm house, big barn, almost new silo. Needs some kids, cattle and a bit of work. Don't pass this one up. (7) Make an offer on this cute 2 bedroom home on Hillcrcst. Large garage, fenced in yard, closed in back porch, close to school and shopping. (8) Country living on 20 acres 7 miles from town, 2 bedrooms, 1~ baths, recreation room, 2 fireplaces. If you want privacy, this is a must. $19,750.00. (9) Nice downtown location, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, covered patio, single garage plus 2 car carport, electric baseboard heat. See this right away. (10) Have you a large family and want to get out of town? Here's 42 acres on the upper Skokomish with 4 bedrooms and numerous other buildings at only $17,500.00. The kids would love this. (11) We specialize in waterfront and acreage. If we don't have what you want, let us know and we'll try to find it for you. See us today. Open. Saturdays 'Til 5 p.m. On Sundays or Evenings Phone: Jack Olsen -- 426-6654 Walter George -- 426-3530 and painting, on 2 lots, and tential. A good siding room make Terms available, BUILDING TR~(: Are you Iookinl North of town We have just est spot you' lots of trees a~ age on a blaC only $200 down month. Near Isle know you we show it 2 BEDROOM I! Not too blg--n Walklng dist~ Lots of ca, place? economical!) yard? If you yes to most and want to $500 down $65 per n away, UNFINISHED Brand new bedrooms bath, ha~ Are out, built place and a room that n= Moving To Nestled in a) on ~z acre of Ne °verl°°kin(= a l Our W ing on a blaon minutes from VIt. View with attraotlV¢ Location BUYING 0fl , opll 1717 Olympic Hiway North (Next to Rex Floor Covering) --MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15 116 N PhOne: Dick Kns~ .... "Skip" N' iNSURANCE Vln ¢